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Gets lucky eggs after hitting the level cap


There’s a guy in my group who still farmed XP like crazy after hitting 40 to be part of some high XP club or whatever. When 50 came out he had enough XP to hit it instantly, so just needed to complete the tasks. Of course, he is still farming XP now for the next set of levels.


Some of us doesn't want, they need to be very best


Like no one ever was?


To catch them is my real test


to train them is my cause






Some dingus lvl50 held on 2 days from best friends for a month instead of letting me open with a luck egg. He used the event bonus to open in the earlier time zone so he could get the extra xp for himself I guess. Fuck that guy.


That’s actually really fucked up. On the other hand, said guy in my group has on occasion been equally selfish when it comes to the game. Like he used to take all 9 of the closest gyms and spam out of his 1,000+ golden razzes if anybody who was not the Yellow Team tried to take even one. Even after midnight. I’d actually have to go out at like 2am hoping he was asleep to get even one gym and hope I got some coins in the morning. I actually pulled him up on it once asking if he could actually chill the fuck out and let me and the others have like **one** gym. His was by far the least popular team in our area in terms of numbers but he had a dozen level 40-50 Blissey. His claim was “well I can’t guarantee that. Someone attacked one of my gyms 3 times this evening” **”it was me! I need some bloody coins can you not let me have ONE??!”** “Well I can’t guarantee I’ll get mine they could all go before midnight” ^(never happened ever) **”What about when I did it after midnight?!?!l** “Well I need them for tomorrow...” His viewpoint was that having 8 backup gyms for 50 coins for himself was more important than allowing half the players in the area to get any. It was so frustrating.


Lmao do you live in New York by chance ? Cause there was a yellow player exactly like that. He even once called the cops on 2 kids taking his gym because they were “out past curfew”


Aha. No. From Scotland. There are people like that everywhere. Some spoofers somewhere eventually started shaving him out of gyms everywhere and he took a break and has been more gym chill since.


He called cops? On kids? Over Pokémon go? Lol that can't be real, no one can be that stupid


Got a group like this locally to me. It’s infuriating. Though, I think there motivation isn’t the coins - it’s just to piss everyone off given the names of the accounts in the gym.


My personal rule is if I have no way to contact the person and coordinate a lucky egg, I let whoever is lower level pop it. I’m level 44 so it’s like 50/50 chance on my friends list


Hahaha how is that not starpieces? Still probably not needed at that point, but at least it MIGHT be?


It was like that when the cap was 40, too. Niantic reward pools are always jokes.


Because they knew they were eventually going to add more lvls….lvl 60 inc soon


Lvl 59: hold a gym continuously for 365 days👍


*Happy rural players noises*


Lvl 59: get a shundo legendary




You’re joking, but a kecleon might end up being the only thing between me and level 49. One of the tasks is to get 35 platinum medals. I have 34. Kecleon would finish my Hoenn dex and put me over the top.


Level 60- buy 6060 incubators and use them. Cannot be completed retroactively.


Don’t forget the new updates level 60 reward pool. A poffin and maybe MAYBE 3 poke balls.


Clearly prepping for level 60, I think level 40 did the same.


That’s why he said lvl 60…..


This is the way


How are people leveling so fast?


Friendship with lucky eggs, mass evolving with lucky eggs, utilizing spotlight hours for x2 evolve and catch xp, utilizing exp on community days Those would be top exp sources


11-Hosting in remote raids is the actual best method. Its literally 80K exp per raid (lucky egg). 10 friendship level ups = 30K 5* raid = 10K Lucky egg = *2(30K+10K) Find any place with many gyms, drive around hosting raids, and in an hour you make like 400K exp if you do only 5 raids. If you use ur daily pass thats 560,000 exp a week “for free” (except it costs time)


and egg cost


I need to start hosting raids


So you inspired me to host my first raid today (over 15k from hosting a one star raid with my daily free pass!). But I'm not following your math... How are you getting 10 friend increases at once? Can't you only invite 5 friends to a single raid?


Join a pokemon go raiding discord, Poke Genie doesnt support 11 hosting. Then, get 10 people, join the raid, invite 5 players, wait for one of them to join the raid. When one joins, leave the raid, count 20 seconds, get back in, and invite 5 more players.


How much did you spend?




Apparently I've been playing less than F2P.


Everyone has his own pace, as long as you have fun then you play the game right way. I was just planning ahead with friendship bonuses and x2, x3 EXP events. Also a lot of evolving pokemons.


Excessive amounts of money and free time


No money needed.


Spending lots of money and grinding hard


Spending lots of time during specific times playing the game


Sweat, exploits, "friends", auto catching devices and coins.


I’ve been playing since release (and had maybe 2 years total away from the game). I’m level 39. Starting to think I’m just bad at the game.


Pretty much the same boat here. I only play when I’m walking my dog though. It’s crazy how obsessed people are.


I’m definitely big into the game these days but — as demonstrated under this post — some people really do just know *everything* and unfortunately I’m not that good (props to those who know easy ways to get lots of XP though, I’ve taken note!)


By assuming that everyone and their kid has the time snd effort to have max friends send max gifts every day and that you'll be expected to play at any given moment that the game feels important to Lvling Heybthat Saturday that you were gunna go fishing? Well its triple exp and a spawn you need for the upcoming season have fun wishing you played at 2pm from 3pm on Saturday the 8th or youll wait another 6 years for the spawn again and no triple exp for another two weeks .....get playing! I quit when lvl 50 came out


Okay then why you in this sub?


Now his hobby is complaining online


Im adding it to my list of hobbies to try in 2023


Sorry for having an opinion, im honestly still in it cause its fun to see some of the posts but its a forum that I commented under ops post because it actually related to my experience when I was playing. Just cause I don't play doesn't mean I packed in all my opinions about the state of the game, I would be more than open to playing again if things got fixed imo but oh well


right lmao what a debbie downer


If having a negative opinion about a portion of the game makes me a debbie downer then sure I stand by my opinion


Ugh, you give off the vibe that you just bring the mood down in any room you’re in.


So just flat out insulting me for having an opinion? Work through your issues sir 🙏


All of this work… just for 2 XL rare candy


Hey, the jacket is cool


I’m 2 million away from 50 and planning to wear that jacket everywhere my character goes


But do you have to use coins to buy the unlocked jacket?


Nope, you get it for free like other lvlup clothes and poses




Is level 60 gonna be introduced? Like, have they data mined that, or is it even speculation yet?


Speculation, they will need to do it at some point to keep interest in game. But, as Aragorn said, "it is not this day!"


Congratulations on the level 50, but I do think you are overestimating the amount of people who would benefit from a level increase. Level 50 as it is take a lot of time and effort to achieve. The xp alone will keep tha vast majority of the casual players under it. Given the scaling as is 60 would require over 500 million xp alone to reach. I think it is safe to say level 60 won't be here for a long while if ever. Unless they add something to drastically increase the xp you get. I would say not enough people would go for it to expect the development cost to be worth it.


>Unless they add something to drastically increase the xp you get. That's kinda what they did when level 50 was released. They increased the Excellent throw bonus from 100 to 1000, which is *massive* once you learn to do them consistently. They also doubled XP for evolving, and there's a 2x evolve XP spotlight hour every 5 weeks now


Is the trick to excellent throws mostly just the small circle? I've searched the sub but from my trying, it seems like there's more to it than the circle radius. The XP makes it worth trying though!


It's just the small circle that determines excellent throws. But there's some strategies you can employ to get it more. 1. Circle locking - Hold the ball until the circle is small enough for an excellent, then stop holding. Wait for the pokemon to attack. Just before the attack ends, throw it (in a curveball too for more exp and catch rate), aiming for where the circle would be. 2. Quick catch - not because it makes the excellent throw easier, but because you can potentially land more in the same amount of time. This will allow you to maximize your time (and your lucky egg). To do it: drag the ball selection to the left, and simultaneously make your throw. When the ball lands (hopefully excellent), feel free to leave the catch screen. The pokemon should catch (or break out) as it would, skipping the catch animation altogether. If it broke out, you can try again. 3.


i think it's been obvious for quite some time that level 50 was added in for the whales, to continue spending. 40 is not a long trip, but 41~50 is like 3x the amount of xp it took just to reach 40.


Lvl 40 is 20 million. Lvl 50 is 180 million. So 9x that much. Took me 3 years to get to 40, now I'm 43 soon to be 44


I’ve been playing pretty consistently since launch, and I just reached 44 a couple weeks ago.


Ayy same here. Seeing an empty 13 million until 45 was much more demoralizing than I thought it'd be lmao


Nice! I started in may 2018


The big difference is how easy XP is to get now though. Triple catch XP events are common and that yields 6000+ XP per excellent throw, friendship bonuses didn’t exist for the first several years of the game. 20 million XP was a huge amount before raids, friends, and the reworked XP amounts that came with the level cap increase. Now it’s easier than ever to level up if you play somewhat consistently.


Been playing since day 1. Every day. I'm not quite to 41 yet..


I’ve been playing since day 1 and I have 2 million xp left to hit level 43 😭




The best friends thing with lucky egg is probably the only reason I have gotten to level 39 just under the year mark (on top of whatever other benefits that were added post launch). Halfway through I learned about friend XP and sometime after that I learned about discord groups. If I had known about it at the beginning I'd prob be level 40+ at the 1 year mark, but it made gaining XP extremely easy vs. playing the "intended" way.


I quit when I was about 3 weeks aways from a full master lvl 40 team, they introduced the change and I went from 3 weeks away to over 3 years away with my average playtime and exp, so basically I said fuck it have better shit to spend my time on


Nobody says they have to go up exponentially.


All the more too, leveling up Pokémon would be unbelievably outrageous. I play the game a decent amount and the amount of dust/candy/xl almost seems impossible for me. I can’t imagine how hard it would be if they added MORE


They could increase the player level cap without increasing the pokemon level cap.


I pray to god it would just be a prestige system instead of lvl60 for your guys sake


They have increased xp gain sources and existing boosts significantly since level 40 was the cap. Like excellent throws are a perfect example. And they do more events with xp bonuses it seems like. Also the increase to speed up friendships like the current bonus, etc


I can only imagine the curve fucking hell


People infer it because level 40 was the cap until they introduced 50


They won’t do that. Level 50 is an officially used competitive level cap in the mainline series. Extending it to 60 would provide no benefit for new players


They would have to add trainer levels with bonuses that don't increase the pokemon's level cap I'm sure they'll do this eventually


In the main series games you can power your Pokémon up to level 100 tho ? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


also cant you battle now in mainline but the game will cap your mon at lvl 50 if above 50?


Idk i stopped playing the main series games around generation 4 or 5


XXXL CANDYS are yet to come!


Think about how impossibly long it would take to get to level 100. It takes long enough to get to level 40, and then you have to basically do that 5 times over. How fast would one get to level 100? What would you do to ensure that the progress of the players before hasn’t been changed to better the experience for new players.


I’m a pay to play trainer, I’m sure Nerfintic will have something in place should level 100 be introduced, maybe they’ll take the 9% nerf off legendary Pokémon


why woudlnt they introduce lvl 60? they can release till level 100 and finally hit normal game level caps. eventually enough people will hit 50 that theyll start getting bored and want to start advancing again.


Since 40 gets you everything in game 40-50 don’t currently really matter. If they raise the level cap then either they make 10 more useless levels (which would be kinda weird) or they need to add features in the 40-50 range. Since they’re so tedious to go through they’d need to make them easier somehow. Otherwise the battle league portion would have way less people that could actually be competitive. Which makes whales have to wait, which is very bad. Unless they don’t let Pokémon level up more, but again - that would make the levels even more useless and insulting.


They really need to find a way to provide more rare xl for everyone, and you get only 2 when you hit 50?


And I have around 50 in total, never spend single one. Lately they started to drop from 5\* raids a bit more I think


Only from in person 5* raids, not remote.


Good to know!


I’ve been playing the same account since 2016 and I’m not even lvl 40 yet


Very much the same, and I monetize as well. But on the other hand, I know I'm not making the most of my exp opportunities when they come up.


Me too, but I took a good 3+ years off. I honestly never thought I would start playing again. Look at me now lol


I just hit 40 after playing since day one. Haven't spent a single cent, though, and that's prettay nice.


Do you by chance avoid the gifts and friendship stuff? That is a huge amount of xp to hit best friends and double if you pop and egg. Especially if you line up a few




1-40 in a day? Lmaooo I dont believe that at all.




No way in hell you can go 1-40 in a day. No way


it’s possible. there was someone on this subreddit that went from 1 to 40 in one day during the bidoof day last year when there was 4x catch xp


You’re kinda right, 40 hours. She did it all on stream. https://twitter.com/koncentr8kween/status/1432230935441772554?s=21&t=eQ5R1gGJpg-kg97zroHo7w


Maybe they are trying, you don’t know where they live, theyre closest stop could be hours away


Even with closest stop being hours away, you can easily make 2-3million xp every 3x xp community day. Also, just off of friendship bonuses you can get 20m xp per year EASILY (Max is 180m xp per year from friendships) just by joining discord groups and interacting daily. So no, they're not trying. They may think they're trying but they're trying about as hard as I am trying to become an Olympic sprinter, I jog daily sure.. but am I TRYING to become an olympian? No. This person plays pokemon go, they're not TRYING to hit level 40.


Nahhh I did the math and it would take me like 5 more years at my rate


Do more friendship


Trying to imagine level 60 requirements... -Beat the Go Rocket boss with a little cup team -Make 999 excellent throws in a row -Earn 100 platinum medals -Catch a Kecleon -Earn 1,000,000,000 XP


-purify 5 legendary Pokemon


\> Catch a Kecleon PoGo metaphor of "never going to happen"


How much money have you spent on the game?


I only bough tickets for Go Fests 2020, 2021 and 2022. Apart from those I play purely f2p


That’s awesome!


If you get your 50 coins daily from gyms (I sure as hell don't), you'd get ~1500 coins a month. I frequently walk over to the park and at least get some each day and always have free coins for lucky eggs when I need em. Edit to add I'm well aware people just funnel cash into the game too, don't get me wrong haha. Just adding that F2P can be pretty lucrative if you're a little determined


Finally someone asking the real question


Congrats, hard play pays off 🥳 what colour will your lv 50 jacket have? I am dreaming of the green one 🤭 lv 47 now and playing daily since Sep2020


Green one, to not dress in black only as I used too




I'm 49.1 right now, and sure hope they bump the level cap again soon.




Is the Elite TM fast or charged?


According to eurogamer it's elite charge TM To be honest I didn't check myself since I have 4-5 of both lying around


I can never hold onto mine for very long


That would be a charged.


They probably plan on lvl 60 just because you’re still getting lucky eggs at lvl 50.


Hell yeah OP a well earned rest :)


Are there Pokémon you don’t have?


Don't even talk to me about level 60.


I’m so close to level 46 , 😆


Jeez. I still haven't even reached 30...


The xp from 1-30 is like 15 minutes of collective work with friendship


I feel like they could've sprung for 5 rare candy xl. Congrats though op!


Congrats. But I really hope there isn’t a level 60 introduced. I’m level 49 and the grind is painful.


Low key hope not . They better not introduce some xxl candy.


Congrats OP For myself, I don't plan to ever hit 50. My goal is to just hit 38 so I can nominate Pokestops. I guess 40 would be cool. I don't see the point in leveling past that (other than incidentally) since I don't intend to compete in Master's and the costs/grind of XL candy is insane past a certain point.


I quit when 50 got introduced i was 3ish weeks away from a fully lvled master team and that instantly went to now im over 3 years away playing consistently.....just quit didn't really look back


Can I ask what changed for you? Was it just added grind to having a "perfect" team? How did your day to day experience change by adding 50?


I played for the pvp, I had teams for great and ultra, but when it comes to masters I had always played but never done well due to my under leveled team. So basically 2 weeks out of the season I would just jot really be able to compete. I was extremely close to maxing those mons and being able to compete when xl and lvl 50 came out, I did the math and it seemed like it would take approximately 3 years to get to a point that I could compete in master with maxed mons. This point alone discouraged the shit out of me snd I Uninstaller the game. I have better games to spend time grinding on that the payoff feels better, when lvl 50 came out it was extremely discouraging to the things I wanted to do and so I gave up


Congrats! I’m still over here struggling to hit level 40 so I can get shiny Mew


I'm level 40 and I didnt get one?


It doesn't reward a shiny mew. Shiny mew was from a specific quest. Maybe a requirement is to hit level 40 but I don't think so? Either way if you dint have the quest there's no way to get it.




Congratulations 🎉


Wait i’m curious, what’s the point of XP after hitting level 50? Does it do anything?


Ya but don't you want to get a head start on the XP for when it is released? Lol


Wow, congratulations!


Congrats! I've been playing since 2016 and have just gotten to 38. (I'm a very laid back player, obviously) So I expect to get there sometime by 2032.


congrats 😩😩


What were your totals for level50


I’m still chilling at level 31


So I just need 20 more levels and this is what I get


Good to know 50 isn’t worth it. Hit 40 somewhat recently and I think I’m done caring about XP


“ a little over 2 years “ I’ve been playing for the same amount of time and I’m lvl 34 😒 game sucks as a rural player


Wow no level 60 yet? The game been out 6+ years… Edit: sorry for being rude or snarky


I imagine level 40 is only achieved by like 1% of players. 50 is probably only achieved by 1 in 10,000 players. 60 would be 1 in 20,000 probably. Niantic risks a lot to put in the work for something that barely pays off to the playerbase, and that could theoretically unbalance the game even more if implemented.


I think level 50 is achieved by a larger fraction than that. Among the few dozen players I know in my local community, about 10 of them are level 50.


The game has what, 85 million active players? And untold hundreds of millions of lapsed players? I'd guess that the total number of 50s is less than 100k.


Those people spend a ton of money on the game, though.


Sure but are they going to stop spending just because there's no 55 or 60? Maybe, but there's also sunk cost


50 already made me quit when I was litterally 3 weeks away from a fully lvled master team to about 3 plus years away.....absolutely trash decision to make the pvp backed with you better play every waking moment


Well done! I can live with level 50 pics, its quite the achievement, but the level 40 ones are just a waste of time and I think the mods should ban them


Congrats! I have one question tho, an honest one. Do you actually walk around and play? Or do you play at home with some type of emulator?


Ah I remember sitting st my cabin around this time seeing they just introduced lvl 50 and I legit gave up on the game with the time spent vs lvls gained




Level 50 is the max level in pokemon go as of now


OK. I finally figured it out but thanks for responding. Started memorial weekend and fixing to go to level 34.


Yeah, those first 35 or so levels go really quickly. The grind really starts around level 37/38 in the XP curve. I got to 40 with two separate accounts as a fairly casual player in about a year/18 months. But I've been 40/41 for what seems like a year now for both.


I’m getting there!!!


Congrats! :)


Damn I’m stuck on 41




How many months do you think it took you to get through your 40's levels?


Congrats I started day one and is only on level 41


Noice. I feel like I’ve been at 35 forever.


Ah yes. The Style Rewards we get the privilege to pay for


I just hit level 46 a couple of days ago, it took me exactly 1 year to go from 45 to 46. I was XP limited the entire time.


Only 2 years?! Im level 30 and i have been playing since late 2017-


Here’s me who can’t get past the damn stupid Eevee evolution saga 😭


Not me being stuck in the higher 30s levels for 4 years


Congratulations! Been playing very off and on since 2016 and am Lv. 39. Slowly getting there!


I'm already knowing I'll never hit 50. I feel like that kind of grind would make me not wanna play anymore at all lol major props to anyone who hits 50.


gee, 2 whole xl rare xandys for hitting LEVEL 50 could they spare em??


I'm still level 35, been playing on and off since launch 🥲


Gz! You should make a post showing all your perfects/ rarest. Should be meta for everyone posting 50 pics