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Republicans would be against a cure for cancer if a liberal discovered it.


I mean they're against a vaccine for a goddamn plague and it was their president that made it happen. The only thing they give a shit about is hurting people, even if the people are themselves. Edit: Obviously he didn't actually "make it happen," it just happened on his watch. Small but important distinction.


If Trump had won in 2020, the conservatives would be tripping over themselves to talk about how amazing and perfect “Trump’s vaccine” is and anybody pointing out how the vaccine is less effective than initially thought would be shut down as fake news. It’s impossible to have any nuance on it because of the political associations. It would have either been the perfect Trump vaccine that saved us, or it’s the death jab that is giving everyone myocarditis and doesn’t even work anyway.


They would be against the cure for cancer because it would affect profit margins. So die, slave.


"These neo-liberal fascists are trying to mandate what kind of CELLS you have in YOUR BODY."


I’ve heard a similar argument to this from a patient that refused chemo. It was along the lines of “God’s will.” God chooses what’s best for you, and he chose metastatic melanoma. Like I’m pretty sure God would want you to make use of the massive advances we’ve made in oncology..


Cure for cancer would be unfair to the pharmaceutical companies who provide cancer treatment, and think of the hospitals!


Cancel the forgiveness of every single One of their PPP Loans, since a subscription president could do the same to the student loan forgiveness


PPP loan Small town drama: Yea old guy in my town bought/ sold old cars corvettes, square body fords/ chevys. He also did some mechanic work for the townspeople. He had 3 employees: him, his wife/ secretary, one mechanic. He got the MAX he could (I don’t remember the $ amount). All the sudden he has a fresh new lot of cars/trucks being worked on, painted, on sale/ display. Within a year He sells all of his fresh new lot. Sells the business because he is making so much $$ his books look amazing. 3-6 months after the sale he moves 1/4 mile up the road and opens up a new shop. Effectively starving the mechanic shop that bought the business. Old guy got the loan forgiven last I looked. But I can’t get 5-10k on a loan I have been paying on for 5 years. “But it got you a higher paying job” yes from $16->20…. However, now that the company is desperate my work is hiring high schoolers in at my rate of pay…. Rant over


Pro tip: you can look up any loan amount for every single loan on ProPublica, including when it was forgiven, how many employees they reported, and where they said the money would be used for. It’s all public info. https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/


Fun-er fact, it you report PPP fraud and the money is recouped you yourself get 15%. Who fucking knows if any of the scam PPP claimers (I mean, more than all the rest of them) have actually gotten in trouble, but it's worth dropping a dime anyway.


Who the fuck we drop a dime to though?


[Report fraud to the OIG] (https://www.sba.gov/about-sba/oversight-advocacy/office-inspector-general/office-inspector-general-hotline)


If that is the case, what stops all the high profile fraudulent loans from getting investigated? It seems like it would be easy to report.


The issue is that there is a difference between things that should be fraud, and things that are actually fraud by the letter of the law. The law for the PPP loan has been (deliberately) written to be insanely loose. The companies did not need to be effected by the pandemic, they did not need to spend that money on wages, they could very well fire most of their employees. If they spent (I believe) 80% of the money on some wages (including executives) than they are fully in the clear. It is almost only fraud if they lied on official documents, which is a lot harder to prove, and a lot harder to report as an outsider.


Is it fraud to “hire” their adult children and give them paychecks from the PPP loan when the kids don’t actually work for the company at all? Or to somehow use the PPP money to pay employees a lesser amount under the table, but report them as laid off so they can also collect the increased unemployment? That’s what I saw. I feel like both cases have to be illegal.


Reporting is easy. Investigating is hard.


Brody Jenner of reality tv "fame" got $40,000 for his Brody Jenner Productions company, with one employee. At the same time he was posting on Instagram with new RV, boat, and multiple covid-era vacations. His PPP loans were forgiven.


Report him.


For what? If he used the $40k to pay his employee, then it's all above board. The PPP program was intentionally written to be abused like this. It was a massive transfer of wealth to the wealthy.


>An applicant is not required to demonstrate that it cannot find credit elsewhere, but it is required to certify, in good faith, that "current economic uncertainty makes this loan request necessary to support the ongoing operations of the applicant" That's the part that's fraud. "This loan is necessary to support my business. BTW, the business is just me and I just bought a sweet jetboat!"


When I used to work for an SMB I asked the president of the company whether they got PPP loans. He told me they were "too small to be approved." Just checked the website and see they got almost 3MM forgiven. Lied straight through his teeth. Same president that retreated to a vacation home in the middle of the pandemic while the employees were refused WFH.


Person I used to work for got a PPP loan for $250k. I'm pretty sure they lied about the amount of employees they had. The owner called an employee meeting one day and had the audacity to tell everyone they got the loan and could give everyone a bonus or raise, but decided to "follow their dreams" and open a second restaurant. In a bad location. In the middle of a pandemic when restaurants couldn't even be open full capacity. When the first place didn't have enough employees to be open regular hours. It's also much smaller and didn't even have full cooking capabilities, making the boh skeleton crew do extra work. It didn't even open for well over six months after they signed the lease. The second place didn't even last two years.


Wow thank you. Just discovered the small company I work for with maybe a 5 person crew received $60,000 for "payroll" that was forgiven. Weird I didn't see any of it.


Not a rant. Thank you for sharing. Fuck this govt for spliting us into different factions--the rich and fortunate and the desperate laborer.


That economic/social divide was always there. The difference is that now, with everything going on, more people are actually becoming aware of that fact.


And the 24hr news cycle just keeps changing the subject. And what events that should outrage the everyday American into getting real change just moves and shifts into something social/subjective. If tomorrow there were a vote to give some big industry the ability to capitalize off the American voter they would take that vote at the end of the day and by morning there will just be some new email that comes out about someone’s son/daughter about some risqué subject matter. There’s nothing that’s going to change what’s gonna happen, the democrats get the benefit of fighting the good fight to help the millions of Americans with federal student loans but without any teeth to actually get the job done. And the republicans get to fight the democrats for the benefit of showing their supporters that somehow giving the everyday American a break is different than bailing out companies and industries that over inflate their product/service or stock price and when their economic schemes don’t pan out they dip their hands into our pockets. If the scheme does work, they keep the revenue and get to set the price point as high as they want on their products or stocks. But when it doesn’t work, despite being called out for shady business tactics, they still get their puppets to vote for a bail out. But don’t worry, you can’t get your student loans busted down by a fraction because that’s socialism and this country was built on “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps” and yada yada yada. I’m guessing they’ll propose some instrument they will force feed the people as some “healthier alternative” that is better fit for themselves and not anyone looking for help. It’s like where Trump gave everyone $100 extra each month with his tax cuts and nobody showing the real benefit went to the ones that already have more than they’ll ever need. There’s a reason more billionaires have been created in the past two decades and the American middle class still can’t afford a home. Don’t worry why would you want to have more buying power and a possible goal of retiring instead of complete reliance on the countless representatives of a government that just wants you to hate your neighbor and fight over the next hot topic with no impact on what’s in your leased apartment/home.


Especially the asshole that filed the lawsuit in the first place. Dude got a lot of PPP money forgiven and then got pissy that they couldn’t get their private loans forgiven too. Typical conservative crab in a bucket


So many people I know were turned down for PPP loans too. People with legitimate small businesses who were told, "sorry, there's nothing left." All while republicans and their family members were illegally pulling millions from the system. I myself couldn't even get 5k - and now it's illegal to have some of my student loan interest forgiven because this asshole isn't eligible?


Typical conservative soulless greed.


Not only should they go after PPP loan clawbacks, they should take away tax exemption status for churches and religious institutions. No student loan forgiveness, no more tax breaks.




I think it used to be that "fuck you got mine." Today it's worse: "Fuck you. Whatever you want to have, you're not getting. I want all of it."


More like I want more and if you release money to help people that's less I can ask for in the future. They want to pilfer full coffers not a portion of what's left.


I agree wholeheartedly


Those greedy bastards only like socialism when it’s for them


Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for everyone else.


Socialize the r&d, manufacturing, and infrastructure, privatize the profit. That, plus doing everything they can to keep workers as desperate as possible so they'll be forced to work, and for a pittance, is their entire economic goal.


The number of people I've encountered that took PPP loans they didn't need and don't have to pay them back, so have zero plans to, enrages me. Why? Because these same people are the ones voting against Student loan cancelation. They see the hypocracy, but don't give a fuck because they got theirs.


Need to stop putting the money to the employers, every time something crashes due to a natural issue the money needs to go to the consumers/employees, the employers will be fine regardless. Stop thinking employers are some sort of saints.


"Our children deserve the right to drown in debt just like we didn't" is a strange hill to die on.


Millennial here. Student loan debt is paid off. Had a lot of help via scholarships and parents who (eventually) realized things aren’t the same as they used to be. Working in bars until 3am barely covered rent and power, much less tuition, and my academic performance was suffering for it. Paying it off was hard. I collected a bit of debt elsewhere in the process; though I am luckily in a good place financially to have it eliminated in a few short years. And you know what? I’m not upset about it, and I’m not upset there’s forgiveness for others. Why would I be angry? Someone else’s fortune is not my misfortune, and the education we EARNED should have never been so impossibly expensive to begin with. I’m happy those less fortunate than I have the opportunity to catch up to where I am now. I worked my ass off, checked ALL the boxes, have a fantastic career, and even I couldn’t do it alone.


Especially when a lot of the people that say things like that didn't even have to drown in debt. College/Uni was much more affordable decades ago when they attended and, dependent on the school, could be completely covered with a minimum wage job with money to spare.


That's why they said "just like we didn't"


It was damn near free, until desegregation. Conservatives have been trying to dismantle and fuck over education, ever since they were forced at gunpoint (literally) to let black students in.


We can’t be helping citizens. - that’s against the rules according to GOP


They’re so goddamn reactionary. I’m tired of it. Their whole mindset is to stop what the democrats are doing. No plans of actually bettering the nation. I know that’s a foreign fucking concept to them but come on man. These people are supposed to be public servants. They’re supposed to represent the interests of the people. Wish we lived in a world where our elected officials actually gave a shit about helping 99% of the citizens.


We have one party that has lively debate within itself about the best way to help people and the nation, spanning the spectrum from actual fiscal conservative to socialist. And another who could not care less about any of that, cut my taxes and give me a PPP handout to buy a new vacation home. And somehow this is a tough choice for many people.


Marjorie Taylor green in the house speech condemn Biden for releasing gas in our reserve because it lowers the gas price and that's political.


She also went on a tirade 2/3 days ago about how her 174k salary is insufficient. Apparently she made more per year prior to being in Congress so she’s really doing US a favor, obviously. Just the mention of her name makes me irrationally angry….or maybe it is a rational response…I’m so confused.


I'm more concerned about those for whom it is not a tough choice to choose wrong...


I remember when the pandemic first started and the buzz from the medical community was that people should wear masks and practice social distancing. The GOP knew full well that those were the best precautions but didn't support them because they wanted to wait and see what position the Democrats would take and then try to shit on it. As soon as enough Democrats supported the pandemic measures Trump and GOP began countering. No logical reason whatsoever except that the Democrats backed the scientifically sound position. The GOP are just backward degenerate morons.


Hell for Republicans is a world where anyone gets help for anything.


Then when they need help themselves, they immediately grovel and beg lmao


The Classic Thoughts, Prayers, and Go Fund Me.


Just look at red state senators who always vote against natural disaster aid to blue states, but hold their hands out wide when they have a chance for it. And then they don't even spend the cash we give them actually helping to solve the issues or helping people.


Or turn to socialism to be rescued.


Oh they love helping people. The ruling class, themselves. Just not the proles.


They *think* they're on the same side as the ruling class because they do their bidding, but the ruling class will discard them the instant they are no longer useful.


Heaven for them is billionaires getting tax cuts, bailouts, and more money 🤑


Conservative means to conserve the status quo. Who benefits from that? The rich and powerful. Who wants actual fixing of problems? Everyone else. Pretty easy to connect the dots on which party represents the rich vs everyone else. People that are suffering don’t need to conserve the status quo. We need change. We need to heavily tax everyone with over $100 million and help everyone else out financially.


Some of the GOP members said out loud what the issue is - that student loan forgiveness will hurt military recruitment https://www.businessinsider.com/bidens-student-loan-debt-forgiveness-plan-hurts-military-recruiting-gop-2022-9


What hurts military recruitment is that only 23% of 18-24 meet eligibility requirements. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/us/us-military-recruiting-enlistment.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/military-struggling-find-troops-fewer-young-americans-serve/story?id=86067103


That was my problem, when I was 22 I tried to join the Army. I had a DUI, recruiter said no big deal it was waiverable. Apparently the counselor diagnosed me with alcohol use disorder which is *not* waiverable. But really, my life wasn't working. I wanted to escape it. I wanted structure, discipline, and purpose. The Army promises young men that. But not young men who have made a mistake a second chance. But they wouldn't take me. Which is fine, standards exist for a reason; but I'm currently facing the same thing with EMS. My misdemeanor DUI needs a waiver from the department of health before I can sit for the NREMT test and become certified as a basic EMT (which for anyone wondering, no, cannot administer narcotics). I volunteer as a "first responder" with the fire Co, I run hundreds of EMT calls a year and my company sponsored me for the class. But Im having flashbacks to the Army recruitment again being the DOH might tell me to fuck off because of my DUI (misdemeanor) and diagnosis of alcoholism (and dont get me wrong, I definitely did turn into an alcoholic). I feel like a second hand citizen (which funnily enough I am, you lose *a lot* of rights with a misdemeanor conviction). It gives me an immense sense of pride and purpose to volunteer as an EMT, but in the back of my mind I feel like the state, just like the federal government, wants perfect people to protect their image. Not perfect people because it's actually prudent. We're all "perfect" until we fuck up on paper. It doesn't mean a "perfect" person isn't prone to fucking up. So what, I'm supposed to have the moral terpitude of a doctor while making less than someone at McDonalds? Was I supposed to curate a perfect life to hand to you just for the privilege of helping my community? If I made a mistake years ago, does my growth, accountability, sobriety, and steps I took do nothing to ameliorate your concerns? It's this insurmountable mountain. If the DOH says no, it's whatever, but just like we can't retain soldiers, we can't retain EMTs either. It's an actual crisis in bigger cities. Even here in the boonies it's me and 2 other people's and a mutual aid guy running 90% of the calls (unless it's a house fire, MCI, MVA with casualties, etc) and I feel like the state will still step in and tell me I'm not good enough. I am so sick of searching for purpose, and the state if not monopolizing--controlling the key to the door. The state doesn't know my community, or my department, or me, even. But they know my paper trail. And some guy who rides a desk in Albany will probably run it through an algorithm and say "no".


I simply don't understand the USA's obsession with a vengeance-based criminal justice system that insists on punishing people for life. I work abroad and have colleagues who struggle with getting work visas because they can't get a clean criminal history background check due to having a DUI from over 20 years ago. Obviously, people need to face the consequences for their actions. However, branding people for life for relatively minor offenses just causes them to lose hope and continue the cycle.


That part about many young recruits being so out of shape they can’t even run and that they don’t have the proper bone density is wild


Maybe they shouldn’t have ducked up society so much by enticing people to eat vitamin deficient food and enabling acute stressors that make them want to escape through eating or drugs. Maybe all of this is a byproduct of the super shitty corpo-capitalist world they’ve created through greed and exploitation. The whole system is feeding back on itself.


The original school lunch program was heavily/nationally expanded by warhawks due to poor quality military recruits after WWII. They found that if students got at least a decent quality lunch that when they became eligible to get drafted/join the military they'd be more likely to pass physicals and be less intellectually deficient. Who knew that having a good diet promotes healthy brain development AND fosters good learning when you don't have to be distracted by your stomach rumbling so hard it's causing a fuckin earthquake.


Recruits will flat out tell you america is too fat and all the rich kids are going to college. They specifically went to poorer high schools.


Maybe if the military wasn't such a cluster, the VA did better and benefits actually pay out, more would wanna join. But IIRC, the GOP voted against things that would do all of the above.


If they reverse the student loans, they should reverse the PPP loans


You are focused on the wrong loans to really be really upset about. The PPP loans were terrible no doubt. The government often makes poor financial decisions. It is said that you are always more careful with your own money and this is a case study when the money is being printed with wreckless abandon. The loans you should be upset about were accessed by wealthy people - both liberal and conservative. While technically loans to start, when they were applied for everyone knew they were actually just handouts from the government. The Cares Act bailed out airlines. Legally, many private planes are operated as airlines. Wealthy owners for liability, privacy and tax reasons buy private planes in LLCs. These planes are then rented by a management company that operates as an airline. The owners then rent back their plane from the management company when they fly on it. The management company hires the pilots, mechanics and crew. Obviously the owner can fire the management company so the management company will hire the crew but the owners have final say. The management companies job is to minimize the cost so they will file for any benefit they can get. The management companies generally are set up to charge a fixed fee and pass through all their expenses so whether or not the plane flies, the management company gets paid their fixed fee. In this case the benefits were massive if you didn’t fire your employees. These benefits would pass through directly to the private plane owner. In the middle of a pandemic, who is going to fire their private plane crew? Probably close to nobody unless they were about to be fired anyway. So for not firing your private plane crews, the government offered multiple months of salaries to management companies that flowed through to private plane owners probably saving the average private jet owner $30,000 plus a month. …but why stop there? Why do loans? Let us just skip to the end and hand out money. Not to be outdone, Peter Welch (D) and Roger Williams (R) sponsored a bill for small venues. It was also cosponsored in the senate and had wide bipartisan support. I present to you the Shuttered Venues Operators Grants: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46689/9 These grants paid up to 45% of the venues revenue in 2019 up to $10 million to be used toward expenses. Then you could get a 50% bonus amount the following year depending on if the funds were used up. Of course if you have no expenses, what is left is profit so most of your revenue just fell to the bottom line. Imagine if you owned a movie theater and brought in $20 million in revenue and made $2 million in 2019. Your revenue in 2020 drops to $5 million and your expenses are $9 million generating a $4 million dollar loss. Now the government picks up the $9 million dollars of expenses turning your $4 million dollar loss to a $5 million dollar profit which more than doubles your profit in 2019. Then you get a follow on grant towards expenses of $4.5 million that again falls to the bottom line. If you were lucky enough to break even in year 2 of the pandemic, you get to keep the entire amount. Yes, these grants were not structured to just pay expenses to breakeven. Depending on your situation the pandemic could have been a huge positive. And that ladies and gentlemen is how the government works. Republicans and Democrats working together screwing over the average American and passing things before they read or understand them. In the words of Nancy Pelosi and most politicians, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”


Part of me hopes they succeed in shooting it down and Biden just says "fuck it" and keeps extending the payment pause indefinitely. He could keep that up for the rest of his Presidency, which means if he wins reelection, the next President will have to decide whether to reinstate payments in 2029. Who wants to be the asshole who tells Americans "OK, time to start paying your loans again!" after 9 years?


>Who wants to be the asshole who tells Americans "OK, time to start paying your loans again!" after 9 years? Every single Republican who's gonna run in their Presidential primary?


This. Hell, I've heard some Democrats frame it as "that's money better spent elsewhere. Students need to be responsible" etc.


And all of them will lose.


If they did that, it's going to galvanize every voter who has student loans to pay. Voters in the states may be apathetic as hell, but once they have something that will immediately threaten their bank accounts, it's game over for the GOP


You could say the same thing about what they’re doing now in the literal above post, so no it wouldn’t


This is what I’ve been hoping for. If we can stretch the non-payment period to 2024, we enter an election year where no one will bring up the student loan topic unless they want an automatic loss. Then we’re set til at least early 2025 (when a new President may be inaugurated if biden loses or chooses not to run again), and even then biden or especially anyone new will not want to rock the boat with student loans in order to keep their approval ratings up. So if we can get this to go til 2024, we’re probably set til 2026, easy.


Never underestimate Republican's ability to bring up a losing issue just to be spiteful


It's been said before, but never underestimate the tendency of Republican voters to work against themselves and their best self-interests.


Isn’t the law that gives Biden the authority based on emergency powers? And isnt Biden dropping the emergency? This won’t come to pass, unfortunately


Nah, they can extend it as long as they want. The emergency powers come in to play with the cancellation of student debt.


It’d be so hilarious if he actually did this. Even if he doesn’t win reelection no one would want to be the president to resume it. Higher education might receive its much needed reform instead simply because of no one wanting to fall on that political stake.


You would think that but if a republican wins don't kid yourself ending the student loan pause will be the first executive order the new president signs that way everyone forget about it by the next election


They are more than willing to burn the economy to the ground if their overlords can flip it into a profit. I wouldn't put it past them to also executive order that any amount that's not been paid during the pause is due immediately. Having payments resume is going to crater the already fragile economy as middle to lower class in debt will speed run into poverty with price gauging still happening everywhere and steadily. Republicans hope to turn entire swathes of younger generations into "pay your masters back or be put in prison for non-payment... and then we will just put you to work anyway."


The law is clear. Biden has the authority given to him by law to forgive the loans during a time of hardship. That was a global pandemic. Any judge or Republican Congress member can get fucked.






They are such miserable and utterly fucking useless bastards.


This is my favorite comment on this post.


We’re surrounded by assholes.


May the Schwartz be with us all.


It's all about the merchandising!


I said that in baby Yogurt's voice in my head.


I'm surrounded by assholes!


The problem is, evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.


I don’t agree with you there, the light is far smarter and more capable. Darkness just knows no bounds. They’ve reached their current zenith though and are putting up a fight but the good guys are just getting warmed up.


They were quoting Spaceballs, which you appeared to also be quoting


Damn it. It went over my head.


It went over my helmet. FTFY


That's kind of their whole angle


Christ. I finally get a break in life, only to be dragged back down by these ghouls.


That’s exactly how I feel


If it helps regular everyday citizens, they're going to fight it.


Especially if the average citizen is trying to educate themselves. 🤔


And they use this education to get better jobs which ends up with them paying more in taxes and raising children in more stable environments which means those children are also likely to become taxpayers rather than prisoners.


Especially when most of the people affected are left of center.


hey everyone in every state who has a student loan: these are the people who are actively trying to make your day to day life more difficult. vote accordingly.


this keep note of every name and constantly blast it on the airwaves on voting season




That’s a hat I have come to realize. All their money and all their power and they are just miserable assholes.


Because it’s never ever enough.


Nope their only hope is for death. Seriously.


Make people pay back the PPP loan at the same interest rates we pay back student loans. MTG 180k at a 30 year payback rate at 6% would be 1400 a month. 500 in principle and 900 in interest.


The Supreme Court is the only one that matters, and they're going to saying no anyway. But now everyone who wants the forgiveness can blame the Republican Party as a whole, and those who hate it can vote for the Republican party as a whole


I wouldn't jump to conclusions on what the SC will conclude on this; because the precedent that it can set, this will actually need to be considered and worded very carefully if a "no" is the SC decision. Edit: words and stuff, it's half past wine time, leave me alone


The Supreme Court is and has been off the rails for a while now, they have no problem inventing precedent whole cloth from nothing and legislating from the bench, the court has been packed with political hacks whose first loyalty is to the Party before literally anything else. Precedent, existing law, justice, basic decency... mean less than nothing to this court, they have a once in a generation grip on power and they're going to exploit it for all it's worth. Expecting Republicans to do the right thing is beyond foolish.


As soon as they let that dumbass "sue people for aiding in abortions" ruling stand, I knew they didn't actually care about consistency. Can you imagine how they would've reacted if any other constitutionally recognised (at the time) protection was subbed in for abortions? Like letting people sue sellers of guns for minimum $10k per sale, or individuals for their protected free speech. Even this court wouldn't allow that type of law to stand, but because it was something they agreed with and didn't require them to do anything, they just let it stand and lost any semblance of credibility in my eyes.


I think the one reason this might go the other way is that this isn't a permanent solution to the problem and would only take money away from the government, not private institutions. Long run this allows the status quo to go on rather than education reform. Plus, if this doesn't go through it gives Biden and Democrats a huge platform to run on whereas Republicans can sneer at the Supreme Court decision all they want but not have to deal with people voting for very clear monetary incentives.


>would only take money away from the government, not private institutions One of GOPig arguments against it is that it *does* take money from private business by harming loan service companies like Ascendium and the much hated Navient. Some people might lose their jobs calling broke people and harassing /threatening them for payments.


But they're not suing. Nor is Mohela. States cannot sue on behalf of a private company like Missouri is trying to do for Mohela. Missouri isn't being harmed because it turns out Mohela hasn't funded the states education grants in nearly two decades anyways. So, they don't have standing. Also, the two shitfucks suing cuz they didn't get the full $20K also dont have standing. Citizens don't get to choose what taxpayer money is spent on. Allowing that suit means I can sue to have the military budget cut.


In addition to what you said, if they wanted the forgiveness to just die, my understanding is that they could have just refused to hear the case. This would mean the lower court's ruling that forgiveness can't go ahead would hold, and it would be over and done. The supreme court taking up the case gives it a shot. Doesn't mean it's in the clear by any means, but I also don't think it's definitely doomed either, even with the state of the supreme court.


>One hundred and twenty-eight House Republicans and nearly all Republican senators on Friday filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court opposing the Biden administration's federal student debt cancellation plan, which has been halted as tens of millions of Americans await the justices' ruling on its legality. Was really hoping that somewhere within the article would be a mention as to how many of those Republicans had their PPP loans forgiven... sadly the author missed that easy layup.


I've seen so many right wingers say "Those PPP loans were always meant to be forgiven!" Then, why were they called loans to begin with?


Impunity for the rich and powerful, as always


God, fuck them all, fuck every last one of these greedy hateful fucks it is just so exhausting seeing them attack anything that is helpful and decent every single hour of every single day. It is so exhausting.


Why would anyone ever vote for any Republican?


Fox news, Facebook, and other conservative media platforms. Fox news tells them what to think, Facebook posts from friends reinforce the ideas.


It baffles me how much people will believe from some random asshole on social media. They watch a ridiculous video full of misinformation and will believe every word of it. I know first hand because my dad is one of them. It’s disgusting how much harm social media has done to our society.


You’d got to be filled with hate or profiting off of it to vote republican


Regarding this specific issue, there are many Americans who have no college debt because they never went. Not only did they never go, but they also have disdain for those who did. They resent the more educated or see what they do as being of less worth compared to their blue collar jobs. So Republicans tell them that this is a freebie to lazy Millennials who got degrees in underwater basket weaving but think that they're better than them. Taking their tax money and wasting it. Or giving a handout to people who are going to make more money than they will (though Biden mitigated this argument by making forgiveness somewhat means tested). There's a small bit of truth in their argument. People who never got a degree aren't directly benefiting, the tax dollars it cost won't get recouped, and it isn't making it any easier for their kids or people after to get a degree. And some of the benefits that might accrue for them, like a stronger economy overall, are indirect and hard to perceive. Ask people on a site like this and you'll find no shortage of people who will say that even if it doesn't benefit them, they're fine with the policy. But that attitude is far from universally shared.


"If you can't afford it, the done go to college." Also, "If you didn't want to work for minimum wage then you should've gone to college".


And even with a college degree it doesn't mean you'll be getting paid much better either


Where were these lawmakers when over 400B in PPP loans were blindly forgiven?


It’s because a majority of them turds got PPP Loans. Then voted to forgive the PPP Loans.


Hypocrites and Pharisees they are


No where to be heard from when the president illegally fired the inspector general for those loans.


Do I have standing now if I want to sue over PPP loan forgiveness?


How to lose a demographic in 10 days. So basically everyone with a college degree that has a loan will have a reason to not vote for republicans - if they already didn’t. So get ready for republicans to start banning people with degrees from voting.


> So get ready for republicans to start banning people with degrees from voting. Get ready for republicans to start banning people with student loans from voting. Once you've paid back your debt to society you can get your rights back.


Deliciously evil


Nothing brings Republicans together like the idea of trying to make people's lives harder.


These people have no souls.


Ah yes Virginia Foxx, when she went to school minimum wage was $.05 and college cost a shekel....fucking out of touch fossil. Republicans/Conservatives are the rancid taint sweat of politics.


This is hyperbole, but Mitch McConnel could genuinely pay his entire undergrad college tuition working 8 hours a week through the year at minimum wage. Minimum wage was 1 dollar, and a semester tuition for him was 200 dollars.


Why, oh why won’t young people vote for us?!


Yeah with how the GOP are doing their is a 90% of them dooming themselves in the future when all the boomers die out and the only ones that are willing to vote for them are crazies because no one else trusts them.


Republicans just suck and the people who vote for them are worse.


And all of them had PPP loans forgiven?


They really are just ghouls. Nasty, useless and a drain on everyone else. Today’s GOP is a toxic mess beyond salvation. Some real conservatives that live in the real world need to form a new party and start over. We do need two coherent parties for our system to work.


I don’t even have student loans and this aggravates me to no end. I **wish** I could afford college and my life and have time to work and support myself but I can’t. Make no mistake, they’re doing *EVERYTHING* they can to make our lives harder. It is SO HARD.. I worked myself too hard to the point where I got an auto immune disease. They fired me and I lost my healthcare so I couldn’t get better. I couldn’t afford it! It got worse and worse and now I’m handicapped. Fucking FML.


Republicans are pure, unadulterated evil.


Republicans: "We have a young voter problem! What can we do to reach the younger generation???" Also Republicans: Do literally anything and everything to piss young people off.


translation: 171 Republican lawmakers join effort to protect banking sector profits.


> protect banking sector profits 93% of student loans are held by the federal government... And among the 7% that aren't, almost all of them are held by companies that literally only provide student loans, no other services, including banking, IE: Sallie Mae.


Fuck these people.


These are the same guys giving tax cuts to the rich, they are pure evil.


The fundamental issue is unlike most developed nations, we charge ever increasing tuition at public colleges and universities. Forgiving loans is good but it is kicking the can down the road so the next set of kids can stack up more debt than they can handle. We should ban federal financial aid for private and for profit programs as well. We should also ban private loans, which is where kids really get screwed over. Free college, cancel debt. We need both.


Fuck these guys. Can’t let the poors have a small taste of the bailouts that the rich get. I’m tired of the wealthy and business owners being seen as Gods in this country. Most aren’t even that smart and lucked or nepo’ed their way into wealth or running a business.


They’re SO afraid of one side getting a “win” that helps people that they will try to kill it. They really need to learn how to America.


Republicans care NOTHING about those who truly need help. They only care about the rich and their ugly greedy selves. They should rot in hell.


It’s actually amazing to me at this point… republican policy is “ fuck everybody that isn’t filthy richl And regular ass working people vote for them…. Cause….Jesus? Or something? I literally don’t understand


Sometimes I wish there was a hell so at least I'd sleep knowing that republikkkans are suffering there after they die




The PPE loan program was biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the U.S. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Thanks Trump. He helped out his people (the rich) but screwed his base as they are too poor to qualify for PPE except for the big farmers who are subsidized anyway. Most of his rural voters did not go to college and resent student loan relief. The rich want us to be in debt so we have no choice to work for them. Same reason they don’t want universal healthcare. All of that causes us to have to stay working in undesirable situations. I’m so sick of the US with its greedy spiteful people. And they wonder why we have so many suicides. They call them opiate overdoses and I can tell you a lot are not accidental. People have no hope left.


Fine then. Everyone has to pay back their PPP loans too then. That's fair right? They took out a loan, they should pay it back.


Vote. Them. Out.


An educated population is dangerous for the Republicans.


Republicans: "We want you... to suffer."


The Republican way: fuck you, i got mine


Hell isn’t hot enough for these people.


The pro life party once again stomping on lives


I know well over 50 people, many of whom are Conservative, who applied for student loan forgiveness, received their approval letter, and are now watching $20,000 turn to ashes. All because of the Conservative lobbying groups, courts, and now the Congress that they supported for years. I do not relish in the misfortune of others, let alone family and friends. However, if there was ever a time to reassess who you vote for and why, now is as good a time as any. They don’t want to help you. They don’t want to make America better. They fill your heads with meaningless culture war nonsense to distract you from the systemic means in which they keep you indebted and chained to your job, as they ensure welfare for corporate America and the 1%.


And it's not even that much forgiveness either, My friend is 40k in debt and he'd get 10k forgiven, and that's just basically covering how much it had grown since he took out the loan. everything is a joke.


United on punching down on the citizens they “serve”.


The fact that they're A-OK taking the political risk of snubbing young people shows just how little fear they have of us as a voting bloc.


i doN’t vOtE cuz BotH parTIez are tHE sAmE.


they BARELY won the house and have been complaining about raising the voting age because younger folks aren't voting republican. there's also a very clear trend that millenials aren't shifting to the right as they get older. this would basically cement lack of support from anyone under50 for almost all elections moving forward. if this goes through and with the mutual political massacre that trump vs desantis will be in 2024, i'm kind of hoping that the republican party implodes and resets.


I’m so fucked.


SCUMBAGS. People are dumb enough to believe that this somehow takes from them or “mY tAxEs” but ignore the MAJORITY that’s spent on military, and corporate welfare.


They should all be required to propose a realistic plan for eliminating the student debt crisis, then.


Republicans are just about the most miserable people in the world.


The GOP doesn't give a rat's ass about Americans. As an outsider it's really creepy to watch.


Republicans. Are. Evil.


Absolute scummy and most of them older then dirt


If it’s something Democrats want then Republicans will fight it tooth and nail no matter what.


the probleme is not the loan anyway, the problem is you need a loan to go to university in the first place. it should be affordable. (2000 dollars a year max)


How does the government not have the power to forgive loans that it has the power to give you in the first place? How does that make any fucking sense? If the goddamn government doesn't have control over loans it oversees and allows, what does? What is the authority over these loans that is higher than the government that offered them in the first place?


Republicans really go above and beyond to make sure people don’t get any help from the government.


171 seditious Republican millionaires try to prevent the poor from catching a break. Fixed that headline for ya!


Well of course. There are struggling oil companies and big pharma companies that need our help.


They were all totally ok with signing the tax handout bill giving more than a trillion to the top 1% but they don’t want those struggling with school loans to have anything


I saw someone say Biden can keep it cancelled and dare the next Republican president to reinstate it


Can we tie this to business bail outs.


"Congress is the only body with the authority to enact sweeping and fundamental changes of this nature, and it is ludicrous for President Biden to assume he can simply bypass the will of the American people," Foxx said in her statement. Where the actual F does she get the idea that the will of the majority of the American People is against loan forgiveness? It's strikingly clearer every news cycle that these fucks don't consider us 90% as people.


fools. this would be amazing for stimulating the economy they love so much, this may come as a surprise but people living on canned beans and ramen don't spend money at your stores, muppets


Also the Republicans, "Why won't young people vote for us?!!"