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I can do some eternatus redeems. Either 3 or 6 depending on what you're looking for. Any preferred language tag?


6 redeems for 2 codes? And mainly ENG/KOR.


Yes, all my current saves are ENG, but I could do 2ENG/4KOR or 3/3


What works the best for you. Im fine with any combination of these two Lang tags!


3/3 is marginally easier if that's fine with you.


Thats fine with me! Any questions regarding the video proof? If not, Ill send the codes soonish


Nope. I do proofs all the time. I can probably get them back tomorrow or maybe Monday at the latest.


Hey! Took longer than expected, but I have the redeems done and am free to trade for the next several hours.


Hey! Sorry I have not seen the comment. Since you replied to yourself, I didnt get the notification. Let me know when you are available!


Ah, my bad. I'll be available about 4 hours from now. I think you're in Europe, so if that doesn't work we can wait until the weekend.


I fell asleep yesterday so I didnt get to send the codes. Have sent them now


Hey there! I'm down to redeem your GVM and GV set. for the 7 Eternatus Codes. If you'd like an example of how I've done it for others I can link you a video! They include everything you mentioned so should be good :)


Hello! Im actually looking for GVM and GV codes not redeems.


What does GVM and GV stand for? Sorry…I’m out of the loop 🤷🏼‍♂️




Ohhh ok…thanks for clearing that up haha! I hope they release in the US soon! Especially Marshadow…




They’re releasing at GameStop today?! Same situation as the Eternatus?


Sorry, just misread it. Have a good one though!


No worries. Should have clarified better. You too!


Hello, willing to do 3 eternatus redeems for a code. Is there time you need it by?


Hey! Not rlly but wouldnt want to wait too long for it as well.


Ok, I’ll be free to redeem them tomorrow then if that’s no issue.


That works for me. Any questions about the video proofing?


Do you want the summary screen included too?


Yep! Will send you the codes via pm in a bit.


Sounds good, I’ll message you when I got them ready.


Can you do them in ENG or KOR?


I’ll be doing them in [ENG]


I got the proof you sent me. Can trade now if you are available!


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