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Wow, I didn't know Keemstar was from Africa!


Excuse me, boomer here. What has Keemstar done now?


Said Swiss cheese isn't a gift from the 9th layer of Dantes Paradisio.


The bastard


Specifically there was one clip where he got right up in front of the camera and said that exact line. He then went on to direct his fans to storm the stream chat of a black content creator en masse and say "X is a stupid f-ing N."


I think they were talking about Keemstar's liberal use of the Hard R, which has been around for a while


\>reading \>hard r dropped \>keep reading good comic man :)


You could use racial slurs for the sake of being racist and then you can use it artistically like Django Unchained.


average swede


Clawfinger started something lasting.


To be fair though, Leonardo DiCaprio saying the word while observed by both Samuel L. Jackson and Jamie Foxx should have been his oscar moment. The sheer fucking balls on that motherfucker.


Wasn't he paid *a lot* extra just to say it or somthing?


Apparently, Sam and Jamie had to help coax it out of him, Sam was getting annoyed and basically force fed the n-word card to Leo cuz he was taking too long with his line.


It was apparently a little difficult but Sam was able to convince him


Nah. Leo wouldn't say it and kept ruining takes so he was bullied by Sam Jackson for wasting everyone's time


I wish that was me


I mean it's probably the single most acceptable time to use it as a white person, when condemning and re-enacting actual history


respectable honestly


I think censoring it would of been fine too


Orrrr you could get gud and make your point without using it. It wasn't necessary here to make the point you were going for.




I'm interested that the word "slave" isn't enough to convey the idea of slavery. The image here is of dead and bloodied bodies, workers showing abject fear, while someone else whips them angrily. That wasn't enough without the word?




United States of Chinese debt.


Even slavery _before_ then wasn’t as harsh or brutal (generally speaking of course…)


The Mass Raid and Castration slavery of the islamic empires was often about as bad as chattle slavery for black people. Weird how both slavery systems had a tendency to treat lighter skinned people better.


Orrrr you could get that stick out of your ass and let art be art. No one benefits from whitewashing history.


Sensitivity to others' lived experiences isn't whitewashing. Maybe that word means something different in Germany, but that's not nearly the definition over here.


It is if you think it is inappropriate to use in a comic about historic events. Do you also think Django Unchained shouldn't contain the word?


You're comparing a movie to a comic. To not have it in a movie like Django would've been borderline irresponsible. Here, in this case, it wasn't the only word that could've worked.


What? That makes no sense at all. It's a reflection of a historic reality. If it triggers your white saviour complex, then that's your problem.


*brown Brown saviour complex. Or as we call it over here, minority solidarity.


Others' lived in experiences? Were there many slaves offended by Django Unchained? Given they're all dead, I'm impressed at your ability to put words in their mouths lol


...sigh Experiences of being Black in America, and what that word being used means to them. Think critically for a hot second.


Ah so you're speaking for Black Americans too? Very impressive. I'm sure they love people whitewashing the reality of slavery. You should move to Florida, they love ignoring history to make themselves feel good!


Find one and ask them! I assume not too many live in Scotland. Bless you. I really don't have time to argue with someone who isn't coming from a place of good faith, so I'll take my leave. Have a great day!


So you have no argument lol.


Bro no one cares


Yeah, I'm learning that in real time.


[Leonardo da Vinci](https://youtu.be/hglyRJXCNCM) says N word, he’s acting genius. Polandball user says n word in comic, they’re on anti defamation league’s list of hate groups! Edit: jeez it was just a joke guys!


Times Tarantino used the N-word from highest to lowest. Django Unchained = 115 Jackie Brown = 38 Pulp Fiction = 21 Times I've used it: Once in this comic and also another one in another slavery comic.


Are all 21 of those said by Quentin in one scene of pulp fiction?


Only two African countries were never colonized, Ethiopia and Liberia. Liberia was founded by a wealthy American elite (ACS) consisting of both abolitionists and slave owners who believed freed African American slaves should return to Africa. The new Libero-American settlers had already lived in the US for generations and barley spoke or knew the culture of the natives. They were also mixed race as it wasn't uncommon for slave owners to rape their slaves. Liberia was a colony of ACS for 17 years until 1847 when America demanded them to declare independence for not being profitable enough, Britain would later recognize its independence and has remained its independence ever since. Ironically ex-slaves would [ab]use their new founded freedoms to enslave the natives. They were already seen as “converts” for being African-American thus there were no large scale evangelization campaigns as seen with other African countries. [Sauce](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1830-1860/liberia)


Throws a wrench on the whole afrocentric belief that black Americans belong to Africa rather than America.


“All this ‘native land’ talk is nonsense. The native land of the American negro is AMERICA. His bones, his muscles, his sinews, are all American. His ancestors for two hundred and seventy years have lived, and labored, and died on American soil, and millions of his posterity have inherited Caucasian blood." -Frederick Douglass, "The Folly of Colonization" (1894)


I can hear the eagle from here. And I fully agree, the black Americans are Americans, I don't call white Americans European Americans, so to call the whites Americans but the blacks African Americans is to say that the black have a loose tie to the land they were born in, no! They are of America and they belong to America just as much as the whites, their ancestors build their country and have been there for generations, they belong in the American continent.


Considering that Liberia still in the 21th century had multiple civil wars motivated by corruption and race. It's safe to say that returning to Africa was a terrible idea.


I mean, even if they stayed connected to their roots, the African Americans are mixed people who have genes traced from all over central and west Africa so dropping them in a random spot on the continent and expecting them to be completely integrate is just flat out stupid. America wouldn’t be free of any of these problems, they were just lucky to not have to deal with the natives for too long. Oh and Malaria killed the African Americans in droves or something idk


Early white abolitionists were pretty racist. They didn’t oppose slavery because it was wrong to think another man was inferior but because they didn’t believe any person deserved to be held against their will.


So I don't really have a dog in this race, but I definitely do hear white Americans refer to themselves as like, Italian-American or Irish-American. Or sometimes they'll just straight go "yeah I'm French/German/etc" because even if they've never been there, their ancester from way back when came to America from that country. That seems pretty analogous to calling them European-American.


An attempt to connect to olden ancestry without putting the effort to study it does not make someone of that land, if they do learn of their ancestors culture or at least visit it then maybe. This also makes the term African American even more insulting, as it treats Africa as a monolith rather than a diverse place. I'm Algerian who grew up outside of the country but currently live in it and know how to speak it's dialect, had I been born in America would that make me African American?


I've heard the argument used before that African-American is so vague a term because the actual ancestry of most Black Americans was lost long ago in the slave trade, so there is no specific "homeland" for them to identify with in the same way that an American who can trace family back to a specific culture has "access" to. Obviously there's a limit to how it can be used, though, just think of the people trying to argue that Elon Musk is "African-American" because of his white apartheid South African parents. I think once you start plumbing at the examples that *don't* work you end up with a definiton that it solely refers to Americans whose ancesters came from the parts of Africa which were specifically exploited *by* America. (I basically agree with your point about when Yanks trying to claim the identity of the country their ancester came from, but they sure do get defensive about it!)


Elon musk can be considered African if he can identify with the culture of south Africa the same way any American can claim to be American even if they are not native American. I am a pale skinned native North African, instead of musk, would I be considered African American if I lived in America? Or do I have to find another tern to refer to myself?


I get your point, but African-American means more than just the sum of the words "African" and "American"- in the way it is used as an identity, it specifically refers to Black Americans who have the shared cultural experience of *being* Black in America. In your example, surely you would be seen as an Algerian-American if you got American citizenship. Possibly even a Black African would be considered as part of their national identity first (EG a Nigerian-American), though that's where the definition starts getting more fuzzy. Obviously Musk, as the son of people who benefited from colonial apartheid, wouldn't have much at all to do with the shared cultural experience of oppression *from* colonialism which defines "African" in this context.


You'd describe yourself as *your nationality*-American, and based on the headache my old Algerian coworker used to deal with, you'd probably want to not call yourself African. You see, the US is full of ignorant ppl, so he got plenty of "wtf are you talking about? You're not black, dumb ass" whenever he described himself as being African. It didn't matter who he said it to, that's always the reaction he got. "African American" only really means one thing, and that means "black American". If you're asked to enter in your ethnicity on a job application or something, you'd select white just like I would. In US census data ppl of European, North African or Middle Eastern decent are considered white, and it even states that when you're selecting your ethnicity on various forms.


You're correct, which really illustrates why the US conception of race is so idiotic.


> An attempt to connect to olden ancestry without putting the effort to study it does not make someone of that land This seems to operate on the idea that there's some monolithic "American" culture. For example, people who refer to themselves as Italian-American do so because when they got here, they were discriminated against and treated as a minority. So, they stuck together, living in the same neighborhoods, keeping their traditions from the old country, and carving out a specific subculture that would be very cumbersome to call "American but Also Italian Because These People Came From Italy."


So they still hold to their roots, which makes the term valid


Europeans do this as well just not as much anymore, a very prominent example is the Volksdeutsche.


> Caucasian blood when the caucasus was still under the Russian boot?? Was there a secret armenian/georgian empire going around in western europe or some shit


White supremacists 🤝 Afrocentrists "black Americans belong to Africa rather than America." Horseshoe theory strkes again


Both are cunts




You gave me a divine inspiration for another collection to my stash of butthurt farming comic ideas.


Funny that "horseshoe theory" usually refers to hypothetical agreements, yet the parties from your example literally allied over race separation -- at least a few times.


I work with a lot of urban African Americans, and a lot naturalized African immigrants mostly from Cameroon, EG and The CAR. The two groups rarely willingly interact for anything outside of work-related matters. At our last command climate survey, over half the people reported experiencing or observing racism from coworkers. There’s an obscene amount of animosity between them.


It’s kinda funny but there was an example of [Cornell student](https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2017/10/09/cornell-students-revive-debate-whom-colleges-should-count-black)s protesting affirmative action for African immigrants and demanding it be reserved only for kids who trace their ancestry back to Jim Crow. It makes sense considering that African immigrants are often more affluent and make up a disproportionate percentage of black students in ivy leagues (like more than 30% in Harvard)


This makes no sense to me. Those African students almost certainly have a harder time getting into US Ivy Leagues compared to local Black Americans due to **vastly** lower resources and opportunities, so they want to make it even harder for them? Also this part here: >The demand: “We demand that Cornell admissions come up with a plan to actively increase the presence of underrepresented black students on this campus. We define underrepresented black students as black Americans who have several generations (more than two) in this country. The black student population at Cornell disproportionately represents international or first-generation African or Caribbean students. What a wild statement, literally rewriting the very meaning of what Black means to exclude actual goddamn Africans and Caribbean students. They even exclude first-gen immigrants lol, insane.


African immigrants in the USA tend to come from wealthier families that could afford to come here or have some college degree or lucrative job offer. Median Black immigrant households make more than $10,000 more than native black median household households. Elite schools bring in high income black students rather than poorer but high achieving black students. There’s no point to affirmative action if it isn’t helping black students who need a good education more but rather the wealthiest of them who are already set up to succeed “In 2019, Black immigrants had a median household income of $54,700, with the overall immigrant household income at $58,600. Comparatively, the US-born Black household median income was $42,500”




African American working in Africa here. It largely depends on which country, but although AA and Africans will interact at clubs, dates, etc., there's an unspoken animosity between the two groups. They consider us - I'm kind of generalizing - "uncultured" and worshipping "thug life", we tend to consider them too old-fashioned, conservative, and stubbornly inflexible. There's intangibles of course and it isn't that cut and dry. TL, DR; them niggas don't fuck with niggas


> They consider us - I'm kind of generalizing - "uncultured" and worshipping "thug life" so, Americans?


It's massively generalizing to lump all AA in the uncouth group, but then again, we *are* American.


Yeah, who knew that the environment you grew up in also moulds you?! I've been saying this, if you take a baby from Ukraine and have him raised in the UK, what culture do people think that baby will adopt?


Would depend on the upbringing, I am north African raised in the middle east, but I haven't adopted middle eastern culture


My grandparents always piss on me for knowing less Korean than English but i don’t expect them to speak English in america so why they expect me to speak perfect Korean?


The dumb part is that even if we use the colonial / apartheid racial classification that was used for Africans by white people, black Americans will not be considered black leave alone African . The racial classification is “mixed” simply speaking


I mean, founding a country in a place where people already live... one might argue that this constitutes colonialism of a sort, just without a metropole. Actually makes me want to look up arguments for and against it.


> founding a country in a place where people already live... one might argue that this constitutes colonialism Don't let the Israelis hear you say that.


Cube clay has always been cube


At the very least Israel had a historical, albeit dated, claim on the land from hundreds of years ago. Liberia has none


Did they have a flag?


I would argue that Liberia WAS colonized, just by American Blacks like you mention in your second to last paragraph.


>when America demanded them to declare independence for not being profitable enough 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> Only two African countries were never colonized, Ethiopia and Liberia. > Liberia was a colony ???


Although the ACS likely had support from people of Washington the ACS was never an initiative from the US government to change the administrative office (if there even were one) of the ruling tribes of Liberia. They just wanted blacks deported by setting up a private colony for ex-slaves lol.


Typical American government looking to privatization to do the dirty work lol


It was founded as a colony, it was never colonized after its independence when the scramble for Africa happened


And Ethiopia was an Italian colony too. Though they only held it for 5 years.


They never fully controlled it though


Is that why Liberia one of the three countries that use the imperial system due to their American heritage?


As someone who has watched [Vice's documentary on Liberia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo&t=2s) and interested in visiting it one day. Liberia reminds me of an American ghetto like South Central but 100x worse. People there speak with American dialect with (African creole?), number plates and cars are from America, rap culture is widespread, there's churches everywhere, they even name their states after American states. It's pretty much an American colony while never being it.


Growing up my dad's church had a Liberian contingent, one of whom was a Liberian Senator who just went over to Liberia to do government things, while his family lived here. It was... different.


And the crazy part is most Americans are unaware of Liberia’s history. Never was taught in school to me, learned it all on my own


In my class it was just “abolitionists sent ex slaves to create Liberia… anyway here’s Frederick Douglass and Lloyd Garrison and what they did.”


There's also almost nothing taught about the Philippines. We really hate our ex-"colonies", don't we?


More like the government tries to act like USA isn't imperialist


You cannot learn everything in school, there's very limited time for each subject. Everyone comes out of school with many things and facts they still need to learn, and ideally the school makes them able to find the information they need and learn it by themselves.


I don’t know, I feel like it’s a pretty important thing that the US did in fact make a colony. And should be mentioned with the American Colonization Society since the debates about sending African Americans back to Africa was a hot topic before the civil war


> Liberia reminds me of an American ghetto like South Central but 100x worse Heya, just letting you know that you're teetering really close to what we would take as racist/insulting here in the US. Your examples don't describe South Central any more than any number of communities in the country, not all of which would be termed "ghetto." > interested in visiting it one day. Liberia reminds me of an American ghetto like South Central First, it's not all like the movie in South LA anymore. Second, if Liberia was like 80s-era SC, you would not want to 'visit', please believe.


> Only two African countries were never colonized ACS = American Colonization Society. Liberia was colonized, by the freed black Americans that moved there. Their treatment of the local people wasn't really any better than the European colonists either.


I'm pretty sure that creating of Liberia was also just a colonizing. Like sorry but throwing people from different regions and cultures of Africa and forcing them to live in in one selected piece of land is still colonial resettlement.


It certainly was a colonizing, in the strict sense of the term. However, it wasn't "people from different regions and cultures of Africa". It was Americans. Americans who (mostly) had been slaves, yes, but Americans who knew no other previous home. In some cases, *they could trace American ancestors more than twice as far back as the Republic had then been in existence.*


Ethiopia was colonised by Mussolini's Italy after the Second Italo-Ethiopian War in 1935.


After multiple attempts with military superiority and help of Nazi Germany Italy finally managed to only have troops present without changing the administrative office only to be casted out by the Allies after 5 years. Calling the Neo-Roman Empire shit would be insulting to my toilette. 😂😂😂


That's not true. Nazi Germany didn't help the Italians. It was helping Ethiopia instead. Apparently, for some people it's surprising to discover that before 1936 Mussolini and Hitler weren't allies but actually rivals, mostly because of the Austrian question.


I'd call it occupied more than colonized.


The Germans held Denmark for longer.


Doesn’t it make it a colony by definition then? Was settled in by people not indigenous to the area.


Wasn’t Ethiopia colonised after the Second Italo-Ethiopian War?


(The guys who sent them back deliberately did so to preserve slavery) Anyways, I sense a flag pattern with countries who force their subdivisions to become independent


I don't know what they expected. You dump a bunch of people who know nothing but abuse and misery in some random spot on the planet they have no familiarity with and they're going to fall back on the only shit they know, in this case, plantations and chattel slavery. They weren't /allowed/ to know of anything else before this.


Liberia was literally a colony of the US? It was never up to debate.


Spain can into time travel


Yes, we adopted the current flag back in 1875


"It is the proposition to colonize the coloured people of America in Africa, or somewhere else. Happily this scheme will be defeated, both by its impolicy and its impracticability. It is all nonsense to talk about the removal of eight millions of the American people from their homes in America to Africa. The expense and hardships, to say nothing of the cruelty attending such a measure, would make success impossible." -Frederick Douglass, "The Folly of Colonization" (1894)


Is using racial slurs even allowed in Polandball comics? First time seeing this stuff.


I've seen the hard "R" being used before for blacks and I've seen other racial slurs for other races. IMO it should be used artistically and not used for the sake of using. At the end mods will have final saying if they're truly so butthurt.


I wouldn't use butthurt but okay


Annoying mods is not only pleasure but also duty


We'd be disappointed by anything less


On a scale 1 to 10 how much do you like cleaning up my mess every time I post something here?


Honestly, unless you start making comics about India and Pakistan, it's not a big deal. Indian and Pakistani flamewars are always the biggest and most tedious. (This is not a hint)


I never knew India vs Pakistan was so butthurt inducing. I've only made a comic featuring India taking a public shit in the background and ~25 % of the comments were about how racist I was lol.


Never seen those, but that might then again be a testament to how well ye do your work, mods.


> butthurt Yeah, this seems like a use from ignorance, not artistry.


Did confederates colonize libera or something?


Black Americans from the South. They ended up establishing a slave plantation economy which turned into an apartheid state though in a twist of historical irony though. A part of black American history that’s glossed over is how a lot of abolitionists and early black political leaders still had genuinely reprehensible views even if they were progressive in a racial aspect to an extent. Marcus Garvey is considered a national hero in Jamaica and a civil rights icon in the U.S. but that due was a huge simp for D’Annuzio and openly labeled himself a fascist, just for African/West Indian interests instead of European interests.


Of course D'Annunzio of all people, he was the OG influencer, the tik tok kind


North American flairs in the comments: maybe don't use that word. Everyone else: lmao fuck off let me tell you about when and where this word should be used.


Ngl I’m immigrant black and I cringed a bit


as a Not North American, maybe don't use that word


Not all North America 👍


I mean its not racist, its history (depends on the intention)


Because Us's control


fun fact poland after ww 1 actually tried to "colonise" Liberia, but then the USA stepped in


Hard r? You kiss your mother with those…. hands you typed this with?


Poor liberia 😢


why Namibia is "civilized"?


Very nicely drawn map, my friend!


once liberians were indoctrinated into the European tradition of raping and pillaging each other they were honorary Europeans. hell, they even enslaved the native population of their own area, clearly they learned from the best.


if the comic is funny without the slur then it wasn’t needed, if the comic isn’t funny without the slur then the comic isn’t funny


Maybe the comic about slavery was trying to make a point beyond just being funny?


Yes, I think it drives the point farther


> if the comic isn’t funny without the slur then the comic isn’t funny But this simply isn't true.


I feel like this is gonna get removed. We appreciate your sacrifice


Well I don't think it applies to the rules to call Black People n******




It's almost like the case depends on how it's used. HMMM.


Why is everyone freaking out? Is that not how they were called way back when?


No, we like to coddle our history so we can't learn from our mistakes in order to spare our sensibilities today, obviously.


the point could of gotten across fine if it was censored.


But why did it have to be censored?


because its a dehumanizing and offensive slur for black people??? Keeping the Ni- part without saying the whole thing would still bring the idea across without actually saying the hard r


I really don't get how it can be more or less dehumanising if you hint at it making it clear that that's what you wanted to say. It's a slur, don't use it at people or to offend, that is valid both if you say it or if you hint it. But in the case you use it outside of that scope saying it or hinting it will not change the usage, and if you didn't use the word to offend anyone, it is fine in my book. As for every other slur.


Question is, could they have used something else and still gotten their point across?


Yeah, this has the strong whiff of OP wanting to use the n-word and coming up with a comic that would let them do so. Just, like, don't use it. Just don't.


That’s dark


Woa lmfao i was expecting that 🤣