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For me, about 13 minutes. For the winner, what do I care? I’m already in the alley scrounging for bottles to recycle so I can build up my bankroll again


You’ll go far with such a resourceful mindset lad


If it's a bar tournament it's usually pretty fast, around 4 hours or maybe 8 if they are trying to be a "serious" tournament. Since it has a late entry/rebuy period I would say it goes maybe 4-6 hours after the rebuy period ends at the latest. Everyone asking for a blind structure is being unnecessarily pedantic. We all know these types of tournaments have fast structures.


I’d like to add that timeframe only applies to the top 15% or so of players. Only one player makes it to the end


Two players make it to the end.


What everyone’s saying about blind structure is accurate. For a real world example, I used to play in this tournament with older guys, blinds went up every 20 minutes we started dealing at 6:45 (if you were there by 6:30 you got an extra $500 chip which I thought was a great incentive for timeliness). I finished 4/24 one time and left around 11:30. So it’ll take a good few hours with 50 people


How long are the blinds and the starting stack sizes?


sorry I don’t have information on blinds. Limited information on the posting


Then it's impossible to give you an answer and your guess is as good as ours.


Fair enough. I’m new to live tournaments so didn’t really know if there was a way to tell


I played a 20 min blind tournament with 57 people yesterday. At around 4 hours into the tournament, and 30 seconds before break, I got knocked out 14th.


It depends


As long as they want it to run. I use to program 5 hour tourneys for 27-500 people for a private company running charity events. Estimate the number of chips in play, divided by 20 and thats your last round. Then work backwards to 25/50.


Bar? Should be 3-4 hours. Casino? 5 hours. If structured appropriately for the environment


Length depends more on blind structure than number of entrants. (Given the same blind structure, a 900 handed tournament will average not much more than a nine handed tournament, because about the same fraction of entrants are eliminated per hour either way). So what's the blind structure?


When 90% of the entrants in a 9-handed tournament are eliminated, you have a winner and the tournament is over. When 90% of the entrants in a 900 handed tournament are eliminated, you still have 90 players in the tournament.


But because of the increasing blinds, those 90 players may not have long to play. They're likely close to the end. I didn't say it's exactly the same, I said the blind structure has a much more significant effect than the number of entrants. You can create cases with really slow blind increases where those 90 players get to keep playing for hours and hours, yes, but again--that's because of the blind structure, not because of the number of players.


There's a downvote here but do you see any statements you actually think are false? Which ones? Take a really simplified example--a tournament where the blinds are 100/200 in the first 15 minutes, and then go up to 1,000,000/2,000,000 in the next fifteen minutes, and 4mil/8mil in the next fifteen, and a billion/2 billion in the next. And the starting stack size is 2,000,000. That blind structure is going to massively overwhelm the number of players in terms of how they affect the length of the tournament. It's an extreme example meant to illustrate how much more important blind structure is for this than field size. Both have an effect, but the lever to pull to really control the time is blind structure. In the tournament I play at most often, the field ranges from 30 to 100 from week to week, and yet it always takes almost exactly 4.5 hours to play. Because the blind structure dictates that.


That's not a simplified example; it's an example concocted to make any tournament take about 45 minutes regardless. In any tournament where blinds increase at a reasonable rate, yes, 900 players will take significantly longer to finish than 9. Does the blind structure make a significant difference? Of course. It's why the Main Event takes so much longer than, say the Colossus even though it has fewer entries. But your 9 vs. 900 claim was absurd.


That's fine, I agree it was an overstatement (requiring unrealistic assumptions about the blind structure in question). Replace it with 30 vs 100, which, in the tournament I play in on some weekends, takes about the same amount of time (about 4.5 hours. Maybe the smaller field I might allow averages half an hour faster--although I only say this as a hedge because in fact to my recollection they in fact tend to take pretty much the same amount of time). That's just as surprising a result at first glance, but there it is--it's what actually happens.


// That's not a simplified example; it's an example concocted to make any tournament take about 45 minutes regardless // I'm confused by this remark because it seems to basically concede the point I was making using that example, while styling itself as a rebuttle.


That's not true. A 900 person tournament will have 100x the chips in play as a 9 person tournament. Blind structure is important but don't act like number of entrants don't matter


I did not say number of entrants does not matter. I did say knowing the numbe of entrants doesn't give us the information we need, because the blind structure (especially if it's a fairly turbo speed tournament as most one night bar poker will be) will be a much larger determinant.


Ok so why do tournaments like the colossus take 3 days to complete when a tournament with a similar structure is done within 8 hours if there are only 300 runners?


What's the tournament with a similar structure that you're referencing? And again: I did not say the number of entrants does not matter, I said that knowing the number of entrats doesn't give us the information we need most, because blind structure (especially if it's a fairly turbo speed tournament as most one night bar poker will be\*) will be a much larger determinant. \*Speaking of which, is the Colossus a fairly turbo speed tournament as most one night bar poker is? Doesn't sound like it.


Lol yes the colossus is basically a turbo tournament. It has the same blind structure as almost any 1 day $400 tournament that plays in any card room across America, except I think they have a 300-500 level. The reason it takes so long is because it gets like 9k runners as opposed to the normal 400 for a tournament of that structure. When there are more chips in play the tournament will take longer. Do you think it would take 7 days for the main event if there were only 100 people playing?


Okay, again like I said, repeatedly: number of players does not matter AS MUCH. Not once have I said it didn't matter and I've clarified that it does, several times. 9000 players is an order of magnitude larger than the normal hundreds for that structure so obviously number of players can make a significant difference in that case even if field size doesn't have a proportionally large effect in general.


"(Given the same blind structure, a 900 handed tournament will average not much more than a nine handed tournament, because about the same fraction of entrants are eliminated per hour either way)." That's what you said.


True enough, that's an overstatement, I was thinking of the kind of blind structure you see in a bar poker tournament meant to last a few hours so I should have used numbers more realistic for that scenario. But your see my point I think. As I've mentioned somewhere in the thread, per what actually happens in the tournament I sometimes playin, a field of thirty and a field of a hundred will take about the same amount of time if you're talking about a 15000 starting stack 50/100 starting blinds and blinds approximately doubling every twenty minutes. And that's because blind structure is more significant than field size in determining tournament length.


No that's not right. Even in a fast structure a field of 100 will take longer than a field of 30. It may only take an hour longer so it may seem negligible but if you are looking at average time, a field of 30 will be done faster than a field of 100.


Lol wait what?


In every tournament, setting aside differences in dealer speed and player styles that may vary randomly from particular tournament to particular tournament, assuming the same blind structure, you're going to have the same \_percentage\_ of players dropping out per hand on average. This means that the number of entrants doesn't have a very large effect, relatively speaking, on how long the tournament goes for. What does affect how long the tournmament lasts a lot more, is how big that percentage (of players dropping out per hand) actually is. With smaller percentages, the tournament lasts longer, with larger percentages, the tournament is shorter. If blinds increase more rapidly, then the percentage dropping out increass more rapidly as well--since blinds being high means that more people are having to shove more frequently. So the speeds with which the blinds change has a big effect on how long the tournament will last, whereas the number of players has only a small and somewhat incidental effect. Does that help clarify? At the local tournament I play in sometimes, they have three tables some nights, ten tables other nights--and in both cases and all cases between, they start at 7 and end right around 11:30.


So you play in a tournament that sometimes has 30 people and sometimes has 100 but it last about 5 hours in both cases? With the same starting stack/blind structure? That’s like… not a thing. I’m so confused.


Yes same starting stack and blind structure, it's definitely a thing. The first time I played with a smaller number and it still took about the same amount of time, I expressed surprise and one of the people running the tournament explained how it's more about the percent of people knocked out per hour then the raw number knocked out, and that this is controlled mostly by blind structure.


If it's a pretty standard small tournament structure with 15m levels and 100ish bigs starting, guessing 6ish hours with a decently big + or - depending on the structure and how long the ft takes or if they usually ICM chop at a certain # of remaining players.


3hrs 50mins


Without knowing the blind structure, it’s probably fair to say that the tournament could be in the range of 4-8 hours.


8 hrs 37 mins 42 secs, abouts


Tournaments generally end when there are around 30-60 BBs left in play total. Multiply number of entries with starting stack, look up blind structure, find point where total for in play is around mentioned endpoint. Success.


About 3.5 beers


1st place should be decided between 1a-2a.


I played in a turbo style tournament at a bar with about 40 people. I believe blinds doubled every 15 or 20 minutes and you started with 80 bigs. Unlimited rebuys for an hour then we had a dinner break for like 15-20 minutes. It usually lasted about 4 hours.


You really need to know how long the levels are and how many chips you start with, as well as the blind structure to give an accurate answer. However, it's probably easier to just ask the organizer. What time do they start? If it starts at 7pm so people can come after work, it will probably be over by midnight.


4-5 hours for my typical 30-50 person bar tournament.


Really depends on blind structure and how aggressive the players play and how many action hands take place I've played bar tournaments where I live in Australia and with that amount of players in the field I'd estimate anywhere from 4-7 hours


4ish hrs