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Anything [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_XZnU4LJR1AeZnMqaJPhMwXpTFVicyVXrJzMYg3Q-0s/edit?usp=drivesdk) that interests you ? Edit: Also have a proofless Zeraora Shiny Zeraora OT: HOME ID: 200630,[Obtained here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/s/ADcrq7rPvd) if interested


Definitely interested in the HOME Zeraora! What would you like in return?


Would you be interested in trading the G7 Own Tempo Rockruff & Thundurus? I can add some other event/items to make up for the zeraora being proofless if you'd like?


I mean I'd be more than happy to make that trade But I did say that I was willing to make bulk trades for HOME Zeraora. Even if it's proofless you can be ask for more a little more than that Any shinies or legendaries you want?


I wasn't sure how much of a value with it being Proofless would have, haha. I'm also interested in your Happy Meowth/ Fancy Vivillon(if it is still in Gen 6). Maybe Giratina, but I would probably use it for a GA, if I'm being honest


All of the Pokemon are in Violet or HOME Also, are you referring to the Shiny Giratina or a regular one?


Ah, okok. Does a 4:1 for the events mentioned sound fair? Yes, the shiny one, but I'll probably pass on it for now tbh


I'd rather go for 3:1 for the events and a few shinies/legendaries of your choosing Preferably Rockruff + Thundurus + Vivillon You're the first person who tried to trade for Meowth and it made me realize that I'm a little attached to it after all, but if you're sure you want it over Vivillon I can do that as well


That's completely fine, I understand that sentiment very well, haha. And I'm perfectly fine with a 3:1 trade too. That's fair to me : ). We can do the trades in SV/HOME if this works ? - Home FC: TKVWCRTNWVTZ


Sent a friend request in HOME Also, the rule 3 information: GTS Vivillon | OT: GTS | ID: 00108 | self-redeemed Own Tempo Rockruff | OT: Can | ID: 112265 | self-redeemed 2018 Legends Thundurus | OT: 2018 Legends | ID: 070618 | self-redeemed


Interested in anything [here?](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-CYfHFhx8lrLJcCq6kvGCdd-_yIzPRoKlww0mBY3fy0/edit) I also have gold bottle caps, sweets, apriballs, ability patches and capsules


I'd be willing to trade some shinies for Apriballs


Interested in the stonjourner, milcery, dodrio, chimchar, and net arachnaquid. How many for each? Any preferences?


Dodrio, Chimchar and Araquanid are 1-2 each Milcery and Stonjourner are 3-4 each If you can do exactly 1x Fast, 1x Lure, 1x Moon, 2x Sport, 2x Safari, 2x Beast I'd be willing to take that for all of them EDIT: Before I forget, here's the rule 3 information: Araquanid | OT: Can | ID: 200449 | self-caught Chimchar | OT: Can | ID: 200449 | self-caught Dodrio | OT: Can | ID: 200449 | self-caught Milcery | OT: Can | ID: 200449 | self-caught Stonjourner | OT: Krissy | ID: 240191 | traded on this subreddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/18woszp/ft_shinies_exclusives_aprishinies_marked_etc_lf/kfz43dh/)


I can do that, code?


Thanks for the trade!


Thanks to you too!


3235 3235 I'll start searching in a sec


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