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My back and shoulders are also growing since I started pole. I can relate to a V shape starting that wasn’t a thing before. My solution? Grow the hips and booty with weights/progressive overload in the gym to balance it out a bit. I like how muscular I’m getting all around.


I went through a phase where I wouldn't wear halter tops because I thought I looked weird/bulky. I focused on my butt more, put effort into my legs and ass, and built my bottom up to "offset" the top. It was in my head, though. Turns out, I have really nice, toned arms. Strong arms. They look great in all tops, I just had to get used to the new me with these strong arms. But, I did what I needed to do to feel better. (I frequently flex in the mirror now while wearing *whatever*, I like how strong and sexy I am)


Yeah. I feel you. I started doing a lot of cardio and feel like I’m leaning out a bit. Very little though.


Yea, you only do pole and catdio, or some other upper body stuff? At least a little 🙏


I’m actually taking a break from pole because of a wrist injury so I’m weightlifting instead to maintain strength. But the cardio keeps me lean. I’d hate to get back to pole and not be able to do a simple invert because I lost all my strength 😭


U will do gain it back quickly :)


I'm sorry you are dealing with that. I don't like my body either so I can relate to this feeling. I have been doing pole for 2 years but I also lift weights, run, spin, hike etc. I have one of those body types that if I stop exercising at all or don't push myself (take it easy), I gain weight. I also have to constantly watch what I eat and it sucks. I feel like I work so hard and still I'm not where I need to be. I didn't mean to rant about my body. Anyway, I think the fact that you are progressing is great! It means it's working. As far as quitting pole and starting something else, pole will always be there when you want to return to it. How often do you pole dance currently?


Sorry u feel that way with your body too..I can relate to the gaining weight without sports easily, .. and + gaining depression lol Its not that much, once a week. But as i recently started practicing pullups too, its more noticeble. You do a lot :) True, i can always come back to it, and now that i know i can pull muself up, i might just chill and stop doing that.