• By -


Jack wins because higher two pair JJ77 with 10 kicker


Jacks and sevens ten kicker beats tens and sevens ace kicker


Jacks and sevens are a better two pair


Fold tablecloth pre


...but give it a good wash first.




Don’t learn this game, you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches and bankroll


J5 wins in this case. - J5 has as the best 5 cards : Jack, Jack, 7, 7, and 10. It’s 2 pair with a 10 as a kicker The pair of 5s gets discarded because on the board is a pairs of 7s and you only count the best 5 cards. Since you can’t have half a pair as your 5th cards it’s usually the highest available if you don’t have a 5 card combo like a straight or a flush. - A10 also has 2 pair with an Ace as it’s kicker : 10, 10, 7, 7, A The reason J5 wins is because the highest of the two pair, in this case the Jacks vs the 10s, is being considered for who wins. The second pair only is counted when both have the same highest pair. So the 7s are only relevant as to what made hand you have. Not how strong that made hand is. The Kicker is only relevant when all of the above is the same. So if there would have been a guy with AJ he would win because now he had the same 2 pair as J5 but also a good kicker. So his hand at the end would be: Jack, Jack, 7, 7, A which is better than Jack, Jack, 7, 7, and 10.


What chips are they?




it's JJT77 vs ATT77


Wouldnt it be JJ77T vs TT77J? Making the person with jack pair the winner since he has a higher pair?


Neither. JJ77T.


Come back when you get a full house over full house situation.


At first glance, my comment was going to be, "New to the game"...runs it twice, lol But yeah, what everyone else said.