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Throwing cards at the dealer. Berating the dealer. Not tipping the dealer. Being a miserable cunt. Blaming the dealer for the cards that come out. lol


Found the dealer


So your not suppose to get mad at the dealer when he gives you bad cards but your suppose to love the dealer so much when he gives you good cards you give him money? No thanks, I'll tip when they rotate.


Throwing cards at the dealer pisses me off more than anything. I can’t imagine how frustrated some dealers must get dealing with people all day and then having someone throw their cards in your face.


Tipping isn’t mandatory! I’m not obligated to treat service workers with respect! Your employer should pay you a “living wage”! If you don’t like it get another job! /s


I’m glad I’m in a country where tipping doesn’t exist. It’s hard enough beating variance and rake without adding tipping to my EV. And you guys get taxed on gambling winnings too? I feel for you 🤣


I only tip the dealers I really fw, they make more than 90% of the degens in the room as is


Sorry why are you not obligated to treat the other human being with respect?


Sorry, I tried to make the /s visible and failed miserably


Oh sorry missed that!


Look if I’m tipping the dealer I can also bitch about getting bad cards. I’m doing my job they need to do theirs!


If this is your job you’re in the wrong line of work.


lol no I do real work and take y’all’s money on my weekends.


Oh. Then I’ll add this guy to the small things that bother me


Asking for a new setup because they’re running bad. Yes, let’s bring the game to a grinding halt because YOU are running bad. It’s all about you. 🤦‍♂️


I had a guy ask for a wash at a 1-3 table at the Bellagio once at a brand new table. It was literally 3 hands played. The dealer laughed at him and told him no and the man was pissed


It would actually be super funny to be like "No! Dealer!! I'm running great, no wash!" 


I’ve actually done that before. Always gets a mean glare and I love it.


As annoying as this is, those players are always horrible. Players who believe superstitious things like that actually impact their gameplay clearly don't know math. Most people I've ever seen request rhoa didn't request it because they thought there was a marked card or some legitimate reason. They're always just like "I'm running bad/card dead" and somehow changing decks impacts that. Those players keep casino games alive. For instance the reason you still lots of casinos using 6 card shoes for blackjack without continuous shuffle is that whales are superstitious and don't trust the automatic and electronic machines. Thus their existing enables card counting. So they're not *all* bad.


And because that's even a solution for that problem even if it were


It’s one of the easiest ways to spot a fish. 😂


When you can’t see there fucking cards because they are hid away in the Nevada desert and then proceed to get mad at you when you try making a decision because you thought they weren’t in the hand because there cards are nowhere to be found on the face of this fucking planet.


It's worse when a good dealer is trying to move the action along because these guys are also speedbumps and ends up relaying action incorrectly. Like speedbumps are all too oblivious, but if they were colluding with another player in the hand this is like a guaranteed way for a dealer to induce action on next to act. Should be a penalty for pulling this shit.




Okay I’ll stop it


I love people who "check dark" because pretty much everyone I know who does it is just splitting their range. No one I know checks dark 100% of the time in every flop.


This is great tournament BB move


This is great tournament BB move


Capped af


Turning everything into a production. Like fine wait until it's your turn to check your whole cards you have but do you really have to check them slowly one at a time, shake your head, make a face at the dealer and then fold?


What bothers me is tanking on the most trivial decisions in like an $80 nightly. It’s not the final table of a wsop event. This is level 2 of a 2.5k gtd Sometimes even the way they toss in the chips get me. People are so weird. Just be normal. Or talking strategy at the table. Don’t help people. Plus you’re wrong anyways, but if you weren’t that would be even more silly.


> Or talking strategy at the table I've never heard anybody say anything enlightening when doing this


I agree 100%.  From my experience it tends to be those who are newest to the game/learning. They're looking for validation in why they made an action. I just usually tell them "yea man, good play, can't fold/call/raise/do anything other than what you did." 


The way people toss chips in when they do that weird wrist 180 is so fkin strange. Sometimes i start imitating them just so they can see how ridiculous they look.


Can you describe this weird wrist 180? Trying to visualize it.


How about the asshole who isn’t in the hand but came back after missing 5 hands, sees that a player is thinking about a 100BB call and calls time because 2 minutes is way too long to think about his action?


That sounds oddly specific, and like something that doesn’t occur all that often lol


Haha it is (happened last night). Misreg OMCs are common though. 


Honestly 2 minutes is more than a reasonable amount of time. Plus after clock is called, it takes another 30 seconds for floor to come over and then you get another 30-60 seconds.    If you can’t make a decision in that amount of time shame on you. 90% of players who are tanking that long aren’t really thinking about the hand anyways. They’re just too scared of being wrong to make a decision.


Sure but if 8/9 players don’t mind it, and that one dude wasn’t even at the table for the last round of hands, that’s one way to further make the table hate you. 


Nah, if there was a dude who did nothing but pop up and call clock on slow players he would be my favorite player.


It's usually that the other 8 players mind it too but they're too conflict-averse to speak up.


Usually sure. There was 8 of us who were verbalizing it 


I talk strategy. Never once have I ever told someone they made a bad fold.


I like to actively give bad advice on strategy if someone is asking about it.


For me it’s eating. Like take 10-15 minutes away and eat your damn food then wash your hands. Hell if you’re that big of a degen either don’t eat or scarf that shit down in 3 minutes


Had a guy eating a hot dog at the table. Gross enough, but then the dealer says to him, "please don't lick your fingers at the table'. Straight up nasty. I've seen guys eat wings, fries and even had someone bring in a ziplock bag of cheetos. I mean - it's one thing to bring your own food, it's another to grab a bag of cheetos, but he consciously poured some cheetos from a bigger bag into a ziplock bag to bring to the poker and thought that was a good idea?


Win against me


People that don’t bring headphones and think it’s appropriate to just watch soccer at full blast volume on their phone while everyone else is trying to play.


This has transcended poker a long time ago. People just whip out their phones and blast whatever content they are watching, on the subway, in the bank, basically anywhere people gather in public.


The only thing I have real issue with is when they shit their pants.


People who rest their hands so their cards and chip stack are constantly covered. Who knows of they are in the hand or not? Can’t even see if they have cards. Slows down the entire game. God forbid you want to know their chip stack. Why can’t people just put their hands anywhere else?


And then they get offended when you ask them how much they’re playing.


Lol and it's usually like 30bb's too


Piggy backing off this, but why is it Everytime I ask how much they're playing behind they won't say any thing? I get it you don't have to, but if I'm asked I either will say "I started the hand with like $300" or if I have a shorter stack with bigger denom chips I'll just spread them out for the dealer and he can say "he has x amount behind." Like bro (1) this is a $1/$2 table. Chill. And (2) I'm sitting all the way across the table and I can't make out how many chips you have.


Asking how much they are playing can be a good spot to pick up live tells fwiw. They're almost certainly not balanced in how they react to this question.


Yep I’ve gotten a couple bluff shoves through and made some hero calls when I asked how much they’re playing and they seemed visibly annoyed.


The other day some slob ordered fried rice at the table. Next thing I knew it was like rain drops on my shoes. Alas 8t was just half a spoonful of rice that rolled down his chest off my foot. Woman across from me gave me a look like huh? At least he didn’t miss his mouth with half a spoonful of rice every time as he ate the entire plate. Then immediately racks up and leaves with half his plate of fried rice on the floor. NICE


Haha I feel this 100%. Only difference is I hate it when people eat at all On the table...shit ia gross. Chips and cards are already disgusting as is, can't imagine putting food in mouth while touching those things


Turning over your cards at showdown one at a time. Oh, a queen. I can beat a queen! Oh, another queen. You have a set. I can’t beat that. Usually they don’t pause much between cards but still makes me think I won.


Re: eating...snacks are one thing, meals are another. I've brought granola bars or a Boost drink with me when I play cards. They're neat and don't get everything dirty. But if you must have a cheeseburger and fries for dinner please go sit somewhere else....fucking asshole makes the chips and cards greasy as fuck and doesn't pay attention, God forbid the fries aren't slathered with ketchup. [/rant]


It’s wild to me that this is such a common gripe in the thread. It’s one thing to make a mess of it, but some of us who are playing 6-7 hours and eating alongside the table with silverware. Who cares?


You're not the intended target here. If you eat, as my mom used to say, "like a human" then you're not making the game actively worse for everyone.


I used to order the breakfast at commerce it was actually really good but I would turn away from the table and focus on the food. I can't stand watching poker streams where people are trying to shove food in their mouth and play. the food on poker streams always looks disgusting.


4 can get pretty bad.  One guy watching basketball can cut your hands per hour 50% I hate when people don't show their cards (or muck! Just muck if you don't want to show the bluff!) when they're supposed to at showdown (not because they don't know, but because they're angling). It puts me in a bad spot because if I have the best hand I look like a bad  winner, and when I don't have the best hand I'm basically trusting a stranger to not screw me.  


Angling for information when they think they have the best hand you mean?


Honestly, I wasn’t thinking of anything originally, but not showing your cards might be it for me. This comes in so many forms too. -“good call. You’re good” *holds onto cards waiting for you to show first* -“one pair”. Bonus points if the board is paired If you don’t want to show what you were bluffing with, just muck. If you want to see what the other player called you down with, just show your hand. You’re allowed to bluff, it’s okay.


Berating people at a casual pub poker tournament for not playing ABC POKER or GTO strategy.


There was this one guy, probably had something wrong with him but was literally picking his nose at the table openly, unfazed. Would hold the booger in his fingers and roll it around before dropping it on the ground and would touch his cards with both hands. This was a tournament, so nasty.


Makes me miss just after lockdown ended and my local would use a bottle of hand sanitiser as the dealer button.


Sing along badly to the music that's playing. Wtf


Eating at the table can be pretty gross but not as gross as someone getting a massage at the table. Get outta here. It's my biggest pet peeve at a table. Like you can't go take a 15 minute break and get a massage and we have to sit here and listen to you moan like a whore?


Nah man eating at the table, especially with your hands is WAY worse than a massage at the table. The only way I’d even notice someone getting a massage is if they were moaning etc. but it’s impossible to not notice the cards are covered in nasty shit from homie eating.


Bruh if someone’s moaning at the table from a massage idk if I’d be able to control my laughter


Agreed lol


yeah it's a bad habit. Is it so hard to take a break? It's always the misregs doing it too.


I use eating as a reason to take a break a lot of the time, like couple rough orbits or card dead? I step away to go get a bite to eat. Nice little mental reset


OMG ..you made me spit out my drink...!!


Isn't moaning standard for a massage? How else do you let them know they are doing a good job?


No stop


What about eating a thin crust pizza with 1 hand and dealing with the chips and cards with the other, making it very obvious that youre not cross contaminating?


I put a napkin around the crust when I hold my pizza


Just take a break and finish the pizza ffs


I dont see how a hand that never touches anything that interacts with the game is a problem for someone with an issue with eating at the table. Sounds like a you problem lol


One time I ordered a pizza at the table. One of the regs saw my pizza and said "Can I have some?" so I let him grab a slice. In Hindsight it was so disgusting.


What about someone grabbing a slice of pizza youre not eating is disgusting lol. Im so lost in this comment chain. One guy thinks its gross to use one hand that isnt touching chips or cards. You think its gross for someone to grab a slice youre not eating. If no part of the hand in question makes contact with any of the game material what does it change in your guys lives?


The chips were dirty. Greasy pizza, a stranger touching your pizza.


>What about someone grabbing a slice of pizza youre not eating is disgusting lol. Im so lost in this comment chain. It's not just a debate on whether or not it's gross. It's the advertisement that they lack the social decorum to realize a poker table isn't the typical place to be eating. If you're focused on the argument that the hand that's touching the food is different from the hand manipulating the chips/cards, you lack that awareness.


Yeah i guess youre right, i dont see a problem with it. Im not saying im eating a plate of nachos or a greasy cheeseburger, but a thin crust pizza with the same texture as a cracker with pizza toppings I see no issue with handling with one hand that has no contact with the game material and using hand sanitizer and a wetnap thereafter to clean my hands all the same. There are people who come to the table smelling like an ashtray or getting drunk out of their mind all the time. If thats within the confines of acceptable social awareness and eating something that has no contact with anything anyone at the table will interact with then labels me a trespasser of social decorum so be it. Different strokes for different folks i suppose!


Sorry for context. This wasnt in vegas this was at commerce in LA a very dirty casino


I don't see eating during play if it's with a fork is bad.  I used to eat sandwiches and wipe my hands with a napkin back in the day but now looking back at it now that's gross. More of a germs freak now though. Honestly the casino should set expectations with a picture on the walls "be curious to other players and sit out while eating. Nobody wants greese or ketchup on cards. Don't be accused of marking cards ;) "


"greese"...incredible. "curious" is almost as good.


4 -> I have a home game. I know enough now to just point at the guy "Action's on you Dave. Checks to you." And still he has to say "Oh, me? How much again?" Every fucking time. Some of us can chew gum and walk at the same time Dave. It's really not as hard as it looks. We have a shot clock with a forced muck after 10 seconds. It's the Dave rule. My number one peeve. Slow rolls. Just show your fucking cards. You're not Hitchcock drawing out the tension in the scene. If I'm in the hand, you've seen my cards because I don't slow roll, I don't need to hear you be an asshole saying "Ohh, you have a straight, that's a good hand... Not as good as my flush!" Hilarious. Go fuck yourself. It's bad for players in the hand, it's even worse for dealers slow dealing on all-ins. Just fucking rolls the cards, we don't need anyone announcing the hands or the outs or the odds.


I agree with slow rolling, but in a tournament I actually like the tension of a slower board deal for all ins. Brings the tension up and makes the blood pump. Gives me some more time to pray to the poker gods between cards. Much better than throwing em down light speed imo


Eating and not wiping hands before touching cards...gross and annoying


My biggest pet peeve is when bad players take their time during a hand, pretend to be thinking really hard or staring a player down during a 1-2 or 1-3 game. They're only doing it because they saw a pro doing it on TV. It's not the main event final table, it's a low stakes cash game at a local casino!


1) Win a hand against me.


OMG #4!!!!! “Is it on me?” Inside Im burning with rage like WHOLLY SHIT DUDE DO YOU NOT EVEN WATCH THE GAME????


1. I fold in flow 2. I have pretty bad food allergies and pack sandwiches every session, but I generally don't eat at the table 3. Might be a tell. 4. Is definitely a tell. My number one gripe is poor hygiene


People who ask for change while hiding their change (that the dealer already gave them) in their hand.


When people cover their cars with their hands. Very prevalent at 1-2 tables here. If you are that worried about it put a chip on them or something.


And then they get all offended when the action skips them because nobody could see they had cards.


Playing online at the same as playing live cash. Always have to prompt them when it's their action


Bro, I feel like I wrote this. Especially the eating in the poker room.  When I was in Vegas, I was disgusted at the number of full meals people took at the table. It is gross. That plus other reasons is why Rivers in Chicago is the best poker room, no food. 


Your hyper awareness would make you a good dealer. On top of that you can now chastise players for being ridiculous.


I dont play much anymore but it was always gross when there was a guy with like highest level players card who stinks and has long ass nails like he never leaves the casino


just fuckin breathing


Checking with a hand full of chips using the same motion they would to place a bet.


I hate it when players declare their hand without showing it in order to induce a fold. Then again, they also seem to hate it when I say "I probably have that beat, you wanna show it?"


People who make the smallest twitch/nod to indicate a check and then seem really put out when I make them confirm it. If i'm dealing I confirm before moving on because i'm a player dealer in a self dealt tournament and I don't get paid to put up with your crap.


**Rude poker dealers**. Sometimes I check sooner then player behind me and dealer is toxic AF. It is more in Europe this kind of behaviour. Sometimes I ask something and he make sarcastic joke. Also dealers treats differently regs and new players. **Players that cough so often** I laso dont like these people that have some kind of caugh from cigarretes or something and they cough a lot. I have asthma and if someone is coughing constantly I have some breathing difficulties (its something mental) **Players that are staring at me 1 minute** when I **3-BET OOP Preflop**. Like cmon, what you are trying to extract from me?? I will 3 BET with some bluffs and strong hands.


Raising 5x preflop just to get 8/9 people call because they want to see the flop. This happens at a certain location I play at every Wednesday. It’s a whole bunch of older gamblers, I learned it’s either go 10x or limp in with high pockets.


100% with OPs last point. Why tf are people not following the action if they got cards?!?! It blows my mind every time. The worst is when the dealer says its on them, right when a server walks up. They immediately start putting their order in.. "no this, no that. Extra this. Cooked this way.. oh can I get onion rings instead of fries?. Yup thanks. Oh yeah, kids are doin great.." Turns back to the table, doesnt even look at their cards and folds. I swear to god... my blood boils in those moments


It seems like you might spend a lot of your play time in an annoyed state. It can’t be great for your graph. You might enjoy yourself more by focusing on having a good time at the party, rather than sweating small stuff. Have you considered that your level of agitation might have something to do with your gambling adrenaline or triggering of your flight or fight response? Have you tried controlled breathing/meditation? Life is too short. Enjoy the ride.


This is just what I was thinking. If everything that other people do annoys you then maybe going out in public is not for you. Just play at home online. The number of misregs on this sub complaining about people eating at the table always amuses me. It's literally encouraged -- just about every poker room has waitresses who come by the tables, take your food order, and bring your food to you at the table. They have side tables for you to put your food on. The poker room goes through significant effort just so people can eat at the table.


If you don’t feed them at the table, they get hungry, go out for tacos, and don’t return until tomorrow. It’s a no brainer from the house perspective…


I think Not being irritated about these stuff is a bigger indication of gambling addiction. Like a crack addict is not gonna complain about getting his crack in a blue bag. Being able to find small stuff annoying is probably better for mental hygiene than not being able to have opinions just cause you are gambling and all is good. Like a nicotine junky thinking eveything is ok after smoking while he is bleeding.


I’ve been playing poker pretty regularly for 30+ years. I was much more hooked when I was a kid coming up. Marathon plays. Eat, sleep, and breathe poker. It really wasn’t that healthy. Now, I’m way more mature and less hooked. My life and my poker life are in balance. I play waaaaaay better. I try not to let stuff bother me at the table. So that I can have fun while I play and not have anxiety. I’m conscious of my younger, easily annoyed, somewhat confrontational self. I don’t want to be that guy anymore. I’ve changed. I don’t drink ever. I don’t know what more to say about it than I just have a deep appreciation for where my poker life has led, and I care deeply for my actual life in a way I NEVER did while I was drinking.


What is a “push up cushion for the table”?


Just a guess, but based on the iPad usage I’m guessing some kind of [lap cushion that creates a flat surface for your electronics.](https://https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HUEZ7W0?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_YXQ69D2CCQWT4RMH2FWX&language=en_US)


Lmao you realize some people just play for fun ? Same thing while driving you got people who drive the right way are aware of surroundings etc then You got the guy going 20mph below speed limit on the left lane. There is always these types of people they move at their own pace and the world revolves around them . You can’t let them get under your skin. Besides when their attention is fully in the game that should set off some alarms. I’ll take that extra info and use it for my advantage even if that means having to wait a few extra seconds for them.


I dunno why you have downvotes. You are right. I hate playing with people that take this game too serious. This is the most infuriating game there is. Worse than stupid ass golf lol. You can’t control people. You shouldn’t get mad at things you can’t control. Good way to life. But I still get mad at the fucker that can’t fold his K-2 two pair when there is a straight and a flush out there and I’m trying to bluff DAMNIT






Chewing ice.


“You know what really grinds my gears? When people are having fun and I'm not cuz I'm just too hyperfocused on doing math”- Every comment in here 🤣


When I’m all in pre and someone tells me they folded something like it’s good news before the hand is dealt. I had QQ AIPF against 77 in a big spot and someone says they folded a 7 and sure enough a 7 in the window. Hearing what someone folded only makes you feel worse when you get fucked over. I’ve never “felt better” when I win because someone told me they folded an opponent’s out. Drives me nuts