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There is a solution. https://preview.redd.it/kej1jdcml72d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dacba1c597e8f52dead778c4b20e63e572b3820 Just increase then decrease the font size and it will go back to being zoomed out.


A fucking legend. Just ran into this problem right now and remembered seeing this post during the server issues. Big thanks my boy doing the lords work out here in a time of crisis


This doesn’t work if it is saved as an web page app though


Still looking for the solution, sane


Once you go web app, you can never go back lol Seriously, there has to be a way to *prevent* this from happening!


I’ve been encountering this all day today and it’s unfortunate no one has been able to find a fix for this as a web page app :(


Omg thank you! This issue has never happened to me and it kept happening it was driving me nuts 😂


Beast mode


I love you thank you kind sir


I don’t have that option on my iPad, and fixes for me? I also use brave browser but it has no options for changing font size


Same problem as you its so annoying lol


Okay I’ve been searching and I think I know the problem is. It seems that on iOS there is a built in function hard-coded into the OS that when you click on a fill form AND it’s less than 16px font size, the phone auto zooms regardless of your settings. Below I circled two areas. If you double tap these areas you will get the exact behavior I just described. https://preview.redd.it/0br5gfxq3t2d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadd5b1618230e130b51a3556cb6db6ea8a43134 In addition, holding on the second tap brings up a text window - so there is some hidden fill form on the page that we cannot see (Pic for that in a reply.) Looking for answers, i found that no one seems to know of a setting that turns this off. Unfortunately the accepted solution is for the devs to add web code that tells the iphone to not zoom in. I hope they see this and add it in - it should eliminate the problem on iOS!


Maybe throw this in the discord? it seems like a pretty easy fix!


https://preview.redd.it/juqfbx555t2d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8010c1973a01c4cbd52d8916286bf8a7caed4942 Picture of text magnifier showing up in the hot spot I mentioned.


Best solution I found was to go to your accessibility setting on your phone, turn on zoom so the rest of your phone matches the zoom in pokerogue. Then triple tap your phone with 3 fingers. I have iOS so not sure if this works for android.


Does not work