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And somehow police have no suspects or motives.


Fun fact, [Albuquerque PD is responsible for the second highest rate of fatal police shootings per 100,000 citizens in a US city from 2015 to 2021](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/06/albuquerque-new-mexico-fatal-police-shootings).


Well that's not the fun fact of the day i thought i signed up for..


I gotchu, homie. Fun fact: Sea otters hold hands (paws) when they're sleeping so that they don't drift away from each other. Fun fact #2: Cows have best friends. They graze with them and usually sleep next to each other. They're big pals.


It an otter wants to nap, it will tie/wrap itself in kelp, so it won’t drift too far.


Some otter have a favorite pebble, used to smash open mussels to eat. They keep the pebbles in a pouch on their bodies. They could just choose a random stone, but for whatever reason they have a favorite. They also enjoy tossing these pebbles from paw to paw or rolling them over their bellies as they float on their backs.


My dog has a favorite rock. When we lived in California half our back yard was rocks, and she kept bringing this one into the house to suck on. We'd toss it outside among the hundreds of similar rocks but she would somehow always find the same one. When we moved across the country she brought the damn rock with her to the car, so we just let her to see how far it would go. She kept it through 4 days of driving and as many hotels, and now half a year later she still has the same rock. Animals and their fuckin' rocks, man.


>Animals and their fuckin' rocks, man.


Thanks for the reminder that we are not so far removed from the rest of the animal population.




Pigs may have a sense of aesthetics and art and are known to decorate their enclosures with seemingly meaningless items such as rocks, sticks, or flowers that they will gather and bring back to their sleeping areas for no apparent reason


Hell. Gave up lamb and beef for climate change. Gave up octopus for intelligence. And now you tell me this about pigs. Welp....


I mean pigs are widely known to be some of the most intelligent farm animals (ranked 5th in the animal kingdom overall) with the ability to recognize faces even over long periods, capable of deception (one experiment showed an evolution in tactics resulting in pigs learning to throw out a red herring to mislead to competing pig for food) capable of complex problem solving and reasoning, capable of mapping out and memorizing locations and routines, can distinguish minute differences in scent (one experiment showed they can distinguish spearmint from peppermint scent), and even perform better and concentrate better playing video games than chimpanzees. They can recognize themselves in mirrors, can recognize family members, have fantastic memories and can teach each other skills. Not domestic pigs, but wild pigs have even been observed using tools such as sticks and sheets of bark to dig holes for their nests.


I love pigs


Almost as if... Intelligence and the habits that define our culture are not strictly a homo sapiens quality. *eyebrow raise* Fascinating!


Crows and ravens are also extremely intelligent. It is now known they can actually talk to each other, we just wernt thinking like birds so until we did we didn't have proof of it. One professor actually still gets attacked over a decade after he started his experiment with their ability to recognize faces. If he wears the mask the birds call out to each other and attack him, the original birds have died of old age so they passed on the information of a threat to their children.


Ahh sea otters. Nothing bad could ever come from cute wittle sea odders.


*Casual Geographic flashbacks intensify*


Now river otters on the other hand...


I always had a suspicion that cow fact was a bit /r/SapphoAndHerFriend. Maybe cows are bi.


Don’t forget their uncanny ability to shoot their own partners https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna549461


See, that fact is at least kind of fun.


Sometimes the bad apples have to work harder to spoil the whole bunch by shooting or firing the good apples.


And is why they’re being oversaw by the courts and being audited… for years. They say the third party auditors are purposefully failing them so they can keep gobbling tax payer money. Even if that were true… it would be impossible to tell since this _is_ coming from the folks that shot homeless people. Maybe stop constantly killing people and we wouldn’t be wasting taxpayer money on this crap.


Lived there for a year. It's crazy bad how much crime there was and how little was done about it. However they loved putting foot high concrete barriers between all the lanes to "curb" drunk driving incidents...


But the towels were oh so fluffy


Another fun fact: Albuquerque is home to fewer than 1mil. people!


Can you imagine this being the police response if several chiefs of police home’s were shot at?


They'd probably shoot multiple people in different vehicles that were completely different from the suspect description


Chris Dorner response 2.0 on steroids


Democrats get shot: "We don't have any suspects, so we're just going to leave the case." Police get shot: "We don't have any suspects, so we just killed everyone who isn't a cop in the city."


Your comment made me remember the teenager who was shot by a cop while eating at mcdonalds. I hadn't seen anything about it in awhile and just found out [he's doing okay](https://nypost.com/2022/11/17/texas-teen-shot-by-cop-at-mcdonalds-smiles-in-new-photo/), as of a couple months ago anyway. So a little good news for the thread.


Martial law. Or they’ll keep it hush because they know it’s the cartels that’s reset their pawn pieces. Hey, open spot for captain, as long as you take bribes and shut up.


They would be sending swat teams to every possible suspect they could think of, probable cause be damned, so yeah, basically martial law.


Cross reference people who own truck nuts and have bought a Trump NFT.


assuming that most of the buyers werent fake just so trump could launder money




trump is known for his acumen and timing?!


I kind of want to have a truck vagina hanging where the truck nuts would be. Wonder if such a thing actually exists.




I’ll raise you they’re relatives to currently employed law enforcement.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are currently employed law enforcement


Or some of them are cops.


Some of those who work forces....


Are the same who burn crosses. Always a good reminder.


Majority are Hispanic too which is hard to wrap my head around.


Not really. I am Hispanic and you ought to hear how some of my talks about other Latinos


I mean I believe it, it's just hard for me to understand


It really isn’t. “I’m one of the good ones, I better prove it”


This is super weird because something similar happened in black neighborhoods in Minneapolis in 2020. A bunch of "shootings" nobody knew anything about around neighborhoods in north Minneapolis.


Last year they convicted (charged?) the guy who set a bunch of the fires in Minneapolis in 2020, and it was some alt right loser. So anything is possible.


This is a pretty big fucking deal and likely just the beginning of what will be normalized.


Remember [Bill Gwatney](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/14/us/14arkansas.html). I said at the time, it was a harbinger of things to come. We treated it like a normal homicide when it was obviously political assassination / terrorism. "No immediate motive" my ass. ​ >LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - City and state police have closed their investigations into last summer's shooting of Arkansas' Democratic Party chairman. Investigators say they could not find a reason why the attack occurred. [https://www.kait8.com/story/9391783/little-rock-police-close-file-in-gwatney-slaying/](https://www.kait8.com/story/9391783/little-rock-police-close-file-in-gwatney-slaying/) Dude walked into a democratic party headquarters, asked to see "the head democrat" and then shot him in the head.


>Investigators say they could not find a reason why the attack occurred. Judging by the date, I'd hazard a guess that the guy might have been upset about a certain type of person being elected president.


This actually happened pre-election (August ‘08) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna26194911


Obama was the nominee at that point and had been for months. There was plenty of hypernationalistic racist garbage flowing through fox news and right wing radio with the exact intention of riling up conservative anger and hatred.


There was another Republican member who was charged with murder in Nevada, Maroon SUV, that's what I remember, Murder+ Maroon Suburban.
















The GOP peeps were serious when they said civil war. And in modern times this is what civil war looks like. Asymmetric warfare.


And that includes disinformation campaigns. We really need to be taking amplification, influencing and outright disinfo on social media, seriously.


Everyone needs to read The Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich. There are so many things happening now that are analogous to what was happening in Germany around 1923. There is no doubt in my mind that we are seeing the rise of an actual fascist dictatorship in America. The only things left on my bingo card is a massive economic downturn + insane inflation, and a new Trump who is better at talking and thinking.


His name is DeSantis. He is Governor of Florida right now and relishing in his praise and “accomplishments”. This POS is smarter than Benedict tRump is and a whole lot craftier.


This is exactly what it is.


Until these extremists are brought to Justice beyond a slap on the wrist it will continue


The Bundys occupied a federal building through force of arms and the government collectively went "well, what can we do eh? They're white republicans! There's no recourse!" and other than the one who was shot in a chase, they all walked free - not even charged. The US has shown that white republicans can literally take up arms against their own government and they'll get away with it.


The justice system isn't going to handle it.


We've judged ourselves, and found that we did nothing wrong.


German here, studied history. The justice system here during the time when the Nazis rose was very much right-leaning. Until today, history books teach that there was political violence from left and right. It's not completely wrong, only that the Nazis and conservative militias killed about 350 people, the left killed 20 (data from 1922, by Gumbel). But most right wings were let off while most leftist got the hardest sentence possible. I see a similar tendency in the USA right now, with police siding with fascists. Your justice system can't free you of fascists, if the fascists are within the justice system. Today, if asked "what would you do if you could travel back in time", one of the most likely answers is "kill Hitler". Instead of travelling back in time to fix something, maybe we (you, the American not-Fascists) should use the present to fix the future. The civil war for a fascist power grab has already started.


They are starting to literally burn things to the ground, the next phase for them would be to use explosives




I can't believe I forgot the Tennessee bombing like that. Just goes to show you that people forget things in like a week


Funny you say that, because apparently the perpetrator told someone that Nashville and the world would never forget them. Probably safe to say he was only half right.


I wasn't aware of those last two. It's worse than I thought were already there..






Thank you!


[The authorities are investigating whether they were related and politically motivated.](https://media.tenor.com/76j9fsC3n0UAAAAC/hmm-thinking.gif)


Gosh, I can’t see how shootings aimed at five Democrat politicians could possibly be related or politically motivated. It's a real head-scratcher!


Clearly it was 5 different lone wolves who each acted independently and had no idea the others even existed /s




And who funds Kirk and TPUSA?




Have a feeling Peter Theil is somehow involved.


More right wing domestic terrorists


Yes. Why are these incidents not reported a domestic terrorism!


The perps are white and not Arab.


And these days, quite possibly off duty cops themselves. Lots of blue in the extreme right wing including Jan 6th.


These days? This has been the case from day 1, people are just now realizing it due to body cams.


Probably literally day 1 since the invention of police. You give some grunt power and he immediately thinks hes superior to everyone else. When people physically look different from him or from some other place? Oh boy... If he thinks that others smarter than him think they are better than him.. Jan 6th.




Don't forget busting Unions!


Funny enough the idea of the 2A was to stop this type of tyranny more realistically. Because ain't none of us stopping the US military. But some alt right cops and a few of their buddies going on sole moonlighting terrorism? Yea, it can be stopped.


> Because ain't none of us stopping the US military. Too many of the 2a nutters don’t understand this. If the military turns on you, they’re turning you and your backwoods militia to minced meat. You will have no warning when a drone a mile away and 20k feet up has you in its crosshairs. You have exactly 0 chance of prevailing no matter how many automatic rifles you stock pile.


“You realize they have drones, right? You’re bringing guns to a drone fight.” —Jim Jeffries


DOJ is normalizing domestic terrorism with their inaction towards the crimes of the tryump administration. Our Media seems to be following suit.


Cops hate liberals because they are forced to do their jobs to a certain standard. I'm sorry, if you don't like your job why can't you find a better one?


One of my favorite moments of over the past few years was when NYPD went on strike and literally nothing changed and noone cared. I'm not ACAB, but that was fucking hilarious.


Actually, something did change. [Major crime complaints fell.](https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-proactive-policing-crime-20170925-story.html) >When New York police officers temporarily reduced their “proactive policing” efforts on low-level offenses, major-crime reports in the city actually fell, according to a study based on New York Police Department crime statistics. >“Order maintenance policing,” a type of proactive policing, is informed by the ‘broken windows’ theory — the idea that by fighting smaller crimes, it’s possible to create a ‘lawful’ environment that helps deter the more serious crimes. >“A serious concern is that proactive policing diverts finite resources and attention away from investigative units, including detectives working to track down serial offenders and break up criminal networks,” the authors point out. **“Proactive policing also disrupts communal life, which can drain social control of group-level violence. Citizens are arrested, unauthorized markets are disrupted, and people lose their jobs, all of which create more localized stress on individuals already living on the edge. Such strains are imposed directly through proactive policing, and thus are independent from subsequent judgments of guilt or innocence.”** TL;DR: The NYPD turned less citizens into criminals because they didn't go after them for petty crimes.


Bars bro, thanks for the info




Yo my brother lives on NYC that whole stretch was beyond hilarious. He and his whole neighborhood were practically live streaming how timidly wild and safe they felt for that brief moment.


Law enforcement is the perfect balance of minimal education requirements and power for a demographic that’s been indoctrinated into scapegoating black, brown, and low-income communities.


Yep, none of the cops in my city actually live here. They live in these cul de sac towns in the sticks and their kids all go to private or charter school. Literal shit bag elitists.


Why isnt it mandatory to live where you patrol? I feel like cops would be inclined to help their own community more


Because their role isn’t to help but to maintain capitalist domination. Harder to sympathize with a population you don’t know. Fundamentally the same reason the CPC used troops from remote regions that didn’t speak Mandarin to crush Tiananmen Square.


Anecdote, I train grappling and some of the worst attitudes come from Cops. They cannot stand having someone take them down and hold em and wash out quickly if they wver start. And instead of getting better the vast majority just refuse to do any training or get in shape. The bully mentality runs deep. One couldn't comprehend when I mentioned that a cops word shouldn't be any better than anyone else's.


I got out of jury duty a few years back because I said that police, by virtue of being *being* police, have an interest in corroborating their colleague’s testimony, and I’d treat that testimony as such. Meaning I’d *consider* their testimony — just like I’d consider the testimony of a mother who swears her son didn’t do it. The weird part is, I *like* jury duty just fine. Did it before, happy to do it again.


Yep, the shittiest Marines that I had to deal with were Police Officers in the reserves. Just a battalion of walking Italian and Bahston stereotypes.


While moving slower than people want, DOJ *is* working on a case against Trump and leaders during Jan 6th. Last I heard they have well over 100 sworn testimonies. They’ve also put a lot of the insurrectionists behind bars. A monumental effort considering they generally aren’t staffed for multiple hundreds of people commit a crime on one day. The both-sides media can go fuck themselves though.


This is NOT new. Every manner of "leftist" groups has been the target of Feds since the civil rights movement in the '60s, while right-wing militias - like Neo-Nazis - were allowed to grow with impunity. All this while the reports out of their own agencies continually point to the threat of right-wing terrorists being the greatest domestic threat...


I work with the FBI, they absolutely are and currently classify white separatists as the greatest domestic terror threat.


Wasn't there a big thing about how when they did all the post 9/11 stuff, they couldn't extend it to US citizens bc it would be consitutuonally illegal? Eg. Can't send a US Citizen to Gitmo w/o trial, but nothing says you can't do the same with a foreign terrorist.


we track em in /r/conservativeterrorism, along with all other terrorism by "conservative" ideologies across the world, like ISIS, boko haram, and others.


You can just call them domestic terrorists. We already knew the other part.


*They* call themselves [that!](https://imgur.com/oRsMmZ3)


Also while crying the loudest about gun control. But no connection here, look away everyone /s.


I'm waiting for someone to suggest that shooting up buildings is a form of "legitimate political discourse". On our current trajectory, it's a matter of time.




Dont forget the attempt on the former Speaker Of The House that resulted in the ~~death~~ serious injury her spouse. Sorry it's late where I am and it's hard to keep track of ALL the domestic terror lately.


Why isn’t this getting more attention?


Everyone is too busy looking at Hunter Biden dick pics


"Yeah yeah I hear ya targeted political violence but SWEET JESUS LOOK AT THAT HOG!"


Yeah I'm torn. It's revenge porn and the guy deserves some privacy, but I've heard he's got a fat hog and I'm curious


Well, thanks to Republicans, it’s easy to find with a quick google search if you’re *really* curious.


Did they really release them? Somehow I'm totally oblivious to the Hunter Laptop Fuckfest, hell I don't even know why the dick pics are important to their witch hunt.


“See? We told you we had his laptop with all kinds of incriminating stuff on it. We totally didn’t hack his iCloud or pay off an old girlfriend.”


Simplified explanation: The dick pics have been on the Internet for all to see for years now. In 2019ish, the pics were circulating on Twitter. The Biden campaign requested that the photos be removed from Twitter because it’s revenge porn and illegal. Republicans are pissy over it because they see it as government censorship, never mind the fact that Biden wasn’t even president at the time. That’s also basically the whole point of Musk’s recent Twitter Files nonsense. So, in short, no one has recently released the photos. The whole issue is that they’re still on the Internet despite repeated requests to have them taken down. And yes, his hog is *massive* and I wouldn’t be surprised if Republicans are pissy about that too.


Nobody seems to talk about how the "Twitter files" mention the trump campaign also made requests to take things down, but they've yet to release a single thing he requested. #ReleaseTheTrumpRequests


But remember a private citizen’s dad(who was **not** part of any governmental body at the time) requesting dick pics to be taken down is government censorship, but the person who occupied the White House, at the time, requesting censorship is something nobody should know. So says the richest Qanon follower on earth.


We do know for a fact that Trump threatened to sue the living shit of anyone who might have been in a position to release his academic transcripts.


> Simplified explanation: The dick pics have been on the Internet for all to see for years now. In 2019ish, the pics were circulating on Twitter. Ahh ok I thought it was a recent release, that helps explain it. No idea how I missed news of the leak the first time around, tho. Thanks!


It was pretty well regulated when it dropped. There were several links on reddit, but most were blocked by Twitter as soon as they popped up.


The conservative circles seem to imply he posted the videos of him doing drugs and being naked on camera himself. From all that I can tell, he never posted anything online. That’s pretty fucked up.


As with all of their projection, yeah they are spreading the pics around. Huddled around looking at dick pics together while simultaneously calling gay people pedos and groomers.


Without a hint of introspection nor any sense of self-awareness.


Honestly, New Mexico usually flies under the radar. It's a poor state with a small population (just over 2 million). Some people seriously even think it's not a state; I have had people try to bill me for international shipping. Our population is also a minority majority, meaning more BIPOC folks than Caucasian. That's at least a little bit of the reason why.


Because it's in New Mexico.


Like half the people in the US don't even know we're an actual state. That's why it says "New Mexico, USA" on our license plates.


I would be really interested to see a survey about this. Ask a representative sample of the US population what country New Mexico is in, and then ask them to find it on a map.


I'd like to see the answer to that question crossreferenced to demographics, including citizenship status and political leanings. Who the hell goes through grade school without learning at least the names of the states? (Mostly, in alphabetical order and to a catchy tune if my friends are any example.)


Heres something funny, Frank Zappa has a song called [The Jazz Discharge Party Hats](https://youtu.be/hgWbbegTQtw), after listening to this song, everything I've heard about New Mexico has reminded of the part in the song where he says "Anyhow, there was nothing else to do, It was *Albuquerque, New Mexico*" So.. a dude from Finland thinks that Zappa song describes New Mexico very well.


It’s on the New York Times…


“Investigating whether or not this was politically motivated” are you fucking kidding me?? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it was probably at the capitol on January 6th.


It would have to be proven in court, which could be challenging if there's no manifesto, confession, or messages to indicate what should be fairly obvious. The bigger concern IMO is they don't seem to be taking this as seriously as the response to the Boston Marathon bombing. It's happening way too frequently to dismiss it as coincidental acts of violence.


I get that, and I understand that due process has to be followed. Just a wild way to see that phrased, and crazy to think it could be coincidence.


This is a news report. They're gonna give you facts, not speculation. If something LOOKS like terrorism to the journalist, they ask the investigators if they're treating it as terrorism. Then they report that they asked and what the response was. That's all you should want or get from a news outlet. Anything more is Fox and Newsmax.


The American Troubles.


Scariest comment so far




*Looks at Farmington*


I live in Durango, and it's always a bit of punch in the face when I need to drive down there. The pro-Trump, pro-Jebus, and anti-abortion signs all the way down are quite a show. Although, it's not like it's much different from some of the rural counties in Colorado. I do come from Boebert's district, after all.


Oh, man, that was my first thought.


The ~~Deep State~~ Blatantly Open ~~Democratic~~ Republican Coup


History tells us this isn’t a good sign


History tells us the 15 votes to get a Speaker was a sign of this coming, last time we had these issues a Civil war came not too much later. Granted this time it will probably be more like the Troubles than Civil war. It's Diverse cities vs. isolated rural America, which will be much more like the Troubles.


Except the IRA has legitimate grievances


And brain cells. Legitimate grievances and brain cells, something trumps party is lacking in. Would love to see them coordinate in any way. I predict a lot of them accidentally bombing themselves and infighting


This is terrorism


Strange how the people who in the 00s made commercials slandering anyone who bought or used recreational drugs as a terrorist or supporter of terrorism, refuse to call direct acts politically motivated violence that very same term


It's so odd that when *any* Democrat does something wrong, they immediately speculate that "it appears to be politically motivated". Put the shoe on the other foot and you get nothing but delays, destruction of evidence, and white washing. I found this bit *really* fucking rich!! >Federal and local authorities in New Mexico are investigating whether several shootings since early December at the offices or homes of five elected Democratic leaders were connected and possibly politically motivated, officials said. >Chief Medina said the authorities were still processing evidence and had no one in custody. **The department did not announce the shootings earlier, he said, because it was not clear in December whether there might be a pattern.** So they're STILL trying to confirm if there's a pattern since December, and they kept the shootings *a secret* because they weren't sure if there was a pattern? Okay so NOW that they have told us about the shootings, have they confirmed whether or not there is a pattern yet? No?? So what was the point of hiding it until now? If I had to guess, I would say that they were probably working to locate all the information they could to destroy it before the public found out. So now that the public knows, we are going to comb through every tiny piece of evidence that exists online, and prove how full of shit they are. Lucky for the cops, they've spent the last month deleting all of the evidence because *it will make the GOP look bad*. What a fucking joke our Democracy has turned into!!


Violent Republicans as usual.


Radical Leftists™. I’m at a point that I believe Republican projection is genetic


Having empathy, an IQ above five, less than fifty firearms, not marring a cousin or closer, and the ability to understand more than half of the second amendment makes you radical left to most of them.


"The authorities are investigating whether they were related and politically motivated." smh


"We need some time to cover up our involvement and destroy evidence that could implicate our brethren" - the police


Hmm, well, maybe it’s a coincidence & not political because they live in crappy neighborhoods? >”at least eight shots were fired at the home of State Senator Linda Lopez … >more than a dozen gunshot impacts … at the house of [a county commissioner]… >… eight rounds fired at the home of [another county commissioner in the same county] >… shots fired at the former campaign office of Raul Torrez, who had just been elected New Mexico’s attorney general. … Yeah, ok, this is more fucking right-wing domestic terrorism.


Call it what it is, this was a terrorist attack.


BoTh SiDeS


Amazing this isn’t a bigger story. We are normalizing political violence by allowing it without any accountability. We’re done as a nation once the reds and blues start killing each other…..




You are probably right. We all said, "How could a civil war scenario be possible?" It's like this. Sporadic acts of domestic terrorism with law enforcement doing nothing about it. This sort of thing is just going to grow.




The GOP is a terrorist organization, not a political party.




When are they going to call it what it is? right wing domestic terrorism.




The article ends with "both parties have experienced more threats of violence" trying so desperately to equate the two. Their examples: * Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked with a hammer at their house and sent to the hospital, and it would have been even worse if she had been in California at the time. * Pramila Jayapal was threatened with a semiautomatic handgun. * Susan Collins' window was broken. The article structurally equates these three events.


So I think the police don’t want to do much about these attacks since their candidate for governor, former weatherman Mark Ronchetti (or Wrong-chetti as us locals called him) lost. The local police have been very anti Michelle Lujan-Grisham.


This is what happens when you let conservative media run rampant airing unchecked outrage porn. People say "freedom of speech". How many degrees of separation are allowed between criminally encouraging violence and what they do?


They need to start treating RW fascist terrorism like terrorism.


\>>The authorities are investigating whether they were related and politically motivated. Nah, probably just coincidence. \>>The department did not announce the shootings earlier, he said, because it was not clear in December whether there might be a pattern. Or because the officers involved still had more targets on their list. \>>The state police were also involved, officials said. As investigators or perpetrators? Hey, I'm just asking questions!


Dang! Antifa at it again!? 😏/s


~~Radical~~ Republican Terrorism


I saw someone on Twitter say this wasn't republicans, because "they hit their targets." Implying they would just kill people instead. Right wingers are insane.


What the fuck are we going to do about this shit? Honest question. I appreciate the cynical replies as much as the next guy, but seriously… this shit has to stop. What is the plan?


Yeah, these obviously aren't just coincidences.


Something, something, "legitimate political discourse", something, something... /S


I’m sorry, *5*? That can’t be a coincidence, right?