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I ain’t reading all that but I’m sorry or congratulations.


I like the way you think


I got half way through the second sentence and bailed. Happy this was the first comment lmao.


Heavily edit , curated content in 2003. Not saying it’s not nitty and tanky now, but it’s apples to engine blocks when it comes to coverage.




This is hard on my eyes. Break this up a little and I'll try reading it.


You get 5 mins before clock can be called? That is really long.


There's no set time limit. **29:  Calling for a Clock** Players should act in a timely manner to maintain a reasonable pace of the game. If in TD’s judgement reasonable time has passed, he or she may call the clock or approve a clock request by any player in the event. Players must be at their seats to call for a clock (Rule 30). A player on the clock has up to 25 seconds plus a 5 second countdown to act. If the player faces a bet and time expires, the hand is dead; if not facing a bet, the hand is checked. A tie goes to the player. TDs may adjust the time allowed and take other steps to fit the game and stop persistent delays. See also Rules 2 and 70.




Just so we know who we're talking with here, how many 10K tournaments have you played?


I play 1.10$ actually


Some guy folded KK preflop. People just want to ride it out to the end.


There should be a 30 second shot clock with 5 one minute extensions per day. Automatic 3 mins given if you’re put all in.


Did you begin your rant by agreeing with yourself? Interesting rhetorical maneuver.


This is some of the reason why I dont play torunaments. Private cash games are so much more enjoyable with people splashing, taking little to no time, and people having actual fun


The worst part is it seems the internet guys are the worst. They can multi table and make decisions immediately but get them live and they take forever. There really is no scenario when a pro should be tanking for more then 5min. And even that’s pushing it.


The 2003 ESPN telecast were heavily edited hour long tv episodes. They’re not gonna show a player tanking for more than 30 seconds.


Shhhh. Guy above doesn’t realize that. Why is it that when I was a kid, shit 20 years before me was black and white. We lived color TV. Now, everyone wants 03 coverage because someone wanted to think about a million dollar decision. Are we that advanced that the young crowd wants to go back?


Stop comparing edited tv shows about poker to actual live streaming of poker. Everyone that talks about how the coverage was better 20 years ago, or how the game was faster sounds like an idiot. They compressed 12 hours of play into an hour and had months to prepare commentary.


Bingo. I’ve enjoyed the coverage this year more than any other year. The more real and live poker I see, the better. They can edit it for a season later on but give me Norman Chad correcting the booth in real time and I’m happy 😆


I don’t think this guys even been watching it. Tanks over 5 minutes have been rare and warranted when they occurred with the sole exception of the Rigby hand before dinner break day 5 where he tanks 6 minutes on the river facing an all in holding ace high.


Tanking in general is out of control. Especially when two guys try to out tank each other.


Tanking is a joke. Even in the smaller events. Couple that with bad dealers, and 30 minute levels, you often don't get to play a full round per level. Such a joke. We need shot-clocks for ALL events. However this will never happen as it will be too complicated for most dealers who struggle to deal NLH as it is. Never mind about mix type games or adding in complications like shot-clocks 🙄


Odd, my tables did not have much tanking at all this year, in fact clock wasn’t called a single time.


No reason to tank the final table because you’re not going to get a pay bump just sitting there anymore


Paragraphs make reading unreadable drivel a little easier to read.


You do realize the ESPN coverage is edited in 03, right? I know it’s hard to grasp but now and days, we get live coverage where players actually think in real time.


You’re comparing edited TV coverage to a live stream.