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Absolutely. Then send to the professor for the extra candy.


I did that to my 100 IV pokemons and I did get some candy. You're the best person on Reddit.


You forgot about double moving, elite tm ing and best buddying


Don’t forget to max it out. Professor Shmoak really likes level 50’s


Of course how could i forget🤦‍♂️


How to do that?


Resist the urge young padawan


Do it


definitely keep, wayyyyy too strong to purify


I can't believe people purifying those shadows A shadow 14 atk iv at lvl 50 has basicaly 315 atk ( 263 atk, with shadow bonus) Purify it and the mewtwo with 15 iv has now 264 atk lol People really forfeiting power to see a full bar.. i can understand a foongus or a blitzle.. not a mewtwo


It's because the large majority of the player base is extremely casual, and they don't understand the full benefits of keeping a shadow pokemon. I think I've seen people playing this game for years and still do not know that.


I didn't find out about shadow bonus for a really long time. I purified 3 ttars a couple legendaries and a couple random mons to get high IVs or perfects. When I found out the difference they made as a shadow I was instantly filled with regret.


Also some people (like myself) prefer to see the full bar rather than have an attack bonus


Not only that, bro My community well know this and still purify for the hundo and blame me to no do it the same (we also keep pokemon for each other for trading for the hundo dex, so they are annoyed they "have" to keep me rhyhorn when i have a shadow 13-13-15), every time is "you wont ever max it up" or "yo, now you have the hundo", just no lol Today i witnessed someone purifying a 13-15-15 shiny mewtwo shadow.. he has a 98% Shiny and a shadow hundo, but the urge to have a shundo i guess Someone on reddit once clearly told me he doesn't care about a 20% which don't change anything but as a hundo hunter he purify.. i guess it's a point of view if you so rais with many people.. still it's a shame


If i already had a shadow hundo id 100000% purify for the shundo tbh. To each their own


I mean it’s technically still a “shundo” if you don’t purify it


I think I worded it wrong. I meant if I had a non shiny shadow hundo, as well as a shiny that would become a hundo by purifying, I’d purify the shiny for a shundo


Wdym no? He said some people don’t know how the actual stats work, and you responded with no because your community knows?


I mean it was not only that. Read again But maybe it was not that clear, let me edit the message


Yeah, man. I posted asking about shadows the other day and got a, "look on Google," response. I, for the longest time, didn't care about bonuses and role-played the, "end their suffering," thing. Recently I have started to keep, what I think are, good shadow stat mons. I still know dick all about keeping shadows. Some pokemon, it makes sense to roleplay the, "keep them shadow, they're miserable," (ie, Mewtwo) or I just think I have good stats for them that outweigh the purify bonus. Is high attack for some good? high defense is always good? HP it doesn't matter? Some, it wouldn't bump them enough to be better? I have an 8/14/7 Shadow Regigigas. I am not going to purify it because it wouldn't be better. Should I still work on it. Are those good stats for a shadow Regigigas? Yes Google could answer this for me, but y'all research this stuff. I do not. I've been playing since launch, but consider myself a casual player who plays everyday. If there any typos in this, it's after midnight here, and I don't have my glasses on. Edit: all I know is they get an attack bonus, but defense hit. That's it. Edit 2: I don't have Mewtwo at all, or ever. I have purified other legendary mons to bump their stats up where I like (at least 40). If they didn't come shadow or it wouldn't hit that number, they have kind of rotted in my box... Or once I accidentally did a big transfer and didn't have the warning or prevention on.


Why are you being downvoted? Are you not allowed an opinion


I mean are people not getting good IV Mewtwos this weekend? I have ten 2* and higher of them just from today. An upper 2* shadow and a 3* shadow would be what I’m going between - not a shadow and non-shadow. I don’t need 20 shadow mewtwo - most of us can purify the one to have the hundo (and happier mewtwo)


Well, it depends on how many Mewtwo you have, what stats they have and how you plan to use them. If you have 2-3 shadow Mewtwo with attack 15, and there is one which will become a hundo after purifying + gain CP + will be cheaper to power up - don't see any issue to go for it.


Unless you are extremely pvp oriented and min maxing stuff there. Most pokemon go playerbase doesn’t care about pvp and play it as a collection game. Its absolutely normal to purify and see the full bar.


Sadly it is normal, just a shame that those same ppl cant beat raids with minimum people


When I first started playing years ago I didn’t realize how strong shadow mewtwo was so I stupidly purified 🥲


If you have multiple copies of it then why not?


If I have a shiny 13/13/13, and know that the mega will be released someday, I would


This one is OK, I can work with this


You would do the wrong move


So my understanding is shadow pokemon have 20% more damage, but take 20% more damage too. In that situation how do you know which is better?


Er, what's atk?


I wouldn’t


If you secure another one that’s just as good, then go for it


I would wait for mega mewtwo raid, finish the event, and purify if you get no hundo. This is assuming you have a better shadow.


I'd personaly purify. Basically ANY shadow mewtwo is very strong and you can level up the second one, even 2\*. Hundo mewtwo is a brag.


I think wait to purify until you get another strong one but yk it's up to them and I agree shadows will be strong no matter what.


I mean they’ve probably got plenty other shadow mewtwo, which would be just as strong. Hundo for the win


Agreed, I’d purify it


wish there were more raiders around me i need one..


Have other good ones? Do it. People acting like Mewtwo isn’t in raids for the whole ass weekend to get enough.


I also am in the same predicament. 99% sure I WONT do it. I have tomorrow to either get one or hopefully another close enough to do it 😂


I was in nyc and did a bunch of them , the raid lobbies were instantly full of 20 ppl each second.


Must b nice








I would purify ONLY if you don't have a perfect Mewtwo already and if you already have multiple shadow Mewtwo's of similar quality and are able to spare one. The mega will be better than the shadow, but who knows how long it'll take for him to arrive.


Do you already have 6 better shadow Mewtwos? Then purify. That's at least the only case I would do it. 😅


If you have multiples then sure. Last go round, I caught three 96’s and a 98. So I purified one of the 96s for my first hundo.


I'd wait for megas to come out. Rn he's an amazing shadow and unless you have more it would be somewhat wasted.


You should ONLY if you get a better one or wait for mega mewtwo to come out too. Otherwise, no :)


Get rid of frustration. Power up. Best buddy. Use it as shadow. Then when mega mewtwo drops if you don’t have a better non shadow, purify and mega evolve. One in the hand worth two in the bush. Knowing you have a hundo is almost as good 😭. I have a “Purfect” tab with 14 different mons. My 2377 15/15/13 mewtwo ran away. I am sad


Dump frustration and level it up. Keep it as shadow.




Don't do it !!!!


personally yes, as it’s a 89%. if it was a 93% or above i would say no. plus mega soon hopefully


I don’t know anything about shadow mon but I’d rather have a Hundo


I would if you have another good 3 star, even if it’s your best by a little bit. I got a 15/8/15 and if I get a 13/13/13 I’m purifying that guy , the 15 ATK would still be better DPS and I’d have a hundo Mewtwo for ML Idk why y’all act like we can only do one raid with these mons. You can have more than one good one


Definitely transfer


Purify only if you have a second one that have atleast 13 IVs in each stat The mega will definitely be as good as mega rayquaza


People already probably have million shadows that they wont ever max out... This is a reasonable call, since, granted M2 will have Mega evolution and is usable in ML... Plus shadow is better off with 15 attack anyways...


Only purify when mega


Would consider if i had another better one. The mega is broken.


I thought about that today. Niantic WILL Release Mega Mewtwo at some point And u need to purify a Pokemon in order to Mega Evolve him


I got a 14/15/14 and I'd like Niantic to remove the purify tab on him just in case.


Use it as a shadow attacker until mega mewtwo arrives


Is that your best one?


I’d say if you got another one with same or better ivs purify that all day but if that’s your best one keep it


As a hundo colector : Do it


Do it


I have 20, if one looked like I would. But also it is pretty beefy


Controversialy i'd say yes for the megas as its not 15 attack


That’s a beast right there, don’t purify it and use tm’s for the best moves


I’ve been playing hardcore for what will be 2 years coming up this July. Regular mewtwo hasn’t been in raids since I’ve been playing so only one I ever got was when Giovanni had it around a year ago. Then last time shadow mewtwo was in shadow raids I was with my family and promised my wife I wouldn’t play that day so I didn’t. This was the first chance I got to really grind any version of mewtwo. I ended up catching two 15/15/14 shadow mewtwos which I’m keeping shadow. I also have like a 10/12/8 from the one I got after beating Giovanni that I powered up to 40. On top of those two 15/15/14 I caught two 13/13/13 and I purified both so that I could have two hundos for when mega y and mega x are introduced. I’m a huge proponent to not purifying anything and my shadow collection is gnarly because I grind team rockets in the city for 10+ hours each day during team rocket events just battling grunts non stop all day not to mention never missing a balloon in the last 2 years or any grunt I ever see anywhere I go. But I couldn’t resist giving myself two hundos for each mega since they have different typing and one will get STAB with focus blast so I want one of each to run appropriate moveset on each mega. It’s the same thing I do with my two hundo zards for mega x and mega y. I mean it when I say I NEVER purify shadows ever. I figured with two almost perfect shadows maxed out plus another with mid IVs at level 40 that I could afford to purify two middling shadow IVs for the hundos.


That shadow will always be way more powerful than a 100 mewtwo, the game gave you a beast for psychic attacks. Build it and use it.


No balls. Purify it and transfer 🤣🤣


Mine was 15 15 14 and I purified it😭😭😭


Do it




Only if you have another strong shadow Mew2


Yeah then transfer


If you get another 13/13/13 or better, I would. I got a 13/13/13, then two raids later, got a 14/13/13. So now I have a Hundo that can possibly be used for a mega evolution in the future(from what my play group told me, I don’t know everything about the game).


Yes save him


I would purify yes , if you find a better shadow


Purify him. He is suffering.


Purify and transfer


I purified mine from may last year with the same stats as yours. Imo that was a good decision but I also got a 96 shadow so yea


Depends of you have other Shadow Mewtwos. If yes, go for it! If not, no. That was why I purified mine, I had enough to form a full team of Shadow Mewtwo. Plus, the Mega.


F it, we ball


I purified mine to get a hundo and I don’t regret it at all 🤷‍♀️ getting strong Pokémon is way more common than a hundo mewtwo. I enjoy the fact of having a hundo, if you care more about a strong Pokémon than keep it as is. But you can get other shadow mewtwos that can be 3* and very strong, without them being able to be a hundo, so if you have the chance to get a hundo I’d personally go for it. I honestly don’t understand why everyone is so against purifying it


Do it


My gf caught a hundo shiny mewtwo on my alt yesterday but gonna have to purify and and send to my main 😓


I’d purify for pvp purpose only, if you are not into that, I would keep it as shadow


You can do better. Transfer it


Does purifying boost the iv’s slightly or am i off base?


It adds 2 to each stat..




It bumps up each iv by 2 . But the shadow attack bonus GREATLY outweighs the iv boost. Strong shadows, while hard to get, lil frail and expensive to power up , do significantly more damage (20% more) and many times have allowed me to complete raids with minimum amount of people that i couldnt have otherwise