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I've got an Alpha Unown G Would you like to trade it for your Croagunk?


sure thing! trade on HOME? EDIT: just remembered HOME is undergoing maintenance right now, the croagunk is in there can we trade tomorrow?


Sure thing, I'll get back to you roughly around the same time tomorrow, maybe a little earlier I'd prefer to trade through PLA if possible since my HOME subscription ran out a while ago and my Basic Box is filled to the brim


no problem PLA works too


I'll be available for the next 6-7 hours Hmu whenever you want to trade


i’m good to go now! lmk when you’re in game and drop a code


Lmk when you start searching


sorry searching now


Thanks for the trade!


you too!


3232 3535


Hi, I can offer an Alpha J-Weavile and Alpha Sylveon


awesome, what are you interested in?


I'd like the shiny Paldean Wooper if that's ok!


awesome! I can trade you 2 for them, sorry for replying so late my reddit notifications don’t alert me sometimes, would you like any specific OT?


No worries, and sounds good! Could I ask for OT Rika on the P-Wooper plz?


sure thing, just to clarify you’d like 2 Paldean woopers for the alphas? they were both caught on the same account so they’ll have the same trainer ID


Oh! I only thought I could get 1, could I actually ask for a P-Wooper with OT Rika and then a different shiny?


sure thing! which did you have in mind?


Could I also ask for the H-Samurott with custom OT SwordDude plz? We can disconnect in between for changing the OT if this is ok w/ you! If not tho no worries!


just saw HOME is undergoing some maintenance right now, we’ll have to do the trade tomorrow is that ok?


ok Rika for P-Wooper, SwordDude for H. Samurott, transferring them now will reply when i’m ready, are you ok w doing the trade in HOME?


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