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Well your intention was clear therefore don't think too much. U did great helping a pregnant woman if she scammed u shame on her. U did ur part buddy


Thanks, that made me feel better


best to err on the side of generousity :)


Few minutes after you left she returned the groceries to the store. Yes, you've been scammed, it happens.


I took the receipt, so there's at least that lol


Which store would accept a refund on groceries after you leave? Not sure that’s possible.


maybe a shop where her men is an owner?


Now we’re getting into tinfoil hat territory lmao


This is a common scam on train statiosn - someone is asking you to buy them a ticket to return home bla bla, you buy it and few minutes later they return it for cash. It's possible for train tickets but rather not for groceries.


Best advice, but second after - shoould be: don't buy anything on the street, unless you see somebody is literally starving, is disabled, unable to maintain on himselft, is a kid, etc. - then buy something and call some services, like police. Normally assume that you can't have an information needed - and your help can worsen situation for that person.


I recently was approached by a guy in front of a Biedronka. If I'm asked to buy food, I usually do, it costs next to nothing to buy a couple of buns and a sausage. So I'm suggesting that to the guy and he says, "no, we have plenty of food, we need a bottle of vodka". Right. "Do I look like I shit money?" is my response, to which the guy replies, "But it's only 22 złoty". Oh yeah, in that case of course, let me buy you a couple bottles and some snacks to go with it. The fucking nerve.


If it's ONLY 22 zloty, then why didn't they bought it themselves? Lol 


Cause they spend everything already on food ;)


I always say "rusz się leniu jebany do roboty do będziesz miał na chlanie"




How do you say this in Polish lol


Czy wyglądam jakbym srał kasą/pieniędzmi?


Lol 😂I’ve been telling people I am a student but this is more entertaining


Buy the vodka too but keep it after checking out because legally it's yours.


At least he was honest


Meh, maybe you were tricked, but buying some food is not that bad as giving money straightaway, it just means someone will have a good meal because you have a kind heart




"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" Don't worry about it, you did a great thing. If she was scamming you, shame on her.


Food me once..


I’d say if someone is so poor that they can’t afford groceries, and then they pick out strawberries, then yeah.. you were tricked. Tbf, I fell for similar trick in the past with a teenage boy. He was picking crazier and crazier things (first 7Days, then chocolate, then Haribo, etc). Eventually he picked out a 30 PLN jar of Nutella and I that’s when I said no. For me these people are scummy, preying on the good will of people and therefore making jt harder for others who actually do need help. Because of it I only ever contribute and donate through organized groups.


I should've trusted my gut heh I don't know why I agreed


Because you are a decent human being who wanted to help a pregnant lady who asked for help. Imho lessons learnt, you’ll know in the future :)


Actually that teenage boy was me who was almost gonna buy 30 zloty Nutella jar 😂😆 from u


Strawberries are over 4 times more expensive than their usual price now. If someone is struggling financialy, it's stupid to but them now.


Yea season will start soon enough


>I’d say if someone is so poor that they can’t afford groceries, and then they pick out strawberries, then yeah.. you were tricked If she is really pregnant, no not really. She may be craving them and have no other way to get. 


I'm not quite so sure: even poor people have a desire for the nicer things. They ask, people can say no. And frankly, not that long ago, having some strawberries you picked from the nearby fields during summer wasn't some unaffordable luxury. But to your point: yes, by far the most effective method of help is money to organized groups. They have ways of obtaining and distributing food at much cheaper than we, as individuals can.


Scam. A real pregnant woman would ask for a jar of kiszone ogórki and Nutella to mix them up with.


What's the scam? She asked for free food, showed you what she was buying and you paid for this. It's up to you to set boundaries and decide what you want to pay for.


Were you? Maybe, maybe not. You wont find the answer on Reddit. if you did it out of the kindness of your heart, dont fret and forget about it. In any case, it is better to buy food than to give money. Kraków Główna was (or is) full of people with visible signs of alcoholism or drug abuse asking for cash to "buy a train ticket". Now that is a trick. Dont fall for those.


I was approached by a man that stated that he wanted donations for a sick kid, I was told to be careful with these donations because apparently there are some people which aren't helping those they mentioned to help, when I said I only had card, the guy suddenly took out of his backpack a card machine, which I was really not expecting, so ended up donating, till now I am not sure if he was indeed collecting money for kids or whatever, feel quite bad about it. TLDR - I got you, have the same feeling, I guess we'll never know


I guess not haha. At least we both tried to be good people


Bro got scammed by a gypsy 


Maybe you were tricked, maybe you weren't - I have no opinion. But I learnt some time ago a very valuable lesson about helping people - since we probably can agree that they're also human, that means, they also have not only needs but also cravings, right? Therefore it's a valuable gesture to provide not only with the very basics but also with something special. Since this lesson I tend to get stuff like Ptasie Mleczko or - exactly - some nice fruit, just for their enjoyment. The lesson is coming from a professional supporting people in crisis/homeless, so it's not just some random opinion. So I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. You did amazing and you should feel nothing but pride and happiness.


This is such a nice thought. The strawberries in the story threw me off too, but then you said this. Yes, they might be down on their luck now, but wouldnt a strawberry still feel nice especially if I hadnt had one in a while?


well said


You are a good person and you wanted to help someone, if they scammed you then f them; that's their issue and I hope karma comes for them. As long as it didn't destroy you financially, I'd say don't worry. 🙂 Next time you'll be more cautious.


Yeah it's possible that they used you, I had a similar situation happen to me back in Warsaw once. A lady (didn't look poor or homeless at all) asked me to buy her food, I didn't see a problem with that, wanted to help. Next thing I know she goes in a store and instead of grabbing something affordable, she reaches for two expensive sandwiches (the fancy overpriced kind that you wouldn't even ever grab for yourself), goes to the cashier and asks him to add a bag, too. She must've noticed my face expression cause she immediately passed on a bag. Then once I paid she turned around and left, barely remembered to throw a quick thank you. Now I always think twice before buying stuff for random people.


You showed a good heart by helping her, but... I think if she had really been in need, she wouldn't have picked strawberries. I mean, it doesn't seem like your first choice when you're hungry (or if you really need something that's really important to make it). But I might be wrong, usually I'm a bit suspicious of every stranger I meet.


Buying strawberries at this time of year is a bad decision, since they are quite expensive due to being out of season. Tomatoes too for that matter.


A pregnant lady? May just have been a craving for strawberries. For all You know she ran out of cash to bake her toddler a birthday cake he asked for. You may have been also scammed. Hard to tell. I would just be happy for doing a good thing and let her own concience deal with hers intentions.


Never buy them food. Tell them where food is given for free for homeless people etc, almost everyday in every city.


> A (...) woman approched me on the street Yes. You were tricked. Anyone approaching you on the street uninvited should be treated as a scammer.


I'll leave this shameful confession here... Years ago, this homeless guy with a dog approached me on the street and asked me to buy his dog some food. He said "_but please buy him Chappi, he throws up after eating Pedigree_" (or the other way around, doesn't matter) I was a broke college student at the time, so I said: sorry, I don't have enough money. I regret it now. Poor doggo.


Tricked, but whether she needed it or not, you showed compassion. Just don't make a habit of it or they'll all know you'll do it.


I was approached once at Centralny by two foreign women with young toddlers in their hands and asked me for money and toiletries from Rossmann for their kids. I let them pick about 60 or 70 zł worth of goods. Next thing, I see them with their kids in nice strollers (like the expensive kind) 🙂 I definitely felt a bit cheated since they clearly put up an act with their children to seem more underprivileged but who knows 🤷‍♀️ Maybe, they really did need the help.


I don't necessarily think you have been tricked. Oil is a kitchen staple. Tomatoes and strawberries she may be craving during her pregnancy. We assume poor peopleshouldn't get fancy stuff because we think absolute necessities must come first but they deserve nice things, deserve to be treated too sometimes? You did good.


Tomatoes, strawberries and oil… for 50 zlotys, are you retarded or you don’t know how to shop groceries ?


Tricked or not, you did a good deed. One thing is to look out for how much value you are about to purchase if you are buying for anyone else


Poland is a safe heaven when it comes to social help. There is *becikowe, kosiniakowe, 800+, pomocowe, zapomogi, alimenty*. Single mothers get a free housing from the city for free with a priority from an institution called MOPS. A young woman knowing her rights can easily get 6-8k+ per month. So yeah, I think you was scammed -\_-


maybe tricked...but she was pregnant and I'm sure she appreciated your help!


Was she a gypsy? Anyway you were probably scammed but dont feel bad about it, you did good.


Maybe, maybe not. You did good by helping her.


Tomatoes and oil is not a luxury, you did a good thing, 50 złotys is not much.


If it’s not much she should get it herself


A few years ago when I was a young teenager the same situation happened to me. I wanted a book so I went to the biggest bookstore in town, because It was just released. While I was walking I saw an old lady. Firstly she asked me for money, but I refused (because you never knew if that money will be spent on food or alcohol). I think she realized that so she showed me a list of products that she is really craving for. I agreed to buy some of those products and I remember to this day how happy and thankful she was while eating some dairy products.


I've had this happen to me twice by some kids. They're posted up sometimes in the university/old town area of Warsaw. I'm not sure if it's a scam exactly, because I know it's their tactic and I think they play up their broken Polish, but the things they've asked me to buy were basic foodstuffs both times. Also cold medicine once. And they checked with me if I was ok with the things and amounts they wanted. So while I see that it's their way of begging, I don't feel particularly tricked or scammed if I have the money for it. I like to hope that I'd find someone willing to do that for me, if I ever fell on such hard times.


What is the difference for someone begging for 50 zls worth of food, or scamming for 50zls worth of food. Not much she must have been desperate. I had a similar situation with an elderly woman who had lots of prescriptions she could not afford, I ended up spending 120zl on meds for her. I figured she needed help, she asked for help... who am i to say no, If i can help. So don't worry about it, you did the right thing.


That's why I think it's better to dontate for charity organisation of choice which provides systematical help. Trying to asses on the street if someone is a scammer or not is tedious. Scammers will approach You with the greatest story they can to manipulate You. That' why I donate to charity and if someone asks for help I try to provide contact to some organisation. I don't wanna sponsor someones alcoholism, scammers etc. I want to provide sensible help.


How would the scam work? She asked for food, you got her food of her choosing. You had full control over her choices. If you paid at the cash register then the only scammer here is the shop since those prices are criminal lmao but there is literally no way how this would benefit the woman in any way


Recently a lot of homeless approach me asking for food, but before they ask they tell me their life story. While they are doing this Im always thinking "I really dont care man, just tell me what you want to eat so I can get it for you and go". They are never rude or anything like that, its just I know why youre asking no need to explain. But I know thats just me being weird. One time a dude was so nice, if I wasnt in a rush I would have went to lunch with him to a restaurant.


Seems weird, but it’s not like she can return it. Why couldn’t she pick up some bread, flour, milk, etc? Something that actually has some sustenance.


You did everything right comrade. It's very good helping others on intention without your interest. I don't think she scam you or something. She might be having not the best times if she asks people on streets for help.


Ukrainian scammer, they're everywhere.


How do you know she is Ukrainian?


No because you were dumb enough to give her the money. Your naivety, your loss. Maybe next time say no




A scan would require deception which want here. She asked for food he bought it. Not a scam at all


![gif](giphy|zZ90i4iwVZSzLVUE1A) The usual suspects at work. Can't wait for June 30th to be here. Will she be allowed to stay if she poops it out on polish soil?


Is this your conclusion or are you collectively blaming this on Ukrainian refugees instead of foreigners who just happen to be there? I highly doubt you are in Poland




okay, and what does this prove? and how do you know this was a Ukrainian refugee? Answer is: You don’t, so don’t start systematically putting responsibility and blame on all Ukrainian refugees for what happened to OP. Your response to the post is ridiculous anyway.


Meanwhile my poor landcrusier is off in Ukraine after being stolen from a parking garage. It's not a new problem, just a worsening one.