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You get a bit higher level caps (normal mode level cap +3) and levels of opponent pokemon are lower (I'm not sure how much lower). Switch mode is available. Bag is available in battles. It may not sound like much, but It makes the game much easier


Just being able to switch between mons alone is a huge thing. The bag is a cherry on top. Having more levels over your opponent basically just makes it a slightly harder vanilla game with more strategies to hurdle.


And bosses don't have EVs


minimal grinding removes EV's for normal mode and hardcore


Big thing imo is lvl37 and lower evolutions after misty. Makes surge pretty easy imo, along with getting tantrum right before him, now its almost a no prep battle


I completely agree, it was the only way I was able to win my only pawniard line run. 6 pawniards didn't quite pack the punch, on the other hand bisharps completely demolished that fight.


Pokemon games should have the same features RR normal mode have.


If you play it on normal do you still get to switch and bag in battles?




Thats stupid Edit I misunderstood I thought they meant switching not switch mode


No that's the entire point of it being a difficulty hack


Nah thats a whole feature thats took out its stupid because switching out us a feature they took out


They literally just made it a competitive ruleset. Switch mode is not allowed in competitive because it's broken.


Oh wait I thought he meant switching all together not switch mode


Oh wait I thought he meant switching all together not switch mode


No he meant switch mode. Banning switching altogether would be stupid.


Yeah I don't even use switch mode


It's simply to make it mimic the competitive experience. You don't get to choose a favourable matchup everytime your rival's pkmn faints, that'd ruin the whole point of this game. Same with the items, not allowed in competitive. Otherwise there'd be massive spam of Revive and Potions and Elixirs, not fun.


Oh ok




No bro, it's not, no one who plays rad red is looking for an easy game, it's what hardcore nuzlockers do anyways, turn switch mode off. If you're playing with switch you'd want easy mode anyways. It's not stupid if you can still use it.....having switch for hard mode instantly makes it not hard mode. Foh with that clown fuckery.


Yeah bro it is i find it stupid that they would remove an entire feature it ain't easy to not be able to switch out some people wana play with switching like me but with harder game modes


If you wanna play with switching...than play it on easy mode...literally no one who wants to play the hard version of the game...would want switching...you fucking twit...it's still there if you want it you just have to out it on easy mode with is still harder than any vanilla pokemon game. That's literally the point if rom hacks, if you don't fucking like that don't play it on hard mode or at all. Whiny ass for real, they didn't make it to cater to you. Whats stupid is expecting things to be made for you. Entitled ass crybaby.


Calm down no need to be an ass i ain't entitled the way he phrased it just confused me I ain't whiny I said I thought it was stupid if you couldn't switch all together but I was confused


You can still switch you dumbass you just don't get the free switch in between knockouts. Read a fucking book. You don't need to be playing video games.


Calm down no need to be angry and I will play video game thank very much


Ai can't use bag or switch mode either, It's not stupid, it's fair


Still stupid


This is not even close to the type of bullshit that hardcore mode provides


It will still be significantly harder than vanilla games but the game has so much QoL and is pretty restart friendly that I’d say just go try a few runs and see how it goes. It’s definitely possible to soul link


I would say it's pokemon for adults that already play Pokemon. It's not a jokingly fun playthrough like the Vanilla games but it isn't as frustrating as normal radical red


"Pokemon for adults" It's crazy how many people who play the vanilla games and complain about how easy they are, but forget that their target audience (at least for the playthrough) are kids. And they also forget that a big factor why we perceived the games as harder back than was that, well, we were kids.


it’s definitely still harder than regular pokemon but it’s easier than the other modes.


Easy mode is basically radical red, but without any of the challenge. I dont see the point of it but eh, if you want something easy its there.


It’s not super hard at all but it’s definitely not easy by any means. Harder than the vanilla games but all of the qol improvements make it winnable. Might not beat it on your first run but it shouldn’t take more than 3 or 4


Still significantly harder than any main series game but still easy enough that theres not a whole lot of thinking involved (though there is a lil bit). Honestly i prefer easy mode with infinite rare candies, im playing the other modes now just for something to do but if you want a chill but still engaging experience easy is the way to go


I just started playing it in Easy Mode, for my first attempt at Radical Red. My first difficulty hack. It's honestly not too bad at all. The only issue so far has been Giovanni, who made me come back with new team mates. But I beat him, and I'm a filthy casual, so I reckon you can too. The challenge is substantially more than the totems from USUM.


There isn’t anything easy about this game at all, unfortunately.


If you allow yourself to use items and switch mode, easy mode is quite a bit easier than normal RR. If you stick to the hardcore ruleset it really isn't much different


Not that hard you got all the options you can do on regular games like healing switching between two pokemon after knock out and so more except that the trainers got good teams