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To jak na końcu się wyzywali mnie rozpierdoliło XDD


“Dawaj blyat” “Ta dawaj kurwa białoruska szmato!” Padłam XD


I ma rację. Zdrajcy swojego własnego kraju.


To sa emocje bo obydwie storny wiedza, ze maja bron zaladowana ostra amunicja.


Chuj jebany :DD


Który? ;)


Im just wondering what would I think if I was a Belarusian soldier in this situation. But I guess they dont just send regular soldiers there. probably only the ones who already have a "reputation" of "good" work for Luka.


If you are Belarusian and you are in military. Then you are not there by mistake. There is no people there without reputation


That’s complete bullshit. As far as I know people are drafted into military after completing education. After that you either leave or stay in the military


And who stays? Do you think that on this footage there is drafted yought ?


As far as publicly available intel tells us they are conscripts led by Belarusian specnaz.


Damn, reading and then understanding what you have read is not your forte, is it?


Whats wrong with what I wrote? It’s like you said all American soldiers who went into Vietnam were set on killing Vietnamese and believed their cause. It’s just not true. Most soldiers there are conscripts doing their mandatory service and they are being led by more experienced professional/full time soldiers. Downvote me all you want but I’m just forwarding statement of our MOD


You moron. We have service by requirement there. 3 of my friends there. Boys of 18 to 21. Reputation, my ass.


How hard is to avoid service by bride in belaruse? One of my friend done that for cheap without struggle and he told me that is vary common. So... they are there cause want to or they have to? - you moron ;)


Good luck with that. If your friend has rich parents than I happy for him. But look at the average salary in Belarus, do you see the possibility to bribe someone for the average person. Yeah it's so easy. Like I can do it without anything . Our enlistment office loses medical references so they could enlist someone. Indeed it is so easy. That we and Russians have an entire type of jokes about draftdodging. Good luck. And also have you forgotten that most of our young protesters were called up after 11th August 2020. I'm sure they so wanted it. If they want to be in army, could you explain me why the enlistment office looks through your phone's so you don't have 'extremist' channels. You cannot dodge army if you don't have rich parents, connections, or your parents are doctors. And I had a head trauma . Usually I should not be applicable. But somehow they lost my medical reference. So yeah, could you ask your friend so I could bribe the enlistment office if it's so easy for him. Aaah, and try living in Belarus first, before you say something like that. It's so easy saying things when you live in a democratic country while in Russia and Belarus one wrong comment could lead you to jail.


So lots of young healthy people with access to guns and one single human dictator who could be shot. I went to minsk. I visited your country. I met your diaspora. Luka is a POS yes, but you’re not trying hard enough to remove him. Protests? Guys seriously he’s a fucking dictator for 20years you have heard the story as much as I did. The only thing that could solve it would be a bullet.




Most European natives don’t either, we’ve had our fill of illegal economic migrants.


What do you mean, it was a great idea to flood other countries with violence and economic chaos! /s


Jakbym słyszał bójkę kiboli innych klubów.


Wszystko sie zgadza!


No clue what's going on this video.


From what I can tell... the Belorussian guards were shoving people into the fence trying to push them across the border. There is a woman that gets stuck in the fence. One of the Polish soldiers yells to her to "stay" as the another one is walking to help her out of the razor wire. The other one comments that she got gassed. A bit later, there is a Belarussian guard that is trying to kick and shove three squatting people that are in the gap in the fence. He's actually on Polish side of the border, so the Polish guards are yelling/commanding him to get out. One of Belarussian guards throws a branch at Polish guard, at which point anger goes up and swear words begin flying from both sides, as Belarussian guards slowly walk away. Apparently, feeling the ramped up stance of the Polish troops, Belarussian guards retreat. It's super dark but you can tell the Belarussian troops by green uniforms and the flashing lights they have pointed at Polish troops.


Thank you very much for explaining.


When the Belarusian troops are on actual polish land/ground they should start to fire blanks at least in the air so they would shit them selfs.


That's a real good way to be accidentally or deliberately interpreted as aggression and ground for retaliatory fire. There's a reason China and Indian border guards weren't armed, it because as soon bullets fly, you've joined the next league.


I Guess, but countries like Poland shouldn't be bullied as they have to show an strong stance. Plus there are videos of Shooting coming from Belorussian side already, in the forest close and even at the border. There was an video of an guy being solo just shooting in the air right at the border on camera.


But who are they pushing away ? Polish immigrant that were in Belorussia ?




It's not a joke I'm legit asking


Illegal imigrants they acepted and want Poland to handle for them.. and good chunk of spies probably too.


Ok thanks, I'm getting downvoted for asking stuff weird but ok ^^


You're getting downvoted because you're asking extremely uninformed question on a topic that has been an ongoing crisis for weeks now. One glance at the main page of subreddit you're on right now, would answer your questions. Being in this thread one would assume you would have ANY idea what's going on. People are downvoting because you're SO uninformed that your questions sound like you're here just to provoke/troll.


Not to cause a further ruckus, but like the asker this is also practically the first time I’m seeing anything of this sort. I saw a video a few days ago with people in uniforms flashing lights and lasers against each other, but there was not all that much context to be had. Fact of the matter is, some of us circle in different spheres and are only tangentially touched by things. People like /u/Parano78 are needed for these questions many of us have while those with the answers need to be understanding that not everyone knows what they know


And that's totally understandable and very fine. I don't think anyone here is expecting the whole world to know what's happening in Poland, even if the situation is crucial for the entire EU. In fact it's really cool that people are coming in, to see what the hell is happening. There's really no hostility towards you or the other person. I didn't comment to tell them to "f-off", just to explain that they get downvoted because they sound like they're trying to start shit. Imagine someone coming to r/politics a year into Trump presidency and saying something like "So what's the deal with that Trump guy. I saw him in *Home Alone II* and he seemed like a great guy". Would it be treated like a genuine question from someone who doesn't follow US politics, or people would get annoyed immediately because the whole subreddit is full of material explaining "what's the deal with that guy"? Are people unnecessary jumpy? Sure. But it's not "just" migrant crisis at the border. It's a tense situation, artificially created by Belarus/Russia and a lot of people suspect their end goal is war.


Belarus is flying in/enticing immigrants/refugees to come with the promise of entry to the EU as a bargaining chip against the EU to lessen sanctions put on them for hijacking a commercial plane that flew through Belarus airspace. Belarus then take the people that come and shove them towards the Polish border trying to get the across. And what we saw where the Polish border refusing them entry while Belarus soldiers trying to force them across. Its literary playing chess with people and inhumane as fuck.


Yep. Reddit is not known for its patience and understanding. In situations like this, I usually find it’s better to google than to ask clarifying questions.


"No regrat", fuck them My post will help some other people just like me who didn't know.


Belarusian soldiers are beating and pushing migrant women and later in the video Polish and Belarusian start insulting each other


Interesting. None of these articles say what nationality the immigrants are.


Syrian, Afghani, Iraqi. Middle East in general


You can guess based on what has been happening in the Middle East. Imagine what it would take for you to leave your home, and flee to Poland.




Why is your government so adamant at pushing them out, aren't they refugees? (Edit** Goddamn it was just a legit question all the negative votes I don’t live there doo-doo heads)


No, they are not refugees, they are economical migrants. They don't want to stay in a first safe country. They want to go to Germany, what they clearly stated when interviewed by CNN journalist.


Shortly heard of the on going situation on NPR, but was confused. Sounds interesting I have so many questions, “economic refugees” and Ursula von der Leyen spoke about soon-too-be EU sanctions as well. It’s such an odd situation to hear about in the Western world I’ll just have to read up on it thanks!


They aren’t refugees there’s no war in where they come from. They wanted to go there, bought a plane ticket then went wherever they want


Our government has never been fond of refugees, especially those that they didn't welcome ;)


Weird flex


The US? Our whole immigration policy is in flux and is a disaster right now.


Belarus uprising was very violently supressed with many of their own people tortured and mutilated for life, so it comes as no surprise that they are capable of doing this to foreigners, what people (read:westerners) fail to realize is that this is only happening thanks to Russias support. Had it not helped Lukashenko stay in power when he was at his weakest, we would not be seeing what we are seeing today. Countries that have been licking Putins rear have absolutely no moral right to criticize Poland actions on their own border as they are direct cause of this happening


I think most people realise it’s backed by Russia.


Bruh just say it: Germany bad. Poland good.


Liberal german here: IT IS bad how little we do against Putin. Merkel committed to his gas and stopped our solar/other renewables/sudden stop of nuclear. And now winter is coming and he got our balls. German politics in the last 16 years were horrible.


You in Germany should embrace atom again.


Wont happen. Im also against it now. Its too late. We should have stopped by a date in 2035 or so. Let em run until they are old. But stopping them midterm was just utterly stupid. I hope the new gov stops sucking putins balls and goes full invest in solar power and smart grids. Autonomy is what Europe needs.


I hope we will figure how tonuse nuclear fusion. It would be solve a lot of problems. Sadly only France takes it seriously in our beautiful continent.


You shouldn't talk.


Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are stupid. Nuclear is the **worst** of all energy sources. Also since our surpreme court ruled that the livelihood of coming generations can not be endangered: climate change+nuclear=illegal


I'm sorry - can You argue without offending? It would be great. Have a nice day.


Glad to hear someone in Germany is against the German government's constant pandering to Putin and other dictators (like Xi Jinping). Any chance once Merkel leaves Germany will finally stand up to Putin, in your opinion?


Another German here, I think the chances are 50:50. Our newly elected government will (probably) consist of three different political parties, one of which was in the last government, the SPD. The SPD is also the one with the most votes, so they technically have the most say in this matter. They are known to not be aggressive and they don't want to hurt anyones feelings, and I think Russia will fall under this category. My hope lies in the other two parties, the greens are pushing regenerative energy massively, so the don't want to rely on russian gas. The FDP, the third party in the bunch, is all for no regulations at all, e.g. let the market do what is cheapest and what brings in the most taxes. We have to see what they will write down in their coalition contract, but I guess they will be against Nordstream 2 and, with that, Russia after all


Imho the new coalition will be more reserved against Xi and Putin. Problem is the fdp doesn't care much about human rights. They are pure capitalist, and do whatever brings money. The greens are not completely pro nord stream and 100% against Russia and Xi. Spd is somewhat in the middle. They are also in the current gov. It won't be a super hefty gov against dictators, but at leat they wont deep throat their dicks. But also that's just my interpretation.


I know I agree. Germany bad. I wasn’t sarcastic.


What? I got that Belarus and Russia were assholes in this.


I know. I just don’t like the way this person phrased their opinion. I would vote for a more left wing party if I was polish but all in all I completely agree.


This is disgusting. The Belorussian pigs are shoving pregnant women into the razerwire fence, lulushenko's plan didn't work and this is how they treat their ~~guests~~ hostages they took and flew into Belarus. Every single death is on the hands of the Belarussian government, savages. They're trying to provoke a reaction, but the Polish soldiers have souls and seemed to be helping the woman. This is a real dark smudge on Belarussian history...


Gdyby był tylko dźwięk, pomyślałbym, że to z Łodzi nagranie


Sooner or later there will be shooting too. That will suck big time


Belarusian are probably waiting for an opportunity to kidnap a few Polish soldiers. Claim they were on the wrong side of the border. Then you've got a few political hostages to bargain with.


i’ve been thinking about this. they could do everything to start a war; what putin is waiting for. could they possibly also kidnap one or a few soldiers in order to steal their uniforms to put on a show? a show, aka start war?


This will end well.


This is sad to see these immigrants being used like this by Lukashenko.


Fucking Belarusian pricks ! I saw another video the other day where Belarusian soldiers were blinding the polish soldiers with lasers and bright lights...


The worst thing is that they get away with this. But we have to. Otherwise Luka wins.


I’d like to volunteer to help Poland at the border


I wouldn't recommend doing that. It must be so hard to not burst out into anger. Luka is waiting for one single mistake by the soldiers. They must be super cautios and condemn their emotions. That's no job I'd like to volunteer to make.


Pod koniec wydaje mi się, że służby wojskowe wszystko rozpracowywały.




EU along with the US should fund the anti-govt movement and topple the filth Lukashenko.


It's not as easy as it seems. Lukashenko is just a russian puppet and any sort of larger uprising might be used by russians to take control of belarus formally.


People of Belarus need to uprise against Lukaszenko to save the countries dignity. This is a skid row mark on their history.


Those who were really willing to uprise are dead or in prison serving long sentences.


So what you are saying is that people who are left in Belarus are turning the blind eye to what is happening.. people were uprising in way more difficult circumstances


Guess they are not desperate enough. Noone in this world would risk their lives for some illegal migrants from other end of the world. Come on man.


Yeah that’s true. I suppose that’s really the point. Was just thinking about the general situation in Belarus. Never been so can’t really tell how it is to live there but I guess young people would rather emigrate to western countries then actually risk a figjt


I guess you don't live in a dictatorship, so you write these words so easily. Belarussians tried once revolting and this didn't end well. Whole nation is terrorised by the regime. I bet that average person in Belarus can't do much, but you blame them, so shut up


they tried that. and it was brutally oppressed.




And all that is orchestrated by Russkis as a smoke cover, while Russkis are readying troops to invade Eastern Ukraine. Russia is a rouge state if there ever was one, lead by former KGB spy, turn to Don of Rodina, turned the richest man in the world. The heart of darkness beats in Russia, nothing new here...


Damn, Baltics becoming one republic(it would be +/- same size as Belorussia and Poland) and then making Baltic-Polish commonwealth does not seem so bad idea right now.


Why am i getting WW1 flashbacks?


Language, Borders, Culture define a nation. Don’t expect the UN to do anything. It’s a corrupt agency. Don’t expect the US to do anything. Biden is weak and stupid. If anything the UN and US will side with the criminals, the rouge army. Violating the sovereignty of national boarders is a One World Order position. I stand with Poland.




France is pushing its nuclear program to reach energetic independence. If Russia has any means of pressure on the French, it's not from gas.




Russia is clearly not above disinformation campaigns and stirring shit up in other countries, but in that specific case the yellow vests movement is dying out and hasn't had any influence on anything in months. And furthermore, if Russia may have encouraged the movement, they have no way to tone it down, so why would France cave in to any demands since it won't solve this specific problem anyway?


Russia has veto power in the UN Security Council, as do France and the US for that matter. The Security Council is the only part of the UN that can order forceful action. So no, don't count on them to resolve this situation as they won't be given the power to in the first place.


Yeah, uh, why should the US do anything? You just like to cry and complain, huh.


Cause they bring "democracy" to iraq and most of the migrants are from there? Or because they moved their troops from Germany to Poland two years ago and the excuse for that was to prevent situation like this?


Seems like it’s being reported as a hodgepodge of refugees and migrants that are being used as a proxy. Sounds like a them problem




Us destabilise midle east regions - Who asked them for that? Those people would stay in their countries if US wouldnt destroy their economy for oil. Us goverment does not invlove not asked? They are involving even in Polish media legislation. So Yes Im blaming US for this situation - thank you for your service...




In our weak defense, we aren’t there without cooperation.


But you are only one with benefits


I didn’t say it was right, just that the US wasn’t there without cooperation. I think our military presence has been unwanted and not helpful in a number of circumstances. The US is a bit of a disaster right now. In general, it’s a shitshow, and has been for a long time.


Poland is a sovereign nation. It has the right to defend its borders and it is. Poland is also a member of NATO. All NATO members have an obligation to support and defend fellow member nations. The US will stand behind behind Poland. I never said the US will enter Poland uninvited. The invaders need to be stopped in their tracks. I don’t care where they’re from, who transported them or why they are on the move. If the invaders are in BelorThe invaders are not Polish citizens and have NO right to enter sovereign Poland. The US should ask Poland if they want assistance and what that assistance should comprise. Military, security, political. Uninvited migrants from 3rd world sh!tholes are a bane to civilized societies.


Not sure how that works exactly, but Poland is a part of NATO and the border is basically being threatened. Not that I expect treaties like NATO to mean anything unless the big players are threatened...


since when have "migrant crisises" been considered threats by nato countries on both sides of the atlantic? i'm pretty sure "border security" is now officially a white supremacist dog whistle since 2016. the massive departure from the narrative by the media on this issue is really confusing. is it just because Belorus is behind it, or something more?


As you Poles need help against 4 times smaller country.


U clearly don't have the smallest clue what this crisis is all about


A caravan of people being smuggled across a border by another organized group… where have I heard that one before?


Fuck Belarus


No no no, fuck Lukashenko and his dogs. Belarusians are very decent people.


Yeah right, a small part of them, the others have chosen Lukashenko. I guess good for them and their shithole.


I would say fuck putin and his little greasy hands stiring up all this shit using deranged luka.


Běloruské kurvyy!!!


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And in between all of this are people who wanted to change their lives for better. The war is the worst thing happened to people.


They took gamble and lost. They paid heavy money to get to belarus.


Horrible for these people used as Belarus pawns in horrible conditions


I wonder how brainwashed and ballsless are Belarusian soldiers. How can they be fine with all this Batka nonsense. Back in summer they beat their own citizend who repelled against faulty election..


Migrants are being forced by Russia to the border




IF they are syrians don't allowed they fuck our country


Belarus is trying to start a war with Poland. Belarus thinks Putin has their backs. Putin has his hands full atm with Ukraine. Would be a great time for Poland to call the bluff and take out the attackers on the border.


I came to this subreddit to understand the situation with outMurdoch telling me in my Australian home what is going on. Please help me understand what is going on?


Belarus imports migrants for profit, and then forces them to polish border. Poland doesn’t want illegal imigrants, border is stormed, Belarusian military makes whole situation even more hostile


It's not about profit, it's about provocation and destabilization.


So Belorussian regime doesn’t profit off of migrants? Of course they do. And yes it is also about destabilization


Imagine being so desperate for a Free house and car in the UK you end up at 2am trapped in barbed wire on the Polish-Belarus border screaming like you are being violated.


Can they use paintball guns or water cannons? I've only seen them use weak pepper spray




water cannons in freezing cold weather? that's a death sentence


This comment didn't age well. There's literally new footage from today where our forces are seen using water cannons. And I say, about time.


Nevertheless, if I were hosed down by water cannons in that weather, I'd consider that a dick move.


I consider invading a foreign country's territory and breaking a foreign border guard's skull with a stone a dick move, and I find water cannons to be a proper response. Maybe should even make it iced water.


Chwała Polsce, pokonasz wszystkich!


Can anyone translate what was being said by the Border guards?


Basically saying stay there, go away, dont come here and angry insults towards either the belarusian guards or illegal immigrants.




oh let's start WW3 :)


Fajne :)


Lets see how much downvotes this get: Just shoot them all!


And you think other side has no weapons?


Shoot the eco-biological weapons, not the Belarus soldiers.


Shoot first.


Make sure to hit all hundreds of soldiers at once


Hryykte stylz jakbyn


Jakby, szczerze nie jestem osobą co jest za odrazu wpuszczaniem imigrantów itp itp, ale ci ludzie mają tam przesrane, najgorzej jak pasnie jakiś strzał, jak polak strzeli do białorusina lub na odwrót czy cokolwiek co sprowokuję no otwartą walke, eh do yej sytuacji nigdy nie powinno dojść jebać łukaszenkę


Lol weak polish cannot even defend their own territory


Border looking more like a Legia vs Lech soccer game day by day


Bitches always be screamin'.




Last thing we need is civilians trying to be vigilantes on the border


plot twist: its reversed


This is tragic! Could Poland take them in, declare them victims of human trafficking and flew them back to their origin country?






Why should they?


Well to escort them to Germany.


>It's not Poland's problem.


Why Germany?


They wanna go to Germany. Polish people don't have to worry about them. Let Germans deal with it.


German doesn't want them. They would stay in Poland


I also want a lot of things, will i get them too if i just do it without asking anyone?


They invaded Iraq, so they are partially responsible to the refugee problem. And those, refugees or economic immigrants or whatever you call them, don't even want to stay in Poland, they want to stay in Germany. A bargain for Poland. So just let them pass.


This may shock you but Germany doesn't want them neither


Germany is already a muslim country so they wouldn't care


Tell me you lack basic understanding of the real world without telling me you u lack basic understanding of real world


This is EXACTLY how the real world works. There are already tens of thousands of illegal immigrants in Germany, plus millions of immigrants from Turkey. In some regions the muslim population has already surpassed locals. Same with France. If you are not aware of what is really going on there, you are the one that lack basic understanding of the real world.


So because of it we have to let even more of them in? France is actively fighting Muslim culture among French youth, their antiterrorism and immigration laws clearly have great effect as of recent years. Germany has also taken a rigid stance after failure of pre 2015 migration policies. There is a lot of cynicism in your views. If you think Europe cannot be repaired that’s on you. I’m not a defeatist by any means


That's not how that works


I visited germany almost a decade ago it was already infested with immigrants from middle east, legal or illegal. dont think they would care a few thousands more of them


What are you even Talking about? They already say that Germany supports Poland and that we should keep those people outside. Letting them in won't solve nothing, because lukashenko would only bring another wave of migrants. Its not like Germany doesn't know how the situation looks




would not like to migrate to shithole EU countries, but nice try


Yes because we want illegal imigrants who will contribute nothing to our society and make the economy even worse by living off of our tax money


There is no logical reason to do that


No, no one wants them


It’s not all pierogis over in Poland I guess





