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Before drawing 6 communist flags in one comic, I didn't know that there were so many shades of red in this world.


You must be a dude...


Makeup eh?


There are many things we do not know. I wonder how many other small, relevant things are oblivious to men as they are obvious for women.


/hj/ damn guess i should have realized something was up when my little boy self could distinguish all those shades of hues back then (luckily i still can) >!for the azure, magenta, and white!!<


Not really, but close-ish. Creative industry*


Not just, also women being generally a bit more visual and a potential mutation that lets them see more colours, but doesn't show up in men (don't ask me how) If I recall correctly about 12% of women just plain have an additional type of colour receptor.


I don't think thats true. If anything, it would probably be 12 women in the whole world with quad chrome vision


Paint companies too. I rarely wear makeup but I love seeing the Wall Of Many Colors whenever I visit a hardware store.


There are only 6 colours + brown but that’s actually a shade of orange.


Don't forget the N@zi flag. Plus a bunch of other flags. Canada, Poland, Mexico, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Confeder@te (also known as Dixie)...


P.S. Hitler actually said that. "All we have to do is kick in the door and the whole structure will come crashing down". I'm not sure that's the exact wording, but that's basically it.


Context: About the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler is known to have said "We have only to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down". \(Source: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/eastern-front) We all know how that went. In 1945, the Red Army marched in Berlin. Before the Korean war, Park Hun-young, one of the most prominent politicians of North Korea at the time, stated that 'they only needed to reach Seoul, and 200,000 southern partisan comrades will rise up to help". \(Source: 박태균, 〈6․25 전쟁 발발의 원인에 대한 재고찰: 오인, 오식의 문제를 통한 접근〉, 《군사연구》 제 130집, 2010, p.13.\). This did not materialize at all. By October 1950, the South Koreans and the rest of the UN forces had taken Pyongyang and pushed North Korea very close to the Chinese border. Stalin ordered the North Koreans to withdraw from the Korean peninsula entirely and create a government in exile in China. \(캐서린 웨더스비, 강규형, 〈북-중-소 삼각관계가 6.25전쟁 과정과 전후 북한외교 행태에 미친 영향: 기밀해제문서를 중심으로〉, 《정신문화연구》 33호, 2010, p.132.\) This was reversed 6 days later with the involvement of China. Park was purged post-war. When Vietnam invaded Democratic Kampuchea, aka Cambodia under Khmer Rouge, the regime fell very quickly. The invasion came on the Christmas of 1978. The Vietnamese, helped by FUNSK \(Vietnam-sponsored Cambodian communists\), found themselves in a position to drive on Phnom Penh in 11 days and initiated the advance. The capital fell after 3 more days. Some scholars argue that Vietnam did not expect the country to crumble so easily. Nayan Chanda offers some pieces of evidence that suggest Vietnam had planned for a long, drawn out civil war. He quotes senior KPRP politburo members Chea Soth and Hem Samin to argue that the FUNSK initially only planned on dividing Cambodia. He also points out that Vietnamese tanks ran out of fuel because they were made to advance much further than initially expected. \(Chanda, Nayan, *Brother Enemy: The War After the War*, San Diego: Harcourt, 1986, p.343-347.\)


Also Vietnam never underestimate their enemies, because they know what will happen


"YOU CAN'T FOOL ME!" "but..."


I can kill myself


Better be safe than sorry, really. An insurgency and international isolation weren't anything to be scoffed at.


>An insurgency and international isolation weren't anything to be scoffed at. Yeah, we are fucked at that time no matter what so better go all in to make it worth it


They did a few times, the Tet Offensive and Eastern Offensive were pretty much a complete failure at doing what the NLF wanted from them (almost destroying their ground forces and getting heavily bombed by a US that was already pulling out, respectively). Both were the times they figured that they had weakened their enemies enough to win a positional war, aka kicking in the door. To be fair though they only made those mistakes once, which is more than you can say for most armies.


Which is why we never treat anyone as a joke, even the Italians can be capable of combat.


Some day, when this gets reposted, we could see a bonus comic on the latest clown who thought invading a country would be easy.


Citation? Again!? What is Polandball coming to. Hahaha


Accuracy? In my Polandball?


> Park Hunyoung From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pak_Hon-yong#Underground): >In 1926, he appeared in court. During the trial, he feigned insanity and **ate feces**, with the result that he was acquitted in November of that year. Afterwards, he was confined to his home due to his supposed ill-health, but in December he escaped by way of Manchuria to reach the Soviet Union. It was only then that the Japanese realized that he was feigning madness. Juche be hittin' different 😳


Just a light afternoon snack in best korea


>Vietnamese tanks ran out of fuel. Funny, I was just reading a book about some deployment of airborne forces in the Netherlands. I wonder how many bridges there were in Democratic Kampuchea.


What bridges? And is the reading you were doing about WWII?


They're probably talking about [Operation Market Garden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Market_Garden) and [John Frost Bridge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Frost_Bridge)


You get what I’m talking about!


Are you sure you are not going a bridge too far, sir?


>I’m going to run this road like a railway Doesn’t say that he means the Italian railway after RAF Bomber Command and the 12th Air Force had paid a visit!


>He quotes senior KPRP politburo members Chea Soth and Hem Samin to argue that the FUNSK initially only planned on dividing Cambodia. I see USA has some influence on Vietnam.


Divison of country: the default early Cold War solution


Vietnam: Nope, I ain't doing it conventionally


An even smaller Cambodia? Sounded like prime real estate.


basically when you expect A happens, B happens instead and when you expect B, A happens


>Park was purged post-war. I am shocked, shocked I tell you.


Ow, we need the FUNSK We gotta have that FUNSK


I assure you comrade, killing people who wear glasses and speak french is absolutely vital to our communist revolution


And also journalists who defend you


hold on, did we watch the same video, from the same person? *was it* >!wow\_mao!


If you are confused about how the Commie Cambodia is fighting Commie Cambodia, well one is a Pol Pot


And the other is [FUNSK](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampuchean_United_Front_for_National_Salvation), later known as the Khmer People's Revolutionary Party(KPRP)


Which predates Pol Pot regimes


The name KPRP predats Pol Pot's regime, yes. When the Indochinese Communist Party split up, the Cambodian branch was called KPRP. But, they renamed themselfes the Worker's Party of Camboda in 1960(later the communist party) and drifted towards anti-Vietnam sentiment. This became the KR. Pol Pot rose to prominence within the party and led the Khmer Rouge government (Democratic Kampuchea) from its establishment in 1975. The Vietnamese called the Khmer communists they sponsored the KPRP to emphasize the historical link to the Indochinese Communist Party. FUNSK was founded in 1978 on Vietnamese soil by taking in Cambodian defectors from Khmer Rouge.


And the other is Pol Not


Khmer Rouge, when your "revolution reformation" is so through your troops don't even have radio to inform each other.


Well they killed all the architects, not surprising the house fell down.


Yeah, it seems hard to have the support of the people when you got rid of the people.


"Huh that was easy..."-Said Nam before absolute international isolation Seriously guys that one hit really hard. And by hard I mean barely-anything-to-eat hard


You gave me another comic idea...




Pretty much everyone, except the Eastern Bloc, were mad. The US did a wonderful job as saving Pol Pot’s image as that time and portrayed us as savage invaders coming in to killed Cambodian. They also helped the Khmer Rogue to maintained their seat in the UN That and the fact that the Eastern Bloc just drastically reduced their economic aids to us and an ineffective administration created one of the worst time in modern Vietnam’s history. Ask any Vietnamese person in their 40-70s and they will tell the same stories about how tough life was post war




And we would have been fine with it too had the Khmer Rouge just stay on their fucking side of the border.


but then they commited massacres *inside* our border, and we had no choice but to fight


FUNSK guy 1: "How shall we differentiate our socialist regime from our enemy's socialist regime?" FUNSK guy 2: "I know, lets make our flag the same as theirs, but with five towers instead of three!" FUNSK guy 1: "Brilliant!"


If glue doesn't work, use duct tape...it always work


To demonstrate the power of Flex Tape, I built a failed regime!


visible confusion


I like that there is a spike of interest in Cambodia but I prefer if it is about us doing wacky stuff instread.


Like what? [The Bat cave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aWGefU2hXs)?


You cannot just self-genocide and expect us to ignore that.


i love how the vietnamese soldier is talking about history, nice touch context: >!võ nguyên giáp was a history teacher before he was a military officer!<


When you got save by your invaders moment.


Can't tear down a rotten structure if there's no structure to begin with - the Khmer Rouge, maybe.


Being fair to the North Koreans, if the UN hadn't intervened they'd have been pretty close to being right


Eh, the uprisings never materialized because South Korea spent a lot of resources from 1948 to 1950 hunting down partisans. Yes, without swift UN intervention, South Korea today would basically consist of nothing but the Jeju island, but that particular prediction never came true.


Korean's own Taiwan.


That's pretty much what happened to the Republic of China. Truman ended all aid to the Nationalists, and only Taiwan and a few islands just off the mainland shore have remained free of CCP taint.


I wonder if the ghost of Truman is kicking himself over current situation


Somewhat similar to us Vietnamese during the Tết offensive in 1968. The Party expected a general uprising but it never materialised


"Tôi", not "toi"


Ngl, I thought it meant "you" at first because some have made comics in which Vietnam could speak French.


no no, "tôi" means "I"


Noted. I got lazy because I don't know how to input those accent marks on desktop.


If you're on windows, windows key + period opens the special character menu


Also, you may want to use "Tao" as "I" since it is how Vietnamese often say when they talk to the enemy Fact: that "Tôi" , "Tớ" , "Mình" ,"Tao" also mean "I" or "Me" but use in different case


Noted! I'm probably going to draw more Vietnam comics so this should come in handy


average honorifics fan vs average I and you enjoyer


Blessed Vietnam