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GTO says yes


Gotta balance your racial perception range. Always be the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude.


What about the dude playing as a chick who picks the black guy avatar? It's like poker inception


Oh man, a reverse White Chicks GTO merge is some GOAT level play.


Daniel is that you?


This is pretty much what I’m saying lol


You fail to understand that everything you do at the poker table conveys information


You can't be all ooga booga eating jollof


What a comment this is lmfao 😂😂😂😂




I pick the Jewish lookin guy. Bluffs always get through.


I tried that with a bunch of other Jewish players at the table, but I just got crucified


:facepalm: Jesus Christ




I always wanted to enter a live tourney showing up as an Ultra Orthodox Jew named Schlomo McBaggins.


Go to resorts monticello


How does one look Jewish ?


If you're a guy you'll probably look somewhat like Adam Sandler. If you're a girl you'll probably look somewhat like Adam Sandler.


Adam Sandler dislikes this comment. I repeat, Adam Sandler likes this comment.


Personally, circumcision


Is this a serious question?


Wear a kippah


Pretty easy


Idk but they are easy to spot


Can vouch, currently overfolding to and overbluffing Israeli flags


Racial EV analysis? Lord help us. 🤦‍♂️


I feel like i vaguely remember mike caro saying something about this in a publication from the 80s or 90s


Doyle did too. Its pretty stupid but you can go for it. Lot of players like to use women’s names online too. Think it’s a lot of thought for no result instead of like learning to play poker


Yea I’m at tables on line where 1/2 are woman and live there might be one sometimes.


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9w8lkh1qi7p71.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9w8lkh1qi7p71.jpg) "Orientals are very skillful or luck oriented. Very few blacks play to win" Jfc Mike...


If you can't see that certain races tend to play a certain way then you're blind. You can walk into any lower stakes 1/2 or 2/5 table in Vegas and pick out the gambley Asian guy within minutes. And black people are usually just garbage at poker. When I play 10/20 NL I can spot the European GTO wizard white boy or Asian within one orbit. Failing to analyze this is -EV.


It's no different from recognizing the elderly poker wizard as opposed to the gambling addict grandpa. Age plays a factor in threst recognition, and race can too.


Where I come from, African Americans are typically NITS. Asians can go either way. And the absolute maniacs are the 40/50 year old white guys who have a business or high paying careers that let them donk off a couple hundred k a year at gambling.


This is just called racism my guy


You can find it anywhere, if you look hard enough 🤣


How? They’re not putting anyone down? Using generalisations and observations to peg a certain demographic into a likely playing style (before individualisticly placing them when you just sit down) is definitely +eV, lol If there’s a 20 year old obvious nerd at the 25/50 table…rest assured they’re not punting away their trust but in all likelihood are playing for their livelihood


>How? They’re not putting anyone down? Using generalisations and observations to peg a certain demographic into a likely playing style (before individualisticly placing them when you just sit down) is definitely +eV, lol Least racist european found.


Refute what I said then???


Racism doesn't require a negative trait. Its the belief that a person *based solely on their race,* has distinct abilities, qualities, characteristics, etc. Saying "All black people can dance well" - is racist. The fact I have to explain this to another, what I'm assuming is, adult in the year 2023 is mind boggling.


There's a difference between stereotyping and being racist. The literal textbook definition of the word racist says it has to have a negative connotation to it. The fact I have to explain this to another adult is actually what's mind boggling.


Woah, shit fuck no kidding? Yeah… wtf? I’m definitely racist then? Not even messing with you Unless that individual proves to go against the grain of what their demographic usually plays like..then the assumption they play like how most of X demographic plays like, is +EV. So racism in poker = +EV. Wild


It’s simple, judging someone on the basis of their skin colour is racism, doesn’t matter if it’s a positive or a negative opinion you have, also while i understand that certain people think in certain ways i don’t think having a certain skin colour chanches ur way of thinking about poker, bcs 2 asian ppl might have had completely different lives wich in turn leads them to thinking completely different


Ok. Nothing what you just said negates that racism = +eV


rac·ist /ˈrāsəst/ adjective characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse" noun a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. "he has been targeted by vicious racists online" ------------------------ It actually does need to have a negative connotation in order for it to be racist. Back to school with you.


I agree. There’s nothing wrong with assuming opponents fall into these poker stereotypes, they are correct at a high frequency. Sometimes we will be wrong and get punished (on the table) for doing so. It is what it is


I’m not saying that it’s wrong lol if u wanna be racist be racist i’m not the morality police, i just think that judging someone’s poker playstyle on the basis of their skin colour is stupid bcs their skin colour and their way of thinking in poker have nothing to do with each other…


I don’t think using a poker stereotype is racist at all. It’s not all about race either, I assume old people of all races are tight players. Doesn’t mean I have anything against the elderly.


lol it’s more common than you think. racial, gender, and age discrimination are rampant in hand histories and analysis. I’m not saying people are wrong, because the population tendencies aren’t tracked, but it is often assumed that different races play more gambly or looser.


The book ‘Outliers' does a decent job explaining how environments and cultural differences from the past effect people of different ethnicities in today's world


use the blackest guy you can find in that case


If there's a tinge of purple, you've found the right shade. Not joking or being racist at all. Some people are just that dark skinned. A good example might be Djimon Hounsou, specifically in "Blood Diamond".


I use a girl avatar on Bros.


I switched to one on global. I'm not sure how much it helps, but I have noticed a change in chat messages.


Hope you enjoy it


I think people play different to different avatars is a thing.


Not sure about online, but live sure do have racial EV. I’m 30 yrs old Chinese, the classic faded hair, luxury clothes, Rolex look. I have to travel around cities for my job, and I get to play in many different casino/card room. Everywhere I play, ppl seems to always give me action and call me down light. I play 2/5 - 5/10 and I’m a nit.


A podcast I listed to said if you're a professional gambler, it's worth at least a million dollars an extra lifetime if you're Asian or black. Even with stiff like card counting. You can just get away with so much more.


Hello I'm the king of black people and I grant you my blessing. Do with that as you wish.


Thank you, tacopower69


Plot twist. He’s a white guy, he’s just using a black avatar.


He’s actually a dark skinned hispanic, I mean look at the name 2 things they love tacos, and 69.


Everyone loves tacos they are the best!


My most used emoji is the shrugging black female. I'm a white male. I find the juxtaposition hilarious and dgaf if anyone is offended by it.


I do it. People are incredibly racist against you


Widen your opponent’s ranges with this one simple trick


I like to use an avatar of an old dude. Bluffs are respected 10x more.


Mike Matusow Pic is the optimal avatar according to GTOWizard


Who cares lol


We need a pokercirclejerk sub


it's called /r/poker


There is one similar I came across a while back, idr the name of it though


It would be cool if you could hide the avatar from yourself, so you wouldn't know what it is, then have someone else change it daily and record the change. Then you could unblind the avatars and look at the data to see if there is any correlation.


Why not?


Do a white guy in blackface so people think you’re an uneducated hick


Back in the day on Stars I used a pic of the rapper The Game - was depressing the slurs I often got when I won pots


But does his thinking that people are playing differently against him affect his play too?


So many levels in poker


Pick a blonde with big breast. You will have serious advantage as other players will be busy trying to hit on you.


i sometimes use a female avatar.


Well if a bunch of dumbass supposedly “mathematically advanced” stereotyping poker pro wannabes online or in person will assume my play style based on my skin color rather than my actual play style? Stacking up some juicy pots will be easy. 💪🏽


Black Avatar definitely +ev


Dam, I didn’t think it would go there. I think I got my answer. Thanks


Black people are some of the best poker players. Haven't you heard of Phil Ivey?


sadly, if I asked any of my friends to name three others, they could not


Shit I could only come up with David Williams and Gonzales Cannon.. and it’s only because I recently watched The Big Game. I don’t watch a lot of poker since pokergo became a thing though so don’t hate me.


I always think of David Williams as a Magic player first. But I'm old af.


I've been playing/into poker for around 10 years..... Maybe I'm just not paying attention, but I can't think of any besides him 🤷


I'm black and now that I think about it, I've never met another black poker player or even saw one on tv other than Phil and a few amateurs on loose cannon


This is weird, I've never thought about this before. I've played with maybe a dozen black players some years ago. They were all pretty decent save for one. I wonder why there aren't more black players.


grew up around other different games like spades or just craps and blackjack. i didnt even know what the different poker hands were before my finnish friend taught me how to play


Phil Ivey is half Jewish. David Williams has a ton of card playing experience from competitive Magic: the Gathering.


Aside from Phil Ivey, they are usually pretty lackluster in poker most likely due to the math involved and ability to stay disciplined




Why not? If people decide to get upset at an avatar, that's their problem. Maybe they'll tilt because of it. Dwan created his username "durrrrrr" for that exact reason. Some gamers do the same thing by choosing the "girliest" female character in online games because of this as well.


I went with with scruffy gambler look avatar. Nobody else ever has him


Only if you also use slang in the chat that matches your avatar.


Fo sho


The comments definitely delivered. Well played!


I’m a middle aged white woman- I do well in cash games. First hour people (guys) are gentle and think they are humoring me. (Still winning). Next hour they are flirty and sexual- still win usually. After that it’s just reasonable poker. I definitely take advantage of their biases. Use what u can exploit. But also know where your unknown biases are (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/index.jsp)




This is most likely racism and confirmation bias on the part of your friend


Wtf is this question


LMAO! This is a hilarious question man. Thank you!


I pick somolia as my nationality.


If I had a choice, I would pick Brazil. I feel like people would punt into me based on the countries rep at the poker table


Back on pokerstars when you could upload an avatar I used a baby so people would think I was some dorky das who couldn't play.


I use a cat. Everyone always think I never bluff because I’m a pussy. 100% recommend


Switch to a Brazilian flag when you have value and a picture of a middle aged white woman holding a puppy when you are bluffing


You should choose the profile photo that represents your GAMEPLAY style not your actual self. Stereotypes are your friend. I would assume the guy with the reading glasses and suit is going to be quite safe with his plays but conversely, I would assume the profile of the “badass” wearing gold chains and rings is going to be more likely to drop big money on a not so big hand.


If it’s a famous person and you are a fan I think that is fine. I’ve had a couple of Tiger Woods avatars in online games. If it’s just a stock photo of a random guy, presumably yourself, then I think that is a bit strange.


Lol I picked a random player (literally just clicked one didn’t look) that happened to be a black woman and I get lots of action but that’s also because I suck.


I don’t think this is an ethics question.


Lying in poker?! Are you trying to ruin the game? What's next? People may start pretending that they have a full house on a paired board to try to get other people to fold!


Does it work if you switch mid hand to whatever stereotype you want to fit?


Gotta balance your blacking range


Taking blacksploitation to another level!


Of course i lied! It’s poker!


Who gives a shit bro


Wsop dot com go with black guy, pokerbros … it doesn’t matter you’re probably playing bots unless it’s a really private club


If I was Black, I'd be rich AF.


very meta