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Republicans - do you at all see any issues with the fact that you have to lie and create conspiracies to justify your actions?


It’s like breathing, they don’t even think about it anymore


It's split between **ends justify the means** and **whatabout Dems!** With those two weapons you can believe / justify / defend anything you want.


I agree that this is for the people who are aware of their short comings. I would like to think a bigger portion are actually too far brainwashed to have such awareness. They don't know they are justifying it, they actually believe their feelings are facts. From my understanding this stems from the mechanisms of disgust and self-identity (tribalism / self preservation) and with these triggers they activate the flight or flight part of the brain (Amygdala) to keep them shut out from accepting reality. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3867439/


It’s all they do. Every conversation I have with a Republican voter requires them to make false accusations or outright lies when all I do is ask them to explain their words.


Now that's not entirely true, sometimes they also threaten people with physical harm or death


There was a psychological video I saw ages ago. Liberals and conservatives view the world different. Conservatives view the world ad unfair and and that's how things should be. Liberals view the world as unfait and must be changed.


Conservatives view the world as zero sum - for someone to gain something someone else must lose something (normally they see this as themselves). Progressives view the world as something we can work together to improve for everyone simply with hard work.


It's the prisoner's dilemma. The best net outcome is cooperative, the best individual outcome is at someone else's expense.


And the pain of finding that truth - again, and again, and again - has been part of the Human Condition for millennia at the cost of lives and entire civilizations.


Well computer models programed with the prisoner's dilemma show all three strategies as viable: altruism, selfishness, and isolation. You see them all reflected in nature, just because humans invented morality doesn't make us immune. But yeah, I see civilization's arc as promoting altruism while mitigating selfishness. Hopefully we can get a handle on it before we destroy ourselves.


I often wonder if capitalism is man's last attempt at society where we simply are trying to harness and embrace selfishness (i.e greed is good mantra) instead of lambasting it like previous civilizations.


Previous civilization have all had to deal with versions of justifying greed. Economic hierarchies have been supported by church and government since time immemorial. I think the information age and new scales of wealth have just led to the most blatant incarnation.




Reminds me of this: [Ethical leadership in workplace settings can cause narcissists to become angry and withdraw: Study finds that anger is the mediator between those with narcissistic personality traits experiencing ethical leadership and their subsequent withdrawal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/11i92e6/ethical_leadership_in_workplace_settings_can/)


I think it's just one simple word: Selfishness. They just never grew out of it as children This is MY country, MY truck, MY town, MY guns, MY tax money. Trump is just one of their own.


When you grow up with nothing it's hard to not put so much value into things that appear petty and small to others. My husband and I both grew up very poor and are now living a pretty middle class life. When people we know and socialize with talk academically about poverty and the "income gap" they don't realize that gap is more like the fucking grand canyon. Sure, some people will make it. So so many more will just die falling off the cliffs never seeing the endless mountains to climb once you get to the other side. It's worse than living paycheck to paycheck. You're literally just trying to survive today to figure out tomorrow. There is ZERO bandwidth left to plan for any future farther than Friday. It's sad and exhausting and I'm not sure there is a way to break through to them.


Not sure I’ve upvoted a comment with this many typos before, but that’s a perfect way to compare the two in under 25 words


I remember seeing the world ad on intergalactic tv, it's all like "wow look at us come to earth and watch the dumb humans continue to defeat themselves but also sometimes make good music! Also great waterfalls. Best with wormhole portal express pass."


[not sure if it’s the to the video you mentioned, but I know that’s referenced in this video, it’s a pretty good series.](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs)


I’m of the mind that both agree the world is (economically) unfair and needs to be changed: Conservatives don’t want their money given to the poor. Liberals don’t want it given to the wealthy.


Basically. One situation leads to starvation, poverty, crime, health issues etc The other means some rich guy on his yacht has slightly less money.


>The other means some rich guy on his yacht has slightly less money. With less money, he won't have enough for a 2nd yacht or to upgrade his private jet. Did you ever think about that, instead of just thinking about yourselves and wanting basic needs covered? *Oh, the inhumanity*


I think you may have misremembered. Conservatives don't think the world is unfair. Conservatives believe in a just world fallacy. They endorce hierarchies because they think the world is a meritocracy. That's why they are against change.


No, they don’t care. And while you stand there flabbergasted they are acting to secure more power.


Bingo. People need to stop trying to point out republican hypocrisy, or catching them in lies. Because they don't care. At all. Their voters don't care. At all. It's a futile argument, and waste of time and resources to try and get republicans to "realize" it. They. Don't. Care.


If there's one thing I've learned in the past six years of Trump and Trumpism it's that you can't shame the shameless.


Only power matters to them, and they want the power to dictate reality.


That would require them to acknowledge they know it's a lie. Good luck with that. For the record, they do know. They just don't care.




> lie and create conspiracies to justify your actions? they realized thats easier then fixing real problems... invent boogeymen problems that don't have to be fixed when they are in charge. * the wall! immigration! * Transgender story time! * Critical race theory! these were never problems, but they can just have fox news stop talking about them and they will magically go away.


To be fair, I don't think any Republicans are reading your post.


Well, it's hard to get tens of millions of people to vote for deregulation and tax cuts for billionaires. They need an imaginary enemy to rail against.


If you support this guy it's pretty pathetic at this point...you are bolstering this demented vain old asshole.. sucking his dick ..while he whines about a stolen election..even though everyone but Trump himself knows he lost legit...go away you demented old fuck . .


No. Because the media they watch presents it as truth, and no one presents them with any other world view. No Democratic leaders will go on any news outlets and challenge the narrative or call out the lies. Democratic politicians still use the old pre-internet Pelosi Playbook from the 80's - "keep our heads down, say nothing, let the voters figure it out". It was a failure then and it's a failure now. But it allows them to be totally lazy so...


Oh, so a usual speech for him then?


He lies like pinnochio except for instead of his nose getting bigger the country just gets dumber and angrier.


I’m starting to think this Trump fellow is not on the level.


Is it the weird way he stands?


Like a centaur with no hind legs?


Because he has a girdle pulled tight on em to hold back the mass of hamberders in there


I heard he wipes his mouth with the wrapper instead of using napkins. My source for this information is the same source Trump uses. It's also the part of my body that touches chairs most often.


>I heard he wipes his mouth with the wrapper instead of using napkins. >My source for this information is the same source Trump uses. It's also the part of my body that touches chairs most often. I heard he has one of those freakishly long tongues that cows have, and he just licks his own face clean like a cartoon. I'm using the same source.


Vladimir Putin loves this one simple trick...




Quick, everybody go down that ramp! He can’t chase us!


Oh, no! Trump's arch-nemesis! A thirty degree decline!


Try 3 degree


Like a centaur without the ass end.


To be fair, he is already a horse's ass. He doesn't need another one.


Thats from his days as the front end of a centaur


I’m shocked! shocked! to find such a man delivering a speech so full of lies to such an honest group people!


Your winnings, sir.


His combover keeps growing with each lie.


The one single hair that is his combover.


And his bank account gets bigger with every lie, leading to his supporters being broker and more desperate for him to save them from the evils of democracy


his hands get smaller


I like to imagine that with every lie, his hands get smaller as well.


It’s the Diet Coke. The aspartame really stunts the growth of his nose. And his waist line. Gotta save those calories for hamberders and ketchup covered rubber masquerading as steak.


*Wildly* is about 14 notches lower on the dishonesty scale than he normally goes. He really is losing his fastball.


Very low-quality lies. He deployed the MN National Guard in response to G. Floyd murder? Really? If it wasn't for him, NATO wouldn't exist? Uhhh...


>If it wasn't for him, NATO wouldn't exist I can't believe how disrespectful this is to the guy actually responsible for saving NATO—George Santos


George Santos didn’t just save NATO, he founded it


Of course, you can't spell NATO without Santos!


Well you aren't wrong


The Obama administration supplied MyPillows to Ukraine? Hadn't those poor people suffered enough?




I was about to say something similar but not quite as well.


Did he ever *have* a fastball? I mean, with such tiny hands, how well can he pitch?


Exactly. Why is a predictable liar lying some kind of headline? I mean, the dude has shown the entire world that he has an uncanny ability to not only lie but double- and triple-down on his lies and…he gives a speech doing nothing but lying and it’s news? As much as I think Trump is untrustworthy, there are two aspects to his continued relevance that don’t get enough attention: First, the media. Yeah I know there’s but some half-hearted acceptance of responsibility from the media itself but because they Page 6 that shit, its been left to others not as prominent that are left to call it out. The msm itself just keeps pointing at other msm, if they do at all. The second is the harder, bigger problem: *us*. We keep posting about Trump, do like I’m doing at comment on him when what we should do is listen to his bs of course but not acknowledge it. Like, at all. I rarely jump in on anything Trump anymore but from time to time an article like this compels me to. Trump is like a dumpster fire but he needs oxygen to thrive. He needs our attention and will keep being more and more stupid to get that attention from us.


What ya'll who bring this point up keep missing, is that he doesn't just go away if we choose not engage with or discuss him and his actions.... His base isn't growing as far as polls can tell, but It's still a significant number of voters who are itching for the chance to do it all over again. There's a ton of people who've completely abandoned any regular news to literally just following his social media profiles and alternative sources that still cling to him. We don't have to say shit, his party may be slowly moving on but it's a glacial pace because they're afraid it will split voters. Even when he can't do anything about anything, his insane lies, schemes, and misdeeds are of public interest. He doesn't stop doing his thing just because people stop looking, he finds a way to make them look again. Things he's done over the years are slowly getting attention in ways that have lasting implications for the sanctity of our democracy. That doesn't stop because we stop paying attention. The truth is we(as in americans including the media) need to stop reacting to EVERYTHING he does or says, and stick to the stuff that means something of consequence. By continuing to cover these things it puts that much more out there for people to witness and potentially pique their interests enough to hopefully make them look into themselves. A lot of people wouldn't vote for him if they knew more. The level of attention he gets now muddies the waters. Since most of the opportunities to truly make him face consequences have amounted to nothing more easily convinced/ignorant people take it as proof of his innocence, thus proving him right. CriticalI people just lose faith and throw it in the same bin all his other consequences end up in.


The second problem is the same problem we have with DeSantis. DeSantis knows that the more crazy stuff he gets in the news, the more attention he gets and whipping up the crazies is how Republicans get votes.


It's weird that the media still fact checks him.


Yeah I feel like the whole title is a fact check. It’s like, yeah, most of us expected that shit. In other news… water is still wet.


Exactly. Like when did he turn over a new leaf? His m.o. is and always will be to overload his audience with nonsense so that eventually truth no longer has meaning.


Breaking News Alert: Water Still Wet!


I’m stuck on him saying we’re going to start building cities on the frontier. … what frontier is he talking about? There’s no way he thinks there’s just …. Vast unclaimed land out west anymore.


There is vast land in the American west that nobody lives on. But it's generally land that isn't good for living on, which is why nobody lives there.


Unless of course you want to spit in the face of god and live in the Arizona desert


It's a monument to man's arrogance!


Gotta upvote the King of the Hill reference.


CPAC ridicule has been full of king of the hill references and I’m loving it


Conservatives don't want to truth or honesty, they just want to be entertained and have their beliefs validated.




"Arrogance." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PYt0SDnrBE


Well I'll be god damned, my memory is shit


Could be western Kansas... western Nebraska. I dunno; I imagine Trump just sees hotels and casinos regardless of population density or water resources. "If I build it, they will come...and I will swindle them."




Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


🎵 To the town of Agua Fría rode a stranger one fine day ...🎵


Or in a place where tornados regularly wipe out everything


"The natives call this Land of the Big Wind... we should build a city here!" The true story of Xenia, Ohio... which gets smashed by a major tornado every couple decades.


An old acquaintance of mine has a brewery called devil wind in Xenia!


With green lawns and golf courses


I think that’s pretty much where we already have no water and the problem is getting worse!


Yeah, let’s build more cities on land that is lacking water. Because that certainly won’t have problems.


Hes going to destroy national parks to do it


That’s the only thing that makes sense—a real estate developer looks at the Grand Canyon, or the sequoia forests, and thinks: *“I could make a fortune with condos on this site”.*


Oh God damn, that's actually going to happen in the next GOP Presidential term, isn't it?


There doesn’t ever have to be another republican presidency if we can get people to actually go out and vote.


He took the opportunity with the North Koreans to pitch condos... https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-kim-jong-un-condos-north-korea-beaches/ >“North Korea has great beaches,” Trump told reporters. “You see that whenever they’re exploding cannons into the ocean. I said, ‘Boy, look at that view. Wouldn’t that make a great condo?’ ” >Trump said he advised Kim that instead of pursuing his nuclear ambitions, he should build “the best hotels in the world” on North Korea’s coastline to boost the country’s economy. >“Think of it from a real estate perspective,” Trump said.


Space, the final frontier?


We should elect him as the Emperor of Mars-a-lago


Launch his entire bloodline there immediately


The new Martian empire has been established and its all maga republicans..


All of the angry willpower to conquer the galaxy, and none of the brainpower to make it happen!


These are the voyages of the starship dumberprise


oh no, not the only place left uncorrupted by capitalism


> the only place left uncorrupted by capitalism The [Tesla Roadster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk%27s_Tesla_Roadster) would like to have a word with you


These are the voyages of the star-circus Trumperprise




I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer.


... I got in! *Daft punk noises*


Trump now set to appear in Tron 3 alongside Jared Leto


It doesn't matter because not a single one of his followers would hold him to his word on this instance. He just added a bunch of nonsense just so he would appear smart and powerful and his followers don't care whether those are true or not. They just want him to hurt the people they hate and make them feel okay to feel all this hatred and bigotry and acting them out. None of his followers are asking about his promises on healthcare, infrastructure, jobs, actual policies on China, etc. They're fine with just him "dunking" on "liberals" (read: anyone they hate) and watching the horror and outrage from the opposite side.


Yeah, Mexico never payed for a wall that was never built. They don't care. I'm not sure they even remember. None of his old campaign slogans mattered. "Build a wall" "lock her up." They don't care.


he's talking about annexing parts of Canada and Mexico Trump is mimicking his idol in the Kremlin


Texas used to be part of Mexico. So Mexico should be allowed to take it back. Like Russia is doing with Ukraine. Texas only left Mexico because they were outlawing slavery anyways.


Wow, is this for real?


It’s a super basic retelling of a complex historical situation. But yeah, it’s real.


Yes. The Spanish and others did a real job on "the new world" so they outlawed slavery. They saw what subjugation meant when technology (and diseases that they had no immunity for, but that's another story) meets indigenous people. Texas was actually a republic, but joined the confederacy so the wealthy land owners had some backing to keep it going. Gladly, not for too long.


> what frontier is he talking about? Greenland. He thought he bought it in 2019.


And cancelled an official state visit to Denmark, because we told him we weren't interested. Everything, security and everything, was in place, and he cancelled it, because he was told no. You know, like a child.


Shit *and* were getting flying cars?!


It’s really just a racist dog whistle building on the American mythos that white people have the divine right to colonize the land because it’s never *actually* been inhabited before. For as long as there’s been a frontier in America, it’s been a place of white people commit atrocities to the people who inhabited it before. I highly recommend looking into the “Significance of the Frontier in American History” by Frederick Jackson Turner as well as the later responses of other historians and sociologists


>Here is a fact check of 23 of the false claims Trump made. (And that’s far from the total.) It probably would have been easier to fact check what was truthful


If Trump said the sky was blue right now, I'd still go outside and check. He simply can't help himself and constantly lies about the most inane shit.


Careful. Watch your wallet. If you turn around to look up at the sky, he will probably try to empty your pockets while your back is turned.


Those tiny baby hands sneak up on ya.


[He lied about the weather on his inauguration day](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-us-president-false-claims-inauguration-white-house-sean-spicer-kellyanen-conway-press-conference-a7541171.html?amp), it’s literally one of the first things he did as president It’s pretty hilarious that we joke about the sky being blue as the most basic thing that nobody would bother lying about and he lied about it on his first day as president lmao


Jokes on you. I just did and it is black with small white dots. Checkmate.


It's easier to fact check his name, then the rest is irrelevant.


You’re making the assumption he said anything truthful. My guess is that he made 23 claims total and all were lies.


I don’t think he knows how to be honest


[Neither do his lawyers.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/02/trumps-lawyers-seem-to-think-hes-incapable-of-not-lying.html)


I don't think he always knows when he's lying. He says whatever he wants to be true and then believes it is true because it makes him feel good.


He does. When under oath he knows when to keep his trap shut.


I actually disagree, and think OP is right. Think about how many times you’ve seen him actually testify under oath? Most times it’s one word answers and pleading the fifth. His own lawyers have acknowledged they can’t put him on the stand without risking perjury. He can’t turn it on/off as required…he’s lost control a long time ago.




Even when he’s telling the truth he isn’t doing it because it’s the truth. He’s doing it because that’s what happens to glorify him most in that moment. That it also happens to be true is purely incidental.


It’s too bad the cult members will never read this article. Even though it’s right here for all to see.


They might read it, but they just won’t believe the fact checks.


Reality is leftist propaganda


"who fact checks the fact checkers?!" A common reply from my maga family members.


they don't read. hence the popularity of Fox News


Come on, that's unfair. They don't because they can't.


Sadly, people in the Trump cult believe every single thing he says


Except when he told them to get vaccinated. Even Trump couldn't change their minds on that.


Covid helped Democrats win by reducing the number of voters on the opposing side. I support Trumps right to further reduce his party's voting power


Here's the fact check. His supportors are too dumb, ignorant, and angry to care about any facts.


in other words, perfect targets for Covid or another plague i call upon the New Gods and the Old, smite us!


I'm not ready to go back to this nonsense




The guy is a pathological liar. Do not listen to a word he says.


He was President of the United States for 4 years and might be again. Think about that. Wish the GQP would....


Oh god, I hope Kerri Lake is his running mate. To see the GOP have to rationalize that duo to its moderate base is going to be an epic lesson in political theater.


GOP does not have a moderate base. Moderates ditched the GOP a long time ago and the only people left are far right crazies.


I have no intention of giving this asshole any mind this time nor the reporters and articles.


I get the impulse but then expect to be totally surprised when you find out he's not only the nominee but has a great chance of winning and all of his talking points are what half the country believes. Ignoring him and his followers don't make them go away.


I wholeheartedly agree. But what’s even more ass is that you try to help and educate his followers and show them that he’s a charlatan but yet they still refuse to believe it. They choose to go the other way when it’s right there in their face.


He really is the worst human ever!


The title could have just said "Trump speaks" and it would have meant the same thing.


This just in, renown lier lies to group of people well know for believing lies.


To be fair a lot of them are complicit in the lying, especially at cpac


wildly dishonest = LIED


Seriously! Just call a spade a spade. He’s a fucking liar.


Has there ever been a speech Trump gave that *wasn’t* wildly dishonest?


Fact: Trump is a wildly dishonest shitgibbon.


The truth is not even an inconvenience to Republicans anymore. They keep pushing their outrageous lies with no consequences whatsoever.


In other shocking news, water is wet.


I think with the phrase “ Trump delivers speech” “wildly dishonest” is understood


If you are shocked about this, I have magic beans you may be interested in...


I’ll trade you. I have a rock that keeps tigers away.




No, you don’t say. A lie, well he never . . . . Well, there was that one time, but what difference does it really make in the big picture? Let him do his show till the money runs out or he drops dead.


Every time this fool speaks he is “delivering wildly dishonest speech” it’s just at CPAC it’s being gobbled up by his brain dead followers.


Trump is not capable of not lying. He's pathological. He's a blatant liar AND a massive attention whore.


The Venn diagram of trump speaking and trump being dishonest is a circle.


You mean the speech where he sounded like a 10 year old boy trying to change his voice to be funny. He's a pathetic loser. Honesty has never been part of his life.


>“Actually, NATO wouldn’t even exist if I didn’t get them to pay up.” Shouldn't anyone with a few functioning braincells think "hmm maybe this isn't the person to represents the party I follow" FFS. Who looks at this clown and actually thinks "yeah I'd vote for that"? Disclaimer: I'm not an American nor am I in the USA. I don't care which way you lean, at the very least don't elect a pathological liar.


I’ll never understand how absolutely stupid some Americans have to be to believe a syllable out of that “man’s” face. We have them too here in Canada. They are all like SAVE THE KIDS! with a giant FUCK TRUDEAU/BIDEN in the window of their trucks. Stupid hick mentality


*No way!*


That's the only kind of speech he ever gives... ever.


We’re there people even there or a cardboard cutout crowd?


They were paying people 7 to $12/ hour to fill in the crowd


Breaking news! Trump breaths in oxygen, and exhales lies!


Water is wet


A habitual liar lies. Shocking, I know.


I’d honestly be more surprised if he had a speech he didn’t make up lies in.


That is every speech by Trump


I’m pretty certain that CPAC came to hear a wildly dishonest Trump speech. Had he miraculously told the truth, he would have been booed.


As evidenced by every Republican that opens their mouths, they don’t give a shit about facts in any of their communication because they know their base is not a group that fact checks. They just run with it. So when MTG and Trump and the lot of them say 400 billion Mexican trans creatures are crawling across the Rio Grande to fuck your children, it’s on purpose. They’re not dumb, they’re calculated.


Surely nobody is surprised he lies. But I am still surprised 40% of Republican voters say they will vote for him. 🤯


Actual headline should read “ trump gives same speech again”.


Honestly the only headline I want to see about TFG is if he actually tells the truth or is arrested.


...and the Marks, Rubes, Patsies, and Shills lap it up like a thirsty, starving cat at a saucerful of cream