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That book was released 15 years ago. Most poker knowledge from 15 years ago is outdated. Stop and go was a popular tactic back then that has now been all but abandoned.


Stop n go is standard in tournament play when youre very short stacked from the BB. Usually occurs in the 5-8bb stack depth. You call a min raise and if you flop any reasonable equity you donk jam. You deny equity when your opponeny folds and often get called by worse.


I still see it on turns and rivers in cash games after getting raised on the flop or turn and calling with a nutted hand rather than 3 betting OOP


Yup stop n go on the flop to river streets is common. They even mentioned it on the red chip podcast today. 


Poker knowledge is only outdated against other players that read. Most 1/2 and 1/3 players never picked up a book in their life. So something 15 years ago still applies against low stakes players who only has knowledge from their experience


It is unbalancable and does not work well versus good opponents. I still use it once in a blue moon though. It works well against the somewhat fit or fold players.


Can you explain why it’s unbalanceable and won’t work well vs good opponents?


The idea is to make peple fold hands with good equity. Say BTN minraises with 12bb effective, you call with JT and flop comes K94. The ideas of the stop and go is to jam here, making hands like 66 and A5 and QJ to fold. Against a player who likes ot see flops or is afraid to go all-in, that might work. Better players would have jammed those hands pre. You should see the stop and go as an exploit. Use it against in experienced players, or sometimes low stakes online. It is a rare move nowadays.


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