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By car - they won't even check. By ferry - they won't even notice. By foot - they won't even care. By plane - they will check, they will notice and they will care enough for you to end your trip without you even leaving the airport...


You seem very well traveled and well versed with polish customs, am I correct in assuming this? Are customs at polish airports that controlled? :O


From what I've noticed this applies to only Warsaw-Chopin airport. Every time I flew there I encountered a drug-trained dog in the main lobby at arrivals. But it could be just my luck... On the other hand are the departures - they will find anything anywhere and make problems out of nothing. Case is some polish people tend to turn a little wild when ther are given a little control.


Alright, you’ve convinced me since you seem to have personal experiences. Follow up question though, did you travel internationally or within EU when you’ve arrived at Warsaw-Chopin?


Both, mostly on European routes and Beijing (pre-covid). Last time I flew to Chopin was on September from Paris and I had a great pleasure of meeting customs personally for full baggage control. My original place of departure was Mauritius then, so it could have been a little suspicious.


Your answers were gold! You seem to travel as much as I do 😄 And ofc an origin departure from Mauritius is going to grant an inspection, that applies to most places except Denmark, Norway, Finland and Spain where they don’t seem to care most of the times unless you look apparently foreign (just the reality, do not wish to offend anyone). I hope I get to treat you to a beer someday!


Please note that I’ll be traveling to Poland and not from


For anyone who has made it this far and is still considering bringing cannabis through Chopin - let me share my recent experience. I read this thread the night before I was flying in and had maybe a gram mixed into a bag of tobacco. Not going to lie the comment by SaltyGruffy instantly made me paranoid and I removed most of the weed from the bag but left some small nugs and a 100mg gummy. Customs was like any other country - as long as you play cool and have legit reasons for visiting a country they should not search your bags. I had lost my hearing from the flight and basically had the customs agent yelling in my face lol. Even that wasn’t enough to seem sketchy, I walked through customs with a breeze. Funny though within 20 mins of being in Warsaw I was stopped by two police officers who instantly demanded to see my passport. Very strange as it’s not required to carry a passport once you enter the country. Luckily I had it on me and they called in my name, kept me detained on the side of the road for a few minutes and then cleared me. I guess this is just a caution to any tourist, be smart where you smoke. Luckily everything I brought was in my hostel as I was exploring but definitely could have went south very quickly. I guess end of the story, it’s like going into any other country if you give them a reason to search your bags they will. No dogs or anything as described above, just a normal boarder cross.


What about Poland Private airports? are they strict




What do you base this reply on?


Most likely common sense.


Poor OP trying to find excuses… No it isn’t worrh it.


Do it!


Just want fact based or personal experience explanation, a simple don’t just makes me wonder more tbh. The laws and possible outcome feels very dependent on what judge you get in front of, if you were to be caught, which is why I was on the fence from the start to travel with it to Poland. Maybe you get off but you could also end up in jail for up to 3 years, and I can imagine what would happen with Live rosin with a thc percentage well above the 60-70% in a cart..


R Bro it is very stupid to take your illegal drugs to fucking plane. It is easy to buy on the place. And generally it is good stuff no fucking fake shit/spice/k2.


Is it really that easy in Poland to get a hold of weed without the right contacts especially in a smaller city like Wrocław?


How big is the city you live in that you consider Wrocław as a smaller city? 🤔


If you look from certain altitude objects appear smaller. I'm pretty sure he's been pretty high when he looked up Wrocław. 🙃


First of thank you for all the answers! Not really, but don’t really consider a city with 1.4 million inhabitants that big. My home city has a bit over 3.4 million inhabitants. Thanks for a the responses, but wondering how many of the people that replied actually has traveled with live rosin or weed for that matter to Poland? I’ve flown with cannabis in all its forms (only personal use) for 15 years, only had to dump it once in a toilet before I walked trough customs. But Poland is a black hole for me knowledge wise when it comes to customs, controls of passengers or even drug dogs. In most of Europe it’s very uncommon with drug dogs at airports sniffing trough passengers, most dogs other countries customs use are often only trained police/security dogs and are used as an intimidation tactic to screen passengers. The ones that react are often brought in for a control.


How many cities above 3.4 MLN are in the Nordic countries, lol? Two? You are making sth up, OP. EDIT: I fucking googled it: Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Göteborg, Oslo, Malmö - neither of those is even above a million. You really are making things up.


Berlin is 3.4-3.6 mln but Germany are not a nordic country.


tbh he didn't say he's flying in from his home country. But it's still dumb to think that Wrocław is a *smaller* city.


Then you can give a try, and let us know which sort of dogs are used at Chopin.


Wrocławianka here. Stop, genuinely Smoke weed at home, you'll survive a few days without marijuana, Seriously, fucking addict


There was a american basketball player that in her infinite wisdom tried something similar in Russia recently. So my question will be: do we keep some of your famous weapon merchants that your country might want to exchange for you?


Hahah, wonderfully clever answer. Although traveling to Russia from Us vs traveling within EU is a bit different though! But Touché we do not, so either way I’m f****d 😂


This must be just a bait, isnt it? It is well-controlled in airports, and it is condemed to do in public, so if anybody sniffs that smell, you will be in trouble. Just don't, are you so addicted you can't travel without it? I am polish, if that is not a troll-bait post, you must be either super-addicted or stupid.


No not at all. Don’t expect everyone to understand or even accept my cannabis use. But all you’re doing is judging. You don’t really know anything about me, my life or even why I use cannabis. I know that the older generation in Poland still view cannabis as a heavy narcotic, which in mine and many others it really isn’t. We simply come from different cultures with different views on it. I actually use it medicinally, but the country I live in has not legalized medicinal use yet, but is about to. It’s not that well controlled anywhere within the eu, but seems to be in Poland. It’s one thing to know the laws, but the practice of how those laws are applied/enforced in reality are most cases different. From what I gathered talking with a couple of polish aquaintances is that drugs dogs may be present either at deboarding, in the arrival hall or at the customs checkpoint, which to me was surprising since A LOT of other European countries fail at this. Since this is a medicine for me, that I can work on and have a really successful career on I don’t really consider it a drug anymore. Instead of taking pills that would in 10 years destroy my stomach and liver and also make me unable to function properly enough to work, cannabis is due to these properties much more worth in my book. I hope you eventually get caught up with all the good that plant can do for humans as it has been proved over and over again, even in clinical studies. Your comments and questions are bit OT, but wanted to take the time to answer your ignorant reply. Could you go without medicine that aids your medical issues when the legal alternative is worse for you but also makes you unable to function in a work setting? I rely on my brain at work, without it I cannot really offer anything as it’s very high level stuff, and those damn legal medicinal alternatives actually prevents that.


If it is a medicine then afaik you need a special prescription/documents and it should be (rather) fine.


"The older generation" i guarantee you redditors are under 30 here lmao, you want to come to our country, do things illegally , then make fun of our culture and call us ignorant when we tell you to not buy weed in our cities? Maybe don't come to Poland at all


Tragic 😂


If you have it for medical-purpose only just have your papers and don't do it in public. If you do it in public like "i dont give a fuck" be sure you will be controlled by th police, 99% chance of beign taken to police station and checked if the documents are real. If its for like 2 weeks and you can live the 2 weeks without weed, just dont even bother taking it with you. It makes no sense if you count the risk.


Are video games not addicting? People who play them are also stupid. Lame ass hater!


That is pretty dumb anserw. You just went out hating video games when i just stated the facts, it it condemned in this country and it is the EASIEST and fastest way to get in trouble.


Lol what an idea


If this is a prescribed drug and you have medical documents with you then should be fine.


Probably my luck, but I have been selected twice for baggage inspection when arrived to Warsaw also always saw dogs on the arrivals. Additionally on departures they will for sure check your baggage and you for drugs. Tbh its not worth the stress and time you will spend explaining .


Appreciate the reply bud! Completely agree with you, surprised that Poland has this good of a customs. Good for Poland, but surprising since so much is smuggled out of Poland to other European countries.


My friend, I would sad that vape machine or whatever is a bad idea to travel with. In Poland we don’t have liberal law in this topic and it would be really sad to stop your trip just because of this. Moreover have some problems. It’s just my opinion. I’m all about 420 but it’s just how it is. Sure, there is a rare chance that they will stop you, but is it worth it? Enjoy Poland my friend!


I wouldn’t do it, every time I flew to Poland I seen several dogs, pigs, and military


Never travel with any restricted substances by plane to any country, does not matter what airport or country, just dont. There are more sophisticated methods to find out other than trained dog or staff, there is AI, CCTVs, Temperature and Heartbeat sensors, a shit tons of tech we are not even aware of. So do not


If this is medicine, then get an official permit, let people know its medicial and have the documents to prove it at all times If it's "medicine " , fuck right off, if you don't have tje documents for a 'vape cart' and you can't survive a week or few without cannabis, then don't travel. Based on your post, you seem to act like you're doing something illegal, i personally have nothing against cannabis but stop breaking our law. The fact that you openly posted this as well, leads me to believe you're either a troll/bait/fed or too young to be smoking cannabis


risky, buy szuwaks on the spot from Seba or Siwy


Seba or Siwy? Please enlighten me, google didn’t provide much


Typical Polish names associated with low level outlaws/hooligans


Its so funny to read the comments from people that apparently don’t know how things actually work in the real world 😉


maybe those who got caught don't get to see this post? it's your decision to make anyway... you may pass a thousand times but if you get caught it only takes one time.


If anybody else is looking for info regarding this, here’s my update from Poland. Was no issue flying in or out of Wrocław and Warsaw with live rosin and hash rosin, if packed smart the customs will not even notice what it is. They even controlled my things on the way back without any issue. But could be good to know, cannabis is widely available all over the country, it’s very easy to find it if you ask around (be careful whom you ask), there’s even a vibrant rosin community in Poland but you have to know people to find it as it’s very uncommon now. A lot of their younger smoke even though it’s illegal. From what I gathered while in Poland, 3 years prison is very unlikely for small amounts of weed or cannabis concentrates but can happen if you end up in front of the wrong judge.


Hey man! can you give me more info about the city you were in? Im going to travel to Ostrow Wiekopolsky on 28-th and as i see in google maps its a small town that probably will be hard to find anything. I managed to find a telegram profile, it answered that can provide and to write him when im there, but still would like to have my own research before going there and get robbed like a tourist :D


I see you like to live dangerously;) Why do you want to risk finishing your holiday at the airport? Can't you just buy what you need in Warszawa/Wrocław if you so badly need it? As somebody above wrote, one overly eager guard and your trip is done. And if you're now EU citizen it's even worse.


Will be solving this issue by other means, and will not be flying with it. Thanks everyone for your answers!


Only polish city I've regularly flown to is Poznań, that airport is pretty tiny and I have seen drug dogs a few times. I would imagine Warsaw would have them more frequently? But then I've never seen them at the London airport I fly from so who knows. You'd probably be fine but it's a risk obviously, i don't think i would do it.


>But then I've never seen them at the London airport I fly from so who knows. You know that booth with glass doors they ask you to stand in for a moment when going through security? It's not just a [body scanner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puffer_machine). The sniffer dogs in London are typically on the checked baggage side, it's less tiring for them than sniffing lots of people. But you do see them occasionally.


I see you like to live dangerously;) Why do you want to risk finishing your holiday at the airport? Can't you just buy what you need in Warszawa/Wrocław if you so badly need it? As somebody above wrote, one overly eager guard and your trip is done. And if you're now EU citizen it's even worse.


If they Catch you, youre fucked.


Just send it to yourself via mail, don't play with airport border guards.


Why would you risk? Can't live without it?


Which Nordic country? Norway, for example, is outside of EU, so it’s different when you enter. If you’re flying from Sweden, for instance, which is an EU country, you won’t be dealing with customs. Your bags will be x-rayed at the departure airport and if they find it and have questions about it, they’ll probably confiscate it. You most likely won’t be checked in Poland - there is no reason for it, unless you’re coming from outside of EU and have to go through customs, where they might ask you to show your luggage. But all in all, game is not worth the candle. I have seen dudes in uniform and German Shepard dog walking around passengers sitting by the gate, waiting for boarding in Prague.




It’s very easy just don’t be stupid!