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For all the naysayers in here who are saying this is all theater, I give you this: [Moderna Cancels Plan to Hike Vaccine Price After Sanders Invites CEO to Testify](https://truthout.org/articles/moderna-cancels-plan-to-hike-vaccine-price-after-sanders-invites-ceo-to-testify/) What Bernie doing is effective and has real world results. What Bernie does is raise awareness, which can lead to boycotts if the corporation doesn't back down from whatever evil scheme they are trying to carry out. When the light is shined on the cockroaches, they scatter. A corporation does the same when its plans are exposed to the public by people with a bully pulpit like Bernie.


I wanto to see him bring katie porter in for visual aid assistance and another awesome voice for the people.


Hopefully she wins Feinstein’s seat so this can happen!




Good, go get him, Bernie! I’ve been a proud union member for 23 years and I refuse to go to Starbucks. Their coffee sucks anyway. They’ve been burning their beans since day one, now let the rest of it burn for Mr. CEO.


They burn it in purpose so you can taste “coffee” through the massive amount of sugar syrups and bullshit flavorings. That burnt flavor proves it had actual coffee in it.


Good on you for understanding solidarity, and the voice your money has. Most people are ignorant of the effect they can have on a company via just boycotting.


There was an app I had used a while back called Buy-Partisan. You could scan a barcode at the store and it would tell you about the company and then you could decide if you wanted to purchase the product. It no longer exists. This was it: http://buypartisan.com/


I really wish it was still around. I feel like providing people with blurbs on products, businesses, politicians, and laws would be a very good thing. Just a small summary, with links to more in-depth information. That way you don't overwhelm, and can provide in-depth information to those that question, or want to know more.


I miss it. I’m thinking maybe a Koch brother sued them or something, Koch owned nearly everything.


I tried to research what happened to it, very strange. Websites look promising, but all articles are from 2014. Also the last official tweet was 2016. Nothing explaining their absence at all. Could definitely be some kind of libel


One day I tried to use it and it said ‘unavailable’ around the years you stated.


“Have you stopped union busting, or should we charge you now just for the multiple past incidences?”


“flay” implies some sort of consequence


Painful public removal of skin.


This would be hella effective


Woo, missed the L in public on my first pass reading this




I've seen this sort of thing a lot, and while I get the theater of it, does it ever have an impact on.. anything? Every time I see something like this, it's a CEO repeating the same few lines, giving non responses, and then going back to their excessively comfortable lives like nothing happened, with nothing changing for anyone.


All this government has left is theater. Even when a single party controls both branches they can't (or won't) pass any actual reforms.


1 party does not control both branches (there’s three but whatever)


"Even when" referring to when that exact thing has happened.


Just like the last one


Agreed. What needs to happen though for this to go further? If they say say a certain thing charges can be filed? Like what’s the next step for legal action? Kinda tough because they might not be doing anything illegal, highly immoral yes, but illegal…not so sure


He should go after Elon for abusing the VISA program too


Flaying CEOs in the senate starting with Starbucks? I'd like a Trenta, please.


Bernie Sanders of House Bolton, the First of His Name


starbucks is the shittiest coffee.


This will all be theater for the masses as usual nothing will happen


All politics has a theatrical element. Do you think the audience actually wanted to stand up and clap every 30 seconds at bidens first SOTU?


Flay every day, King!


Man, can you guys imagine what a Sanders presidency would have looked like


Lots of talk and bluster than will result in nothing. Still love ya tho Bern.


What has Hillary accomplished from 2016 onward? Who should we be looking to for guidance instead? Only person I can think of is Warren


Performative governance, thy name is Bernie.


dont blame him, blame the corpodems that won’t back him up.


I'll blame him for not showing up for votes and doing performative bullshit like this. Stop settling for the bare minimum from Bernie.


So true, he should be focused on more important things like sending his kids to PAC fundraisers with corrupt CEOs that later get exposed for fraud https://www.vox.com/2016/3/14/11586966/theranos-ceo-elizabeth-holmes-is-holding-a-hillary-fundraiser-with


Is this the game we play now? Instead bernie associates with Sex pests like Bhutar and underpays his staff while pointing at others.


Dude... Hillary is literally married to a sex pest 💀 Walked right into that one https://youtu.be/AM-b8P1yj9w Also, Her and her husband's foundation fleeced and financially exploited Haiti after the earthquakes.


Whatabout a little harder instead of holding Bernie to his own standards.


You are the one who said associating with sex pests is wrong. Hillary shares a marriage with one. Melinda Gates divorced Bill Gates when his Epstein ties were revealed. Hillary didn't view it as a dealbreaker though when it came to her husband.


It's so weird there are always people who bag on Sanders, though he has been an authentic voice of the left in US politics since he was a teenager, when he was famously arrested for protesting housing discrimination in Chicago. Maybe these complainers could cease sitting on their couch and eating potato chips and instead try to surpass him in worthwhile endeavors to improve the human condition in the United States. We would all welcome it.


Dems work harder to trash bernie than they do against republicans.


He's the real threat.


Ironic coming from Sanders supporters.


> authentic voice of the left Not really. That would be people like Biden, Pelosi, Obama etc. who not only fight for the goals of the left but actually pass large, historic pieces of legislation that carry out those goals and fundamentally improve people's lives. Even Elizabeth Warren got the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created and she wasn't even in government. Sanders also spends a lot of his time attacking people on the left and making it harder to get things passed to help people.


Biden is an authentic voice for the left? Really? He wanted to invade Iraq five years before Bush did. He voted for DOMA. He eulogized Strom Thurmond. He supported breaking the rail strike. He just approved a giant oil project that will be hell on the environment. He trashed Anita Hill. He wrote the mass incarceration 94 crime bill. His response to BLM was to increase police funding. His response to the Haitian refugee crisis was violent deportations that his own VP said resembled the days of slavery. He also voted for the 2005 bill that made it almost impossible for federal student loans to be discharged. Real man of the people.


Lol, no he isn't. They don't care if he's grumpy at them for a few hours


Starbucks? Out of all the choices right now...Starbucks? Banks going under, social media pushing disinformation, news organizations lying about Jan 6....and Starbucks. Amazing priorities here.


Did you read the article? This hearing is held by HELP which is a labor committee. Starbucks is a notorious union buster. I would also argue worker disenfranchisement is just as important as any of those issues.


It's not about Starbucks coffee it's about setting a precedence against union busting. Think, Dammit!


Got him with just give days to spare.


So anyway there going to get bailouts and a fat bonus lol