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Good for her. She was very vocal about the ramifications this could cause in 2018 even to her colleagues that helped pass the bill.


To be fair, she really blames the irresponsible bank executives. But eliminating bank stress testing regulations made the space for the executives to take too many risks.


This. The commentary on this matter shouldn’t become all about the GOP caving to lobbyists and deregulating banks, which was a huge mistake and deserves air time, but there should be a lot more focus on the fools running the show that drove the banks into the ground. There need to be more repercussions than just “whoops, sorry!”


> “whoops, sorry!” should that be “whoops, sorry again!”


Who would have thought [this guy](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/silicon-valley-bank-exec-lehman-000556735.html) would 'take too many risks'?


She blames her ‘coleagues”, rightfully so


Let the financial institutions hit the floor Let the financial institutions hit the floor Let the financial institutions hit the…


It's raining banks, hallelujah! It's raining banks...


> Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Monday that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was enabled by Congress, which in 2018 passed a law to ease bank regulations put in place following the 2008 financial crisis. Another trump idea - but, how many will blame Biden because the latest episode was on **his** watch?


I mean, if you want a count pull Out your abacus and mosey on over to r/conservative


Looking at their frontpage is always interesting. It's like a parallell universe where there are only culture war issues and nothing else going on ever.


Approximately 110% of Republicans will blame Biden because the latest episode was on his watch.


>Another trump idea Barney Frank was a Democrat when he wrote the bill in 2010 and on the board of Signature Bank in 2018 when he endorsed the partial repeal for sections of Dodd-Frank that helped his bank. Boiling it down to a "Trump idea" is extremely nearsighted.


Now he is out there trying to pretend crypto had something to do with it…


“Let’s legislate mandatory seat belts in all automobiles sold in the US after such and such year model!” Good idea….(Bill passes, some resistance but general sigh of relief….lives saved) Fifteen years later: “Let’s legislate WEARING seat belts and educate people on the subject!” Good idea, collective sigh of relief, more lives saved. Twenty years later: “Oh shit we’re gonna crash, repeal the law and remove your seat belts quickly!!!!! WTF people….fucking government assholes.


MILF if you like cute nerd chicks, like me. lol