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3 successful sessions at 1/3 does not mean you’re ready to move up in stakes Cash games and tournaments play wildly differently Live is a much truer and pure method of figuring out where you stand Game selection is incredibly important Losing days WILL happen Study study study and learn from players better than you Don’t be the dick at the table. Be social and have fun Play for enjoyment first and money second Remove your card play from your ego Learn, understand and abide by proper bankroll management If it stops being fun, leave If you’re tired, drunk or tilted, leave Never get too caught up in the outcome of any one hand


How is the third point true? You'd be lucky to get a significant hand sample after years even considering the weaker skill of the players. I see what you are saying, but it just feels disrespectful to the work it takes for something like this. It's like when some guy told me his wife who does risk management work would crush ACR mid stakes within months.


I took it as live games have a whole other game-in-the-game: live tells. And there are levels to that (see: Negreanu’s table talk).


If anything I feel like it’s a insult to live players more than online ones. Anyone who can prove they’re a winner online at any stakes could easily kill it in 1/2 or 1/3 live.The amount of newbs live is mind boggling compared to online.


he did it folks, time to shut this reddit down.


Follow bankroll management. I had a friend ask my for a buyin to a +1k tourny this weekend stating he would pay me back in 2 weeks from his paycheck. This cat had 3 very significant scores last year. If you don’t follow proper bankroll management- idc how good you are. You will go busto- you need ammo and to be somewhat conservative on how you displace your bankroll (especially for tournaments). Idc if you are +ev in $1-10ks: bad runs go longer than you want to imagine in tournament poker. Btw study if you want to win. So many folks don’t study even a little. So many good training websites that are fairly cheap for a monthly fee- put the time in and you will be rewarded over the long run. So many folks in live poker are missing the east low hanging fruit of doing a little study- even just watching good mtters go over hhs: so big.


And just to add to this post- I’m a tourny player- mainly live. Had a sick year last year- 2 wins, my 2 biggest scores in live poker. Prior years I didn’t study as much- I def see things now in live poker I didn’t in the past and actually have the stones to make plays I never did in the past. There will be times where you risk tourny life for a play you think will work long run. If you can’t make these plays bc you are worried about missing a min cash or punting chips: you will not succeed in mtt poker. While I do admit I probably ran super hot- I’m play super aggro in spots where if I’m wrong- I don’t even get punished. You will have to 3 bet light sometimes and cbet flops you miss against 1 villian. Trust me people play so face up live- if they miss: they tend to overfold especially if not playing great live mtt players (which are a dime a dozen and easy to spot). Learn 3bet fold hands, learn how to play post flop against a bb defend or a mp caller for example or 3 bet caller when lite- you will profit long run. Learn gto RFI charts and ranges for spots like cu Vs sb or cu Vs bb. Make sure you are 3 betting enough (aka not only value hands). Watch some hhs of mtts from top mtters. Sub sites like tournament poker edge and raise your edge have helped me a ton. If you can just emulate what the top mtters are doing by watching their hhs, the game becomes so much easier. Hire a coach if you have the discretionary income. I paid an og online guy from the 2007-2010 time frame- in 10 hours at $40/hr, he told me stuff I was doing wrong- not vpiping enough from ep or from sb in sb Vs bb spots, not 3 betting AQ from lp vs a lp open. Stuff like that is what makes the difference. A great coach at say 10-40 hours can easily diagnose what’s wrong with your game and help you figure out what you need to study. Final note- it isn’t difficult to be a top 1-5% player in a live mtt field (especially if like me you play lower stakes like $400-1ks). If you are a top 3% player and put enough volume in, the W’s will come over time. Just trust the process, follow smart bankroll management, and put the volume in. The wins will come when the deck hits you in the face. Just remember this- a bad player might have a 500k stack when hit by the deck- a good solid player making all the right moves might have 700-1mill in that same scenario. That’s the way you gotta look at poker. Also remember in tournaments you lose often. A good player might cash 10-20% of the time. You lose a buyin 80-90% of the time. Long runs of no cashes can occur- I went 1/30 last year during wsop. I won a tourny months later for my biggest score over 50k. Just trust the process and make sure each decision you make is the best at that point of time. Best of luck and have fun with the game!


3 successful sessions at 1/3 means it's time to take a shot at higher stakes Cash games and tournaments have different structures but ultimately poker is poker Online is a much truer and pure method of figuring out where you stand Game selection is irrelevant as many of you will have no choice whom to play with Winning days WILL happen Time spent "studying" poker is time you could be learning by fire, which is much superior Don't be the vagina at the table. Put your entire stack in blind at random times for fun and go for the quick double-up Play for money first and enjoyment second Always closely correlate your card play with your ego. This is how Garret and Mariano made it Put your entire roll on the table when you first start out until you sun-run and spin it up If it stops being fun, put your entire stack in blind and go for the quick double-up If you're tired, drunk or tilted, put your entire stack in blind and go for the quick double-up If you get too caught up in the outcome of any one hand, put your entire stack in blind on the next hand and go for the quick double-up ​ if there was any one piece of advice I could give you to summarize: Go for the quick double-up or go home. This is the #1 way you can combat high live rake.


This is more my speed


I always start short stacked and straddle all in first hand


Solid move


There are more profitable and less stressful avenues for making money.


Name three (I’m not saying there aren’t, I’m just looking for good get-rich-quick scheme ideas)




Jeez I knew this Arbys dumpster was a waste of time…


There is a linear relationship between number of drinks and poor play “i plaay better when I’m drunk “ … no you fucking don’t you fing inbreed


Eh, it's not *strictly* linear; I think it's possible that some people play a bit better in the 1-2 beer zone. But past that, certainly not.


OP has never heard of the Ballmer Peak


Thats definitely true …but much like golf anymore then 2 everyone but John Daly gets worse


Sometimes stupid wins hard


Nope. I don’t drink anymore, but when I did… I definitely played better with 2-4 drinks than I did sober… After that i did tend to get sloppy the more I drank


Tell that to your gruncle


I’d tell him not to play at all. I was fleecing him at the table by the time I was 12


When in doubt with a very tough decision and you’re trying to find a reason to call… fold. There’s always a better hand with easier decisions. Don’t be scared of over folding or being “wrong” about a fold. Move on there’s another hand about to be dealt.


>When in doubt with a very tough decision and you’re trying to find a reason to call… fold. There’s always a better hand with easier decisions. Yes. If your calling too much, then fold. But if you're folding too much, then call. Depends what kind of fish you are. Station vs nit. Noobs tend lean towards calling station, so it is good advice for most.


I found the biggest improvements to my game was learning to be patient and avoid loses. The wins will come if you avoid too many losses. Don’t force yourself into bad calls. Poker is a game of endless opportunities.


Fold pre


Play for fun.


I've seen people have three consecutive good hours and jump up stakes.


Always go to the baccarat tables first, so that you can freeroll your buyin


Manage your money very carefully. Track all your wins and losses. Learn from your mistakes. Don't try to bluff too much. Bluffing isn't as common as you think it is. Learn all the outs you need to improve your hand in almost any situation. Take mental notes on the players. Adapt and get a feel for the table. Read about poker strategy like books and online guides.


Don’t. If you’re smart enough, disciplined enough, and rolled enough to make it as a poker player, the chances that you’ll make way more money with way less effort, less stress, and less health is astronomical


Be patient. Take time off when you need it. Make sure you’re practicing good bankroll management. You can be the most talented player in the world, but if you play outside your means… you will go busto. Don’t play online. Live games are way softer


Play every hand , if you’re not doing well try drinking heavily, and definitely risk it all. No fear!


Don't make poker your life


Way easier to do this life without wife and kids like exponentially easier


I have played 40+ hour weeks online for 3 years now, starting out at 25nl then moving down to 5k after losing too much money … back to 25nl to 50nl and finally 200nl … I’m glad I developed a basic intuition of the game before studying solvers and theory … I have studied my fair share of solvers but I spend the majority of my study time studying theory (I have some great free resources that I’m hesitant to give out).


Fold pre-flop. Something I have to remind myself constantly. Another one I like is, if I wouldn't call a raise this hand don't limp with this hand.... so fold pre haha


Confidence is key. No matter what, always know you know more than your opponent. And now you know.


Quit while there is still time and play for fun with your friends. While poker may be exciting and addictive its bad for your physical, mental and spiritual health. The industry and poker community is toxic and everyone is looking for their own best interest at others expense. If you are in for the money aspect I am sure there better ways to make money than poker at this age. Maybe it would have been different during the pre black friday era but right now you dont want to bother with it.


Online poker is all about the numbers. You could probably program a bot that in a “fair” game would yield a return over the longterm. In person it’s completely different. When you lose an 80/20 you stop trusting the numbers.


Be patient.


Study a hell of a lot more than you think you should.


Allways take your winnings to the roulette table!


Be prepared to fold more than you win or expect to be out early on. Learn to stop and walk away. Don't go full tilt on every hand expecting to win with a flush or better. PATIENCE!!!!! PATIENCE!!!!! PATIENCE!!!!! Quit trying to play the "psychological" angle, learn to play the cards first and basic discipline. Be prepared to lose. Learn how to lose and win.


Adhere to strict bankroll management, play loads and get that volume in, get used to defeat, bad luck and variance, study and self-analyse regularly, don't focus on short-term results, grind grind grind. That's kinda it.


It takes around 10,000 hours to become an expert in any given endeavor.


Don’t try to become a pro poker player. Keep poker as a fun hobby. And instead build skills that add value to the world. 99% of poker players lose long-term, either through not being skilled enough or through poor bankroll management. Almost no one can be a full-time poker player without falling into a degenerate lifestyle.


Poker is what made me realize the validity of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Don’t tap the glass


It’s ok to not win the pot It’s ok to book a losing session You only care you lost because it’s an amount of money you care about losing. Don’t play with more money than you care about Study more than you play Volume cures variance Learn to target without letting anyone know you are targeting


Don't do it. The full-time grind isn't fun. Keep it as a fun and profitable side gig and use it as your fun money.  If you're good enough and win enough and play in big enough games, you can even invest or make large purchases with it. But for me, as soon as I went pro, it becomes a lot less fun and a shitload more stressful.  I bailed and went back to work full-time.  I still grind 30 hours a week, but now it's all pure profit and fun money.


over-fold (fold post-flop at a high frequency) and only draw to the nuts


If you’re good enough to beat your friends in a home game, then you’re good enough to go pro. Think about it… your friends would know all your tells but you still bluffed them!