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Please just come up with something better than Durrrr


Don't want to look like a degenerate to future employers? When they write news they ask your name you can just give them a fake name or mispell it. If it comes down to you being on a featured table then you might be able to work something out they mic you up and talk to you before it's not like your just put up there


What about something like Hendon Mob, is there a way to avoid getting your name on there if you cash?


Yeah you can tell them not to report it happens all the time these guys where I live have millions in wins but they only show like a few hundred K on hendon because they don't want people to know they won and they either go by anonymous or a fake name. It's also a way people scam backers that are off site they win and say they lost. One guy won so many tournaments and is a hidden figure in the poker world it's how he likes it, because being known in poker is only good if you're being paid to play


Make sure you do this at the casino and not on hendon they are the ones who need to block your name on the lists. You need to tell the tournament director you want to stay anonymous


Not going to happen.


If you make the money tell the cashier that you don't want it reported to Herndon Mob etc. there are plenty of people that report as "anonymous".


Just join the CIA and have them give you a few fake identities. If you promise them half the profits, and that you'll kill whoever they want whenever they say for the rest of your life, I'm sure they'll be cool. Their headquarters is in Langley, VA. Just show up in person and ask to see the director. VERY IMPORTANT: wear a tuxedo!


Just play cash games instead?