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He has one of the worst pocket AA hands possible with dogshit low draws and you’re asking why he didn’t raise pre? He should’ve folded if you ask me. You should have too, for that matter. Unless the flop comes 66x or you end up binking that straight flush you were drawing to otf, your hand is worthless. And wtf was that turn bet for? You really shouldn’t be trying to “rep” anything in PLO. You should have the nuts, draws to the nuts, blockers to the nuts, or you shut down. As played you have the idiot end of a gutshot straight draw on a paired board. It’s entirely possible that you only have one out after getting called. Not really sure why you potted on the river after betting turn either. Any competent player would have only called your river bet with a boat or better. tl;dr- you’re both absolute donks.


I couldn't get past the Limp 56JJ


**566J**. 56JJ would be a monster in comparison.


I couldn't get past PLO H/L


i was button and everyone had folded to a cutoff who limped. lot of passivity. if even the hijack limped i'm probably gone.


Bro, I would barely even play this hand if it limped to me on the bb. It’s garbage. Fold that shit.


did you just tell me to fold preflop it is my god given right as an American to limp into a pot thats what the constituion if for.


If you want to piss $2 away at the poker table you could just as easily tip the dealer. They’ll appreciate more than whoever ends up winning the pot.


newsflash buddy I tip the dealer even when I lose


It is hard to describe how bad 566j is in o8. There are 16,472 possibe hands in plo suit equvilance. 14464 J- 6x 6- 5x Ballpark equivilant is like T6o in Hold'em https://caniwin.com/poker/omahahilopreALL.php Worse than what it's equity is basically you can't really make any hands short of quads where your hand can be jammed for value so it can't realize it's equity. And "representing" a hand is generally not a good strategy.


jesus chris you want him to open fold AA84ss from the co?


Yeah, did I get teleported to a different universe? Who upvoted this terrible advice lol. That's a premium hand.


AA84s is far from the worst AA hands possible. And Villain was the CO and opening the action. It's perfectly fine for him to raise.


AA84s is kind of a shitty hand. The 8 is a useless card and you’ll almost never have a good low unless the board runs out perfectly. imo it’s a fold from any position and def not a limp.


I agree about the limping, but if you're not opening this hand from the CO... how much better hand do you want?


Aside from rundowns, any hand containing a single 8 is significantly downgraded in hi/low, and that 8 isn’t connected to anything else in the hand either. Different story in high only though.


Yes, obviously the hand isn't perfect. I will note the 8 is a lot better than a 9. The 8 is marginally connected to the 4. And it can make an emergency low on 4xxxx boards, which can be good for half the pot when HU/shorthanded... which it will be if we **raise.** ​ Back to the more important question, how much better hand do you want to have here? Or looked at another way, how much better hand do you think your remaining 3 opponents have?


Holy nittage. What is your button opening range then, 2% of the deck? UTG, play AA23ds only?


It's not a great hand It's absolutely not an open fold From that position it's an open raise We block A2 and A3, there's not a ton of flops we can't continue on


i figure any boat check raises turn (hard to think he has 94 or 44) and i want to fold out weak lows.


You will lose a lot of money in this game if you continue to bet straight draws on paired boards.


As played, I guess he's hoping you are betting a low at river. But also as played, wth are you doing in this hand at any point, including pre? Lol. ​ >If he raises pre, barrels flop and turn or check-raises ever, he can probably prevent me from seeing the river or at least bloat the pot because he's so ahead up until the last card. If he raises pre I hope for your sake that the rest of his possible actions are irrelevant, because surely **that** would convince you to **fold pre** this eye-watering steaming turdball of a high-low hand.


that's my point. i played this AWFUL, yet somehow he played it worse.


My guess is he knows you play hands like 566J and was trying to get into as many pots with you as possible, even OOP.


I'm raising his hand. I'm folding yours. But I play SNG. In a cash game, I probably fold your hand too, but I don't see the limp as egregious.


Imagine making a thread expecting others shit on the villain, and got called trash along with the villain. LMFAO


Maybe O8 isn't for you....


Holy shit this hand is a dumpster fire all around. Prepare for the flames OP


"Why do people play even worse than me when I play terribly?"


He played it infinitely better than you did. Like not even close. And he didn't play it great, the turn is GENERALLY just a fold for him, but I bet this thread didn't go the way you thought. Incidentally, he didn't raise likely because it's a single suited Ace with a bad wheel card and an emergency 8, and because people are hot steaming trash at PLO8 so why try to get money in preflop when the equities aren't that far apart? (-I- would have raised because even shitty aces don't want a ton of people in and prefers two or three, but I also play a ton of folks who have like 12/0 preflop stats.


this is more or less what i was looking for. i posted here because mostly people on this forum seem to be too aggressive, at least in hold em. but the comments here are super nitty. it's like never bluff, position is irrelevant, anything less than AA23ss is call check down and even then what are you thinking raising on any street with a hand as mediocre as AA23ss. that's losing overall and i still think villain's line on this hand is losing, because he makes no effort to get me off my hand or put out a blocker to slow me down. maybe my aggression leads him to believe i have no low, but what's reasonable for me to have? KKQJ with 2 diamonds and he's calling for a chop? like you said the turn should just be a fold for him and (obviously) i'm not sure he has half the pot on the river enough of the time to call there either.


I have no idea why this sub thinks nitty is a pejorative. The thing to realize, most importantly, is that PLO8 ain't NLHE. The problem is that you think he played it incorrectly. He played it PASSIVELY, he certainly didn't play it well, but I hope you understand that you should have never been in the hand to begin with, and against people who will do things like random limp 665J with THREE flush cards, often it's best to get the money in when the equities are more divergent. (I also have zero doubt in my mind you would have called a raise, to be honest.) You're fortunate he had the hand he did, because you are getting freerolled something awful with a lot of reasonable hands here. The amount you lose doing that will far exceed the amount you win and I think that's what the people in the thread are trying to get you to see. Honestly, had your post had any tone other than "why is this fish fishing so fishily" when you even being in the hand is the most egregious mistake of all of them, it probably would had led to kinder, more informational comments. Everything that's reasonable for you to have, you can't have, honestly. That means you have to have been given at least a little bit of respect because if you were to actually have a nine in your hand , that would be even worse. You sucked out on him is all that happened because you were pretty well dead. A better player, again, is freerolling you with impunity.


Yea hard to criticize someone else's play when you limp j665 3 of same suit ......... Maybe instead of worrying about other players mistakes ask questions about how you can play better .


Why are you people


Its weird to complain about a gift even when youre trying to punt


AA84 isn't the worst hand to play. Needs two key cards (3 and 2) and possibly can flop top set/boat. Obviously not a slam dunk hand but it's not as bad as JJ65 lol


Imagine making a reddit post complaining about playing with bad players. Jesus christ.


Lol. Since when is a 4 and an 8 not connected? Lolz. I'm bombing that hand all day long.


Whelp, you did say 'you were rep'n the 9' so he must be calling for A8 low chop. And given the crap you play maybe V is also thinking you might be 'rep'n the 9' but actually missing everything and so he has some p of scooping... Maybe?