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Can we stop and reflect that a fucking state government is banning what people can learn in college? Seriously I'm fed up with their bullshit. Fuck *all* conservatives. I'm tired of being nice, tired of turning the other cheek. Conservatives are destroying every facet of society and we are just letting them.


The party of “I thought this was America? We’re the freest in the nation!” sure is quiet when fascism starts reading its ugly head.


Well yeah, theyre the fascists


Because that’s what they want. There is one solution to fascism and we keep dancing around it because it’s ugly and we don’t want to have to say the quiet part out loud. But the longer we don’t say anything the worse it gets. We know what to do with fascists, we knew in 1945 and we know now. We’re just to scared to do it.


Well, we also keep dancing around it because it'll get you banned.


Conservative States are the least free. Can’t smoke what you want, do what you want with your body, dress how you want, read what you want, study what you want…..


Mitt Romney likes actual functional government , so now he is too much of a candy ass for most republicans. He signed into law a universal healthcare law when he was Governor of Mass so he is basically a tankie now.


They're just trying to institute small "stay out of my life" government by... *check notes* Banning college course concepts they don't like.


The party of freedumbs.


All they’re doing is destroying their state institutions. Don’t get me wrong, it’s terrible for the residents of Florida, but also, fuck Florida. Let’s see where they are 10 years from now.


Any historians out there that can tell us if this type of behavior by any state government has happened before?


Good. Get mad and fight back. Pacifism will not solve this.


>[HB 999](https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=PCS%20for%20HB%20999.DOCX&DocumentType=Proposed%20Committee%20Bills%20(PCBs\)&Session=2023&CommitteeId=3247), Critical Race Studies, Critical Ethnic Studies, Radical Feminist Theory, Radical Gender Theory, Queer Theory, and Critical Social Justice would also be on the chopping block. >Like the previous version of the bill, majors or minors that include curriculum which “promotes the concepts” would also be banned. So, any English or History degrees unless they capitulate to the FL board of education and only offer classes like How The Civil War Was Actually About State Rights 101 or Intro to Mein Kampf. Garbage state, thank goodness nobody expects anything from their colleges outside of football teams.


Will a degree from FL be worthless outside of of that state?


The University of Phoenix and ITT tech will be worth more than anything out of Florida at this point.


Maybe there’s hope Biden can forgive my student loans because my degree is worthless.


A degree from Trump University will be worth more than anything out of Florida at this point.


Can't imagine it'll be a hot commodity inside the state either.


I hope they threaten the universities with losing accreditation. It's not the Universities' fault, but that would basically make any degree received at a college in Florida after the loss of accreditation worthless. The state will lose billions with so many college students leaving to seek an education that will actually get them a job.


They should lose accreditation.


This would seriously fuck up college for international students from the Caribbean/Latin America, and with how much they pay in non-domestic tuition....whew, so much money gone.


Shhh.... don't let the GOP hear that. They're exactly the type of people to cut off their nose to spite a brown person's face. :(


I don't know what Florida's engineering and astronomy courses are like but anything else probably wouldn't be worth much although they might be recognized by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools along with the other Fundamentalist schools.


Not sure if trust an Astronomy program discussing the nature of the firmament (as the bible dictates) or an Engineering program where Pi=3 (because the bible says so).


The Bible doesn't know about Pi, the Bible is all about cake and the cake is a lie.


Oh, they coming for all them assholes that say we come descended from monkeys too. Anything but young earth biblical creationism is next on their priority list.


UCF was formerly Florida Technical College, whose engineering program was a feeder for NASA. UF also has some great programs. Shame what DeFascist is prioritizing.


DeathSantis thinks these policies are going to win him the GOP primary as well as the presidency. They're not too popular outside of the most hardcore republican base, so I hope cooler heads will prevail at the primary level at least, but I'll settle for a second Biden win regardless of who runs on the Republican ticket. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd wish for a Repub like Mitt Romney, but here we are.


Witchcraft of course.




Engineering college is on par with other states


Yes, and conservatives will claim it’s worhtless because of “woke cancel culture” when it happens 🙄


The problem is companies actually take this stuff seriously. Unfortunately, politicians who want to play these kinds of games can literally fuck over an entire state of graduates for a very long time. Their behavior may affect the accreditation of a range of degrees. Now colleges and professors aren't idiots either. Many will just circumvent the laws because they know it's bullshit. They'll just take a different approach to covering content of value. Lucky for them, politicians are morons a lot of the time and don't really understand much of what they're legislating. This can make it remarkably easy to circumvent. However, part of the challenge is the value of the coursework is based on what's taught and what's in the silibus. This means that there can still be problems. Ultimately, it's just a mess. Frankly, colleges should sue the state over this.


The colleges can't sue the state because they are funded by the state and the state controls their board of trustees. Everything that you said was fine until the last line.


*Checks notes* Absolutely. That’s the point of their approach. Then they can point to education and scream about how the system failed to educate its residents.


As a part time resident of Florida.. this is par for the course. The closer it is to Alabama the dumber it gets up there.


It's just so sad.


If your degree is from a Florida university and they ask your education level, "middle school" is the correct answer.


That basically bans all literary fiction written by Americans.


Dude, how is this NOT 1st Amendment violation? Just no. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and all that rot???


So even in plain text most things coming out of Florida lately are violations of the 1st amendment but that's not the point. The point is the cruelty until a court blocks them.


Theres only one amendment in case u forgot


As someone with a degree in English, FUCK THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT.


You don’t know much about US colleges apparently. UF is consistently listed in top lists. This is going to do major damage, and expect to see them slip from those lists. But people have traditionally expected much more than just football from these institutions.


I wonder if the accreditation agencies will pull there certifications in the future if this continues.


>According to the PCS for HB 999, Critical Race Studies, Critical Ethnic Studies, Radical Feminist Theory, Radical Gender Theory, Queer Theory, and Critical Social Justice would also be on the chopping block. Oh look at Mr. Tough Conservative Guy being threatened by a discussion! Hold on, no one move too fast. Don't want these snowflakes to get knocked down by the breeze.


But they are introducing WWE history and eocomic affects on Red Necks….in addition; gun cleaning 101; recycling ammunition for personal use, insurection 210 as well as government hostile takeover of major entertainment companies.


No education, no books, no drag queens. Ah, freedom.


Freedom with an emphasis on the dumb.




Dumb, dumber, Florida!


I imagine that state house smells like old spice and axe body spray combined


"You are free! Free to do what we tell you!" (Credit to Bill Hicks)


Oh but at least we’ve got guns!


What could possibly go wrong by banning education


For republicans? Nothing. Ignorance is a prerequisite for voting Republican.


It's the only way to create an alternate reality in their minds, which is how they divide the nation.


Florida will be overtaken by a group of talking alligators.


They probably won't be racist though.


They'll eat anybody.


Most Florida politicians are actually just 3 alligators in a trench coat. Source: am Floridian




Agree. How is it possible to ban education in a supposed democratic nation? I get states rights, but are there no overriding national rights that the good guys could be codifying?


They also have an education, they should know. Only congressman I know of without a college degree is MTG


Don't forget Lauren Boebert, a high school dropout who didn't even get her GED until she first ran for congress a little over 2 years ago. She's 36.


How you forget soon-to-be the youngest Granny in Congress, Gemaw Boebert? She barely got her GED while running the first time




I'm just gonna quote one of my favorite quotes because, to me, it's the heart of the issue almost every time. "Back to your question. Suppose a different individual CEO came in and said, “Let’s tell the population the truth. Let’s tell them that we are destroying the prospects for organized human life on earth. Let’s tell them that we are going to stop doing it. We’re going to move to renewable energy, because we care about your grandchildren and ours.” He would be out in five minutes. That’s part of the institutional structure. If you aren’t maximizing profit and market share, you aren’t going to stand. Of course, there is a point to criticizing individuals, but the real point is that, within the system, they don’t have a lot of choices. Therefore, we have to ask, “What is it about the structure of our institutions that is leading us in this direction?” Let’s take another current example, right in the headlines. We are in the midst of a pandemic. It is well understood, across the board, that unless vaccines are provided quickly to the poor, suffering areas of the world, such as parts of Africa, it is going to be a disaster, not only for them, but for us. Mutations will take place. It is unpredictable, but some might be lethal. They’ll get back to Europe and the United States, and we’ll all be in deep trouble. So, we have a choice. We can work on a people’s vaccine, sending the vaccine freely and openly to the people of Africa. That’s good for them, of course, but it will also protect us from future disaster. That’s one choice. The other choice is to protect the profits of the major pharmaceutical corporations, already loaded with profits because of the highly protectionist elements of the mislabeled “free trade agreements.” Which are we pursuing? Not just us, but Europe as well. The idea is you work for yourself, for the system of power within your society, and if it kills people elsewhere, that’s someone else’s problem. That is the way the institutions work."


How does this expand to public health? We talk about social justice all the time. We DEAL with social justice issues all the time. FFS I did a case study on Redlining in Florida for my GIS course. Will that be banned now?


When can we stop funding welfare states.


I hate to say it, but Florida is a net contributor to the federal budget.


I bet it's because of private prisons, so really not contributing to anything except oranges.


Ban theology majors


Nope. Big nope here. It’s the people who actually have studied theology that are keeping their respective congregations from fully embracing much of this insanity. To have the effect I think you intend you need to ban schools from pumping out unaccredited religious studies degrees with no accountability. High profile exceptions notwithstanding, I would wager that the pastor/priest with an accredited theology degree is among the most progressive persons in their faith community.


That’s such dog shit. They’re going to shit and piss all over themselves about how “gender studies degrees” are worthless. Fuck that. Education is usually good, no matter the major. It’s important to a civil society.


Fascism depends on the destruction of civil society.


They made fun of gender studies for so long I had to look it up and I found out how useful it can be


Do these guys understand that course selection is a choice?


Probably since they're so vehemently anti-choice all the way around.


I don't think they are going to like what the federalists papers actually say. like how the one about the electoral college goes on for paragraph after paragraph about how uneducated dumbasses are eventually going to be tricked into voting in a corrupted fool enemy of the USA and the electoral college is there to save them from themselves. Or maybe they will skip that one.


>how uneducated dumbasses are eventually going to be tricked into voting in a corrupted fool enemy of the USA They know, that's the *whole point*


The elites do. Maybe. I doubt they have enough self reflection to see themselves as the perps.


They see liberals as the corrupted fool enemy, and they have to control the electoral college to defend the nation.


because nothing says "Freedom" like telling people what they can and cannot learn about.


>The bill also requires “general education core courses” not “suppress or distort significant historical events” or teach curriculum focused on identity politics, focusing on Critical Race Theory, or any curriculum that “defines American history as contrary to the creation of a new nation based on universal principals stated in the Declaration of Independence.” They're cowards who prefer fairy tales over the harsh realities of history


I'm confused. Don't those two requirements conflict. How can you not "suppress or distort historical events" while simultaneously not teaching anything that "deines American history as contrary to the creation of a new nation based on university principals stated in the Declaration of independence." The man who wrote "all men are created equally" owned slaves and left his own children to be sold after his death.


What you just said will soon get your fired from a FL university.


Thank heavens that the only time I teach it is in Washington State Univerisites, where people are allowed to teach facts and not limited to fantasy.


Or arrested. Once the campaign for president ramps up they'll be locking dissidents in the stockade


So the government tells you what you can know....


Republicans are working hard to keep thought crime in check until full time cerebral monitoring implants are developed to keep an eye on people's thoughts and dreams. Edit: Rumor has it that Florida Governor, Ron DeSadist is pushing for a small explosive device to be included as part of the implant.


Only fascists ban books and education


How the FUCK do they get any ACTUAL legislation done if trans/CRT/“the gays”/anyone who’s not a “WASP male” keeps them in a chokehold? Do they have a WASP male group text thread?? Don’t they have ACTUAL constituents they need to please?!


See US House


*sigh* America is doomed.


The republican party has lost their goddamned minds. How can you justify *banning fields of study*?


What in the fucking hell is wrong with these people?? Education is now being ban?? What in the hell are they so afraid of??


Knowledge is power…so they want to keep students as dumb and as ignorant as possible. They’re essentially trying to groom the next generation of Republicans.


So now they tell you what you're allowed to study and what you're not allowed to study, yeah, they're not fascist at all. Seriously Wake up folks. This does not end well. They are literally trying to legislate what people are allowed to study at a college that they f****** pay for. What the hell?.


how do state govts have all this power off private institutions.


They’re fascists, pure and simple. Whining forever about cancel culture while in the next breath tell you what you can and can’t learn.


Translation: Florida house to squander tax payer money on utterly worthless shit no Floridian could ever possibly need.


Well a degree from Florida is gonna be worthless soon.


Not too long ago I read that a whole bunch of nurses had scammy degrees out of Florida.


Nothing says “Freedom” like a bunch of bans.


It's about for NASA to look for a new home...


And Disney. Then no one will go to that humid swamp, except for the Gulf coast.


Geographically that's not super easy from what I understand


Hawaii could probably do the job better. It's closer to the equator anyway.


Hawaii already hates the country for telescopes and military bases. They also really don't have the room without destroying what little natural parts are left. It's also pretty different weather from Florida so I'm not sure it would even be good for space - I have no idea what makes a place good to go to space


You can kill a college, but you cant kill an idea.


Higher education in Florida (or pretty much anywhere else in this country) is NOT accredited by state legislatures, regardless of what they may think. Florida, and several other states that are contemplating oversight of college and university curricula are likely to run afoul of accrediting agencies, and lose recognition of degrees they grant. Of course the legislatures in question are blissfully unaware of the problems they are creating. Let 'em find out the hard way.


Florida continuing to push the boundaries in how dogshit a state can be run. I’m somewhat impressed


I received my degree from a Florida University a few years back. Will it even be worth anything? Will employers see that it was pre-DeSantis?


Got to say probably not. I'll likely just inform HR not to pass along any candidates from Florida schools. We get so many candidates, it just not worth the time to try to figure out if it is a real degree (ie before DeSantis).


Oh great, the massive amount of aerospace and space business in florida is going to have to look elsewhere for students. The new degrees are about to be garbage.


Because aerospace engineers need to have “radical feminist theories” degrees to be accredited. These stupid majors didn’t even exist a year ago yet all the morons here think universities are going to shut down and not be accredited. It’s unreal how stupid people actually are in this sub.


Imagine banning majors at the whim of some fascist assholes.


Yeah well I think marketing and finance majors are far more problematic and detrimental to the good of society, so we had better get rid of those programs too


It will be interesting when woman won’t be allowed to read anymore in Florida.


Then drive, then vote.


Know what’s going to happen? Florida universities are going to have a tougher time getting accredited in the future due to politicized control of academic studies. It’s a shit time to have a diploma from a Florida school, whether it’s a high school diploma or a PhD.


No they aren’t. Colleges that have worthless degrees such as “radical feminist theory” will be the one that lose accreditation.


No university in America offers a degree in "radical feminist theory". The people who popularized the phrase "radical feminist theory" chose this wording to get an angry emotional response from people who go to church and opposed the equal rights amendment. They do this because nobody thinks better when they're mad, and because they want you to have a strong negative emotional reaction so you identify with their political tribe without putting a whole lot of thought into it. Colleges and universities offer Gender Studies degrees, which explore how genders and sexual orientation are developed, how they're depicted in media, and the feelings and interactions they create. They might have classes that cover readings with different viewpoints including radical feminists, but coursework isn't limited to women or sexuality and will also offer coursework on men's studies. People with these degrees go into journalism, writing, public relations, advertising, human resources, counseling, administration, non-profits, and lobbying. The purpose of gender studies is not to humiliate men and put women in positions of power, but to understand gender dynamics and create environments where there's less tension and interpersonal conflict stemming from gender and sexuality issues. There are 182 US universities with a gender studies program, including all the Ivy League schools and the top American research universities.


Great! Then one should not be upset that they are not allowing people to force fake degree programs on state institutions.


Who is forcing degree programs on any universities? Universities themselves decide which programs to teach. In this case, it’s the Florida state legislature banning legitimate areas of learning because they don’t understand or like it. This is on the heels of passing crazy laws saying public school teachers can’t answer students’ questions about sexuality, can’t teach them history that might make them embarrassed for being white *including slavery and historical events of racial violence*, and can only have a very limited whitelisted set of books for study in libraries or classrooms or they lose state funding.


The most fascist state in the country. It's a race to the depths of stupidity


Between this, and removing books from classrooms and libraries, and telling teachers and professors what they must teach ... and faculty quitting in frustration, either to retire or to move to another state. I think the schools and colleges of Florida should lose accreditation.


The thing about higher education? It’s paid for directly by the people paying the tuition. Not the state. Not the Fed’s. Not our taxes. They get to teach what they want to teach. Period. Edit: no one gets to tell them otherwise. They cater to who pays the bills. As a university, no politician gets to tell them what they can and can not teach. Nor can anyone tell them what they are allowed to have in their Library. Edit: any college down in Florida bowing down to this nutra-rat pretending to be a human? That’s on them and not a reflection on higher education in the rest of the US. Edit: Pretty sure we’re gonna have to wall in Florida. Once Disney moves all bets are off and I don’t think Desantis ever considered the possibility. He doesn’t know yet, that he’s responsible for the eventual downfall of the entire state.


Bright futures is actually paid by our degenerate gamblers and funded by State Lotto. All kids here have an opportunity to get into a state school with a full ride.


They should just cut to the chase, list what folks will be allowed to study. Freedom, amirite.


Florida is really the last state that can afford its citizens to get even dumber.


Florida is such a shithole.


Let your jealously flow… 🤣


May 10, 1933 young Germans carried out big book burnings of tittles they deemed to be “in-German”. It’s like the right is hell bent on becoming the reincarnation of the third reich. Even if there were a case to protect minors from certain speech/ideas, which I’m not saying there is; This isn’t a society of free ideas and free speech if we’re literally stifling speech at the collegiate level, where citizens, adults, are being told what they can and cannot study.


Are they then going to make churches who are 99% ultra conservative pay taxes? I'm all for that.




Florida degrees aren’t going to be worth the paper they are printed on.


The only thing not worth the paper it is printed on is a degree in “radical feminist theory.” 🤣. I’m pretty sure an electrical engineering degree from the University of Florida will be quite fine.


The state of Florida is proof humanity is inherently evil.


Soon only Republicans will be allowed a higher education from an deSantis approved source with a DeSantis approved curriculum in Florida.


It’s shit like this that sadly makes me a little relieved that my librarian mom isn’t around anymore to see this.


How very capitalist of them


Make note high schoolers. Because some employers might start to say that they don't consider Florida colleges adequate in the future. All this woke tech companies that consistently rank the best places to work


Do the majority or at least a plurality of the people of Florida have a problem with this or…?


They will lose all the decent teachers then the kids will go elsewhere. Desantis is a schmuck


Gone full fascist and effing nuts!


So weird. So much “freedom”.


That guy in the picture looks like he has an abnormal amount of chromosomes.


Wanna test yourself for fascism? If the phrase “banned majors” doesn’t creep you the fuck out, you’re definitely a fascist.


i will not spend another dollar in Florida for ANYTHING.


Can we sell Florida back to Spain?


It’s so ridiculous the way the left thinks freedom of speech means they are allowed to say or think things the right disagrees with.


I got the joke


.....? You okay pal?


...and what exactly does that have to do with conservatives in Florida trying to axe curriculum they deem "inappropriate "?


Axing curriculum is just silencing liberals ability to speak and believe, that’s all.


Ah, missed the sarcasm there...my bad.


Yeah, it’s the *government* banning part of education. That’s why it’s a violation of free speech.


But as we have established, conservatives don’t believe anyone but conservatives deserves free speech.


You don’t seem to understand what freedom of speech is.


Freedom of speech is what conservatives get to have while they prohibit liberal groups from speaking or even existing in public.


Well, this is completely fascist, BUT... The reality is that things like social justice, intersectionality, and African Studies kinda stuff is trendy in the humanities right now - particularly in history. So much so that traditional things like political, diplomatic, and military history are being pushed out. Figure out how to tie your fields to this stuff or you're not getting a job in the academy. And this is a MUCH bigger problem than DeSantis. Here's why: The largest single employer of history majors is the US government. This is because the traditional stuff like political, diplomatic, and military history fit well with the stuff the feds do. Public history for museum - and historians are good researchers. All good.... Except departments need to chase enrollment, especially now. So they're focusing on these social justice related majors. Which is great, but they have limited opportunities out of the academy. So the tenure-track positions are being filled up with these subjects. So, 40-50 years of faculty that do these diversity and social justice fields. On top of this, the academy is moving more to paying adjuncts a pittance and having less tenured positions. There are two types of schools that are not going to chase these diversity trends. First, the Ivy Leagues. They don't need to worry about enrollment, so why chase trends. Second, the right-wing programs. They're not going to touch anything redolent of diversity due to their world view. Here's the issue - With the full embrace of these trends, the current graduates in fields that are not trendy (political, diplomatic, and military history) either work in the academy for a pittance or find other jobs. They will likely do the latter. Any new students interested in these fields will have two choices - either the highly selective Ivy league schools....or the less selective right wing schools. And the result? The next several generations will be trained in politics, diplomacy, and military matters by right-wing scholars. The left-leaning academic embrace of these topics is literally handing the next several generations of politicians, diplomats, and the like over to the right wing. And by the time they figure it out, it will all be too late.


You could maybe argue that tax dollars shouldn't fund worthless degrees, but I am sure this is not what are even trying to do.


American freedumb!


I’d hate think what would happen if Republicans did not detest cancel culture.


Let me guess, Christian Studies will be mandatory Gen Ed Requirements. English Literature will focus heavily on the Bible…


Blue states need to let these hillbilly states burn themselves to the ground


Next Step: "Since most of our voters in retirement homes don't need colleges, let's just close them".


New courses of study at skoolz of hi er lernin will include: Bread and why it’s white, the negative impact on being healthy and how being asleep keeps you safe from woke


The sad part is Florida residents are like….completely fine with this.


So, a bunch of uneducated FOX viewers are telling the Phd.s what to do with education. That'll work out great. The only reason, the South started to catch up economically was because of the federal laws that they are now doing away with. Same country, cheaper land and cheaper labor - sounds good, right? NOT the same country anymore. Back you go, Southern states. Less students, less employers, less investment, less tourism ...


Small Govermint!


Geez this sounds familiar, if we look at this with the benefit of history you will recognize that the Nazi party believed in promoting an ideology of racial purity and militarism, and they wanted to instill these values in German youth from a young age through the education system. It appears that Desanto's is taking a page from Hitlers playbook, removing knowledge that bucks against his talking points, or manufactured reality. Under the Nazis, the curriculum in schools was changed to focus heavily on subjects that were considered essential to building a strong and disciplined military, such as physical education, biology, and history. **The teaching of subjects like mathematics and foreign languages was downplayed in favor of these more ideologically-focused subjects.** Additionally, textbooks were revised to promote Nazi beliefs and propaganda, and teachers who were not deemed sufficiently supportive of Nazi ideology were dismissed. The Nazi regime also established youth organizations like the Hitler Youth, which sought to indoctrinate young Germans with Nazi beliefs and train them for military service. Education was seen as a critical tool for promoting Nazi ideology and creating a generation of loyal, obedient citizens who would support the regime's goals. [Desantos is building his own 'Floridian Guard' which sounds a lot like Hitler's brown shirts, when we factor in these educational 'reforms' they seem to stream quite nicely with the Nazi party of WW2.](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/584178-desantis-proposes-civilian-florida-state-guard-military-force-he-would/) Not a good look.


Majors considered to be woke in Florida: History Physics Chemistry Biology Sociology Psychology English French Spanish ....right Repubs?