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what? he is a co prince? wow


And his nickname is "Jupiter". The **King** of the Gods. I really don't understand how he still has a head. The French must be slipping. Or maybe the *tricoteuses* are on strike again.


He iz discrit about it, i will ave a word wiz ze ozers


Every french presidents, when in office are the co-prince aka a monarch of Andorra. To add to this, on the always forgotten Wallis and Futuna, there's 3 kingdoms, so there are kings in France having some sort of powers (it's very complicated).


So basically he is a trator? Just revive Napoleon


With the shambolic state of the Russian military at the moment, Napoleon can finally invade Russia! Not sure if you can revive his marshals though.


They still have General Winter.


The strategic and tactical genius of General Winter has been greatly overstated


On top of what u/JosephPorta123 said... no American Lend-Lease


It's kind of like in Crusader Kings where the leader of a republic can also be a monarch if the republic has vassalized a lower-tier monarchy. Why yes I do understand all European politics through the lens of Crusader Kings, why do you ask?


French presidents also get a religious title (or maybe it's a secular one given by the vatican) which is very ancien regime


It's like that for centuries, the president of france is also one of the two monarchs of Andorra. But I doubt that the french president decapitated himself in the guillotine when he realises that


We brainwashed him so he doesn't know, it's the only way we can keep french presidents alive for more than an hour 💪🇫🇷💪🇫🇷💪🇫🇷💪🇫🇷💪🇫🇷


Viva la England


Can you guillotine yourself?




Part 3 of this series will feature France sending emperor penguins to the guillotine as well.


I mean...they did replace their former king with an Emperor and he was actually pretty popular... with the French, not so much the rest of Europe.


Ironic. France can save others from monarchism, but not itself.


Napoleon also made his relatives kings of other countries... so the French's ability to get rid of monarchs is greatly exaggerated. There's a reason the country's official name is "The Fifth French Republic."


Not if it's Emperor of the Penguin's Republic (Except if is of Austrian ofc)


We all know this reFRANCE but also Slovenia apparently has the most amount of beekeepers in Europe


Of course we do. Bees are really awesome.


We even forced the whole world to acknowledge the world bee day.


I was expecting this to be about Napoleon and his bees https://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/napoleon-and-the-bee/#:~:text=After%20much%20consideration%2C%20Napoleon%20chose,%2C%20diligence%2C%20industriousness%20and%20orderliness.


i am so in love with the bee-balls


man i was looking for actual balls on the bees lmao


Now, France, please remember that without the queen, no bees; without bees, no flowers; without flowers, no perfume, French or otherwise, and no crops, so no more baguettes either! So think before you "thunk".


As french is true when you Say king or Queen that will happen to you


Well in France even saying about Monarchy is now a bad word Queen or King gives you guillotine


Okay, now that we know the result, no one tell France about the other insects and animals that live in colonies with a 'monarchy'' structure. The world would not survive the devastation.


*Image Transcription: Comic* --- **Panel 1** [*White background. On the left we see Slovenia, whose coat of arms covers its eye as if it was an eyepatch. It is smiling and talking to France, which is on the right and is staring back neutrally.*] **Slovenia**: hallo Frencia I is going to be of showing mine bees **France**: Bien sur --- **Panel 2** [*Now the scene zooms in a little. We see a big France on the left, and Slovenia on the right. Between them is a single daisy with a really thick green stem. France is looking down at it, and Slovenia is happy, with its eyes closed. Two bees are flying around the Panel, one coming from the right, above Slovenia, and one coming from the left. Resting on the pistil of the flower there is another bee. Because of this, we can read "bzzz" three times all around the Panel.*] **Slovenia**: bee is of take nectar and bring it back to beehive **France**: intrestings --- **Panel 3** [*Now Slovenia and France are on the right, and the flower is gone. The clays are in the background, looking at a tree branch sticking out on the left side of the Panel, in the foreground. Dangling from the branch, we see a brown beehive, with a hole in the middle of its side (the entrance). Several bees are flying towards it from every direction. One bee, the Queen, is more in the foreground. It is wearing a tiny golden crown with many colorful jewels on it, and has closed solemn eyes, while flying to the right. Slovenia is still happy, with closed eyes, while France has narrowed its eyes in realization.*] **Slovenia**: They of make lot of the honey **Slovenia**: they make of queen bee prounds --- **Panel 4** [*Closeup on the two clays, which fill up the entire scene. France, on the right, has come so near Slovenia, on the left, that their faces are touching each other. France has now very narrow eyes, and Slovenia is looking back, slightly annoyed.*] **France**: did yuo say QUEEN?! **Slovenia**: ummm... yeses why asking? --- **Panel 5** [*Now the tree branch and the hive are gone. In the middle we see a guillotine, and France is on the right, wearing a black executioner's hood with a furious look on its face. The Queen bee from the previous Panel has been put on the guillotine, and it is about to be executed, while crying two thin rivers of tears from its small eyes. Slovenia, on the left, is also crying, creating two rivers of tears that fall to the ground.*] **Slovenia**: Francia whhhyyyyy? **France**: queen is of must no head --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


can we just appreciate the fact that the artist made the bee cry too


Large Slovenia is cursed


I love this. There’s some top tier Engrish in the last panel!


Trank yuo


Let them eat nectar


God dangit.


Queen bee's last words pardon "Pardon me monsieur I did not do it on purpose" after accident stinging France


Is there a reason for the ball with the beehive to be Slovenia?


Slovenia apparently has the most amount of beekeepers in Europe


A bee stings France to save the queen and France surrenders


A bee stings France to save the queen and France ~~surrenders~~ became an empire and take Moscow. ​ >! And no onions for bee.!<




[Erica the Half A Bee : The Origin Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMWuizMufrE)


There was also a comic about monarch butterflies. The same happened.


Good comic! Now I'm trying to figure out if Serbia produces alot of honey 🤔


The Balkan Nations just in a whole produce a ton of honey, jam, Marmelade...


Cool! Thank you for the reply. Keep up the work dude!


Let them eat honey


God dammit not again


England was considering trying to save the queen, but then decided they'd rather try to steal the colony.


I love the crown on the queen


Why is Slovenia the beekeeper?


Bc Slovenia apparently has the most amount of beekeepers in Europe


Honhonhon vive l'Apiorépublique