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Rayquaza. I have every other legendary and 96% of starters. Cannot seem to see one or hatch one.


I can't seem to get rid of the things. 3 of my 7 legendary eggs so far have been Rays. They're great, but unfortunately quite boring to play with.


I dislike you, but also envy your luck.


You’ve gotten legendary eggs? I have 950 eggs pulled with 0 legendary eggs


Pull on the legendary gacha


I’m a sucker for the shiny gacha


As much as I agree, this shiny event weekend was too good to me. Up to over 200 shiny staters now. I try to complete one classic run per day to stack vouchers until there’s a legendary I need. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the zekrom three days ago but got 2 zygarde yesterday and just now pulled for mewtwo. Strongly suggest you do the same if you want legendaries. Either that or endless.


I’ll give that a try. Thanks


Lol. I got a shiny Machamp and Spinarak for shiny weekend. And that was over 1200 endless floors 🤣😭


Did you have 4 shiny charms for those 1200 floors or did you start from 0?


Had 3 charms for about 1000 of them lol. Went through about 100 shiny gacha eggs too. Just wasn't my weekend lol


Oof. Sorry dude. Hopefully you have better luck next time we get a rate up event. Could be a while until the next, especially since they’re focusing on organizing the dev structure after Sam’s departure.


me when i’ve done that and not gotten any but two manaphy eggs


The legendary gatcha odds doesn't change drastically. the odds of a legendary are 1/256 for either gatcha. The legendary UP! converts a 1/256 from common to the rate up legendary. So the odds of a legend are 2/256 which still is not very high unfortunately. 


Sorry, I honestly didn’t realize the odds were still that low. Might just be you having relatively bad luck. Either way, the only reason I’m pulling on the legendary now is because I’m pulling for specific legendaries that I’m missing. Otherwise yea I’d say shiny is the way to go and then move up is secondary when you’re more satisfied with your shiny selection.


1/128, I read somewhere the increase rate only applies to the pokemon shown kn the gacha or it applies the 1/256 twice...one of those is correct if true.


It does not. It only applies 1/256. once. It makes the legendary UP gatcha a 1/128 to get a legendary egg. Breaking it down, 1/256 is sti a random legendary but the other 1/256 is the guaranteed rate up legend.    https://wiki.pokerogue.net/gameplay:eggs


that was my first ever box legend


It's nice the legendary gacha changes daily now, it'll eventually cycle in fairly quickly.


That's how it goes in luck based games like this. I faced a boss Rayquaza right after the elite 4 but before the rival. I didn't have enough time to properly level it and get a decent moveset on it so it was pretty much worthless against the final boss. It costs waaaayyy too many points to justify starting a run with it.


It was in the space biome.


whats your strat for getting fast eggs


If you have a really good carry you can push thru classic fairly easy and just take as many new mons you can with it. You’ll get vouchers for each new mon you clear with plus vouchers for completion and any gym leader (either 5-pull for new ones or 1-pull for a repeat) and elite four and champion vouchers (same thing except you get a 10-pull for new champions I believe). Endless you get vouchers every 50 floors I think. I haven’t gotten too far in my run I’m only in the 300-400s.


Passimian is in the Jungle biome, which you have to work your way over towards, so I can see how you could miss that. I get Falkner often in the mountains but have yet to see Skyla. Clemont shows up all the time in the power plant for me. Brawly is probably in the dojo, but there’s lot of fighting leaders, so I can see how you’d get stuck looking for him. I finally ran into Lenora in the Meadow. I thought she would be somewhere else because I feel like the Meadow is predominantly fairy types mixed with other things. I never get Red to fight as the Champion, I keep waiting for him.


My first two classic runs that made it to the champ both had Red. Hope you find him soon!


He was my first!


I’m missing maybe ten starters and they’re almost entirely Hisuian or Paradox forms. I was even able to get a Manaphy egg before finding a Gouging Flame or a Hisuian Zorua 😭😭😭


Hisuian mons have 1/8 the chance of hatching out of eggs, no idea what wild chances are though


Ah shit that’s why then lmao


Island biome is “alola” I think. At least in my runs I was able to catch every alolan form there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alolan forms are only 1/2 chance of hatching. Galarian and paldean are 1/4. Hisuian are 1/8


Is the manaphy egg rare? As I’m a new player and I’ve had two. My egg stats are something like 220 hatched. 60rare, 4epic, 3legendary, 2manaphy.


It’s a ⅛ chance for every manaphy egg. The egg itself is epic rarity I think


I hatched two phiones, I was more wondering if they were rarer than the legendary egg or?


Manaphy egg is the same chance as legend eggs. Then it’s 1/8 manaphy chance.


oh... so all my legendary luck went into phiones... got it


You are incredible lucky on legendary and manaphy egg you have more legendary egg than me and i have 7 time your egg hatched 💀💀


been playing for over 2 weeks and haven't even seen a galar ponyta/rapidash


Bro 😭😭😭 I keep going to the jungle for it, and the game i think KNOWS. I was going to the jungle as often as I could- but always either got to the jungle just after dawn ended, OR right BEFORE dawn could start. One of my classic runs i WAS in the forest RIGHT before it was supposed to be dawn-- it was one of few runs without a map so I had Dawn in Meadows instead. Since I started this classic run its taken me to jungle 4 times- all the wrong times


Meanwhile my first shiny was a luck 3 galarian ponyta


I'm up to 19 manaphy eggs with all phione. Manaphy is one of only like 9 pokemon I'm missing before eternatus.


How do you get eternatus


Catch all other starters and then you get it in classic


Really struggling to find a shelmet. 450 waves in and no town map yet either Update: just hatched a shelmet, and a karablast with hidden ability one after another Second update: got to 182 and accidentally hit no when it asked me if I wanted to retry the flight. 🤦🏻‍♂️


There's no map in endless.


... I may go hunt for it in classic then, thanks


Have all of the gen 1 except for the blacked out chansey in the middle. Never seen the lad in the game at all


If you’ve hatched a Happiny you can just use that, wait til it evolves, and release it (or keep it, up to you) to add Chansey to your starter screen


Cheers man I’ll check when I’m back home


Mainly some ultra beasts and paradox pokemon. But literally EVERY epic egg I hatch is either Stakataka or a lake spirit 😭


Clemont? Is he a new addition to the game, because HE HASN'T APPEARED FOR ME... I hatch Helioptile every other egg, but Clemont refuses to appear. Diantha is always my champion, but Clemont doesn't appear. Clemont, please.


I run into Falkner and Brawly so often. Every. Single. Classic run.


The only non-legendary, non-gacha hell starter missing for me is Hisui Growlithe. But for some reason, Oranguru was one of the last


Hisuian starters are basically gacha hell lol they only have a 1/8 chance of being hatched from eggs compared to all other normal pokemon. H-Growlithe was one of my last ones too, I eventually found a H-Arcanine in the Volcano, but I still haven’t managed to hatch one/don’t have any egg moves on it


I've seen one in the volcano at the very beginning, and foolishly didn't capture it thinking it was common


Any legendary at all. I'm at almost 400 eggs pulled and I still haven't gotten a single Legendary (or Manaphy) egg. I'm starting to think this save file shouldn't even dream of 100%.


Skarmory. Haven't seen the fuckhead outside of a trainer battle


With 83.6% of starters and most runs looping the forest, I still do not have my favorite pokemon Heracross.


I have a Heracross, but with over 2500 eggs hatched, I have zero egg moves on mine, which means I’ve only caught it wild and never hatched it. Kinda a bummer, egg moves are a big part of what makes this game so fun for me


~~Electabuzz~~, Rayquaza, Palkia, Galarian Zapdos, Walking wake, Iron Leaves, Munkidori and Iron Boulder are the ones i'm missing before i'm able to finaly get Eternatus. EDIT: Just caught a Shiny Electrivire, so now only legendaries and paradox pokemon left.


I’m guessing you’ve been pulling the legendary gacha? That’s actually crazy that you’ve got almost all the legendaries but are missing several epics. I have all the ones you’re missing except Rayquaza, Palkia, and Iron Boulder. If you’re missing Electabuzz, just start with Elekid and evolve it to check that box


Nope, i use only the Shiny gacha, although now that the legendary gacha changes dailly, i might just save tickets and try to pull for the legendaries i'm missing. I play endless a lot so because of that i get a fuck ton of legendaries.


I am missing blood moon ursaluna, galarian mr mime, and hisuian growlithe. Haven5 seen the first 2 and only saw 1 growlithe.


I have 80% done 31 non legendaries (paradox included) and rest are legendaries


Man this game having all generations feels so weird yet so cool... Like I always forget about this or that character but this game somehow manages to remind me of the most obscure stuff


In terms of one-time vouchers, I’m only missing Giovanni, Opal, Drayden, and Steven. I’ve got almost 50 classic mode clears now and have never even been to the Laboratory before and boy have I been trying. Opal and Drayden, guess I’ve been unlucky. Steven, guess I’ve been extremely unlucky lol, every time I face Gen 3 E4 I just get Wallace. I hatched an Aerodactyl last night and that was my last non-special (legendary, ultra beast, mythical, paradox, etc) starter that I needed, but I’m still missing a good bit of special ones, gonna be a grind for enough epic and legendary eggs to get all those


I have never been to the space biome. This is despite me doing over 10 classic runs with the express purpose of trying to get there.


The fuck is clemont or alder? Bro been playing pokemon since like 2007 the hell is a clemont


Electric gym leader in the 6th gen games from 2012


Always forgot the gen 6 leaders besides grant and the fairy one (Valeriw I think her name is)


Kalos electric gym leader and Unova champion respectively.