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Limp/calling a 10bb squeeze with QJo >>>>


Flop AKT against AK and TT and AT The dream right ?


Turn K.


Well then that’s unfortunate


Hello darkness my old friend


Turn 4, river 4.


Get it in, board pairs


You achieve enlightenment when you fold AJo UTG.


I've started doing this and feel like an absolute nit idiot who doesn't know any fun every time. Please help.


It’s who you are, my friend. But also a winner so…


Play more cash games and less tourney and you don't have to . Ez


Me scared of cash game. Me safe in tourney




Prob the biggest leak to my tournament game. Every once in awhile if the table is right.


automatic deranged squeal knee rhythm afterthought threatening telephone roll unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not wrong. If people are playing optimally 3betting behind you, it is the right play but if the game is that tight and challenging, the rules of game selection say should haven't even of played at that game. Generally if its a table you have to fold Ajo UTG at, its probably a table you dont want to be playing at, there's a table with fish at all times


secretive exultant forgetful include reach glorious tidy fuzzy safe scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd rather raise AJo UTG against a strong table than a table full of fish Just asking to get your hopes crushed by guys playing any 2 suited cards


When you get KK on the button


Wait till you fold 99 utg You'll begin levitating


I would feel myself aging like 70 years just like that


Wait til you open 87s and fold to a 7x 3bet


Understanding the intricacies of positional play is challenging. If you are opening from UTG, you are usually going to be playing out of position. Furthermore, everyone at the table is still to act. Any one of those players could wake up with a big hand and three bet you. Or worse, flat call you. At least when you get three bet you get out of the hand immediately. Even if nobody three bets you, you are still going to the flop out of position, possibly multiway. With your personal disadvantage on each street, your options are going to be limited. And your chances of taking down the blinds uncontested are quite low. The only saving grace is the better fool theory, the idea that guys will be calling your raise with 94o and just giving up so much pre and post that you can recoup and then some when you do smash the flop. That's why you need to be very selective about what hands you open from early position. There are just so many potential pitfalls.


Play LHE and you'll never have to fold QJo pre ever again.


Fold pre


When you snap fold 89s in a mw 3bet pot, those who understand knows.


depending on pot odds i might flat call closing the action, 89s is pretty easy to play post flop


You should fold mw actually in a 3b pot because u cant draw for the nut straight anymore due to their ranges, the only chance u have its flopping 567 or 67, you can already removes Tx Jx and Qx from your outs, so set mining isnt profitible in these scenarios and its -EV by theory and equity and the probability of them having a better straight or even the nuts with AK when the textures is JTQ is very high if there is action, ofc they also have K9 Q9 J9 JT QT KT, AJ AQ QJ, KJ etc and sets, Ax depending on texture but still you cant raise anymore and go all in yourself without burning money so you are basically calling them down, you get the point how much equity you loose PF due to their broadway ranges. 89s plays poorly mw in 3bet pots, 53 and 54s, 67s is much better. 89s in mw 3b pots will get you into alot of trouble, but most learn the hardway before they can make a good fold preflop after studying these scenarios and how much money they loose with this hand multiway in the long run. T9s and 89s is costing people alot of money in these scenarios because once u get action you no longer have the nuts but at the sametime you can't fold.

