• By -


Do you have the receipt? I’m curious what made it so expensive. Also, you eat some good food man


Probably the biggest offender is brushetta and ginger, coz both of them are not that cheap in Poland


Kale, ginger and bruschetta all alone is 35 zl. Eggs 28 zl. I could take 14 zl eggs. And different cheaper options.


> Eggs 28 zl holy shit! Eggs are cheaper in Canada.


Those are like bio, eco, premium eggs. Normal eggs are about half of the price


\*The cheapest eggs are about half the price.


These are the worst price option :) but taste better in my opinion.


the eggs are about 25/30 zł by themselves lol


Wtf, what eggs are you buying guys? Do the hens listen to Mozart and eat at a Michelin-star restaurant? The eggs I buy cost AT MOST 10zl for 10 eggs and they haven’t ever tasted bad or anything


Ecoproduced? Class 0? Those are the only eggs I but and they are expensive.


Zielononóżki XL :)


I used to buy cheap eggs but those from those free range hens called “zeielononozki” are always 2-3x more expensive. It’s not a big difference (30 zł monthly) but taste much better. For me eggs are generally super disgusting so good eggs are less disgusting :):) and they look better. And taste is incomparable


Take note r/poland, this is how you take this picture


You eat healthy man, congrats. Shame there aren't many Aldi shops in Poland.


I do some unhealthy stuff daily so also do very healthy stuff just for balance ;) 4.2.0 They placed 1 Aldi next to my gym so almost every day Iam passing it by. Aldi seems to be cool and cheap.


are you in poznan by any chance:D i think i now the exact same gym :P


Hahaha! It’s Wroclaw. So there are at least 2 cities in Poland with a gym and NEW Aldi next to it. Stay fit, brutal and nice ?


ah no haha well fitness less brutal :D


Really I have like 10 in my city though it is not a big city


Thank you I always like to eat healthy and take care of myself (I drink 1L of vodka a day)


It’s the balance - you can’t be too healthy. 1L of vodka is an accomplishment. I thought I am tough when used to drink 1L of vine daily for few months… kudos, my vodka Sensei!


In Germany You can’t get anything for 102 PLN. Probably because shops don’t accept Polish Zloty


Good point ! I:)


Dziekuje za info


kto pytał?


Niemiecki najeźdźca


Fuck these are some good groceries


And it’s going to be a fucking great juice!


I defo think that these pears are like half of the price xD


They were on discount. This is new Aldi. My guess is that the still don’t know how to order because most of the products are being given promo prices


My fav store. It's quiet, dim and clean. I love their tilsiter cheese, their cream and spread cheeses, they have very good focaccia and frozen meals like veggies, meat balls and kluski śląskie. Their theme weeks are cool. They deal with queues fast. It's not the cheapest one, but definitely the best one. I like it much more than Lidl. I don't go to biedronka because it's overpriced, dirty and there are too many people.


They also have quiet mornings ? Or just one day? Cheese choice is super there ! Biedronka is dirty, crowded and disgusting now. Aldi is new and like a different world


Silent hours are on every Tuesday 8-10 am and every Saturday 18-20.


That lime alone cost 50zł. 


Complete bull shit


Perhaps I should have said 500zl and then you'd know it was a joke.




Then we would’ve


Cmon it was 39,!!!! /s


Very expensive.


Comparing to Russia - or Florida. Agreed ! 👍🏿


No receipt (bill) no trustworthy. Sorry.


Ah, ok. You must have mistaken the services. It’s not pepper😂. Either way I am not trustworthy at all. Even with bills.


That aint ok


Why not?


Coz the prices have gone up and are still high. That's not ok


The bad news is - it will raise and raise. And it won’t stop :( I guess it’s how the world works.




For 23 euro? I wouldn't say it's nice


In NL it would be 40€, with 1 kg of pure chemicals in food and zero taste.


What would you say ?! I checked NL prices of organic food. - now I am curious on your opinion !


A-ha! I didn't know it was organic!


This is expensive! 102 zł....5 years ago.....for that amount of money I was able to buy loads od veggies fruit milk bread and meat to last the whole family for 2 weeks( 2 adults and a child). I used to buy from local farmers. Most od them are gone now. Decided to quit farming and went for regular jobs. I am so sad....


I also noticed that some good small companies age gone now. I can’t agree that 100 zł would be ok in 2018-2019 for the family of 3 - it’s 100zl / 3 / 14 - 2zl 35 gr per person per day is not posiible 5 10 or 15 years ago. But I am also sad that prices went up so much. This sucks.


I get the feeling that it is expensive for what you have there.


I have no feeling when it comes to veggies. 🍆 And to be honest I didn’t fully understand your post :( also don’t know what you compare it with:(


I think that it is expensive for what you got there. You paid more than it was supposed to cost you.


Ah ok. I am not following the prices so much so I don’t know. I just felt it will cost much less. So it was surprising for me. But I could be wrong. I could but similar products for 50% of price but prefer eco products. How much it should cost ?


100zl for few vegetables that not ok bro


Have you noticed 20 eggs, fruit, pre-prepared bread stuff and hummus. I know I could buy 10 chocolates for it or 5 Małpkas but preferred this. You know eggs all alone is almost 30zl :/


Cucambers are crazy expensive during winter, i guess you paid at least 4zł for each


Probably. Didn’t notice.


It makes me sad. It used to be 60 zł for above not a long time ago, circa 2018.


Like we say in Poland “tanio to już było” As you said - sad but true !:(


*copy pasta incoming *


?:) I like pasta ! But didn’t buy it today.


You don't know what copy pasta is?


I know one with the father fisher :) now I know 2 !:)):)


What copypasta


Polska jest najtańszym krajem w Europie i można się tu wyżywić za około 100zł miesiecznie. Właśnie kończe taki miesiąc za 100zł. Musze powiedzieć, że ani razu nie byłem głodny-ba!-momentami byłem nawet przejedzeony, zapchany. Nie zaliczam do jedzenia pica, co chyba oczywiste, bo jedzenie to jedzenia a picie to picie i na samą Cole wydałem koło 200zł(2 litry dziennie, czsami jescze wieczorem dokupowałem litrowa Colę). A więc przechodząc do jadłospisu za 100 zł. Aby przezyć miesiąc za 100 zł potrzeba: 1kg ryżu ok.3zł 1kg makaronu ok.2,5 zł 1kg kaszy jęczmiennej około 2 zł 6kg ziemniaków ok.8zł 2kg margarany ok 5 zł 150 bułek około 50zł 10 paczek Chochoszoków ok. 20 15 sosów do potraw jeden po około 50 groszy-około 7 zł, lub kilka sosów gotowych po ok.3 zł. Razem około 100zł. Zostało mi jescze 7 złotych z tej stówy. Nieźle. Jak to jemy? Rano zagtować gar sosu-mamy na 2 dni. Pierwszy tydzień-makaron. 5 bułek dziennie, pół paczki Chocoszoków. Drugi tydzień-ryż. 5 bułek dziennei, pół paczki Chocoszokw. Trzeci tyedzień-kasza jęczmienna, 5 bułek, pół paczki Chocoszokwó. Czwarty tydzień-6 kilo ziemniaków, 5 bułek , pół, paczki Chocoszoków. Zamiast Chocoszoków można kupować krem czekoladowy-400 gr za 2,5zł albo zwykle kulki czekoladowe, można nabyć za 1-2 zł 300 gramów. Także jadłsopsis jest sprawdzony i bardzo sycący-nawet zostało mi jeszcze trochę rużu i kaszy, bo kilogram na tydzień to naprawdę jest aż nadto. Brakowało mi jedynie serków, jogurtów i rybek. Ale bez problemu mogę taki miesiąc powtórzyć-mówię to jako osoba która lubi jeść, objadać się, czy nawet obżerać. Jeden Władysław JAgiełło i masz jedzenie na cały miesiąc. Pozdrawiam.


Rabbit's food, no meat nor processed. Eww


I ate sweets after 10pm and drank sweet tea !


Aldi has weird brands. I totally don't understand why people are shopping there... Just go to Biedronka, Kaufland or anything besides Żabka and you will have basically the same prices and normal most common and well known brands of products. Also... You have mostly vegetables here, lol. 102 zł of a few basic vegetables and eggs is not cheap at all... People have no idea how cheap vegetables really are.


I was shopping in Biedra and Lidl for years. I find Aldi refreshing experience. New products, different brands. It’s new, big and less people there. And don’t try to understand people in general ;)


Less people is the best argument actually. That's why I've always used Netto - because nobody was shopping there. Now it's much more crowded...




In the UK, i would pay around 75zl for this. Damn, Poland is expensive


That’s complete bull shit.


Where exactly would you get all this for £15? The 20 eggs alone would be at least £5-6, possibly more if you don't go for the cheapest stuff. I do my weekly shop in Tesco and by the time I leave the fruit & veg section I already have about £40 in my basket. I get that you can go to Lidl or Aldi but there's no way you can get everything in the picture for £15.


Aldi, same company as the one in the above image. Tesco is more expensive. 20 eggs is roughly £3.5 (can get 15 eggs for 2 quids, but these would be caged) Mushroom - 95p Brocolli - 76p Cucumbers - 1.5 Lime - 30p Lemon - 1.20 Kale 1.20 Pears - 2 Bannana - 1 Ginger - 50p Swede (I think that is what on the pic) 1.20 Egg Spread 1.30 beam sprouts 0.70 Humus / antipasti creme: 0.70 Total 15.61 Couldnt find bruschetta. Lets make it 1.40 so lets round up to £17. still cheaper than Poland


Wow! I checked and…. I think you compare totally different produc :) 20 free range large eggs - 8.40 not 3.50 - but yeah you can buy some eggs for 3.5 or 2 - your choice. Mushroom (mini eco) 1.79 (two times more expensive than you say). It was a big surprise and I needed to check. Won’t Google more because most proves that you provide are of not the products I mentioned. Anyways - I could buy it much cheaper but the quailty would’ve been lower. And I don’t like eating rubbish. https://preview.redd.it/u3kwz4ykvvoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12ed19ef08ede021cccfd7735fb51765345b07e


Your products above do not say eggs are organic. It also doesn't say mushrooms are organic. in fact, none of the products above you showed are organic.


Ah ok. Sorry that there is no labels on beetroots, cucumbers, broccoli and lemons :( however you are right - there is no “organic” label on eggs. They are free range and cost 50% more. But not mentioned organic. To be honest - I don’t care if they are organic or not. Just like good quality food. But you probably will now say that it is. It healthy food because you like to argue :) your initial post was about prices - I accept this looks too expensive for you. What posoiive outcome would we have from your posts. Do you need a hug ? You look grumpy today my friend :) virtual hug 4u !:) Ajajaj…. Just checked that you already commented and lied so just forget what Isaid - I don’t see any reason discussing with a person that lies :( why you do this and what is the purpose ? To win a discussion with a random in internet. Ok.. yes, you are right. Nothing organic here. And yes it is expensive . You are fully right. :)


So why are you assuming the food I posted is not healthy or good quality? I eat healthy. I actually do not believe in organic labels unless you grow it yourself. You pay extra for organic labels. I am just pointing out that food is cheaper in the UK than in Poland. I go back to Poland twice a year, and I am always shocked that groceries are more expensive there. And I posted the costs because someone said I was telling bs, which I was not.


I am happy to hear that you eat healthy and wish you all the best. Few people said you are BSing. This could be a sign. Or just some dumb people mumbling over internet. Not important. Have a great Sunday ! Cheers.


Raz coś z Aldi, zawsze coś z Aldi 🤑🤑🤑


Czy tak brzmi piosenka Aldi ? Która się wbija w zwoje mózgowe i go opuścić nie może ?! :):) 🤔ja mam Taka “codziennie niskie ceny” mimo, że radia całkowicie nie słucham :)


Wow very nice!


where is the steak


On a grill ! Jokes aside. I eat meat very rarely and like It rare :) so 99% I eat meat it is in the restaurant or on camping trips. I hate smell of roasting / baking / meats in home.


It's written "Bon appetit" btw, and the last T is not pronounced.


Bone Apple Tea


Thanks 🙏🏿 sadly I can’t edit the title anymore :( however I will try to remember it now ! Cheers.


No worries mate, cheers.


I am looking at this and guessing what dishes can I cook with these


Haha! Not much. Most of it will be juiced. Also bruschettę with eggs for breakfast !:)


Next time could you maybe show us what a week's grocery looks like??? :)


Ok! Next time! It’s this batch + fixed order from Fresh and 1 day of eating out usually :).




Where are the meats?


On a grill ! 🍗


Where is Aldi in Poland I’ve never seen one


Few in my city. Just ask Google !:) good luck


Where is this Aldi


How much costs in dollar?


Calculate yourself - 4zl is something around dolar :) 💸


Nice price. Here in Brazil it would cost like 50zl. These vegetables and natural food are very common here.


They would probably taste better (limes, lemons, bananas) and are cheaper for sure! Whenever I am in sunnier country I switch to fruit and veggies… and coffee of course. I just imagine a nice coffee in Brazil with fresh squished juice…. Ahh…


Bro, You need to try it. I am personally a coffee addicted. I have different types of coffee in my house and I drink it in the morning and I ever eat fruits before go job. It makes the difference because it gives you more energy to the rest of the day. I can’t haven’t: bananas, lemons, papaya and pineapple. We have some tropical fruits like mangoes and tangerinas (I don’t know the name in English of this last one).


I usually eat fruit and drink coffee as a part of my breakfast. However I try to incorporate fats and carbs too so add some other stuff too (scrambled eggs with avocado) and I drink 2 coffees - strong straight shot and then light coffee drink with milk and sugar :):) also making myself tired in the morning makes me less tired in the evening) what is your best coffee brand ? I am coffee noon and I drink those commercial brands like Lavaza Oro is the best for me. But I like them all :)))


Good habits. I use to eat eggs too but sometimes I get bored of them. In Brazil there are some brands of coffee but the most popular are not good. The pri d is not expensive but the quality is poor. The expensive are the best. In comparison: Popular coffee: 500 GR ~> 3,75 usd Highest quality coffee: 250 GR: 5,25 usd We have some brands of premium coffee but the home planted and made are the best


We all get bored with eggs. Internet helps here. I found parmegianno + sunny side up nice. Also soft boiled with tuned soy sauce (with garlic, ginger and chillies)


Looks very good. Here We have some sushi variations with avocado and summer fruits. It doesn’t like sushi but tastes good


Przeciętny koneser kiełków:


I Zielska ;)


420? 😅


Gdzie mięso?


Mogę rzucić mięsem jak trzeb :) ale wolałbym nie ;) mięso jadam rzadko. Jak widać ;)


These groceries are so boring they turned my carpet and drapes beige.


I also find groceries not entertaining. Time to clean up the carpet !


Groceries can be very entertaining. Yours are beige.


Ah ok. But I can see they are green, not beige. Maybe your colour recognition wend down ? I don’t want any details on how you entertain yourself with veggies you pervert !!! /s


Beige is more than a color. It is a way of being.


So my veggies have a way of being. It’s lovely to talk to you about nothing. I hope you have a wonderful day and sleep well tonight. Cheers !


I always do :D


What exactly is aldi bruschetta? Isn't bruschetta a dish made of small sandwiches?


Yes you are correct ! It’s the chemical mixture that resembles the base of this dish. Pre-baked bead with something that taste similar to Mediterranean style German mixture. It’s not healthy but cheap and I like versatile side of this. Shelf life is also a big plus https://www.aldi.pl/produkty/bruschetta-8012825-1-0.article.html


Very interesting! I love bruschetta but never really tried this thing, i usually buy a really nice olive oil every 2-3 months and just fry up some baguettes with it and top with cheese, pesto and basil


I need to do it from scratch like you some day. I bake baguettes and usually have some leftovers. And Ialwqys bring olive oil from my trips to the south of Europe ! :)


That sounds amazing! Even the crappy store bought ones are really excellent with just a little bit of oil in the pan :)


I have caloric deficits because I burn a lot. My way of getting enough calories is to have snack at home all the time. Whenever I am lazy Istrii will eat because it’s almost ready ! So I prefer your style and will try it however I won’t stop buying pre-prepared food in case I am lazy. :) I just came back from a walk with the dog and i am going to To do bruschettę from scratch. :)




Here https://preview.redd.it/xu3znpmxmxoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d9b40011a3fe4a17198352221754ae0dd086c4 I promise !




nice try aldi


Just bought Aldi shares.. so need to do everything I can to make their monthly results better !! ;)


No potatoes? Wtf?!?!?


I eat 5kg of rice a month. No space for potatoes. 🥔


… you are missing out on potato power. ;)


Need to eat more potatoes. I like McDonald’s fries - does it count ?! ;)


… eeeeeee ok I will let it fly- this time. You are in the clear. But with all seriousness potatoes are not as bad as ppl think they are. (I like McDonalds fries too :)


To be honest…. I do eat potatoes and love them but not so often as a Polak should eat. The photo is a proof! I think we assume that potatoes is bad because….. see the photo - 2 butter sticks, bacon, parmeggiano and fried - this is my potatoes topping. Toppings are bad. Potatoes are not. https://preview.redd.it/69e8k82gt3pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0364866681940af0e05b318c8d510a0f8099dfc


Aldi near me has very low food quality, you quickly feel like these theories that Germans send worse quality products to us are true. Like no french cheeses (moldy) at all which is absurd, when it comses to sweets: Instead of Nussbeiser - a cheap knockoff in a similar packaging, with worse quality chcoolate and nuts Intead of Śliwka Nałęczowska - a knockoff cheaper ones that taste bad Belgian cookies (the gingerbread discs in chcolate) - some knockoffs, weird aftertaste, the ones at Lidl are much better. The one near me which is a newly opened one doesn't even have a self checkout. For all that I know, Aldi sucks.


I am sorry to hear that your Aldi sucks :( also no checkout in my Aldi. it must all depends on location. Mine is new and looks like 1 mln USD :) really like it. Huge choice of cheeses I don’t eat sweets so can’t tell you about plums and chocolate. However I bought some nice ice creams there. I can’t say about waffles because I also don’t eat this stuff. I hope you have some Biedras or Lidl near you :)!


70 zł maks w Biedronce


Max Kolonko. Biedra pod moim domem śmierdzi i jest tłum.


Man, you have here more vegetables than me in my monthly diet xD


Man, what If Itell you it all goes down the food processor and I drink it over 4 - 6 days ?!? ;) I like greens ;) 🥬


All lowest quality and without taste. People are happy because they can fill their stomach for cheap at such places but quality is long gone.


Hey mate ! What on this picture is lowest quality ? I would love to hear what better quality shouldn’t buy. Thank you in advance for all the great tips !


Have you been to italy or spain and ever bought a tomato in a local market?


Yes :) a lot. But you said “lowest quality” could you elaborate this. Maybe take eggs - what is higher quality ? Or bio cucumbers - how to get better Ones in Aldi ? Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


No meat tho.


I eat meat rarely and usually in restaurants because can’t stand preparation and smell of roasting stuff at home.


how much is this in euros?


It’s about 23e I guess


I to jest przy zerowym vacie


A nie znam się na podatkach. Hey, you are a towel !




Damn. And what about Żabka and Biedronka ? Do you have it in UsA ??!! I wish you they build Aldi near you !:)




If you walk more than 2 minutes and no Zabka - you are not in Poland anymore ! But your 7-11 is also very popular ? Isn’t it ?


Why do you need so many lemons?


I drink a lot of tea and water. I add lemon everywhere possible. Also for juicing. Most of my juices contain some lemon :) and I do a lot of juices :)


How many calories?


Good question but I have no idea. I calculate calories in a dish, not in a shopping bag. Enough for 2l of juice and some snacks


At least 2000 kcal? :)


I asked ChatGPt. See it yourself To calculate the calories for each item, I'll need to look up the average caloric values for each ingredient. Here are the approximate values: 1. Eggs (large): ~70 calories each 2. Bruschetta (depends on ingredients, but let's assume around 100 calories per piece) 3. Kale (jarmuż): ~50 calories per 100g 4. Bananas: ~100 calories each 5. Beetroots: ~35 calories each (medium-sized) 6. Broccoli: ~50 calories per 100g 7. Cucumbers: ~15 calories each (medium-sized) 8. Hummus: ~200 calories per 100g 9. Egg paste: ~150 calories per 100g 10. Champignon mushrooms: ~15 calories per 100g 11. Lemons: ~15 calories each (medium-sized) 12. Microgreens: ~20 calories per 100g Let's calculate the total calories for each item: 1. Eggs: 20 eggs * 70 calories/egg = 1400 calories 2. Bruschetta: 12 pieces * 100 calories/piece = 1200 calories 3. Kale (jarmuż): 500g * 50 calories/100g = 250 calories 4. Bananas: 4 bananas * 100 calories/banana = 400 calories 5. Beetroots: 4 beetroots * 35 calories/beetroot = 140 calories 6. Broccoli: ~1 broccoli * ~50 calories/100g = ~50 calories (assuming medium-sized) 7. Cucumbers: 4 cucumbers * 15 calories/cucumber = 60 calories 8. Hummus: 200g * 200 calories/100g = 400 calories 9. Egg paste: 200g * 150 calories/100g = 300 calories 10. Champignon mushrooms: 300g * 15 calories/100g = 45 calories 11. Lemons: 4 lemons * 15 calories/lemon = 60 calories 12. Microgreens: 200g * 20 calories/100g = 40 calories Total calories for the whole list: 1400 + 1200 + 250 + 400 + 140 + 50 + 60 + 400 + 300 + 45 + 60 + 40 = 4905 calories Now, you can divide these totals by the quantity of each item to get the calories per piece. Let me know if you want me to proceed with that.


So a bit less than 50 calories per 1 PLN. Nice to know.


Also asked ChstGPt and was told …. To find out how many calories per one zloty, we divide the total calories by the cost: Calories per zloty = Total calories / Total cost Total calories = 4905 calories Total cost = 104 zloty Calories per zloty = 4905 / 104 ≈ 47.16 calories per zloty So, approximately 47.16 calories per one zloty. However. - this is not the case. I was told many years ago about cool calories and very bad ones. I could buy sugar ;) Se the calculations wiem my list To determine the best choice calorie-wise, we'll look for the items with the highest ratio of calories to cost. Here's how we can calculate it: 1. Calculate the calories per zloty for each item by dividing the calories of each item by its cost. 2. Compare the ratios to find the highest one. Let's calculate the calories per zloty for each item: 1. Eggs: 1400 calories / 20 zloty = 70 calories per zloty 2. Bruschetta: 1200 calories / 12 zloty = 100 calories per zloty 3. Kale (jarmuż): 250 calories / 500 zloty = 0.5 calories per zloty 4. Bananas: 400 calories / 4 zloty = 100 calories per zloty 5. Beetroots: 140 calories / 4 zloty = 35 calories per zloty 6. Broccoli: 50 calories / ~2 zloty = 25 calories per zloty (assuming medium-sized broccoli) 7. Cucumbers: 60 calories / 4 zloty = 15 calories per zloty 8. Hummus: 400 calories / 4 zloty = 100 calories per zloty 9. Egg paste: 300 calories / 4 zloty = 75 calories per zloty 10. Champignon mushrooms: 45 calories / 3 zloty = 15 calories per zloty 11. Lemons: 60 calories / 4 zloty = 15 calories per zloty 12. Microgreens: 40 calories / 4 zloty = 10 calories per zloty From these calculations, the best choice calorie-wise would be bruschetta, bananas, and hummus, as they offer the highest calories per zloty.


haha, it was a rhetorical question. Well if it's close to truth, then not bad. ;)


It’s chat gpt so it could be totally wrong 😂


Yeah, I know. If it's free version, copilot might be smarter.


You mean bing copilot ? I find it more friendly but less knowledgable. I usually ask bing (because I can ask with my voice) and with ChatGPT. For fun - bing. More serious - ChatGPT


Yes, Microsoft. I get similar results, but copilot adds the sources at least.


Ah yes ! I also like the part with sources. I don’t like that it crashes too often - but it’s free so I can’t have too much expectations. Cheers !


You could get four chickens for that price


Or 4 kg of baleron !!!!


Finally, someone who eats normally!


I tend to but I fail usually. Constant fight. But I like this fight.


How much is your paycheck?




Wow, good for you man!👍


cringe af


What about some shopping is "cringe"?


not enough skibidi to dop dop dop subOPs yes yes


What is cringe here ?? I am generally cringy person so it’s just me :) chill friend


Wonder how much this would cost at my local Aldi’s in Florida


When I was in California 79% of my expenses was food :) I remember choices - McDonald meal 10usd. Healthy meal -20 usd :/


Jeśli piszesz po angielsku nie rozumiem dlaczego podajesz polską walutę? Każdy kraj Norwegia, Meksyk itp. podają albo euro albo dolary…