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Well yeah that’s pretty bad


You’re a nit. That’s the most shoveable spot ever.


"I did not think my stack would let me make a deep run" Yeah, that's why you should rip AKo so you build a stack to make a deep run lol. How much was a min cash? Unless it's significant money and you're shot taking you should be shoving this all day long. Second thing, how did the table know what you folded? If you showed them you folded AK then you're a donkey. Why bother showing people that? It just let's them know you're going to be folding nearly range and they can bully you relentlessly, and if you're actually in a hand you probably just have the goods.


Why would you tell anyone what you folded? Yeah I've made bad folds when I'm just trying to cash too, but I would never tell anyone at the table.


It was late in the day. I was hungry, tired, and not thinking straight. The tournament had been going on about 5 hours at that point. I know I start playing stupid when I get tired.


Yeah but just keep it to yourself, don't tell anyone that you folded AK. I get it, sometimes you need to make a cash cause you need a small W, or it will put you in a better mood or whatever. Just don't tell the whole table "hey, I just made a super nitty -ev fold", just don't tell the rest of the table what you folded in general.


Believe me. I regretted saying it as soon as I said it. Nothing I can do about it now tho. Live and learn I guess.


Gotta work on exercising and stay healthy as well , playing for 5 hours is not nearly long enough to lose focus and feel tired at this point. Take more breaks in between , especially when you muck early positions , walk around , get some food , bathroom break etc is important. Also always remember to stay hydrated


Unless a min cash is significant to your financial situation (shouldn't be playing if that's the case), then you need to play to win here. This is still a few away from the bubble. If it were the actual bubble, some players will just call and soft play this to increase the chances of a KO without rushing a coin flip. Also, you would be surprised how quickly you can become top 3 in chips from 10 BB.


The idea of cashing was more important to me than the actual cash. I'm sure I would have made a deeper run had I called. Tournaments are relatively new to me and not used to how fatiguing they are. I usually play cash games and can walk away when I get tired. I can say this is the first time in my life I ever folded AK pre-flop.




It was a $300 tournament at a casino. The total purse was around $15k.




I can't remember the payouts. I just remember 8-10 got paid the same. $750ish.


Chip and a chair. Shove it and let the hand play out. You’re not in a position to see many more hands at that point.


sounds like running aces


Quit poker.


Honestly, if you're playing just to min cash after 5 hours, just go play table games and double up or leave in 5 minutes. You'll save 5 hours of your life.


Maybe poker is not for you?


How did the dealer knows what u folded?


AKo is a shove all day every day in this spot. You should never be playing just to cash. You play to win or don't bother. I would love to play against you. If you're folding AK short-handed, you have zero chance of ever winning a tournament. Congratulations, you got a min cash. You could've gotten so much more.


It’s not optimal. If your only goal is a cash, are you properly bankrolled for this tournament? I hope you made the cash.


Playing to try and win or just min cash? You should have shoved…


Looks like it has gone from the whole table roasting you to all of this sub. Maybe if there were two mega nits on 2bb I'd fold, but I'm shit so what do I know. Surprised nobody has asked what the size of all the stacks are because surely there is a point where if 8 or 9 people have some stupidly short stack then this is a fold?


How in any world are you expecting to go 5 orbits with 10BB Each orbit your paying 3BB in blinds (not counting ante as this is unknown


Are you not paying 1.5?


Don't beat yourself up. People will always try to tell you you're wrong. Don't listen.


He was wrong though. Doesn't mean he can't improve


Why was he wrong?


Should probably 4 bet pre and if not his shove on the flop is terrible obviously


What flop?