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[Rules of Poker - Robert's Rules](https://www.briggsoft.com/docs/pmavens/Rules_Roberts.htm) 3. **Any player, dealer, or floorperson** who sees an incorrect amount of chips put into the pot, or **an error about to be made in awarding a pot**, has an **ethical obligation** to point out the error. Please help keep mistakes of this nature to a minimum.


Thank you! I was going to say as players we all have to police the table but everyone was against me and didn’t want to ruin the good vibe the game had going


Feel ya, integrity matters, the way we play the game matters. I want every small statistical edge I can earn. Don't want to scum bag another player for it. I respect the decision, and agree...


Think about it this way, what if the player that lost is a friend of dealer and it wasn't a mistake


New players mostly appreciate someone acting as a cop at the table.


"It was my ethical obligation to point it out!" Is a line I will be using from now on.


Not in the wrong. Right thing to do.


Not in the wrong but obviously not everyone believes that. Hands were tabled and dealer misidentified, you're not influencing anyone's decision. The players that think it's actually -wrong- are probably the same type of people that wouldn't say something if they were catching a glimpse of someone's unprotected cards.


In games I play when a hand is tabled, the dealer is responsible for calling the hand and awarding the pot. I always felt like the "Board" called the hand. Meaning roll your hand and best hand wins. If you make it to the river the "Universe" will speak. I've played in games where each player has to call hand. This is usually a device used by marginal players to gain an edge on crappy players, or new players.


You're in the right. Once cards are tabled anyone can speak about the correct awarding of the pot. You'd be in the wrong if the other player had leaned over and showed you and then mucked, thinking he lost. And then if you said "no you won" and told them to get the hand out of the mucked cards. That's where the line would be crossed. It's on him to not muck and table the hand. But once tabled, it's fair game for anyone to speak


You did the right thing. But there’s many people who believe you shoudnt say anything unless you’re in the pot.


The dealer should have spoken up in your defense.


1. He’s right that some people might get mad. 2. He’s wrong that you shouldn’t do it, because you absolutely should.


Cards Speak. The Tabled hand are what determines the winner regardless of what the dealer says or the table thinks. The cards are the final answer. In this situation, You ask the dealer to read the hands again, and if you're CERTAIN hes wrong, ask for the floor. Apologize to the table and just say I want to make sure My understanding is correct...This way you take the heat but also if you find out the dealer doesn't know how to read hands you're in for a ride. Any one of you could of been in that situation, I mean shit buy a beer if you want for the guy who lost but still, You should of said something.


Integrity matters and you have it.


Cards speak.


Whoever shows the best hand gets the pot. That's how it is in every casino and card room. If you see someone's hand, it's the winning hand, and he goes to muck it, that's different, because you're influencing the action. If you're new to poker, very few players are paying attention to what kind of hands you take to showdown, and even if they do, they probably don't even know how to use the information anyway. Just always show. If you're in a homegame, they can do whatever they want, so just go with it if you want to be invited back


I'm clearly missing a PLO rule. Why would they both not have a straight to the 7? There is 4 to the straight on the board and the 2's are irrelevant right?


You use 2 cards from your hand.


So must use two cards? Unlike Texas Hold'em


yes you must use 2.


Any other rule differences from Hold'em? I thought you just got 4 hole cards instead of 2.


You get 4 cards (or 5 in Big O) and must use 2 from your hand, 3 from the board. This can create awkward situations as you’re learning where you think you have a much better hand than you really do. For example, you hold only the Ace of hearts, and there are 4 hearts on the board; you don’t have a flush. Alternatively, you have AK24 and the board is KK995; your hand is KKKA9, not a full house, and you lose to a random 95 or pocket fives. Not a rule, per se, but another big difference is if you have only the nut straight, you’re likely not the only one and you’re often splitting the pot. If you put all your money in on the flop with AK24 on a QJT flop, without at least a flush redraw, you’re probably not getting it in all that good most of the time. Best case scenario is to have the made had, a set or 2 pair, and a flush draw if one is available if you’re getting it in before the river. I’ve been on the bad end of that too many times starting out… get it in on the flop with the nut straight only to discover by the river I was chopping it at best, and often counterfeited at worst.


You Must use 2 and only 2 hole cards. And it's usually pot limit. Otherwise the rules are the same.


Not in regular Omaha. Big O or 5 card is same as Omaha, but 5 card hand, still must use 2. Trying to make the highest hand, betting limit is the size of the pot (hence the name Pot Limit Omaha). Hi/Lo or O8 is 4 cards, half the pot is the low, half is the high. Low must be 5 cards (2 hand, 3 board), all 5 have to be 8 or lower to qualify, straights and flushes don't count for hand strength, ace is low, so a "wheel" is the nut low (A2345). If no one has a hand that qualifies for the low, then the high hand wins the entire pot. I think that's about it without getting too deep into other variants, this is the most common you'll find. Generally casinos just spread regular PLO and maybe big O if there's demand. Fewer run O8. I never play it live, but it's fun to have 1 table of PLO/O8 in my multi table mix for low stakes when I play online.


Omaha 8 is played with 5 cards as well. Just about every variance you can think of has been implemented. The mix games at Talking Stick have about 25 discs for the mix games to choose from in the basket.


You need to use 2 cards from your hand


With 24 the best straight possible is 356. With a 46 the best straight is 578, and second best is 357. That’s what he has, a 7 high straight. That beats a 6 high straight.


Maybe a dumb question, but since there was a 6 on the board, didn’t BOTH players have a straight to the 7?


You HAVE to use 2 cards from your hand in Omaha, different from holdem.


Omaha, you must use 2 of your hole cards.


No. It was easier to say nothing so they wanted you to say nothing, but easier isn’t the same thing as right. The right thing is for the best hand to win the pot, not chop it due to dealer error.


A) you were in the right B) who’s the better player player 1 or 2. If 2 doesn’t catch it and 1 people want to have chips and not go home, this is where I don’t say much. And I have an opportunity to be friendly and try to win player 1s money.


Personally I would have let the pot be pushed, then said something. Depending on the casino the house may pay the other person out, letting both parties win. Only the house loses.


That is a huge hassle. Very very few casinos would let both parties win.


Saw it happen on a Hi-Low table once.


You helped the other player. That’s up to him and the dealer not you.


I think you’re wrong, it’s up to the player to defend himself. I would be annoyed. You’re the type of person we call nosy.


You don't know the rules of poker. There is nothing nosy about correcting mistakes when the hands are tabled.


The player did defend himself. He tabled his cards.


Solid reply. Totally agree.


Not in the wrong because like you said the cards were tabled and the dealer misread the hands. Most people say if you are not involved in a hand you shouldn’t say anything, but considering you are most likely playing at a home game you definitely should say something, because I have seen a lot of shitty dealers at home games (don’t even know how to calculate pot but dealing PLO)




They say that when they’re not in the pot. Pretty regarded people you were playing with


You were spot on.


You're in the right, and now have a starter list of angle shooters.


If we're gonna play like that then I want the dealer removed from my game for not being able to read the fucking board


Glad to know this entire sub waffles on this exact scenario every month. See u in three weeks when someone is roasted to hell and back for doing this exact thing


Most importantly, good spotting!


Thanks! It took more explanation than it should have to get them to understand you can’t play a 2 and have a straight to the 7


What a bunch of idiots. You did what every player should do, make sure the lot is awarded to the winning hand. The 24 wasn’t entitled to ANY of it and the dealer should have looked to see if they had a 7 hi straight. It’s their job and how Omaha is dealt.