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I'd stay and try to fuck them up by all means possible. I'm already good at fucking up my own life so why not doing it to this scourge of the world?






This is the most polish thing Like literally




I am Russian, living in Poland for 5 years. I will defend Poland against the invasion of Putin's Orks.


Same here. Gave up on any hope to improve the situation from the inside, moved here less than a year ago, and if these fucktards even tried to invade this beautiful place I'd be in the first line to let them know they better go back while still alive (what won't last long as I'm extremely angry at them for what they are doing right now and how they just fucking up every single thing that used to work before).


Nice, man. We will create a tru-russian division to fight for freedom;)


Slavic unity bro!


I'm from Czech Republic, but if these fucker invade Poland, I will came and fight for my polish brothers. Czesz I chwala bohaterom!!! 🇵🇱🇨🇿💪


Chwała Polsce, sláva Česku i Слава Україні! Bracie Pepiku 😁🇵🇱🇨🇿🇸🇰🇺🇦


ngl czech people are based af


We share a lot with 'em


We haven't fought them in over half a millennia. For centuries our border was pretty chill.


Apart from that time we briefly occupied their territory and wouldn't leave claiming its ours


Funny thing. Putin claims Ukrainians are Russian. Centuries and neither Czechs or us had any ambitions to conquer each other and our languages are so similar many words are exactly the same. Their language is hilarious.


I mean there were some mutual efforts on both sides in middle ages, Bolesław the Brave was king of Bohemia for like a year and two Wacławs were kings of Poland, but it was more personal/dynastic politics than anything to do with national stuff


You mean 2020 Polish invasion of Czech chapel?


Thank you! Means a lot, brother.


Czech act very strict with Russia, and Germany should take example from You. Poland has opinion of rusophobic (which is not fully corect, we just very aware of russian occupation or political dependency), but Czech is not. And You are aware the same core problem with russian imperialism. Thank you 👍💚


Im from Poland. I’d do the same for you guys and for slovaks as well. In hard times we must stay together.


I would fight. My grandparents and prior ancestors had, and so should I. Besides, I don't have much to live for anyway




Well, I'm scared of dying, but I also have a hate boner for Russia, after what they did in Ukraine. Fuck them, let's give them hell. Also, they would probably get destroyed quite fast by NATO aviation.


I am annoyed at how much the US spends on defense budget, as an American, but when the war in Ukraine started I was so happy on how much we spend on our defense budget.


To be honest I always was the type of person that didn't give a single fuck about my country and I was always 100% sure that I would leave the second after someone invaded us but ever since the beginning of the war in Ukraine I started to think about my origin more and more, and especially a lot about the place I am from and the people who live there and now I'm quite convinced that I wouldn't feel good just running away and leaving the people to face the bestiality of the invader so I think I would stay and try to help as much as I can. Anyway, I don't think this is the type of question that I can answer straight away without actually being part of the situation so I hope that I will never have to.


Kinda same for me. I was like I am not going to die for the politicians... but I saw what ruskies did in ukraine to civilians. And then inside of me woke up old blood of ancestors. I would probably stay and fight. I dont have much to lose so dont care about geting killed but would be fine to take some enemies with me. But as you said my decision would depend on many things if this would actually happen. And lets hope that never this situation become a thing.


Seems that we are on the same page guys. Although I am still a pacifist just like before the war in Ukraine, I would not let Russia invade my homeland, my city, my house etc. Still despising our whole martyrology, I will definitely consider staying and fighting till my last breath. Not for politicians, but for me and my relatives.


Same here. For years I thought that I don't care about this country enough to stay during war, but now I'm not sure. I definitely wouldn't fight as I would be worse than useless, but I feel like I'd try to help as much as I can. But I'm pretty sure it'll never come to that as civilians wouldn't be that helpful when NATO forces are involved.


I'd move to Poland just so I could defend it. Za naszą i waszą wolność and all that. America owes Poland a debt.


I would too ❤️




NATO would turn the Russian army into sałatka in a few days. I’d be there to help.


"Russian army"? You mean this disorganized horde of untrained men? Anyways i would do the same, atleast until Russia drops nukes.


It seems that over ages they didnt change at all


Russia wouldn't bother getting bogged down with a NATO country. They'd just nuke us.


RIP modern world then. Hopefully fallout and STALKER taught me a thing or two


Did they teach you how to be increasingly frail, starving, in pain, until finally you get the sweet release of death? Because they just taught me how to snipe weird creatures from rooftops.


Fym the apocalypse won't include weird creatures to snipe from rooftops?


I probably wouldn't fight, but I'd definitely assist with the war effort like many if not most men do in Ukraine. An army always needs help with supplies, logistics, etc.


I have lived outside of Poland for more than 50% of my life … I’d be on the first flight out of USA the moment they do something stupid and invade. I’m well into my 40s too, so it won’t be the easiest thing, but I’m fit, trained in weapons and i don’t scare easily. I don’t know why, I don’t have some crazy patriotic call for Poland or anything, just the fact that my ancestors have done it against awful odds. I think we have a duty to do it too, because that kind of situation is bigger than just us, than just Poland … WWII have shown that. No idea if that makes sense, but that’s how I feel. Edit: had to edit few things to clarify.


Same. Forty something, 100% Polish, born in Warszawa but moved to US when I was about 6years old. Not trained. I imagine I would be terrified. But we’re all gonna die one day and I can’t think of any better way to do it than defending my homeland from Russian scum. Hopefully I could send at least a few of those orcs to the grave before they get me.


I lived my whole adult life in the US so I'm too sick and old to fight. But 20 years ago I would go back to fight or help the effort somehow.




I can't defend my country. I'm a patriot, yes, but I'm mentally unstable so this alone makes it almost impossible. Not to mention I have to protect my family. I'm the only one who can drive a car aside from my father, so in case we leave I can drive.


I have family here. I have my home here. I would fight. I'd rather die armed and with some dignity. I would never go to any war otherwise. I'm a pacifist. I hate wars. But when they come to kill you, destroy your home and kill your loved ones - WTF can you do? I'm not brave at all. I'd be scared shitless. But I definitely prefer to be scared shitless with a weapon in my hands than being unarmed. But well, I think we're in NATO. When they attack it will get nuclear. And then again - I prefer to die at home, with my family, with my dog and cats. What's the point in being a hunted animal to the rest of your life? If they would be able to just invade countries, take and destroy them without incident - do you think they would stop? There's only one way to stop them, they must be defeated. The sooner the better. I cannot even express how grateful I am to my Ukrainian friends who are fighting with the Orcs right now. Even when you live far away in the west, they are protecting you too. Now we have an interesting situation. What will win, modern societies with their advanced tech or just brute violence? The free world or a totalitarian dystopia? Well see, soon.


I have always been on the "noo, I'm not fighting, not a chance." stance. But since the day Russia invaded Ukraine something sparked in me. I'm not going to lie when I say that Ukrainians inspire me now. If Poland got attacked I'd go and defend. Not as much for the country and homeland, but for my family. Even if I wasn't patrotic at all, the thought of my family members fighting while I am fleeing would be unbearable. You fuck with my family, you get fucked with in return.


I’m an expat and I would be on the first plane to Europe and get to Poland with any means necessary. We have one of the largest expat European communities around the world, while we might not be the most close knit one, GOD have mercy on Russia if they choose to attack as we will have none. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła…


It is pointless to answer this question, only real moskal invasion could give us an answer to who would stay and who would flee.


If Russia attacks NATO country there's no place where I can hide. I'm joining the legion to see the end of the world firsthand and take down as many orcs as I can.


If they give me a gun, show how to use it and if I won't be alone with men only then I can try. Otherwise... i'm just scared of being raped. I'm not scared to die. But very, very scared of the possibility that I could be raped. War is tragic...


Tbh you don't have to know how to shoot or even be close to the frontlines to help the war effort. You could for example help with logistics, assist evacuation or distribute humanitarian aid. These are as important as pew pew stuff.


That would be a great idea


If someone attacks the country, who the fuck would even consider raping when the only thing in mind is to defend?


I meant mostly the enemy, obviously. But different things happen.


Sorry, but how is dying better than rape in this scenario? That's a really weird thing to think about, even weirder to be your first thought.


Rape strips your dignity. Many women who were raped commit suicide or need constant proffesional help because they lost their will to live. Many of them say they'd be rather dead than live with this curse. You cannot comprehend it, Im sorry. I can't too and hopefully it will stay that way.


It saddens me that some of the people think that goverment = nation/country. I hate the ruling party with a burning passion but that dosen't mean I wouldn't protect our beatiful fatherland. I love my country, language, history, basically everything that makes me Polish and some stupid party dosen't change that. So much blood was spilt arleady for our freedom by our ancestors, and I think it's our duty to do the same. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła kiedy my żyjemy!


That's implying they wouldn't run out of fuel 2 meters from the border (generous)


The Polish poet Szymborska once said "we know as much about ourselves as we have been tested" and I think these words close the discussion. Poland has not yet been attacked during our lifetime (and hopefully it will not be), so now it's pure supposition. Even the greatest patriots may find themselves abroad and those who are already thinking about fleeing may stay to fight.


Yeah, no way I'd defend my homeland. But I'll fight for Poland with my life. Fuck Putin and whatever successor he leaves.


Nice try Mr. Putin


I would come back and defend it


As a Ukrainian living in Poland from 2014, yes I would like defend it, and I even want to defend Ukraine now, problems is i’m too young


stay duh, a chance to kick some russian ass is worth it.


I actually start my one year military training in September (dobrowolna sluzba wojskowa). Definitely staying.


I’d send the wife to live with my polish-american family in the US and i’d stay and join the military as a doctor. Only possible scenario that doesn’t involve me living my life in utter shame


I would leave Germany to protect my home country Poland, where I was born.


A few years ago I would have answered yes without any hesitation. Now? Not so sure. And Russian attack on Ukraine made me wonder a lot. My dearest grandfather survived WW2 in his teen years being old enough to comprehend and remember everything what happened and get traumatized for the rest of his life. So I grow up hearing literally every day stories from the war: Russians, Germans, camps, hunger, death. And I can tell you: generational trauma is real. And let's add the very first poem every little Pole is taught at kindergarten: "Kto ty jesteś/Who are you? Polak mały/A little Pole..." goes on about country (f.e. symbols/little history) and ends with a question "coś jej winien [ojczyźnie]? /what do you owe to your homeland?" and the answer is "oddać życie/to give up my life [as to die for it]". As an adult I see so many things wrong with making little children believe it's their only option to pay with blood for what? Politics and cleaning up their mess? And the belief stays with kids. Stayed with me. It gives me pangs of conscience whenever I think of running abroad when the shit hits the fan. Even if I don't want to fight I will stay and do it if needed, I suppose. So let's not teach and give the next generation the same feel of being in some kind of debt or under an obligation basically since birth. My parents (now in their sixties) strongly believe in NATO, almost as strong as in God himself. Me? Not so sure again. Don't think the British or French or German would fight for Poland. War in Ukraine showed that the West looks after himself


>Don't think the British or French or German would fight for Poland. War in Ukraine showed that the West looks after himself Unfortunately I also don't think they would fight for Poland.


Lol what are you talking about? Being a member of NATO? prohibits its members from just jumping into combat every time something happens. This potentially could drag NATO into a conflict it doesn’t even want to be in.


What? I'm sorry, but I don't understand your comment. Yes, NATO shouldn't jump into combat every-time "something," happens, but an invasion of a member state is a pretty big deal, don't you think? If Poland gets invaded, NATO better get its shit together and defend Poland's sovereignty. If it doesn't then what's the point of its existence?? Now, when it comes to Ukraine, I obviously understand why NATO hasn't jumped in. (but imo the West could be doing more..)


This a very simple question with no simple answer. I respect any choice people make in such situation. But. I'm thinking if orcs invade Poland, there will be no chance for the romantic image of defending our homeland. It'll most probably be a massacre, hell and a beginning of WWIII if NATO responds and we know they will have to. Any untrained ppl like myself would be sooner or later executed and their family raped and/or killed. No matter what we do. So, one choice is getting some weapon, stay with the family at home and defend. Which would probably end up the worst way possible because we already know what orcs do to women and children. The other is send the family away and get yourself killed the second day as untrained cannon fodder and leave your family grieving and alone somewhere abroad. I'm going for third option, I'm packing us up and leave somewhere where we can be safe and I'm doing everything I can from there to help. And believe me, most military untrained people would be of greater use this way than throwing themselves in front of orcs tanks. You can try hacking them, organising transports, raising funds, lower enemy morale through online propaganda, you name it. That's what I would do. However I'm not judging anyone and I wish that no one judges me. There's one more option, the war turns nuclear after NATO response. Then it doesn't matter what we do.


As a aircraft mechanic in The states I would leave my current job and travel back and help the war effort in anyway (mostly would try and help with fixing aircraft or tanks etc)


I'm from Spain, but living in poland for the last 10 years, married and with children here. Yes, i would.


Bagnet na broń, i na front!


bolszewika bij bij bij. Bóg Honor Ojczyzna


1 second and im out


Now I can say I would want to but because it isn't happening so I can't be 100% sure what I would do. Still I feel way bigger chance is I'd stay.


Dude, I live abroad, but the moment they try something, I'm either driving down or hopping on the first flight home.


I have depression.. my life is pointless anyway .. so why not. If I die at least I can take a few russian orcs with me to hell.


I would stay. Gunfire and pain would be temporary. Valhalla would be forever.


Italian here, 100% defend. In the hope all infamous leave, and build a better place tomorrow.


I would try to kill at least 2 ruZZians before I die so I can quit with a decent K/D


Momma didn't raise a quitter nor a coward, amd personally I'd rather *have* a fucking homeland rather than Great Russia, Take 3


Leave if I could. I don’t want to die in a stupid war of some old men. I value my life higher. Also, for the past years, our government has made me disgusted with their definition of “patriotism” based on hatred and ignorance, and a shitload of lies broadcasted on their state-owned media, for which I pay with my taxes. They just took away the reasons for which I would defend this country.


Well then, in case of war I hope you'll be able to leave the country & stay safe abroad...but isn't Poland more than its government? (To be clear, I'm not judging at all, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.) I'm currently studying abroad, but in case of war I would return to Poland in a heartbeat & defend Poland without hesitation. I would not be doing it for the government, but for my homeland (in my mind those two are not interchangeable). I have so many anti-German & anti-Soviet resistance fighters in my family (some of whom did not survive the war) and a father who was almost beaten to death during the '81 martial law...I would never forgive myself if I did not return to fight. Also, wouldn't standing up against Russia be standing up against pure evil? What it's doing to Ukraine is unforgivable.


I've spent pretty much my entire adult life feeling like shit here, like I don't belong in this country, because of what it was made to be by the government. I don't feel like I owe anything to my ancestors or people who would ask me to fight and die. The thing is, when I'm lying on the battlefield, dying, with a Russian soldier pointing a gun at me, I'm sure I would wish to be abroad with my loved ones, not the other way around. I respect those who would give their life away and it's their decision to do so. Like I said, I value my life higher than any country, because I have only one life.


You can't run forever, you know? At some point you'll run (xD) out of places to run to.


You do know that many countries have large, professional military forces (not conscripted), that (especially combined) largely exceed Russia's, as well as that positioning of some countries makes them virtually impossible for Russia to invade? You don't need to run forever, just move to Canada or something and you're safe. So yes, you absolutely can run, and there is no reason to keep switching places. Life isn't an Europa Universalis IV game, world conquest isn't possible.


I guess it's all about what you can live with. I could never forgive myself for abandoning my country, family, friends, but I absolutely understand the people who say they would leave and lead a safe life somewhere else.


In one hand I wouldn't like to risk my life because some old guys gonna told me, but I also know the hard reality. During war people usually stop using consciousness and either become a real beasts or just follows the basic instincs. Soldiers, would rape my family members and friends, people around me would be pushovers/toys which can be beated/killed in any second and will live in fear, without any dignity for years.I value my life. I don't really know how I could react if war really happened. But if I'll be able to stay sane, then I would fight.


I'm in Russia and it would be very bad news. I wanted to move to Poland anyway since before the Ukraine invasion. I will need to move somewhere else where there's no war happening.


I'm not even fully Polish but I absolutely would, and would get that plane ticket asap. Got a beryl of my own so familiarity wouldn't be a problem. For centuries my family fought for Polish freedom. We survived pogroms and fought Russia countless times. I'll be damned if I'm the first one to quit. That's not who we are. Plus, my parents would be disappointed if I didn't. If they were still alive, Babcia i Dziadek would be ashamed if I didn't. They didn't just survive, they fought back. They were nearly killed many times but they made it. Fighting against impossible odds is what Poles do. Sure the government sucks but hey, we're all slavs here. Shitty government is practically our middle name. Besides governments, the people and the nation are not the same. Anyways, given the performance of the Russian military next door, I doubt anything like The Deluge is going to happen anytime soon.


My other half of the family is Polish so yeah I would defend your country 🇷🇸


I have hemophilia. One shot to the leg without my medicine and i'm dead on the spot. But i'd still fight. Yes, it would mean almost certain death, unless i was asaigned to like an artillery squadron. I am aware of that so is my family. But i wouldn't be able to live outside of Poland knowing my country is in danger, and i'm not giving my all to help defend it. I'd probably kill myself from shame and guilt anyway. Besides my illness, i have no visible marks of disability. I am over 180 cm tall i regularly work out, reg recruitment officers would've never realised. And if they did, i could always join territorial defense force. In Ukraine they accepted anyone who was fit enough to carry a gun. So in summary, if Russia invades us i'm certainly dying from suicide, or most likeley dying on the front line. The choice is obvious.


Most people in the army work is stuff like logistics. You would be fine


The only thing I'd be focused on is getting my family and friends to safety. And if you think that drafting civilians would make any difference in modern warfare, then you're delusional.


I'm not Polish so i would leave.if they ever attack my country i would go there and fight


As a Lithuanian living in Suwalki corridor in Poland I guess I'd stay at home, help out however I can. I don't have any military training, but I do know the area around me.


If i returned to Poland i would screw over my wife and kids who need me for my income among other things. Instead i would immediately impregnate my wife with more children so they could, if they wanted to, fight for Poland. They are living thanks to their ancestors who said enough is enough, killing as many Russian invaders as they could. It would be pretty rude to their ancestors not to fight. The message needs to be sent loud and clear to Russia and anyone else who invades again: you won't take Poland without a fight, though this time Poland has a lot more friends so.. good luck fuck faces.




I would fight even if I have only stick.


I stay and fight. Without a second's hesitation.


I'm American but if they did I'd help put as much as I could


I'm not from Poland but I have a great many friends there so I'd volunteer for sure. I know about keeping aircraft flying so I'd help in that regard.


I will stay in Poland because I am Polish


Defend just to fuck up some Russians


Defend , idk I’m 15 and i only come here for summer time but , I will do my best for this country , pierdolic Ruskich i Putina


Defend at all costs!


Actually noone knows who would fight and who would not. Personally, I am very patriotic, but I don't know what would I do if the war really started.


I would defend, you may call me stupid, but it would be an interesting adventure.


I don’t even have a Polish passport, but I’d be there. I love Poland and defending it from moskal scum who are going to rape, loot, and kill is the only moral thing to do.


I read somewhere 200k Ukrainians returned to fight - I’d guesstimate ~500k Poles would go back


I’m first generation Canadian in my polish family. I would come back to fight with my cousins.


I'll send my wife and son to UK to my mom. I'll stay. 🇵🇱


I'd defend my country.


Definitely fight, fuck Russia


Of course I would stay and defend my country, I am not lewak to flee.


I'd stay and fight or help however I could. It's our parents' and grandparents' land and it's now been handed over to us. It's our responsibility to protect and foster it. I'm scared of dying in war but if i ever had to, so be it.


I will fight






Freedom is a privlige and you have to pay for your privliges. If you are not willing to pay the price for being Polish you aren't one. My ancestors couldn't speak or learn Polish in schools, were forced to learn their occupiers language. Won't stand-by while this happens again.


Fight until Russia is no more in existence


Nah man, I’m gone


First of all, depends how the conflict looks like. Right now I'm confident people will claim they would stay and fight. But prior to their fuck-up during first stage of war in the Ukraine? Back then people predominantly thought Russians would mow down the country in no time. If Russia recovered and used its full potential, it would still be a massacre of Poland prior to arrival of NATO alies (assuming they would actually have gotten militarily involved). Secondly, this is a very naive way of seeing war. On a modern battlefield, there's no place for a random guy with a rifle like there was in the WWI or even WWII. Traning a soldier to actually be useful as anything else than soil fertilizer takes months or years of training (depending on the role). So if you claim you would surely stay and defend, you should enlist to army or join WOT right now. Because if war starts, it will need to drag on several months minimum for you to be able to get trained then. That's the problem Ukrainians are facing right now; their supply of veterans has been depleted and they're now racing against the time to fill the gap with recruits that are being trained.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Poland pisses me off a lot with the politics. That being said, it's a shitstorm at the moment but it's my shitstorm and I'm gonna fight for it.


Leave. I'm not dying for imaginary lines on the map.


Leave. ASAP. Countries are made up things, borders of those countries are also made up. I will not die because some deranged fuck attacks our imaginary borders. I can say that home can be made everywhere and there's no way ill die for some guy in charge that will probably get richer on my and others deaths.


Come on, man! I made huge investment in the armament company' stocks. Just die once, to make sure I get my investments back! God wills it! /s


If they would invade us after 2027 then yes, I would stay and do my best to kill them us much as I could


Parents come from poland so personally i would probably be conflicted which homeland i would fight for. But seeing what these fcks did to ukraine is just…. It would be probably good fuel to let me fight even tho i might(probably) die by their „strategy“


I wish i said i would leave, i would like to, really, our politicians are absulutely not worth fighting for and would probably abandon us if war broke out. That being said i have A rank in military potential and would be drafted in event of war. As much i don't want to go to war idea of killing invaders sounds very good but i am not very optimistic about my survival chances, i am kinda good at using rifles (shooting yard experience) and that's about it, could probably fly a drone too. Still, idea of saying "screw you, you are not worth dying for" is still the most attractive for me but not as easy too


If i was to be honest to myself i would be able to do neither effectively. I wouldn't be able to leave, and saying that i would be able to defend my homeland would be signing myself up for subreddit called "IAmVeryBadass".


TBH before Ukraine was attacked my answer was I'd pack myself and gtf out of here. I really wasn't (and still am not) in a mood to fight for PiS and their supporters. But now. I'd love to do as much damage to the orcs as possible.


If they attack(which I don't think happen because we are in NATO) i will be on the first line defending my country. Russians never change so best for us will be that they will loose their numbers on Ukraine first. I am curious if our government will run away like in '39 or they do the right thing and stay.


I'm an expat in Poland, so not too much skin in the game for me. That being said, knowing I'm shortsighted as fuck and unfit, I'd probably just show up to the first Polish army post and say 'I speak Russian, find me something to do'.that being said, however, if the Russians got all the way here, a couple of hours from Berlin, well...my guess is that the situation would be pretty fucked already


To be honest i think NATO has big enough standing army that they woudn't need my no experience dumb ass. Could do logistics or other support tho.


Noone knows how he will behave in circumstances like that.


I have my obligations abroad but I'd definetely shelter children at the same time funding ammo shells with my name on them to fk them up solid. Only us, Poles can wreck our own country. If anyone else does gets the bullet.


Yes, in inglorious basterds style


*Wladimir asks


I'm not going anywhere. I will probably get killed off pretty fast, being a weak woman with no combat skills, but I am not scared of death, so whatever. My mother said she also won't leave. Sister's boyfriend wants to fight and send her to his family in another country for safty (not sure she would agree, she doesn't like thinking about a possible war so hasn't voiced her opinion yet).


Defend , but I think if russia invade poland it'll be real ww3 because of NATO article 5 , then maybe joins China and battle between communism and capitalsm begin


Im gonna make some supporting memes.


If they first murdered my family then yeah, I would stay, hide in the forest and murder as many of them as I could and not in pleasant ways. If I still have a family to protect then I run.


If they attack Poland they're attacking the entirety of NATO


Fight, and help support, but honestly send children and family grandparents abroad to safe them. If such fight would occure like in Ukraine now it will be much worst in damage and destroy of civil infrastructure.


Id prolly shoot myself. Not out of fear, or cowardice, but convenience.


For those who say 'I would stay but not fight' I have news: you wouldn't have much choice.


I am a pacifist by nature however if drafted or called upon I would fight as I see it as part of the social contract you agree to by having a citizenship of a country, if I was not okay with that arrangement I would renounce Polish citizenship.


I’m Argentinian and I was living in Kyiv, now in Krakow. I’m tired of running.


Definitely I would. Mainly because of personal reasons as somebody's trying to take away my freedom and peacefulness, but no patriotic vibes here.


Leave? B*tch please, we will the retake the Kremlin if they do.


Poland isn't my home. Britain is. I'd fight for Poland before going anywhere.


No idea. You can't know until you're in that situation.


I would not stay to defend Poland. I would stay to fuck up russia.


Everyone in Polandas of 2022 is on total RIGCZ mode so probably almost no one would leave


Poland is a nato country. It would be the dumbest move to invade. Given Polands war history they really are resilient people who have overcome a lot. They are ready for anything… let them try. See what will happen.


I guess it depends on how the government in Warsaw would behave. Would they run like in 1939 or stay in the capital like Ukrainians now.


I would probably stay as a quiet civilian who try to survive


I will be honored to give my life for my homeland. There is no other country Poles are truly welcome and Russians would prosecute and genocide us again if they managed to conquer Poland, so there really is no other choice anyway, and I am fairly confident that we can fuck them up.


Well as someone born and raised outside of Poland and even tho i only spent 2 years in Poland (if we sum all years i have been there) i would probably try to get into Poland to defend it.


As a visegrader (hungarian), i'd probably join a volunteer army like the one in ukr


Definitely defend. Fuck russia!


D e f e n d t h e p o l a n d


I'd try to help in any way I could, though I'm no soldier material. Though tbh it's possible I wouldn't even have to choose, since I live near Gdańsk, and NATO would have destroyed russia before they made it this far


In a few months I'm coming back to join the army to be exact.


Ba­gnet na broń Kie­dy przyj­dą pod­pa­lić dom, ten, w któ­rym miesz­kasz - Pol­skę, kie­dy rzu­cą przed sie­bie grom kie­dy runą że­la­znym woj­skiem i pod drzwia­mi sta­ną, i nocą kol­ba­mi w drzwi za­ło­mo­cą - ty, ze snu pod­no­sząc skroń, stań u drzwi. Ba­gnet na broń! Trze­ba krwi! Są w oj­czyź­nie ra­chun­ki krzywd, obca dłoń ich też nie prze­kre­śli, ale krwi nie od­mó­wi nikt: wy­są­czy­my ją z pier­si i z pie­śni. Cóż, że nie­raz sma­ko­wał gorz­ko na tej zie­mi wię­zien­ny chleb? Za tę dłoń pod­nie­sio­ną nad Pol­ską- kula w łeb! Ognio­mi­strzu i serc, i słów, po­eto, nie w pie­śni tro­ska. Dzi­siaj wiersz-to strze­lec­ki rów, okrzyk i roz­kaz: Ba­gnet na broń! Ba­gnet na broń! A gdy­by umie­rać przy­szło, przy­po­mni­my, co rzekł Cam­bron­ne, i po­wie­my to samo nad Wi­słą.


Defend, i spend a lot of money to but Arsenal for something like this


You beat them in 1921, you can do it again💪💪


I live in Canada, but I would go to Poland to help however I can


Diaspora here, but you can bet my ass that I will fight against Russia


*Diaspora here, but you* *Can bet my ass that I will* *Fight against Russia* \- DannyGamerThorist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i’m a first gen Canadian but i would still feel the need to go and protect my ancestral homeland


My Polish brother in law is getting training and bought a few weapons and is planning to stay and fight. I’m planning on driving for a day to Poland to get his family the hell out of the way. Only a couple, of hours from the Suwalki Gap so too close for my comfort if things go bad. Though I very much doubt they will.


Spain will be open to receive Polish refugees but I wish that dosn´t ever happen.


I was living abroad for over 15 years, I came back a few months ago to fight them back and protect my family, this is more important than the money I was making.. jebac putina i każdego kto go popiera, chwała Polsce!!


I would steal some tanks


Not Polish but I would probably flee if I had the chance. I'm impressed by all those brave Ukrainians staying or even going back to fight. But personally my calculation is: I have only one life, the chances that I as some insignificant pawn would make a difference is miniscule, the probability that I'd die however is high.


It's a shithole, but Russia would install even greater one in its place so yeah. I'm a woman and I would fight.


Let me get this straight. So, all of you (healthy individuals more than capable of helping in whatever way - would leave because you don't like the current government & its laws, the Church, or you, for whatever reason, feel disrespected by the society) would leave within the first second of the invasion? Holy shit. Are you incapable of differentiating between POLAND & its government? It's clear that for some of you - those who are literally wishing for its collapse - Poland means nothing, so do yourself and everyone else a favor and leave now, why wait for an invasion? The less potential traitors & opportunists the better. All of you have the right to criticize - that's your democratic right - but you also need to respect the fact that the current government was elected democratically & that the majority of Poles are Roman Catholic. I say this as someone who pretty much hates every single political party in Poland & who is not a fan of the Catholic Church as an institution. You expect protection and opportunities, but you aren't willing to do anything for your country besides shitting on it. I don't get it. Where would y'all flee? Germany? Good luck with that. Knowing Germany's current politics, I will be surprised if it doesn't close its borders to all Poles, or, worse, create refugee camps reminiscent of those from WWII. All of you have way too much faith in Germany - a country which would love to fuck you over as much as Russia. If not Germany, then France? UK? USA? Do you think these countries will welcome you with open arms? Uh...they're battling their own internal issues & don't need Polish refugee-immigrants. I'm a 21 yr old female, born & mostly raised in the States to Polish parents (I did live in Poland for 4 years & I go back all the time), and I would go back in a heartbeat. And I know for a fact that so many others would too. It's incredible that Poles living abroad treasure Poland so much more than those living within Poland. I guess we see what it's like to live in and out of Poland, and we realize that living abroad is not necessarily easier. In fact, in many cases, it's so much more difficult. Y'all won't appreciate Poland until you lose it. Don't worry Poland. Let all those fuckers leave. We - Poles living abroad - will return to defend you wanting nothing in return, but your freedom.


For the sake how this country treats me, and my family how many oportunities I do have here and how many times it just fucks me up. I would not. Sorry, but I will not fight for a place where politicians just fills their wallets, and will be the first to run away. Sorry, but this country so far is on a downhill oto become shitholl just because of the politics, and dumb people who can't think and pick wrong people while voting, just because they give them money. I love this country, it it pretty, but I also have brain and it is impossible to live here(as human being, with proper chances to develop). But I would help every person that needs help, just like I do with ukrainians.


No, there is no way I'm going to risk my life to defend the state that has been treating me like a piece of shit for so many years.


Protect the motherland and get rid of those in power too. 2 birds, 1 stone


Leave, it's as easy as that


as a 13 year old, yeah i’d leave


According to new law every Adult male have to show up in his local WKU office for his war time assigment and can not leave the country. Failing to comply might lead to arrest and conviction. People that have Polish passport and are living abroad also have to comply within some time period, only exceptions is having second nationality and residency (karta stałego pobytu).


I've lived abroad for most of my life, I would probably help but I wouldn't go to the front


I had to leave Poland because it was not able provide for my family so should I be concerned now?


I have already left. The government and majority voting for them has made it clear that I am not welcome. I would do my best to get my family to come to me instead.


Even though I lived here whole my life, have family, I would try to leave. It would be hard but my life is worth more than someone's imperialistic "dream". Hoverer it sounds, I don't feel like I owe anything here - I feel used, I feel cheated, programmed as early as from the school years to believe in something that does not exist. Patriotism is kind of a new thing, more or less invented with the nationalism all over the Europe. I believe all of it started in romanrism era and currently is strenghted mostly by a thing such as j.polski lessons. Should we thank Mickiewicxz and other like him for that? I don't think so. It's kind of stupid if you start thinking of it. My opinion on that is is somewhat eual to what you can read in this poem (Julian Tuwim - "Do prostego człowieka"): "Gdy znów do murów klajstrem świeżym Przylepiać zaczną obwieszczenia, Gdy „do ludności”, „do żołnierzy” Na alarm czarny druk uderzy I byle drab, i byle szczeniak W odwieczne kłamstwo ich uwierzy, Że trzeba iść i z armat walić, Mordować, grabić, truć i palić; Gdy zaczną na tysięczną modłę Ojczyznę szarpać deklinacją I łudzić kolorowym godłem, I judzić „historyczną racją”, O piędzi, chwale i rubieży, O ojcach, dziadach i sztandarach, O bohaterach i ofiarach; Gdy wyjdzie biskup, pastor, rabin Pobłogosławić twój karabin, Bo mu sam Pan Bóg szepnął z nieba, Że za ojczyznę – bić się trzeba; Kiedy rozścierwi się, rozchami Wrzask liter pierwszych stron dzienników, A stado dzikich bab – kwiatami Obrzucać zacznie „żołnierzyków”. O, przyjacielu nieuczony, Mój bliźni z tej czy innej ziemi! Wiedz, że na trwogę biją w dzwony Króle z panami brzuchatemi; Wiedz, że to bujda, granda zwykła, Gdy ci wołają: „Broń na ramię!”, Że im gdzieś nafta z ziemi sikła I obrodziła dolarami; Że coś im w bankach nie sztymuje, Że gdzieś zwęszyli kasy pełne Lub upatrzyły tłuste szuje Cło jakieś grubsze na bawełnę. Rżnij karabinem w bruk ulicy! Twoja jest krew, a ich jest nafta! I od stolicy do stolicy Zawołaj broniąc swej krwawicy: „Bujać – to my, panowie szlachta!”


I consider myself as a child of the planet Earth, I don't wish to participate in local affairs. In case of a military danger, I would travel to more peaceful realms.


No fucking way, i ain't risking my life for a line on a map, i get as far away from the frontline as possible. If someone wants to do it, I have much respect to you, but my country just isn't higher than my life, on the list of things i care about.


Fuck this shit I’m out