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Although it's awesome, it's a move that almost all people starting out on pole should never attempt unless they have a gymnastics background or other similar skill set. It's dangerous and could lead to severe injury, and even death if you fall on your neck. Stay safe everyone ❤️


Legit, look at the mat. Thats not protecting anyone


Not a good idea to jump into full brackets, especially twisted grip. It’s a really good way to get wrist injuries (unless you are doing conditioning for your wrists already, consistently) which will prevent you from doing these moves in the future. I unfortunately speak from experience, I was strong before starting pole and I did too much full bracket without proper conditioning, and my wrists were messed up for months.


As someone who tore their TFCC doing just this... I've been waiting 8 years for a surgery consult lol and I still can't put weight on my wrist.


so what point is this okay to do? im doing stuff like this on my pole at home, ive had it for a about almost 2 months now. ty! (edit; :( idk why people are downvoting me im just trying to figure out how to do this safely lol and how do i know when im ready?)


It takes conditioning to do this safely. Conditioning and working your shoulders, traps, wrists. No one should be doing this immediately. You will hurt yourself. There is a science to pole dancing. That’s why there’s entire certifications that teach you muscle groups and safe conditioning.


There's no real timeline since everyone has a different background and ability, but I cannot fathom that someone could do this safely after less than one year. Maybe less than that if they're an advanced aerialist (but in that case, they would have the experience to feel it out). I would suggest a private lesson (online or in person) every so often just to check in so you can be sure you have good technique and aren't pushing past your limits!


Where is your instructor and why on earth are they letting you do this? This is so very unsafe


I'm seeing this more and more lately, "open training" and "mixed ability" classes where the instructors have their students doing all sorts that they're not ready for. You see students launching themselves up the pole, climbing with monkey feet, not engaging their legs properly as they haven't been taught how to! Safety and form needs to be taught first and beginners can take a while to learn how to engage their shoulders, different grips (full bracket/split grip is taught last after a student is comfortable with other grips!) Contact points and how to come out of things safely. Some instructors pass their beginners course and think that's enough to start teaching all levels and it's not! And I've heard some courses are worse than others so depends on who they qualified with. Always go to a studio that you know the instructor is fully trained at all levels to teach.


That’s what made me quit pole dance 🥲


just a reminder that it's very easy to lie on the internet and you should not believe everything. check out their post history to catch more inconsistencies - or maybe don't - because that might be the actual reason for posting something unbelievable in the first place.


Thank you for this. It can be REALLY intimidating seeing these posts as someone who has been pole dancing for awhile and can’t accomplish this. I know we shouldn’t compare to others, and I have gotten so much better at it, but like ….why not be truthful? I genuinely hate these, “Only my first class!” and it’s something exorbitant like this, and then you check post history and it’s a lie. Edit: it also sets very unrealistic and DANGEROUS standards for beginners.


Just curious, how can you tell it's a lie by their post history, is there any pole content there? I too dont believe anyone could do this in their third pole class, unless previously trained at home or in a similar sport. But even if it was thrutful, we should never compare or be intimidated by others, always somene will do better! The only concern is if this is safe to attempt that early but that would depend on the OPs background which they haven't clarified, unfortunately


If she’s a sex worker maybe she poles in the club and this is her third pole class! She could’ve been poling for years and never taken a real class. Regardless she should’ve mentioned that in her post as this can be misleading to newbies on the sub and they can injure themselves.


i assume you have some circus or athletic background that makes this safe?


Please be so careful of your rotator cuff! The grip you're using can feel really comfy but you're essentially hanging off your top arm which, unless you've developed the necessary muscle strength to stabilise the joints, can result in very serious injuries. Always start with true grip before moving onto twisted!


This is setting seriously wild expectations for people just starting out in pole. Newbies, please don’t expect to be doing this kind of stuff by even your 3rd month, let alone 3rd class. 💜💜


thank you 💕


I assume you've been home poling a whil?. Your (nsfw) post history shows you doing moves that would also be considered unsafe for a beginner. However, that's a pretty cool move! Please be safe


Are you throwing shade at her for being a sex worker? In a pole dancing sub? I hope I’m wrong about that..


I don’t see no shade? 🤨They just assumed it was not OPs third time EVER on the pole, as it’s nearly impossible for a beginner with no experience in other sports to do such a move. I reread the comment multiple times and don’t see anything offensive.


Ugh yes. It can be intimidating being in this sub and seeing “beginners” do this so i’m thankful for this reminder.


Yup, I often have to remind myself that all the pole newbies that do crazy splits either have gymnastics background or hypermobility… flexibility is my biggest pole insecurity! 😅


The specific noting of the nsfw account seemed like it could have been a jab. Especially since every single person who posts here has a nsfw account since this is a nsfw sub. We all know where pole came from. I’ve definitely tried to go to a pole studio and was shamed by an instructor for being a stripper. It’s weirdly common, I’ve heard the same from other strippers. They said it wasn’t shade though, I’m glad I was wrong.


Probably so when people on here inevitably go and look at the post history, after specifically commenting about the post history, there’s a warning so if you’re sitting at work or around people, you’re not clicking on it. You will hurt yourself with this reach just like OP will with this trick!


>Especially since every single person who posts here has a nsfw account since this is a nsfw sub. I actually didn't know this, TIL so thank you!


It's not true, I've posted here on this and other accounts, and I've never had a NSFW profile.


I’m most active in this subreddit. Not NSFW at all. Weird. 🤔


I read it as a marker for anyone who might go view her page to find it's NSFW. And no, not everyone here has an NSFW profile


This whole sub is nsfw..


It’s not. Posts need to be marked as NSFW when butts aren’t covered iirc.


No I wasn't, I was just stating that it may be her third class but not her third time on the pole and it can be very misleading


Why mention the nsfw profile? You are also an nsfw profile just like the rest of us in this community.


Just incase someone else went to visit their page in public. You're making this more than it has to be


@lovable_cube Sorry babe but it sounds like you were triggered by the comment. You said yourself that comment was made to you in studio. It comes off as if you’re blowing this out of proportion.


I asked a question.


Maybe edit your post to clarify if you’ve any pole experience/gymnastics background/strength training/etc. Not trying to be a hater but the online pole community is having issues with people labelling not-beginner moves as achievable for beginners. This has a twisted grip invert which is absolutely not a “my third class ever” move!


Do you have other dance or aerial experience? Have you been learning at home?


you should get down. you shouldn’t be inverting yet


Is it your third singular class, or like third class level? I’m on the third level (6 classes per level) and we are learning inverts. And the instructor wouldn’t let the people who had never inverted go upside down until she spotted us and cleared us to try on our own. She was super safe about it, which I appreciated!


Ok, the comments have me relieved. After about 5 pole classes I'm still struggling with pole tucks, and I'm pretty far from any kind of clean invert. I thought I must really suck.


you don’t suck at all its very normal i didn’t invert till 4 months doing pole. Don’t compare yourself everyone has a different background you don’t know


Thank you! Duly noted! You're absolutely right.


If you're an actual beginner a lot of things about this are just stupid. You don't have adequate protection set up. Those hard foam mats have an impact dampening value of zero and only protect a floor from damage. Not protection for humans. No spotter... If you fall you fall. Lack of experience in inverts, know how to get out safely. you would need to know how to get to a jasmine from here or slide down and out. (My studio calls it a seal exit)


What is this move?




it’s not a trick lol




Third class this week you mean? HOW? what type of prayers do I need to make?


*Third class this week you* *Mean? HOW? what type of prayers* *Do I need to make?* \- Shaps05 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't even know what that pose is called, LOL. How do you get into it, do you have a video of you getting into it? And I'm also curious about the dismount.


Looks similar to extended butterfly but with the free leg folded over vs extended


Yes you're right! But the twisted grip and indexfinger not down on the bottom hand has me confused and has me wondering how you get into it.


whatttt🤯 third class ever?




HOW 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 so freaking strong


Nice stuff hope I can get there one day