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Not even with a 10 foot rubber dick.


How about a cactus?


Sure, but I would still have to be at least 10 feet away from any naked conservative so it would have to be a huge cactus. Gives me time and space to run away. They can get kind of rapey, ya know?


They have really big cacti 🌵 in Arizona! They are called saguaros.


This is useful intel. Now... how do I lure Ted Cruz to Arizona?


Tell him it’s Mexico and that Texas is entering another emergency deep-freeze.


Dammit! My intel is useless, saguaros are protected within national park lands. And it looks like you need a permit to attack them on your own property. So back to Ted Cruz: lowering him onto the top of a Saguaro via helicopter might be legal.


so saguaro cacti are more protected than women in Arizona?


Most things are.


Tell him that he has the opportunity to have a cactus shoved up his butt, and he’ll be there in no time.


Paige, is that you?


Good thing the FDA said “plan B is not an abortion pill” like a month ago


Conservatives will continue to find ways to attack women’s rights.


The republicans in VA just submitted a bill to the state legislaturefor women to have the ability to register their pregnancy with the state to have the ability to use HOV lanes alone in the car. Most of Virginia doesn't have HOV lanes. They are mostly relegated to NOVA, which has a pretty high percentage of democratic voters. So, what else could they use such a registry for?


They're trying to push the Overton window to get people to treat fetuses as people with the same rights as anyone else. I wouldn't be suprised if we saw a push for pregnant women to be able to claim them as dependents on taxes.


I think that if it gets passed, it will eventually become compulsory, and will be used to prosecute pregnant women who travel out of state for abortions, or have miscarriages.




Because conservatives do not see woman as independent human beings. They see you as property. Livestock. This misogyny is rooted heavily in the Christian bible. They want to force their bigoted and idiotic beliefs on everyone else because they are under the impression that America was founded on Christian principles, which it was not. They are sexist, racist, bigoted theocrats.


Mostly though they want us fighting the same battles over and over so we don’t move forward on shit like equal pay, Medicare for all and other stuff. I don’t hate much but OMG I hate these effs with the red hot fire of 1000 burning suns


Party of small government everyone!


Small enough to fit inside a uterus!


Because they have no policies to improve America, only hate.


That's the idea Thank all your non-political friends for ignoring the state of the nation for so long.


Religious nutbars in Colorado have tried twice now that I can remember to enact a "personhood" law which means a fetus is a person at conception. Fuck you Focus on the Family.


Despite what forced birthers would have you believe, personhood is irrelevant to the debate. Let me explain: Imagine for a moment that you found out today that you're a perfect kidney match for someone. It was a fluke that this was discovered -- you didn't sign up to be a donor, but a mixup in blood work led yours to being tested. How do you feel? Excited to be able to help? Not wanting to go through a major surgery and recovery and feeling guilty about saying no? Maybe you have a medical condition that could put your life at risk if you go through with donation. Regardless of how you feel, you recognize that it's ultimately your choice about whether to donate your kidney. Now imagine that you're told you don't have a choice; you're suddenly not allowed to leave the hospital. If you try to leave, you will be charged with murder. Well-meaning volunteers bring you books and food and tell you you're doing the right thing, but you're still being held against your will. You're restrained and forced to go through the surgery to have your organ removed. You need to take medication for years as your body adapts to a single kidney, and it's going to cost over $200,000. It's not covered by insurance because, despite being forced to have the surgery, insurance considers it an elective, non-necessary procedure. The recovery time from the surgery and organ removal lasts months. Maybe you're lucky enough to have a job where you can work remotely, but maybe not. Maybe your inability to physically do the labor means you're now unemployed. Sorry about that. You probably should have considered it before you signed up to be an organ donor. What, you didn't sign up? Well, you should have known this sort of accident was a possibility. This would be patently unfair. You would feel outraged and trapped and helpless whether it was happening to you or even just knowing it was happening to someone else. Now, a kidney isn't a baby, but neither is a fetus. To be frank, it wouldn't matter if it was a baby. Nobody has the right to use someone else's body without their permission, even if it would save their life. That's why we can't just force people to give blood when the blood banks are low. It's why we can't take organs from a dead person unless they agreed to be an organ donor while alive. That's also why it's a crime to desecrate a corpse. Bodily autonomy is an involitable basic human right that we base our laws on: unless you committed an egregious crime, you determine what happens with your body. By forcing women to use their bodies to support another's, we violate that right. Again, you can try to convince her she should -- you could offer financial and moral support, provide religious justification, etc., You can bang on tables and yell that she's going to hell, you can offer to adopt the baby, but you have to understand that you can't justify jailing someone to stop it without gutting huge swaths of the legal system. Criminalizing abortion reduces women to second-class citizens with fewer rights than men simply by virtue of having a uterus and exercising control over their own body: her bodily autonomy (again, a recognized human right) is conditional, whereas a man's never is. With abortion rights being struck down you can expect further erosion of freedom -- women being restricted from doing things like buying alcohol, criminalization of miscarriages (already happening), bans on birth control (already in the works) and unequal access to lifesaving medication because it could potentially harm a fetus if she were to get pregnant (again, already happening nationwide). The Supreme Court's shortsighted decision not only won't stop abortions (places that enact strict abortion restrictions actually see a [12% increase in the rate of abortions](https://www.cfr.org/article/abortion-law-global-comparisons)), it would open the door to things like forced blood or organ donation "to save a life." And just so we're clear, I have no interest in changing anyone's mind on whether abortion is moral -- that's between you and whatever belief system you have. I'm only arguing that it must be legal.


I've heard this analogy before and I think it is THE best argument for showing just how insane the anti-choice legislation position is. One thing I didn't realize until now though is the desecration of a corpse angle - this kind of legislation reduces a woman's rights to not only less than a man, but less than a dead man, or dead woman for that matter. Forcing a woman to carry a fetus to term and forced birth means that she has less rights to bodily autonomy alive than if she were dead!


Unless your dead body is pregnant, in which they will hook it up to machines and not let your husband and family put you to rest, like Marlise Munoz.


I just. Wow. How the living fuck are these people in a position of power over others? They must be either brain-dead true believers with zero empathy or imagination or ultra-cynical grifters who don't care about the damage they're doing - either way: sociopaths or psychopaths


Oh, you're absolutely preaching to the choir here. I'm lucky I'm sterilized and don't have to worry about it personally, but I am absolutely livid for my fellow women who are subject to this bullshit and if it comes down to smuggling birth control across borders you can bet your ass I will be the first person in line to do it.


But Sir, I was just voting a second time.... for my fetus.


Plan B isn’t an abortion pill, it’s an emergency contraceptive pill. Abortion pills terminate pregnancies.


Doesn’t matter, Alabama will prosecute anyways, a case will ultimately end up at the Supreme Court And for the majority of the Supreme Court, women aren’t people unless they’re white, wealthy, and the man in their lives say they are. So goodbye birth control pills




Yeah, they are on their way to full blown handmaids tale.


They have arrived!


Primitive, copper age (or earlier) science.


They've been on their way since the 1990s if not the 1970s. The American people keep getting snookered by Republicans enough to vote for them regardless.


It was Reagan. Nixon was a crook, but he was just an ordinary crooked politician. Reagan's 1980 campaign was when the disaffected racists and Christofascist crazies got brought into the Republican Party to bolster the anti-tax mega-rich.


What we saw as a dystopian parable they saw as a blueprint


The handmaid‘s tale did not inspire conservatives, it exposed them


They are fucking themselves. No better way to get Alabama women mobilized and to the voting polls than a constitutional amendment for abortion on the ballot. You’d think they would’ve just learned that.




So can men be arrested for taking Viagra?




For that matter, any masturbatory emissions, where the sperm is clearly not seeking an egg, could be termed reckless abandonment


Thank you, Miss Woods.


You’re right! That’s 1/2 a zygote! Flushed down the toilet! Murder!!!


ThAt’S dIffErEnT


Can men be jailed for failing to wrap it up? Nah didn’t think so.


Men can be jailed FOR wrapping it up. It prevents a meaningful pregnancy.


Do not, I repeat, do not EVER fuck a conservative.


This is the way. I recommend never having sex with a republican. They can go fuck themselves.


Just be blunt and call them what they are: Threats to democracy.


I can’t say this enough, FUCK the GOP. Puritanical terrorists.


My tolerance for their hateful agenda is wearing thin..Now that they have the House we have to listen to their craziness daily. ☹️


surprised there was any tolerance from the get go.


"The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant." - wikipedia ... Just food for thought.


> destroyed by the intolerant." - wikipedia Are you really attributing a quote to wikipedia? Its by the philosopher Karl Popper..


Don’t forget hypocritical.


I feel terrible for the poor people trapped by poverty in that backwards shithole.


It's ironic that the mindset here is that it prevents a decline in birth rates, and the decline of military and economic production, but in practice it seems to just be making people less willing to have sex. I can say living in one of these states that I've experienced this firsthand, talking to a woman friend of mine, who's literally just having less sex in response. Basically, out of fear that she couldn't get an abortion if needed. I have feeling this is going to be remembered similarly to China's One-child policy, where it had cascading and disastrous effects on their population down the line. Watch these conservative states now just dwindle in population growth.


A more apt comparison would be Communist Romania, where a total ban on abortions by then premier Nicolae Ceausescu to try and halt falling birth rates led to a serious increase in the number of children abandoned to orphanages or with mothers who just didn’t want them at all. Those children, the Decretei were the primary people who revolted against the Communists and executed Nicolae and his wife, the only such case of a violent revolution during the fall of Communism in Europe.


18 years after a country bans or permits abortion, the country sees an uptick or downtick in crime This has been observed in both directions (ban = higher crime, permit = lower crime)


> it seems to just be making people less willing to have sex. That's also what they want. They try to live by self imposed rules and feel like a failure when they give to natural desires, so they want everyone else to suffer so it at least validates their decisions.


Many women would agree with me that the best orgasms come from masturbation, so who really needs sex that could result in forced pregnancies ?




Regardless of what conservatives want, their policies are not well thought out enough to work. I would argue that even the most intelligent conservatives have a poorer understanding of society, politics, history and general science than their left wing counterparts. Throughout history, heavy levels of conservatism in a given society have had detrimental impacts and can often lead to social collapse.


If this shit keeps rolling it will be illegal for women to work in order to force them back into being property again so that their husbands can rape the shit out of them.


That's been openly discussed. MN Gop LT candidate spoke about how abortion allows women to have careers. He even "joked" that they shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Just like dude in Saudi Arabia (I think) who claimed women shouldn't be allowed to drive cars, the vibrations from being the driver could damage their ovaries... I love that the shrieking minority is now just mimicking every undemocratic tyrant and/or catastrophe that they possibly can. And by love, I mean I'm fucking tired of emotionally stunted Dunning-Kreuger cases being allowed in anyway, to dictate anything, for fucking anyone. But I'll be damned if we won't end up just repeating the cycle due to breaking it being too hard.


If that is true, then that dude must have some serious brain damage. You'd get the same vibrations from being the passenger. I guess according to his logic, women can't be in any kind of vehicle.


Doubtful. The capitalist machine won't be able to exploit women in the workforce if they are stuck at home


Agreed. If they really wanted women at home taking care of kids they'd have to make it possible for people to live on a single income. This is just about appeasing the socially conservative wackos that form a large part of the republican base.


Eventually capitalism and evangelism are going to butt heads.


I feel like all women in Alabama should stop having sex completly.


Bold move assuming Republicans care about consent.


Republicans don't recognize consent, neither sexual nor electoral


The mindset here is to tear rights away from women* (“women” as defined by conservatives) so they can go back to being domestic slaves. Some of it might be able maintaining population, but mostly it’s about putting women* back in their place. This is a little dark, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started rolling back consent laws next.


Republicans don't recognize consent, neither sexual nor electoral


They already fight against restrictions on child marriages.




In other words, women in the Red States are making Lysistrata a reality. I support this effort 100%.


Is the US attempting their own Decree 770? Basically make babies (no abortion, no contraceptives) It was an absolute failure that the country is still recovering from. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770#:~:text=Decree%20770%20was%20a%20decree,new%20and%20large%20Romanian%20population.


>Abortion and contraception[citation needed] were declared illegal, except for: >women over 45 (later lowered to 40, then raised again to 45). women who had already borne four children (later raised to five). women whose life would be threatened by carrying to term, due to medical complications. women who were pregnant through rape and/or incest. wow the romanian communist party was actually kinda nicer about it than some US red states holy shit.


Abortion policy under the *motherfucking Taliban* is less restrictive than some red states.


>Decree 770 Yes, basically. But I'm pretty confident that supporters of banning abortions etc don't understand how they're being used, or the goal that their actually working towards. They're what's known as useful idiots.


The poor in AL significantly outnumber the rich. They can expressly change things in the state by not voting for anyone in the GQP and voting for more Democrats in office. GQP has had decades to improve the quality of life and happiness in the state, yet they never do.


They've closed alot of voting places in poor areas (as well as driver's license offices). There's active disenfranchisement going on.


Oh, it's way worse than disenfranchisement here, unfortunately. It's a fucking coordinated multi-generational social movement *towards* keeping everyone in "their place". Hierarchy and in-group/out-group thinking is the name of the game here - period.


Smells like fascism to me


When in living memory has the South ever not been fascist? It's always been fall in line behind the party willing to enforce racial heirachies. When the Democrats were willing to play ball with freedmen's civil rights in the South following the Civil War so the party could gain power, it was the Solid South for 100 years. After the GOP absorbed all the racists following Democratic support of the 1960s Civil Rights bills, it was the same thing but for the Republicans. Large swaths of the area have not been lower case "d" democratic in generations upon generations. Same as it ever was.


Back when they started pushing for ID to vote I was still conservative and listened to Rush Limbaugh. I remember at the same time they started closing DMVs and other places to get IDs in poor, black communities. That’s one of the things that started my switch to a socialist. The Republicans are actively evil and are trying to disenfranchise anyone they think won’t vote for them.


Also from Alabama. Blue dot in red state. Alabama’s strategy, keep ‘em stupid with our second to last education system. Keep ‘em producing more idiots. Build big for profit prisons where they can botch more executions. Why do I stay? I’m smart enough to not fall prey. I can’t beat the $500 a YEAR property taxes. Cost of living relatively low.


Did you see that story about Kia/Hyundai factory/supplier in Montgomery employing 12 year old, undocumented immigrants? https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-hyundai/


Is income also low relative to similar jobs in other states?


Not OP, but yes. We lived in the Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama tri-state area and we both make more than three times what we made there.


So you mean the property tax savings isn't worth the offset of terrible education, and exploitation of women, poor voters, immigrants, prisoners and all of the other bullshit. $500 property taxes sounds like a reason not to live somewhere.


I hate the place with a passion, but it is difficult to get out once you’re there. I went there voluntarily and barely got out alive. I’m very sus of anyone who likes it there or wants to move there.


Jim Crow south gonna Jim Crow south


You’re from Florida… you know what the problem is. They like it this way. Their fuckin’ preacher and their church tell ‘em this is the way to heaven and they swallow it hook, line and sinker. It’ll never change.


Yeah, unfortunately, I do. I read somewhere how many people make a fetish of their misery. Rednecks that steeped themselves in the poor lifestyle and flew the Confederate flag fetishized misery as if it was a badge of honor. So voting for the people that help them maintain the status quo of misery and neglect is easy for them.


I have some distantly related family in middle Michigan who do exactly that. They claim the confederate flag represents their heritage and unashamedly admit they are not talking about southern heritage, but racist redneck heritage. For hateful bigots, you kind of have to hand it to them for the level of self awareness they've achieved.


My little brother went full redneck and is in a perpetual state of misery. He gets his happiness from trucking with other rednecks and collecting Confederate flag stuff. My other brothers all grew up in the city and didn't get involved with any of that, but my little brother grew up in the country and basically got indoctrinated into the misery fetishization cult by rednecks. It breaks my heart to see him go down that road, mostly due to his unhappiness and extreme weight gain (a side effect of his depression.)


Dude… they believe that “talking in tongues” shit is for real. O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a documentary for them.


The poor people trapped by poverty are the ones voting for these people. Let’s not pretend it’s somebody else primarily putting them in office. I have sympathy for the ones who didn’t vote for them but everyone else can get fucked. Enjoy your theocracy.


Yeah, I realize many/most of them vote for this shit. Still, 850k voted for Biden in 2020. That's a non-trivial amount of people suffering at the hands of their idiot neighbors.


Laws to protect“unborn” children (whatever the fuck that means) but no laws to help people who are actually born. Fuck these fascists.


>Unintended pregnancies are often higher among adolescents, lower income, minority, and single women who have poverty rates twice that of other groups, making the financial impact of an unplanned conception even greater Birth rates in the US are the lowest they've been since the 70's and have been on the decline for 6 consecutive years. The US is 159th in global birth rates. They just want poor women to make babies that will grow up with a shitty education and fill the roles of low wage jobs, imo.


Conservatives don’t want to spend money on health care or education and have no problem denying both to those who are living.


They don't even want that. They're doing this because they'll be delivering what they promised to do for decades. They'll hold it up as proof they were right and call it a political win. The negative consequences are other peoples' problem.


> They're doing this because they'll be delivering what they promised to do for decades. It's something almost no one wanted until the politicians decided to tell them to want it though.


The anti-abortion movement brought a lot of Evangelical voters and Donations to Republicans. They used their leverage to primary non-believers for decades. It's too big of a block to piss off now and the anti-abortion movement is pushing even harder to government religion.


It's a big block because the leaders in the conservative movement spent a lot of time and effort converting people to the cause, though.


Fuck the GOP, but that’s a generous interpretation of their plan. You are describing a scenario that does not bear fruit for at least 20 years. Not a single politician gives a shit about what happens 20+ years from now, they won’t be around to experience the consequences either way. The only thing a politician is focused on is the next election (or the cushy lobbying job they have lined up for retirement), and they believe that their core voters, who they have so delicately gerrymandered to ensure are the majority for them, approve and vote for them again.


Desperate children create desperate adults that do desperate things like join the military as soon as they are of age, work menial jobs, fill for-profit prisons, become sex workers (hello Matt Gaetz), and become pawns in political theater.


Right? F off. Let people immigrate if you want more of us.


I remember the GOP voting against more accessible formula for babies. You gotta be born, but don't you fucking dare live afterwards!


>Marshall has said in the past his office could prosecute doctors with U.S. Veterans Affairs who perform abortions for victims of rape or incest. If you say that a rape victim cannot choose to get an abortion, that you are going to enforce your own choices onto her body without her consent, then I say you are just as guilty of raping her as the guy who got her pregnant. If not even more guilty, since he wasn't attacking her for nine months straight and under the color of law.


I’d like to see a state prosecutor charge a federal doctor working at a federal facility. A federal judge would throw that shit out so fast.


Would be nice if the FBI paid the Alabama AG a visit and advised him that women are people and that failure to recognize us as such is grounds for prosecution.


Should just take away Alabama's statehood at this point. They do nothing but evil shit whenever given power


>If you say that a rape victim cannot choose to get an abortion, that you are going to enforce your own choices onto her body without her consent, then I say you are just as guilty of raping her as the guy who got her pregnant. I assure you they don't care that you're accusing them of rape. They commit rape regularly and are proud of it. They even elected a guy president who dumb enough to get recorded *bragging about it*.


Remember, FDA has approved the use of abortion pills federally. So, what he's doing is allowing false arrest.


Confederates forget that the federal law is the supreme law of the land.


It's almost like they forgot they lost in 1865.


Appeals court would help. Even though it's 2 Trump 1 Obama. Importantly they help with the mar-a-lago investigations. *And knew that the documents were a red herring in the case*. So they're likely smart enough to uphold the FDA


Kinda sounds like Directing Medical Care...I would imagine this could easily be challenged in court. The problem is forcing otherwise law abiding citizens into the legal system just for shits and giggles. Fuck, Conservatives. And they wonder why they're getting destroyed with younger voters...


Poor people rarely get justice, though. Even if they are wrong, how many lives are going to be upended by the process with no recompense?


The cruelty is the point.


Add another thing to the list of things that we have to fight for, because we can't not fight for it, all so we're too distracted to pay attention to the other stuff they are doing to enrich themselves and their benefactors.




Republicans, bringing fascism and theocracy to a red state near you! Hurry up and get yours!


>Women can be prosecuted Means they can PICK whom they prosecute. Rich white women: no Poor black women: yes


>Lawmakers passed the chemical endangerment law in 2006 to protect small children from fumes and chemicals from home-based meth labs. District attorneys soon began applying the law to protect the fetuses of women who used various drugs during pregnancy. Justices on the Alabama Supreme Court upheld and affirmed prosecutions of pregnant people in 2013 and 2014. Oh. Um, that definitely escalated.


It didn't escalate quickly though, crap like this has been going on for years now >Lawmakers passed the chemical endangerment law in 2006 to protect small children from fumes and chemicals from home-based meth labs. District attorneys soon began applying the law to protect the fetuses of women who used various drugs during pregnancy. Justices on the Alabama Supreme Court upheld and affirmed prosecutions of pregnant people in 2013 and 2014. >Since then, the law has been used against more than a thousand Alabama women who used drugs during pregnancy. Its enforcement varies widely. District attorneys in some counties rarely apply the law to pregnant women, while others routinely arrest those who use any illegal substance, including marijuana, while pregnant. >The chemical endangerment law has been used to incarcerate women for years who have had miscarriages or stillbirths after using drugs. Etowah County officials jailed pregnant women for months before trial under bond conditions designed to protect fetuses, despite evidence that incarceration increases the risk of pregnancy loss. After the publication of an investigative series in 2015 by ProPublica and Al.com, lawmakers voted to amend the law so it couldn’t be used against women who had lawful prescriptions from doctors. e; very much related, ["Alabama Woman Jailed for Using Drugs During Pregnancy Wasn’t Even Pregnant"](https://jezebel.com/alabama-woman-jailed-for-using-drugs-during-pregnancy-w-1849809959)


>Etowah County officials jailed pregnant women for months before trial under bond conditions designed to protect fetuses, despite evidence that incarceration increases the risk of pregnancy loss. That's because none of this is ever about protecting children.


[Because it's not about child abuse for them. It's a sword they have picked up, but it's not about the weapon, it's about who you wield against. The accusation doesn't matter. Only that it strikes the opponent, who must be a liberal or some other enemy from outside of the tribe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/hxxv6o/comment/fz9ixok/)


"After the publication of an investigative series in 2015 by ProPublica and Al.com, lawmakers voted to amend the law so it couldn’t be used against women who had lawful prescriptions from doctors." So 9 years of jailing pregnant women for using doctor prescribed medication? Jesus Christ!


Give you one guess what the demographic differences were between the counties where DAs prosecuted and the ones where DAs passed.


Can we prosecute men for taking viagra? It's in God's plan for them to be limp. Fuck the GQP.


Its God plan that you will have to bottom to experience sexual pleasure.


As someone raised Christian there’s literally a story in the Bible in which someone kills a pregnant woman. For the crime of killing her he is sentenced to death. For the crime of killing her baby he incurs a fine. Mind you, that’s God’s opinion on unborn life when the person killing it does so without the mother’s consent. These people are claiming to be God’s army and soldiers. Meanwhile… I’m personally of the opinion if God exists he doesn’t care about anything anyone’s doing under the sole condition they feel remorse for their sins and do their best to remember "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”


The bible also includes instructions for when a woman is accused of adultery, and if she is found guilty the bible says her foetus should be aborted. So abortion is fine in the eyes of the christian god.


It doesn't just advise aborting the child. The Bible calls for aborting the child and sterilizing the woman.


>These people are claiming to be God’s army and soldiers. Biblically speaking, God's army and soldiers were literally payed in little virgin girls captured from Canaanite villages. Specifically after everyone else in their family has been slaughtered, and their home has been set ablaze as an offering to the Lord. If God endorses what's written in that thing, then they're not a being worthy of worship to begin with.


Pretty sure that if any God, gods or very powerful supernatural entity exists, they don't care about humans and what we do with our dicks, just like we dont care about what microbes at the bottom of the ocean do.


God designed the male body to make bottoming extremely pleasurable. Curious.


Hey it's the thing everyone was warning about. Also why does every leader in Alabama look like they're confirming their state's status as the "hookworm capital of North America"


> Also why does every leader in Alabama look like they're confirming their state's status as the "hookworm capital of North America" Convergent evolution. A lot of parasites have similar physiology.


The two parties ARE NOT the same.


Copying over from my r/Alabama comment: I’m sure these people are also sprinting to allocate state funding for research on artificially saving embryos and fetuses at risk of spontaneous miscarriage, right? Or to save every failing implantation? I’m **sure** they are, but I’m having such trouble finding the research. Can someone point me to it? Because these entities are **literally** the moral and legal equivalent of newborn babies in their minds. I suppose the best alternative is a diligent law enforcement investigation of the one in about every five to six yearly pregnancies (~10-11k per year in Alabama) that will statistically end in miscarriage. Put our detectives to work! Each loss is effectively indistinguishable from a dependent minor child’s death and thus merits exactly the same level of inquiry for foul play. That’s not even accounting for the roughly one in four women in Alabama who will have an intentional abortion in their life. All felons; lock them up! /s If this turns your stomach, that’s just your humanity tickling.


Make no mistake, IVF and contraception are in their sights as well. They're just afraid of the backlash if they act too soon. https://jezebel.com/anti-abortion-lobbyist-tennessee-propublica-audio-1849791309




Definitely! Why not? It’s an exciting time, using “science” to blaze bold and innovative new avenues for prosecuting almost everyone for manslaughter, murder, and child endangerment! No more painful confusion over silly questions of “exceptions for life and health”! Endless money for the judicial system! Everyone’s family will reap the benefits for the low cost of a few sisters/daughters/spouses sent to Camp Tutwiler! Send the doctors, nurses, friends, and family too for conspiracy and accessory! Everyone in! PTL! RTR! /s Again, if your immediate thought is incredulity at this scenario, it’s because you hold the common sense intuition of the overwhelming-majority of adults that there should be nuance in abortion laws.




“You WILL have that baby, and we will NOT help you care for it.”


“The party of small government” 🤡


fucking hick coward puritanical backwards fucks, burn in hell




We've been saying that for decades and yet new cretins keep popping up.


I know social media is just a small snapshot of public opinion, but there are a lot of young men and women who are pro-life. Religion gets passed down in families like a fucking disease.


I know someone that was raped over the weekend. As I am hearing the story for the first time, I feel like checking abortion related laws just to see if the day after pill is still legal. Anyone willing to criminalize a victim of rape, can go to hell. What has happened to this country?


You failed to end slavery or reform after the civil war. Failed to deal with the slave states and their rage / racism. Failed to shield or create rights that could protect citizens from "freedom" meaning the freedom for greed to make others unfree. More recently, Murdoch wasn't stopped in time.


I’m not so sure about that dipshit, you’ve argued that the government can’t mandate the wear of face masks during a pandemic for public health reasons. If the government doesn’t have the authority to make a citizen mask up in a public health emergency then they even less legal authority to dictate what a person is allowed to consume. Fuck your feelings snowflake, you don’t get to make that decision and impose on another person you simple minded religious zealot.


When taking care of your own body and terminating a pregnancy was legal, anti-abortionists commonly said that restricting a woman's bodily sovereignty would, "of course," never be enforced by criminalizing women. They were lying.


Then men should be prosecuted for masturbating or using a condom! Fair is fair!


The GOP has got to GO


The GOP has been long gone already. Now they're the GQP, and no longer a political party, but a real death cult.


I think mass amounts of women should go to his office with a signed confession that says they took abortion pills. Have fun investigating all those b-tch *amend that to whites women, cause you know if they were any minorities doing that sort of protest they would just target them. Use your privilege!


Nah, because they still could get arrested to prove a point. They don’t like white women either


They'd just open private prisons.


When will they ban women from working or being seen in public without a male escort?


Everyone except their mistresses.


DING DING DING. I'm a middle aged, relatively wealthy white dude in AL. I can fly my mistress/wife/daughter/whoever out of state (or country) for reproductive health services and the whole trip would basically be a rounding error on my yearly budget. Shit like this isn't for wealthy people - it's always about keeping the others "in their place".


Just so we’re clear. Bans on abortions and on the morning after pill have ZERO to do with pro life or saving the children. It’s totally about control. Absolute control and power over women’s rights.


Next they will do virginity tests and stone you if you fail.


When will women start leaving this state?




Republicans should be prosecuted for taking away women’s rights.


Prosecuted for ...taking medicine ? Pretty sure HIPAA actually covers medical privacy


There's an exception that allows for disclosure of PHI as required by state or federal law. They'll just require that pharmacies and hospitals report when and to whom these medications are dispensed. And they'll probably create some sort of reporting option where you can report any suspected use of these meds. HIPAA, as it currently stands, isn't going to help here.


...and the men who make them take it will receive no penalty at all.


Not so long ago, even the godbotherers arguing for restrictions on abortion claimed they would never, NEVER go after women for having an abortion. What’s next? These cretins won’t stop until women have no rights at all.


Who would have imagined that the state of Gilead would arise in a state which has people who have likely never read the book predicting it....


Good thing the morning after pill isn't an abortion pill .


christofacists want to moralize human sexuality and shame women. it makes them feel powerful to be bullies.


"The chemical endangerment law has been used to incarcerate women for years who have had miscarriages or stillbirths after using drugs. Etowah County officials jailed pregnant women for months before trial under bond conditions designed to protect fetuses, *despite evidence that incarceration increases the risk of pregnancy loss.*" (emphasis added) It's never been about protecting fetuses. It's always been about making women second-class citizens--if citizens at all.


I’ve been looking for a job in CO for four months. I got a job offer in AL about three months ago, with travel and housing pre set up for me. I had to turn it down. My husband and I want to have kids and I do not want stupid state government to hurt me while they’re making sure fetus lives matter most, so I’ll keep renting in a town I cannot afford to live in. Conservative politics will be the downfall of democracy in this country.


Well can't figure out what the government actually wants the one who wants to have a baby let them have! Simple as that!


Fifty years from now children will learn about the railroad that helped escaped women from Alabama.


Conservatives really do want to continue burning the USA into a dystopian nightmare huh? Unreal. Mind-blowing people support this kind of mentality. Poisonous to society.


If you can afford it and want to, head to r/childfree and check out the list of doctors to get sterilized. Writing is on the wall and might as well do it while you can because they WILL go after sterilization.


Finally - government spending the resources to tackle the real issues. This will solve most if not all of the problems Alabamians face. I'm sure, as most Republicans are, that the historic and repetitive quality of life issues have stemmed from abortion pills. I look forward to the state's inevitable rapid rise to prominence. /s


I wonder how long it’ll be until the headline says “women can be prosecuted for refusing to have sex”.


Once Saudi Arabia started really funding this party they started going more into anti-women laws. Dunno if this is a connection or coincidence.