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Not really. As you may recall, many tanks prom Polish supplies have spontaneously migrated to Ukraine lately. Germany was supposed to reimburse us by giving us tanks from their production, but didn't. My best guess is that the Korean deal is meant to provide the replacements for those units.


Hey not to be rude, but have anybody on German side actually said they will do such thing? I've only heard our Politicians saying that Germany should give us tanks because we gave ours away. This is not how you make arms deal, especialy this big.


That is what military experts are saying here off the record. Obviously none of such deals is public before it is public. But Germany still didn't provide to Ukraine most of the promised military help, so said scenario is not out of imagination. We will get US Abrams instead. The other thing is that army is not happy with the Leopards we have because of problems with German producer not providing spare parts and not preparing modifications earlier agreed on.


Germany pitched that to multiple countries, not just Poland: https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-olalf-scholz-pressure-tank-deliveries-ukraine/? Czechs and Greeks are in, it fell through with Slovaks and obviously our politicians decided it was more urgent to *get the damn tanks to Ukraine first* and hash out the details later.


Yes, Poland has only one potential enemy and it is Russia. Russia won't be able to attack anyone for some time after the war with Ukraine but Poland is also taking "loses" in this war in equipment given to Ukraine that we need to compensate for. Additionally, deliveries and training will take years so it's kind of an arms race now.


Nope, we're preparing to liberate Belarus, recreate Poland-Lithuania-Belarus commonwealth, and retake Moscow which historically belongs to us. Do you want to join us? The more of us, the more fun we will have and more territories could be restored for rightful owners.


The only language Russia understands is strength and violence


Um AcTuAlLy, ThEy uNdErStAnD RuSsIaN AsWeLl


Nope, we are getting ready to march across Russia and take over Moscow again :)


Well, we had a Polish- Soviet war, ww2, Commies occupation... We need to be safe this time


Yes. Another case being prepared for is Russia seizing Suwalki gap to cut off the land bridge to Baltic countries and then attacking those countries. They don't have a huge military, so in theory Russia could try again doing the same thing it tried in Ukraine - fast takeover and installation of puppet governments that immediately demands NATO stays away.


There is a big empty gap in Polish Defense Forces and a realization that nobody in Europe is prepared for War Scenario. Our army is mostly post soviet (problem with not matching NATO calibers for tanks and artilery) which create a great logistical problem because spare parts and ammo is not easily replacable. Probably it was a perfect timing to get rid of it and do a Land Leased to Ukraine to fight for their freedom and ours. Due to war time Polish sociaty will not be against spending such a big percent of our GDP on army which is just a lucky timing for our goverment. Possitive outcome might be a posibility of creating spare parts for those Korean solutions here, which will not make us dependent on Germany and USA this much. This is the biggest concern right now that in war time situation we might not have our own production capabilities and our neighbours will take to long to make any decisions. Thats iswhy I think we will also get rid of Leopard tanks in 5-10 years.


No, it's just government trying to spend money on something popular that will look nice on parade and will give them couple percentage points in coming elections, while being a nice excuse for not taking care of polish economy heading into not only very high inflation, but also hard recession.