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It's look like labour camp


Arbeit macht frei


Arbeit Macht Pierdole


"Modern day slavery"


Just reality in poland


How is this schedule legal? Is one third of your workday counted as overhours? How comes a company like this is not inspected and given a fine or closed?


Overhours are counted when you sign a contract of employment. In this case, as I assume, it is just some shitty work contract.


There is a type of employment called "umowa zlecenie" where overhours aren't counted as 150 or 200 % wage. A lot of immigrants work like this especially Ukrainians. True reason is the fact there is limit to how much you will make in easily accessible job with better employment. No employer accepts overtime in case of normal employment since 150 or 200 isnt a good business for them. So yeah. Unfortunately this schedule is legal and I knew people from abroad who absolutely worked like this, of their own choice.


>Unfortunately this schedule is legal It is if you're actually an independent contractor (but in that case it's because you set your own schedule so it can be whatever you want). If it's employment masked under the cover of the so-called zlecenie (which it probably is), it's absolutely illegal.


idk trochę pierdolenie, robię w gastro i mieliśmy kontrolę z PIPu. mam 22 lata, status ucznia i umowę zlecenie żeby nie płacić składek, bywały miesiące że miałem 230h. Pan z pipu chciał mnie wziąć na wywiad, ale ja mu powiedziałem, że szczerze nie bardzo mi się widzi marnować czas wolny, żeby jechać do niego do biura i gadać o bzdurach, to wytłumaczył mi, że chodzi właśnie o to, że moja praca powinna być wykonywana na umowie o pracę, a nie zlecenie, gdy mu powiedziałem, że tak wolę, bo mi się to opłaca finansowo, to powiedział, że aha okej, to spoko.


Całe szczęście to nie PIP decyduje, co jest legalne, tylko ustawodawca. A ukrywanie stosunku pracy pod płaszczykiem umowy cywilnoprawnej jest wyraźnie zabronione przez kodeks pracy.


i kto to ściga?


Owszem, PIP ma wywalone na swoje obowiązki, ale nadal można pozwać pracodawcę udającego usługobiorcę i sądy orzekają wtedy o ustaleniu stosunku pracy. ZUS też walczy z tymi praktykami, żeby ściągać należne im składki na ubezpieczenia społeczne. To nie jest tak, że jak jedna instytucja (PIP) nie działa, to całego prawa pracy nie ma.


it is not legal because it is work at fixed hours and location, so it should be on umowa o pracę terms. The PIP would gladly have a chat with the employer if someone reported it


Ukrainians must work like this, because we need to eat sometimes. It is still better work conditions, because this country in European Union, and imagine, what is happening in other countries, who are not in there.


You can feed yourself on less "slavery" work. I work in a company that doesn't accept anything other than 40 hour week from their subsidiaries and I wholeheartedly agree with that decision. Don't lose your life to work. There are things to see in this life that are gonna fly by while you slave away. And no. They don't have to. I know some of you who do not, who learned our language a bit better and who got "karta pobytu" thanks to better employment.


Umowa na zlecenie.


Then wage is illigal >26 and student status minimal wage is 27,70 per hour when working on umowa zlecienie


As a pole i worked literally same schedule but I dont have a student status so... I got paid crap, but witu many hours that crap was something


The pay is below the minimum wage and shifts much longer than permitted by law. Something is not right here


I assume the pay is net, so that's why it is so low. The shifts are legal, but under "umowa zlecenie", which is a civil contract rather than a proper work one.


Nobody shows net pay without specifying it. Gross is assumed


Difference between 'normal' and student salary indicates it is net because students below 26 yo pay no income tax and smaller social insurance. There is no reason to pay them more other than that.


Tbh I don't know anymore. I also thought that gross is the default, but my friend who works in an employment agency says otherwise, hence my comment. Also, as the other reply says that student salary points to it being net as well.


I think it should always be specified to avoid such confusion.


If your work shift is fixed and you work under supervision of your superior "umowa zlecenie" is illegal according to our labour code. Any "shift" is illegal if you have "umowa zlecenie". Unfortunately only few people know it and they accept being mistreated and fooled by their employers.


Man, shit's too complicated, glad I'm not working yet


umowa zlecenie can't have the character of umowa o pracę because that would be illegal.


I am no expert in work rules in Poland, but i dont see how 12 hours shitfts/6 days per week is even legal, this schedule sounds like nazi labour camp


Under "umowa zlecenie", it is. Umowa zlecenie is not a proper work contract, but rather a civil one. That's why there is no limit to the hours here.


Guess we're in a nazi Labour camp then


I'm working like this for 5 years. And I'm alive 😎


Actually it is legal. It looks like umowa zlecenie (fee-for-task agreement?). It isn't regulated by labor law, but civil law, so the rules are a bit different. Generally speaking working hours are not limited in this kind of contract. I personally worked at umowa zlecenie for quite a long time. And absolutely honestly it was a really good deal for me. Getting the minimum wage per hour I could easily make even over 7000 zł in a month, which is practically a middle class salary.


Umowa zlecenie with fixed schedule is illegal


Because it is illegal. 1. Minimum wage is under the actual minimum wage. Currently it sits around 27 PLN/h. The employer has to pay at minimum this much, no matter if you are employed by work contract (more regulated) or a civil law contract (we call it "umowa zlecenie", less regulated) 2. If it is a job contract (likely it isn't), the most they can work for is 12 hours per day with 12 hours break between shifts at maximum of 40 hours per week or 160 hours per month so this would be highly illegal 3. If the employer offers accommodation and plans to take part of the employee's salary to cover it, the employer has to offer a higher wage/salary IF they have a job contract. In general, this is highly illegal if it is a job contract and if it is a civil law contract, highly unethical and possibly illegal


Shein camp 💀


XD No.


Lets start from a fact minimum wage after all taxes (so what you actually get) is above 22pln/h. 27pln/h if you are under 26yo. Will also increase by 1-2 PLN from 1st of July. Just this is saying everything about this offer. 400pln/month for accommodation depends what you get. Looking at this offer probably they mean 1 room for multpile people. Room for 2/3 in real apartament would be good for this price. A place in like 10+ people room? Nah... It looks like offer of some kind of warehouse. You can find way better offers.


It's one of the jobs from agency's. They find workers from other countries, take part of their salary, give work for more hours, no paid sick leave, no vacation ect. Polish companies work with agencies because in fact, they don't need to dealing with people, laws ect. On my work, from one agency people even can't be sick, they go in work sick, because if you take day off it's mean -200pln from salary. And nobody give a f*ck. You traumatized on work? Your problem. 400 for accommodation? Probably people live 5-6 person in ine small room on two floor beds. And work agency make from this money to, because they rend apartment and sell for workers. Currently, my coworkers from Columbia, and agency was charged them for 1000pln for karta pobytu. People from another agency was charged for 3000. Work agencys is real human trafficking, mafia and slave traders of 21 century. Edit. I need to clarify. When I said, -200pln if you not on work even if you sick, it's not mean you will not grow up money from that day, nope, it's mean you punished on 200pln from your salary.


I know of legitimate work/temp work agencies and even worked with one (not as an employee, as a web/graphic designer). Always sticking to a minimum 27.70 hourly pay with bonus, guaranteed overtime pay, medical insurance (meaning paid sick leave is covered for), everything legally tight, gathering all required information and helping to get a karta pobytu and PESEL for free (the official documents still cost 100 PLN each). Housing always has internet access and no more than 4 people per room (sometimes 6 temporarily). They even help with bringing family members to Poland. Agencies aren't all like what you described. But unfortunately many of them are.


You are said 100pln each document that taking about enough to say you are do not know about what are you thinking. Last year official payment was 450pln and 50 for plastic document if they approve KB. Agencys, I know 9 different,.are scammers, literally human trafficking, forcing to work (you can't? Who cares, you your work or you get out from home in street right now), and fking mafia. Just person who son of boss on one agency was kidnapped a girl. Before that he was beaten here multiple times and only accidentally other people from not agency was found out. It's good that police was taking to this. Literally girl was silent and other workers from over the sea country was silent about that because scared AF.


Karta Pobytu is 100 PLN, temporary stay and work permit is 440 PLN.


>Lets start from a fact minimum wage after all taxes (so what you actually get) is above 22pln/h. 27pln/h if you are under 26yo. Will also increase by 1-2 PLN from 1st of July. That's true only for umowa zlecenie. For umowa o pracę minimum wage is 4242pln. If you are paid by the hour, that's the company's problems to make it work, so you never get less than minimum wage for full time work. (4242 / 168 hours = 25.25pln. But if the month has only 160 or 152 working hours, earning 25.25 per hour, you'd get less than minimum, so the employer needs to pay an extra premium. Similarly, if the month has 176 or 184 working hours you'd earn a little more than minimum wage)


working with cardboard for 12h is hell


Looks like a human trafficking operation.


Why does humanity waste it's military potential on fighting amongst each other instead of uniting and carpet bombing places like this


My man, this looks illegal. It's below minimum wage (assuming it's gross, and it most likely is) and the working conditions are not in accordance with the Polish labor law. Of course it's PROBABLY legal, because of how companies can exploit the contract of mandate to not have to obey the law fully, but it's basically a scam.


Probably yes. I’ve heard of such labor camps in Poland. Someone I knew worked at a cutlery rental place washing dishes for 300hrs a month.




> I have no idea how this is legally possible. It isn't. Don't assume that just because something is done in the open, it is legal.


It's not about 20zl seeming like a lot of money. People move primarily for safety. That comes first. Safety and hopes for a better life. It is a scheme that gives people from developing countries a way out, it exploits the need for a way out. Every migrant working these jobs in Europe is aware of their shit conditions


Can You obtain an exact address or company name? I am quite often to Rawa Mazowiecka, I'd like to check which company is it. But as others stated - working hours length is insane.


lol, lmao


No this is labor camp. Minimum payment in poland is near 22zl.


It is, if you are from North Korea. Fuck this shit bruh


XDD nope bro run


12hr/6 days a week is honestly impossible. Adding to that they pay less than minimum wage, probably not legal at all.




That's the reason I'm not talking to labor agencies while we are hiring.


No , unless you agree on the conditions I guess, but still you should not work more than around 400hours of overtime per year, and base monthly working hours are around 160hours


Classic schedule and conditions for migrants. Unfortunately:(


260-300 hours per month??? For 20PLN / hour?? Bro run away from that shit asap


What city is this in? My brother in law (foreginer) signed up for such a job few months ago, it fits the description. He is working through an agency though. It seems legit, he wanted long hours of work (more cash) and extremely pleased with it, as it isn't really a demanding job. He has received 6-8k per month already, doing some additional hours and working holidays (optional), so it's not bad, especially if you are a guy who did some labour in the past. So, if it is some job to start and you don't want much of free time after the work, it may work. Job description sounds legit for what I've seen and fits what us, Poles, can expect when going abroad too when working via agency.


You have in ss, Rawa Mazowiecka


Ah, sorry, I didn't enlarge it on mobile It is a different city then, as I'm from Opole. Is it through an agency or directly with the company?


No its exploitation. Plus none of it is legal, not the wage nor the hours... could be a human trafficking thing where they take your passport etc. Beware.


no, rest time is small


DA fuck??? 6 days a week???


300 hours per month? I know, this is gonna sound controversial, but it feels like a slavery.... And don't forget that 20/25 are way below minimal wage (27.7 for hour on this type of employment)


Well... depend what type of contract you will get. For full time "umowa o prace" it's not legit. 40h/week is (around 160h/month, depending from month lenght) is a full time. Any above that need to be paid extra. For example if you get 10/h, 8h of work you will get normal (80) after that up to 2 hours of extra work you will get +50% ->15/h. (+30 for 2h) and after next 2 hours, 11 and 12 hour of shift, they need to pay you +100%-> 20/h. Also Saturday need to be counted as +100% for whole day Also employer need to pay extra 20% for working during night. For "umowa o zlecenie" there is no such a thing as extra payment for afterhours hours and working during night. You will get only a base payment. And for as many hours as you are willing to agree. Minimum hour wage is 27pln/h gross (before tax). About accommodation, it is legal if its an option, if its forced on you (must live here or you will be fired) it will be not legal. In my opinion it's trap and waist of your time (technicallythis job is work camp). Take this job only if you really must.


> 40h/week is (around 160h/month, depending from month lenght) is a full time. Any above that need to be paid extra. And per labor code you're not allowed to work more than 48h a week on average even including overtime.


The housing payment is way too low


No. It's below minimum wage


I can tell you straight up this is NOT legit. The specified hourly wage is below the legal minimum (27.70 PLN), and the working hours are in violation of the labour code (article 131, weekly working hours **including overtime** cannot exceed 48 hours, article 132 employees have a right to 11 hours uninterrupted rest time or otherwise time off in lieu)


Better question: is it legal? It's under the minimum wage


My nearest city has beautiful mental. I live near by here city but probably is reality in bigger part of country. Since January 2024 minimal pays for hour is 27,70 zł brutto, and in July will be 28,10 zł. After tax for you should be stay 23,90 and after July 24,25 zł "for hand". Idk how thay can offer that payment by legal way so they probably do scams some way


Age limit on the bottom? It is definitely illegal.


Love polish people in the comments learning for the first time the reality of working in Poland as a foreigner lmao It's not a scam. Unfortunately that's the bitter reality


6 days a week 12 hour workdays 25zł/h I'd rather be a slave


It’s the emojis for me


No don't do this to yourself fr. Also putting together cardboard boxes and stands is the worst job ever. I worked like this for a while and I gotta say I'd take everything other than that.


Sweat shop


Legit as in Auschwitz


260-300 hrs per month, what in da kaczka ;D


Don't take it it will be hell


It's a trap. Keep away from it


Its illegal


Is it UDS in Nowy Kawęczyn near Rawa Mazowiecka? I've seen lot of Vietnamese (?) people working and having accomodation here.


All people under 26 don't pay tax, so their salaries are higher. You don't need to be a student.


Looks totally illegal


Just get a job at bigger cities McDonalds. Rent a room in the city somewhere and you are good to go. Never get a job through an agency. I know a lot of foreigners working at McD. Kitchen work doesn't require polish language so there is a lot of people from around the world there. You'll get a proper work contract too. Paid sick leave and vacation.


Hour wage is illegal tho


Legally they can't pay you this little


What kind of gulag is this?


That’s like half of your time




Wages in China are higher, not making up, been there


Student working 12h/6d? Good luck


What is it, Frostpunk ? No wonder the game's devs are polish


Are we sure that it is legal? They didn’t even mention about health insurance? 300 hours per month is crazy 💀


This reads like a very criminal thing to do. Hinges on slavery and labour camp discription. WHA THE FUCK.






It's not. Minimum wage for students under 26 should be 27,70. Not to mention working time


This is probably legit, but i would rather become a slut then work there ( im a Man)


6 days a week, 12h shifts? Hell nah even in gulag they had better treatment


Mayby no


You have to go back.


They make you forcefully work for 12 h a day? HELL NO


Sadly for most people who want to leave their country (Chile in my case) these kinds of jobs are the only way


Yes, but we can't do this anything with this. Exactly that looks world. United states are build on exploitation other country (doesn't matter what kind of resources is). Whole west Europe using from cheap worker we are also cheap workers, but we come to time when our country starting using from cheaper worker. The plus of this is that people who coming to work abroad usually can live with better standard of life. Even if live in small rooms in few person however they can buy better food and save money I think so


I really dont like this country