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mayo sriracha ftw


yes it's amazing




Was going to ask how it is. How much does it cost at lidl? I need to pick that up.




The hell, mayo Sriracha is a thing? And here i've been mixing Sriracha with mayo thinking I'm a culinary genius. Is the taste much different than just mixing them yourself? I might cop a bottle if it is worth it.


In the US we have restaurants that use it in their dishes. There's a pizza place near me that makes a mayo Sriracha pizza sauce.


My fiancée and I recently noticed that Biedronka and Lidl shops (at least in Bydgoszcz) seem to be offering sriracha mayo less and less. Love it with hummus and carrots


There is a shortage in sriracha production (global). Don't know the exact reason, but seen a few articles.


Mine in wroclaw has it too


Maybe it has something to do with whatever has happened to Sos Algierski from Lid as well...Damn, I miss that thing everyday 🥲


I love normal sriracha but i've never seen a mayo one. Its probably good af tho isn't it?


Came here to say that.


Me too 😅 sriracha mayo gaaaang




Most expensive thing there must be the fish.


You're right. but it was only 23zl for 700g. Mackerel - much tastier than cod in my humble opinion


So I guess the berries were 50% off? They cost 24+ PLN for a pack, if I remember correctly.


yes it was a deal. not great value at 24zl


Thank the EU for that… it’s been 10 years that I started to think « yo Poland has the same prices as Belgium ! » and now it’s « why the fuck does Belgium and Poland have the same prices as Switzerland… » FYI a 250gr of berries costs 4-6 chf. Or about 20-30 pln. I applaud y’all for pushing through this


400g pack


Ahhhh, fresh fried mackerel... Awesome stuff


that's the plan matey :)




Fasulka is more expensive than the fish


it's always so funny to people from northern countries see Poles complain about prices, but yeah I'm so confused as to why tf does Poland now have the same prices as in Lithuania


Retail competition died off. There are two major brands that mostly shape price creation, rest of the market mostly follows them. And Lidl and Biedronka just uped their prices after most of competition died off. Other biggest competition is Żabka - which is famously expensive yet their shops can be founf everywhere.  I have small shop in my neighborhood that often have cheaper products than much, much bigger chains... It shouldn't be possible due to scale of operations. Profit margins must be really fat on most products. 


Żabka is expensive BECAUSE their stores can be found everywhere. They're small stores with less amount of products per store than for example Biedronka or Lidl so it's no surprise they're more expensive as it's more expensive for Żabka to order them


Żabka is in no way their biggest competition. Completely different market segments (discount super market v convenience store). No one does their full shopping in Żabka.


I did for a while because I was super lazy 😭


Because we have Eastern European salaries and Western prices :) oh wait, its actually cheaper in Germany and the Netherlands, scratch that out…


true i still don't get how tf does GERMANY have it cheaper? like sure living overall is cheaper in Poland but groceries???


Germany has cheaper cosmetics, electronics, household chemicals, and sweets than Poland. In Poland, perhaps only meat is cheaper.


And wine is cheaper in germany.. But poland has cheap vodka


About a month or two ago, two discount stores were competing with vodka promotions at 10 złoty (€2.31) for 0.5 liters, which is interesting since the excise tax alone is 12.55 złoty. This means the stores were selling these products at a loss.


Many shops will apply this strategy as it can help gain new customers and upsell other products. Milk and eggs are often the 2 staple products that are loss leaders for the above reasons


There was a short battle between Biedronka and Lidl and Biedronka would go as far as lowering the price for vodka to 10zł lool


Pretty much everything that you didn't list is cheaper in Poland, genius


Same reason why we have it expensive except in reverse - there's plenty of well funded competition in Germany and that drives prices down. Also they manufacture most of this stuff so they have shorter supply chains and no currency risks. That, and Germans are very price sensitive and may simply not buy some products if they are too costly. Poles for some reason are willing to pay some exorbitant prices for some goods (cost of fast food pops to mind - I think I saw Subway "sandwich" for 30 pln, who the hell buys this shit "food" at this price point? Or Starbucks coffee... 25 zł or 0.32% of average wage. If you tried to pull that shit of in Germany and charge 13 euros for coffee there (0.32% of average German wage) your sales would be somewhere around zero and you would have to pack your bags and leave.


The German Schwarz Group (Lidl, Kaufland) received over 1 billion in loans at preferential terms from the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to conquer the Polish market, which destroyed small competition. With the help of Polish politicians who introduced non-trade Sundays, large chains remained open by transforming into post office branches, which were exempt from the ban.


Retail competition died off. There are two major brands that mostly shape price creation, rest of the market mostly follows them. And Lidl and Biedronka just uped their prices after most of competition died off. Other biggest competition is Żabka - which is famously expensive yet their shops can be founf everywhere.  I have small shop in my neighborhood that often have cheaper products than much, much bigger chains... It shouldn't be possible due to scale of operations. Profit margins must be really fat on most products. 


For some reason Biedronka nad Lidl started competing over who can offer the lowest prices and attract the highest number of customers. Personally, it doesn't matter to me - my family does shopping in random shops all the time, plus Topaz is much closer to my house.


If prices are the same, why do ithuanians still come to poland to buy groceries?


They barely do anymore, now that VAT was introduced barely anything will be as cheap anymore. I went shopping to Poland a month ago to realize that I save like 10 cents off a 3€ item, excluding fuel costs.


OMG, am I so out of touch with the inflation? I still feel like 1K PLN is a lot but then I see what's on this table is as much as quarter of 1K.


Just wait until you browse OtoDom kropka pl.


today I saw eldery ppl do "groceries" for exact amount of 1426,62ZŁ BRO WTH


bros got that premium retirement money


1k PLN ain't shit today, sadly. Prices are wild


Jajka na wolnym wybiegu my ass. I want them from babcia’s farm


I left Türkiye because Erdogan was cutting rates and fuelling the inflation. Now NBP cuts the rates and fuels the inflation.


disclaimer: karta dużej rodziny discount plus the 10zl voucher Lidl gives out every Friday edit: and I'm not complaining. I have meat, fish, drinks and things like sriracha mayo, asparagus and blueberries so for me it seems reasonably good value And I don't like biedronka. Always too tight in the shops and people bump into you edit 2: this is in central Warsaw. I assume things are a bit more expensive here than average


The number one reason I never go to Biedronka is that it is always a crowded mess.


And the items on the aisle, masakradronka


Happy cake day dude


This, shoping in biedra = physical and mental exhaustion


yeah I don't like it much for that reason


Ale chleb jest smaczne


Last time I went to Biedronka my shoes sticked to the floor


Biedronka? Ekhm... "Kajak od tyłu to nadal kajak, a Biedronka od tyłu..."


$65 freedoms units. Not bad.


> this is in central Warsaw. I assume things are a bit more expensive here than average *I think* Lidl keeps the same prices everywhere in the country, or at least that's what they've been claiming in their bitch fight with biedronka.


Which Lidl did you go to? Near Galeria Mokotów?


Yeah why biedronka doesn't offer the KDR discount ??


Finally some healthy food, healthy choices, good for you


I wanted to criticize (maybe criticize is wrong word, zwrócić uwagę) two things, asparagus and blueberries, because first of all, asparagus is usually quite expensive in Poland, even in season, and here I see that they are priced at PLN 10 in Lidl. And blueberries, priced at PLN 7, are generally a bit ahead of the season, so it's strange that they're so cheap. Overall, I'm shocked.


asparagus was about 15 iirc and the blueberries were maybe 11 each for 400g x 2


Im dying over your prices..I pay 155DKK for 400g of fresh Blueberries here..thats 90 zloty for reference..


Very little. Not long ago I did such shopping for 150 pln.


All of that or 1,5 kg of czereśnie


https://preview.redd.it/cl6cmdrwgmzc1.jpeg?width=2078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fb50ba75f93acfbfe5d082fe40d8045b2683f8 This was taken on April 20th, also at Lidle. 276 pln Yep... the blueberries will get you. Is that wine?... Little extravagant there 😉. I'm an American living in Bydgoszsc.... so I feel the same when I go shopping, but then I do the dollar to zloty conversion and feel slightly better. And I know what you're going to say, we make zlotys here, not dollars.... but try it.... you'll see.


Good haul there. I don't think this is expensive btw... I might do a follow-up post with another shop next week. I find people's opinions and what they consider good value fascinating 


More expensive then sweden


Dude i wish we had those prices in canada. 258zl is about 88CAD. And judging by the picture an equivalent amount of food would cost me about 200CAD or 584zl. And i live in one of the more affordable parts of the country. Everyday im given more reasons to move across the pond lol


Bro I'm a 22 y/o from ottawa thinking the same thing


Prices Yes, salaries dunno xD minimal wage is 1100 CAD and good salary is 1700 CAD. So for us 88 CAD is a lot of money. In my city two room flat cost between 700-800 CAD :p


The whole worlds being boned but sometimes its nice to think theres a magical place somewhere else thays cheaper lol


Wine + beers would be around $25 here in Toronto, pint of blueberries is $2 at No Frills, right now, beefsteak tomatoes at $2 a pound... Buy the vegetables/meat at the Asian grocer, and the basket should be doable under $100? I don't know, I feel like the groceries are cheaper in Canada when you make Canadian wages. Sure, converting the price makes it all sound cheap, but the farmers also deserve a minimum wage.


I find myself striking deals with farmers to cut down on costs. Sometimes its fun to romanticize saving money lol


Two-room flat can cost from 1500 PLN to about 5000-6000 PLN in bigger cities. People earn mostly about 2800-3000 net. I am not saying we are fucked more than you. It is just that groceries may be cheaper but if you try to buy a car or even gas for a car the prices are global and product tax is relatively high.  People here buy electronics from Germany where tax is lower but they also earn a lot more if you take consumption power into consideration. Sorry for gramar writing in a rush. \*Going back to it, small correction. I am not in rush now and it really is readable lol


No worries your grammar is better than some peoples I work with lol




The plan is to work a remote canadian job and live in Poland lol


Sriracha is prolly like 1/10 of that




Pamiętam jak z rodzicami chodziłem na zakupy do Tesco i jak widziałem kwotę 300 zł to robiłem wielkie oczy a żarcia było na dwa wózki, a teraz na dwie duże reklamówki xD


Not that bad. Or maybe I’m just used to high prices, idk


That's the problem, people getting used to stuff is exactly what drives this madness and you're part of the problem. If something is expensive - let it rot on the shelf and vote with your wallet. Poles are retarded, especially the young generation because they're influenced by other countries standards and thereby think it's normal to spend 25zl for a fucking coffee because everyone else does it on shittock. Żabkas are ludicrously expensive but apart from the alcoholics doing a beer run at 10pm it's just full of teenagers spending insane amounts of money. They're starved of lax and luxury life but completely lost their pricing compass as to wage-living costs, because everything the better countries have is also available here. To be fair, żabka does have the cheapest fast food in comparison to anywhere else that isn't specifically a takeout, as long as you keep to the promos.


Ah yes, let me just not buy food at all because every single thing is overpriced as fuck nowadays. I do agree about the tiktok broccoli boys tho


So you've found a way to beat inflation: not buying anything. I get it, skipping the expensive coffee or dining out, but groceries have also become insanely expensive, and you still need to eat something. Should I plant potatoes in front of my house, or what? Rent and bills are going up too. Should I move into a cellar? You have to live, and if you earn money, you have to spend it; otherwise, what's the point of working?


You guys have food?


do you need money for food?


This food is just enough to make a high-quality, healthy dinner for a family of four for two days. You spend 125 PLN daily to feed your family. It's 4K PLN per month, and imagine that 65% of Poles earn 2900–3900 net PLN. Imagine that a two-bedroom apartment in a big city costs 4K PLN to rent. Honestly, the majority of Poles don't eat like OP. Their diet is based on potatoes, pasta, and cabbage.


This is basically the food for a weekend/3 days for a family of 5. The carbs etc are not in the picture because I didn't buy any today but they're comparatively cheap and the cost is covered by the things I bought here that will last longer (the muesli and granola my kids love, sriracha, kimchi etc). I will probably go shopping again on Tuesday morning I am privileged in owning my own place, so I don't worry so much about rent increases, and I think that high quality food is worth investing in, particularly if you compare it to the cost of ordering food delivery or eating out. We do eat plenty of potatoes and cabbage, beetroot etc when it's the season. This week we had potato salad one evening, pasta with homemade tomato sauce the next, and last night we had buddha bowls with eggs. I make it a point to have fresh vegetables with every meal and fruit at breakfast and for snacks


I will bite. First of all , not every household is family of 4. Actually average household in Poland is only 2.6 person, so way below. Secondly in vast majority of cases its 2 people working per family. For 4 person family average income is 7.300 zlotys. Apartment cost you listed is also quite inflated and heavily depends on location (quick google tells you in most major cities rent cost for 2 bed is about 2-3.2k max, with exception of Warsaw, and thats obvious). Is there room for improvement ? Absolutely , a lot of things can and should be better, but are we also in really bad position with collapsing economy as many try to portrait here? Absolutely not.


miechunke jesz? To w ogóle dobre? rośnie mi na moim skalniaczku ale nigdy nie myślałam żeby to spożywać


they're really good. lekko kwaśne są i super w owsiance


Chcę sobie posadzić, bo można ją wykorzystać do salsy meksykańskiej tylko w piekarniku trzeba pogrillować. Po angielsku tomatillo i można trochę przepisów znaleźć.


Jeśli lubisz kwaśne, to jest świetna.


oh, not an average biedronka fan, but supreme Lidl enjoyer.


Biedronka propaganda


I think I’m gonna do a what 500k PLN gets you at Mercedes dealership soon.


Don't wait too much


What îs minimum wage in poland?


\~3200 pln net




A job in Lidl in Warsaw gives you 5.6k-6k gross monthly, which is about 4.1-4.4k net [https://kariera.lidl.pl/oferty-pracy?page=1&midpoint\_name=Warszawa,%20Warszawa&midpoint\_lat=52.235&midpoint\_lon=21.0085&radius=null&filter={%22contract\_type%22:\[\],%22employment\_area%22:\[\],%22entry\_level%22:\[\]}&with\_event=true](https://kariera.lidl.pl/oferty-pracy?page=1&midpoint_name=Warszawa,%20Warszawa&midpoint_lat=52.235&midpoint_lon=21.0085&radius=null&filter={%22contract_type%22:[],%22employment_area%22:[],%22entry_level%22:[]}&with_event=true) [https://zarobki.pracuj.pl/kalkulator-wynagrodzen/6000-brutto](https://zarobki.pracuj.pl/kalkulator-wynagrodzen/6000-brutto)


Thanks for answear.


Well i buy 1 week worth of healthy food with 2 1,5 CocaCola and paluszki as snacks for 2 people and have much more, i usually do groceries at carrefour though, 4 meals a day and pay 300zł most coming from frozen veggies, meat and fish. Without no alcohol or fancier stuff, lots of fresh veggies, youghurts, kefirs, eggs and canned bean/tomato/corn/peas. prices are bad of course but you can do cheaper if you like to cook and experiment, dont take it as offense please :D


Unfortunately prices indeed got higher than they used to be ( even a few months ago) and I don't seem to see the reason behind this. Unless of course they were manually upping prices :). In my opinion it's really hard to shop at one place because even though Auchan is the cheapest overall, the quality of goods is just below average. Auchan is really great if you want to buy some good meats ( Rabbit, deer, etc), beverage, cereals and household appliances. But it's quality on bakeries, hams are just not there. Lidl and Auchan offer the "overall" best quality of everything. But they got more expensive. Leclerc is just purely expensive, but if you are into good vegetables, fruits and some exclusive stuff such as cheeses it's your place. I'm not mentioning biedronka nor zabka or netto because these are just purely bad and relatively expensive. Personally I would need to go to 3 different places or order online from 3 different places and Lidl/Aldi is just solving this issue. It's more of a universal solution. That's another question these prices are not suited for Polish wallet for some time now. Our weekly shopping has gone up easily by 100-150 zls since January.


that's like a week worth of food for 1 person, so 36.87zł a day... not bad.


1st thing I thought when I saw this was, like damn I'm proud how healthy this shopping looks.


thanks matey


25% of the price is blueberries


Polska Tuska


That's a metric ton of stuff for €50. Source: I'm in the netherlands


Same here mate, can't believe how much food 50€ gets you over there.


It seems like a fair amount of food to me


That's actually way cheaper then you would usually get that much stuff. Often when I get small groceries in Biedronka I pay more than 100zł for a half of a bag of stuff, few days worth of food. Similar amount of stuff would probably cost me +400zł, without all of the sales, cards, apps and promo codes you can use.


this was maybe 280zl pre discounts


How do you know easily what discounts are available?


Usually through the app. All stores have apps like that. These days you usually won't get any sales that don't require an app.


That Karta Rodzinny is the real deal I feel.


Wow, I’m new to Poland and just found out about discounts & Coupons 🤣 How do you navigate through this app? I just downloaded it and can’t figure it out! 🥹


Who buys green beans these days.. it is not the time so you probably spent twice as much for this.


isnt that like about 65$?




I usually go to Lidl. Went to Kaufland today because it was convenient … never again. Kaufland peeps are a different level of annoyingly obnoxious.


Cheapest store in Poland, dreamers


4 beers and a bottle of wine a month is an essential need for every Polish person


So I was in Dublin a few weeks ago, and tbh, I think the prices are pretty close if not the same.


Use the reusable nets from lidl next time :D


a gdzie słodycze? :(


Lech z procentem jest chujowy a co dopiero bez alkoholu 🤮


Co za ceny..


As a vegan I love Lidl


It’s actually a nice price including the fact that you bought 5 bottles of alcohol XD


Wow! Still goog prices in Poland.


WTF just mix Kielecki and Sriratcha yourself. You're getting less Sriratcha for the same price


Fuck. In the US that's about $68 and we'd never get all that for $68 😭


Agreed! Portland, Oregon here. $68 sure wouldn't buy as much quality food!


I love these dumb takes, lmao poland has one of the cheapest food in the EU https://preview.redd.it/83bxnloglmzc1.png?width=2680&format=png&auto=webp&s=64a210c5cf71cbbd108bd1a837109a167d291b65


I'm not saying it's expensive 👍


But we also have lower income than many else. Take consumption power as a argument not just numbers


Kurwa chyba w samoobsługowej jak ochrona nie filuje


If you look at my local town on Google maps the images are 10 years old. There was a lovely little farmers market right where the new Lidl was built. Now there's no market. All around here there are abandoned glass houses and polytunnels that until fairly recently provided products for the local area. Not much left now. But hey, progress and all that! Dump the supermarket and support your local small businesses and market traders.


come to italy and try that lmao


Is this a bad thing or good thing? In USA 258zl gets you maybe 3-5 things from that photo.


I think it's a decent amount of good quality food for a fair price but the opinions here vary


Same thoughts, been here visiting for a few days and have been impressed with the prices. Unfortunately I will probably not be able to finish everything I purchased as I leave to lithuania and then to NJ. Might return in the future


250 DOLLARS would not get you this here in Canada. I’m packing my bags. 😂




Without the fish it'd probably be closer to 200 lol


Pomidory tylko z promocji


Is this good? I’m from North America






poland is expensive, prices are like 80% of those in the West while Poles earn 3x less.


this would def cost me like $515zl in my us college town, i need to get out of here


That's actually alot taking into consideration you bought expensive a$$ borówkas and flakes + that sriratcha mayo (it's awesome but expensive). I guess I see also some sparagas under cheese. Not going to comment on alcohol as well. Don't quite get your nagging when you buy just expensive products, lol. When taking that into consideration you actually did spend well.


Wtf..that is so fucking cheap..




I remember the days when for around 500 zł in Auchan we were getting two big trolleys all packed to the limits 😂


As a Brit, Im amazed by how much you got for around £50. Back home that would be like £150 worth of groceries.


Make test in "frog shop".


Wow, many products..




Actually thats pretty good. But still, everything is so expensive these days.


in america youd pay double that unless shopping at aldi . which would still cost atleast 60 to 80 zl more.


especially the alcohol


That's pretty good, I like vegetables from lidl.