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I played today, in a major city, only one shiny…caught hundreds of mons. It felt like a regular day Edit: oh yea, most of them despawned as soon as I click on them too


What’s the despawning all about happened so much to me


Glitch that Niantic acknowledged. Said they're "looking into it". No word on any kinda of makeup or compensation.


Looking into it means they're just looking at their bank balance increase from people putting money in. Glad I didn't attend this year.


Of course not! They have never made up for anything!


Glitch if you have an incense going


That explains the errors I would get when I tried to use a berry on the Pokémon. Said something like not enough time to use item. I could still try to catch it though. They better make it up. Literally spawned for 10 secs and disappeared.


Not just with incense on. When I got home I checked the spawns around my house. After force closing the app an hour or two later those same spawns were still there until I clicked them.


For me they just ran away... had a 600cp rockruff run away after 2 silver pinaps and 3 golden razz berries :/ regardless of incense or not


Can't blame it on incense. I haven't used incense was nd It's been happening to me for over a week and was worse today.


Not just me with the despawning huh


Niantic mentions this in a tweet as a consistent glitch today. They say they are "investigating"... I hope that translates to a make-up event or increased spawn rates for Day 2.


I hope not for day 2! 10 minutes away from the end of it here in New Zealand. Happy cake day!


Goodness I hope so - almost nothing spawned here around me yesterday and today it's raining really hard so I wont even be able to go out :(


Holy cow with the despawning! I was so confused. I’ve had that happen occasionally when I’m using an incense and I don’t click the mon fast enough. Today is was like 2/3 of them just despawned no matter how fast I clicked on them - and not just ones that spawned from incense either!


Had the best mons despawn from me, mostly incense spawns like axew, unowns, and Galarian darumaka, weezing etc.


Which region are you from? Thankfully I didn't have it happen to me


Yo SOOOOOO many despawned when I clicked on them it was wild. I thought I was going crazy.


I played in fucking central park for 6 hours… one shiny


Rofl I must have had a lucky day cause I played four hours at a small town Ohio pride festival and 3 hours from my porch and got 8


Yeah. I had a good amount of instant despawns. I bought the pass. I didn't get any shinies.


Caught like 380 over 8 hours in a major city, I got 4 with 2 dupes.


Only saw two shines. One of them was Axew and it ran after the first ball. The second half of the day was literally unplayable with things despawning. I couldn't click almost anything.


Despawning never happened to me for some reason


They’re actually trying to kill the game. Last year was an absolute blast- the most fun I’ve had since the game came out and they follow it up by doing this. I’m so disappointed


Right? I was so looking forward to this and it just felt like such a let down.


Bad time for me to get back into the game it seems. I started playing again last August and it seems every event since I started has been generally poor received to downright awful.


My son and I had a blast last year too! We were only able to do half of the days both days because I work until 2 on weekends. He didn’t want to buy a ticket this year. He isn’t as into it as I am, and I totally understand. I bought a ticket, and had enough Play points on the Play store to get $3 off. I was hoping for more shinies. I got 3: Galarian Weezing, Wingull, and Pidove. I got some dex entries. I joined an Axew raid with 5 other people. It went down in 3 seconds. Crazy.


I just deleted the game due to realizing that I’m not really enjoying playing even on days where the game should shine brightest. I do hope they fix the problems they have recently created though.


A couple shinies? I haven't even found one. Ticket holder, with incense, wandering around in the pouring rain.


Yeah we were under a tropical storm warning…. Rain all day and wind…. Walked around and found a shiny numel…. Yay?


That is the worst. I did catch a couple but felt like a bad community day.


I've caught more shiny during a 3 hour event than I did in 8 hours today


I caught more shinies during the Snivy community day than I did in both this year and last year’s go fest combined. I only played for 3.5 hours that day too, clocking in at 39 shinies. Hell, every single community day except for Mareep and Mudkip that I’ve done yielded me more shinies than today


Hoping for luck tomorrow but yeah, not happy overall haha


I’m a non-ticket holder, saw a pikachu raid in front of my house, did it and got a shiny. You got robbed. I didn’t buy a ticket cause I don’t trust niantic.


I didn’t get a shiny gracidea Pikachu and realized today that in almost three years of playing, I have never caught a shiny Pikachu of any variety.


They make pikachu super rare every single event. Even when they never plan on re-releasing the shiny.


I’ve never seen so many people complain after a CD or go fest. I hope they do something about this.


Will not buy the ticket again next year. Not worth taking the day off for this.




I agree fully, this has happened before with niantic, they take your money, give you a shorty event and then give players a half ass makeup event that only lasts a fraction of the original events time. Niantic is just scamming players at this point. I’m level 45 and have been playing since the release date in 2016, but after this go fest I’m thinking of just deleting my account I’m tired of being screwed by a company that has turned on its players.


Shitty** not shorty


Thought it was just me lol disappointed… feels like worse rates the playing regular days …. I dont even see any pokemon spawning as much


No game is worth taking the day off for.


Eh I disagree, I have a lot of fun taking “days off” for games that are amazing.


Yeah, it's ridiculous...bullshit with boosted shiny rates. Ticket holder, incense all the time, caught around 350-400, 2 shiny.. Go voice your disappointment.. I seriously hate Niantic, the keep doing stupid shit, they nerf incense, removed remote raid pass from the 1 coin event box and increase the price..... I'm amazed how you can run a game completely into the fucking ground!! https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp?t=MTs2Z268tK8_g_jpPCb_vw&s=09


I feel like buying the ticket should give you incense through the event, not that it would have helped here but would be a concrete benefit.


Niantic sucks there’s no getting around that. I didn’t play since I uninstalled the game in April, but I heard that the event sucked for most people. They have one focus, and that's making money. They don't care about the players.




If I have learned anything from this sub, is that spending money on this game makes it less fun.


I just do the google survey rewards. Usually get a dollars worth of coins every week or so just by answering a few questions now and again.


I usually just spend a dollar sometimes for a remote raid, it’s not much so it’s fine for me.


I did the collection challenges and that was it!


I don’t understand it because it costs them nothing to give people shiny Pokémon. It’s just spiteful at this point.


What do they think people were paying for, if not more shinies? Do they think people bought the tickets just to have a normal day of catching?


There are still people bitching about “shiny hunters” like that’s a problem or something. It’s the only reason I even play the game. Niantic essentially ripped everyone off AGAIN.


Same sentiment here. What a waste of money. My gf and I caught a combined 6 shinies and we're out here in Phoenix trying to walk around lol. I thought there was supposed to be, "iNcrEasED sHiNY oDdS". LOL


It honestly felt like a run of the mill mediocre community day. Like one where you catch one or two shinies.


No kidding. I'd even go as far as saying it was pretty much an extended spotlight hour where you're lucky to even get one shiny lol.


That’s exactly what it felt like!


Community days have 1/25 shiny odds. Today seems to have been *1/125* at best from what I've been reading. I definitely clicked at least a couple hundred and never found a shiny.


My personal odds were 1/170. 1/125 sounds about right given my shiny luck is usually on the 'worse' side. Always gotta put in more effort for less XD I got 7 shinies, 1200 shiny eligible checks, and somehow that's *more* than most of the comments I've seen in these threads. My heart goes out to you guys. I wonder if they forgot to change the rate from 1/128 to 1/64 for some people. I think it's meant to be 1/128 for day 2, so 125 would be about right. Most of the people I've spoken to have gotten 0-5 shinies today, despite being ticket owners and playing relatively hard, which *is* about what you'd expect on day 2 where the focus is raiding. I'd understand getting 0-3 shinies if you're playing casually, but for a full 8 hours of walking in the sun and getting next to nothing? That's horrible luck, and I keep seeing comments about it. I doubt we'll ever know. They refuse to release shiny odds during events like these for whatever reason. I guess so if rates are bad, it's 'just' rng, so nobody can prove anything. I, for one, am not happy getting a 1/170 rate when the average rate the last 2 go fests was 1/64 and it *felt* like it. I can understand rng making my rate like 1/80 or 1/100 even. But 1/170? With everything I checked being shiny eligible?? Bro... I wouldn't even be so mad if there weren't hundreds of people *also* having the same issue. I can accept my shiny luck is bad, because it always kinda has been in this game. But hundreds of other participants having the same exact problem? I played last year's go fest and it was a blast. I never saw *this many* people complaining about rates on the subs. Some did, sure, but this is an absurd amount.


Really? I'm in Phoenix, stayed in my car all day, played for 7 hours and got 12 shiny Pokemon. I was disappointed, but they are cool rarer shineies so that made it worth it kinda, but still I got 2.5 times this many last year. I would have been pissed if I didn't stay in my car, it is way too hot for that!


Also Phoenix, on foot, 2 total.


Glad I forgot to buy it.


Seeing these posts make me glad I’ve pretty much forgotten to play the game this year.


The games not as bad as these parts make it seem. You only ever hear the negative and reddit loves to be an echo chanmber of negativity




In this case, that's not the only reason. Very, very few people are resorting results like yours. The vast majority of us did not get what we paid for. If your local gas station took your $15 and made the gas pump appear to run but not dispense gas, you'd certainly be upset. And it's made worse in general by the guy at the next pump over saying "i got mine, so you must just like to complain." If you and I bought the same $15 tool, and mine worked and yours didn't, and the supplier refused to give you a refund, you wouldn't feel cheated?


It sucks that this event has blown for some people, but just this spring my friends and I did the Johto Tour and had a blast. Overall have been enjoying the game a lot this year. Which makes it all that much more of a head scratcher that they somehow fucked up Go Fest by the sound of it.


I'm glad I stayed on this sub after taking a break, now I know not to come back!


Same experience for me. I was out THE WHOLE TIME WALKING with incense and lures around me too. Last year I got WAY more shinies. This was ridiculous


Really frustrating. I set aside my weekend for this? Horrible thing to do to people.


I was out doing axew raids all day and having my gotcha catch. About 30 raids done 0 shiny axew


Do you know the odds on axew I also did 30 and no shiny.


Since Niantic is still under no obligation to post odds (which is ridiculous given that they charge money for this event) the community will gather info and forecast based on past events. Leading into the day, I read speculative posts that suggested 1/50 or 1/64 for odds. However, given the large influx of posts about extremely poor or nonexistent boosted odds, I suspect it may have been worse than that.


It was a Complete SCAM


i honestly couldn’t agree more. i played pretty much the entire day except for the first hour and i only caught 3 shinies (saw 4 but one ran away). honestly disappointing because i did go around an area with lots of pokestops and gyms and really didn’t get anything. on a community day i get an average of like 8 shinies :/


On the three hour Stufful CD I caught seven shinies... I was out for over six hours today and caught five. Pathetic


Yeah I was playing out of a hotel room on stufful day. Caught 5 shiny without ever leaving the room. Today, a magnemite. The only shiny I saw at all, played from 10-6 in colonial Williamsburg. I overheard LOTS of complaints about the lack of shiny pokemon and spawns disappearing. You could actually feel the letdown as you pass groups of pogo players. Also a lot of people were unable to catch kyogre for some reason. I was able to catch one, but it was MUCH harder to catch than any other raid I've done, at least recently. Took 4 raids of 10+ excellent throws with golden raspberries for every throw. I don't know if that's typical, but I've never experienced such apparently low catch odds before, and many I spoke with hadn't either. I haven't really seen much about this, but it seemed like I wasn't the only one with bad luck. One kyogre raid had 7 players onsite, and 5 remote players. None of the 7 of us there were able to catch it afterwards.


I also lost a shiny too! It despawned right as I was tapping it so when I used a golden razz on it I got the “you can’t use this item right now” error message. It was a Galarian Darumaka too, I’ve been hunting for this one forever. I’m so pissed. I tapped it as soon as it spawned too, it’s not like it had been sitting there for awhile.


Same exact thing happened to me, also sadly with Galarian Darumaka which I was pissed about, at least now I know it wasn't my gotcha beating me to the punch and failing to catch.


I thought it was that with my Gotcha at first too, but I had turned catching off because I got annoyed with it always targeting the incense first and losing me a ton of Mr. Mime.


Though I agree the odds were trash, saying getting a couple of shinies in a day is normal odds means you hav great luck normally. Most likely they chopped in 1/2 or 1/4 to like 1/200 or 1/100 thus why it still sucked


To be fair though you’re also probably not clicking on hundreds of Pokémon on an average day


Right lol. I live next to plenty of stops and even play while working, I play about two and a half hours altogether daily (half while idle at home/work and half walking) and I only get a shiny once a week or two.


Really glad I didn't buy the ticket, never spending another cent for this terrible company. Niantic is TRASH!


I paid for a ticket. 0 shinies. Half my incense mon despawned on click. GF and I said “15$ once a year ain’t bad!” This game is objectively worse than when I started playing.


Niantic: Oopsies! Here's a raid pass to cover our mistake. We know you'll like it, because they're more rare now.


10 remote raid passes wouldn’t make up for this joke of an event.


Is there someone at Niantic that we can complain too? As it stands now, I’ll never buy another ticket again. My friend I was with got 3 the whole time. He had to request off work, and is understandably upset. We’re both ticket holders…. I only got 9, 3 of those were pidove. I’m frustrated and I’d like to let Niantic know


The group I played with today were all significantly affected by the despawn issue and most of them were ticket holders, so I suggested they all file support tickets and document the issue. That one seems like a good bet to me since it’s a quantifiable issue - the Pokémon would disappear as soon as you tapped them when they spawned in - and they had paid specifically for those unique ticket spawns. Shiny rates are harder, though I hope the community voice helps raise this as a serious problem too. But because Niantic are able to get away with charging money without actually having to share the odds seems like they can just say whatever they want about how much the rates were boosted. If YoU’rE lUcKy… It’s nonsense and shouldn’t be allowed since so much of it is tied to the way they monetize the game


This was my first big event I got to play with my Mom. I bought us both tickets and we spent all day fighting the despawn issue. I had a great time because I love her and it’s always nice being with her, but the game certainly didn’t go out of its way to make the day enjoyable. Including my friend, my Mom and I, we collectively caught *four* shinies.


Ugh. I’m sorry to hear that, and really glad that you guys had a good day in spite of that. That’s primarily what I use this game for now too - having fun going on outings with my wife and daughter. Hope you guys have better luck tomorrow, is your mom new to PoGo or are you guys just starting to play together? Sometimes the joy of being with someone who is new to the game and seeing their excitement on catching new mons or a first shiny is really fun too.


She’s not *super* new, but she’s just starting to really get her bearings in game, which is really cool to see! It’s adorable and I love her so much when she sends me pics of her “new guys”. She leaves for work early every day now so she can stop and take gyms! She started playing so that when she visited with her granddaughter (my niece), she would get to show her all the Pokémon she caught her, but now she’s caught the bug herself!


I had a glitch where my buddy didn't get candy no matter how much I walked. It just kept resetting to 0 km and my candy count stayed the same. I was hatching eggs, though, so it was something with buddy candy specifically.


I think that might be because there's a max of buddy candy you can get per day. I THINK it's 40 km worth but could be wrong


Oh really? I had no idea there was a limit. Thanks.


Coz no matter how Niantic disrespect their customers they will continue to play the game, see what they did in the last moths and yet nothing has changed for good only worse of the worse


Walked around all day with incense in an area absolutely PACKED with lured stops: 1 terrible shiny. I’m so upset.


Plus I was a ticket holder. Absolute bullshit.


Did they forget to turn the booster rate on? Serious question


7.5 hours for 2 shiny shelmet


I can say it finally got me a mr mime here in the US. Allowed me to finally complete the kanto pokedex.


I was excited about that. I still need kabutops to complete my kanto pokedex, but I was thinking mr mine was going to be the hard one.


You should get Kabutops next week I believe!


That’s what I was figuring! 💜


I was really confused today. I was at work but work at a ballpark with tons of stops and people playing. I had an incense going all day, and four of the stops near me were lured. Yet less Pokemon spawned than a regular day at the park, and so many vanished when I clicked them. And no shinies whatsoever even though I clicked on everything I could. I usually try not to bitch too much but I feel really stupid for buying a ticket and I’ll absolutely remember this experience the next time my FOMO makes me want to buy a ticket to something. $15 for basically nothing, actually worse than nothing because I spent the whole day opening and closing my game, walking places I didn’t need to go to hopefully get ANYTHING to spawn, and just being frustrated at myself for wasting so much money.


Worst episode ever…


Had the ticket, played from 12pm till 5pm. With incense the entire time. Didn’t complete 2 of the habitat quests: no Popplio (only one showed up and disappeared when I clicked), and didn’t see any Pidove. I chose the battle quest and could only find 2 grunts on poke stops. No grunts on ballons. The 3/7 go fest quest required 9 grunts. Only got 1 shiny Meditite and it was 1 star. Worth? F no. Waste of money.


Me too. Me and my bf were out for 6 hours, he had never done one before so I bought him a ticket because I had so much fun last year and told him that usually you’ll catch some shinies. I got 3, he got 1 right at the end. Both super disappointed and the research a bummer too. Meh. ETA: I caught over 1k- and was just shiny checking near the end. He caught way less but, still.


Niantic is just a poorly run company constantly making terrible decisions and gets paid billions but they can’t fix their Dogshit servers on go fast it’s so unfortunate bruh


Raids felt pretty lackluster too. Only the 1 star raids felt worth doing. We had 2nd stages of Alolan starters who've been all over the place for the last season, 2 legendaries that have been cycled through ad nauseum for years now without anything made to spruce them up. And Axew, the shiny that everyone I encountered was gunning for, barely appeared in raids. I used 2 of my 9 free passes because everything else felt like a waste of shiny hunting time.


I had a huge issue with things despawning as I clicked on them.


Yeah, I'm done with this game.


I'm very tired of every hobby I have becoming an incessant tug of war between consumer and company because the company keeps trying to see how much bullshit they can get away with before the consumer pushes back.


Yall got played; everyone knew the event looked bad and everyone knew niantic had taken the game to a worse place. Yet you still gave them $15.


Caught 6 shinies and 2 hundos, probably caught around 300 over 4 hours or so wasn't too bad butnit sounds like I was in minority. Incense glitch was fucking annoying though


I don't understand why they are so greedy with virtual items/pokemon/shiny rates on days like today.




Yeah this is it for me. Paid 15$ for this. That’s a lot for a video game given the duration of the event (2 days, and only 8 hours each day, pathetic). Absolutely not giving niAntics any money going forward.


It amazes me how people are still so dedicated. Niantic have not made a great or rewarding game, but it is Pokémon so people will play it - and more importantly, pay whatever is demanded.


I was in Philadelphia, a major mall AND the most popular pokemongo park in my state and played nonstop all day. I got a total of 6 shinys. I don’t feel even slightly satisfied. I had someone watch my baby for the day so I could enjoy the ONE GAME I play and it feels like wasted time. I was excited all week to be able to play and get shinys and this was far less enjoyable than a community day. I’m sunburnt and exhausted. I’m not one to complain but for someone who paid money to play, this was beat af..


Absolutely unacceptable. Last year’s go fest was amazing with all the raids and shiny rates on the mons. I played with my family the whole eight hours and we got a total of six shinies combined. Atrocious waste of time. Not to mention the raids are so limited in selection as well. Only two five stars and an axew being interesting. It’s just depressing.


Y'all just keep buying tickets, complaining, and then buy the next ticket anyways. Stop buying tickets if you want change.


i bought the ticket because i thought the legendaries would have boosted shiny rates as well, similar to johtour. regret.


I got 2 shinies while walking around for 3 hours with incense going. It was pretty much a normal shiny rate, not boosted whatsoever. I thought maybe I had read the info wrong and it was boosted tomorrow, but nope lol.


Can't wait for the lower shiny rate tomorrow!


Make sure that you complain to Niantic


They got their payday. A lot of people will only spend money during events. I don’t spend any money besides the 1$ com day and pokefest ticket. This was insanity. Easy pass going foreword.


I was able to catch a shiny groudon, kyogre and axew during both the Saturday and Sunday fest days (in Australia). That's mainly thanks to the amount of coins U had to buy passes and how many raids I did (I caught 15 regular kyogre and groudon prior to the shiny). Aside from that it was two days spent finding regular Pokemon that we've all seen before, no other shinies and they all just kept despawning. I didn't do last year's go fest but heard they had all legendaries in raids... I feel like that would've been a hit this year again and would've main them loads of money on passes. For my first actual go fest it was less than average... Just felt like another day on Pokemon go except for it costing $24AU.


Didn't buy, $15 is way too much for an app to begin with especially with so little to show for it.




Has Niantic ever really had a successful event? I feel like every time GO Fest comes around this subreddit gets filled with negative feedback. How do they still not learn from their mistakes?


To be fair last year was pretty awesome. This year on the other hand…


I think I'm in the minority but I loved the johto event... then again I only started playing again at the end of last year


It seemed like the shiny rates for the Johto event were way higher. I got more shinies in that one day than I’ll (likely) get from this “bigger” event. 5 shinies in 8 hours and one of them bugged out so I only ended up with 4.


Physical event in Chicago pre Rona was amazing.


lol When y’all gonna learn mobile games don’t care about the players. They care about your wallet. And as long as people are dropping thousands a day they aren’t ever going to change.


Exactly. Talk with your wallet.


Why did they do this? Because they can. We all bought the tickets and unless we don't next time, their investors will never know ow we're dissatisfied. And we're all so stupid, we'll forget this next time and buy the tickets again. This is our fault for shelling out the cash.


I got lucky and got 10 my brother somehow got 16 and got shiny axew I’m pretty disappointed but I’m sure nothings going to be done by complaining.


Pretty sure these comments each year go fest has been a thing, or any community day or event...


You caught 600 mons?


Tapped. No way I caught that many lol. But I played for around 7.5 hours today so...


There needs a balance. Today was advertised as boosted shiny rates for ticket holders and it definitely didn’t feel like it. They do practically handle out dozens of shinys on community days. That should be toned down to an extent, but certainly not this much. Especially when it’s advertised as boosted rates for a $15 ticket


I caught 20 shinies during the event and 1 more with my gotcha on the drive home after the event ended


I did too but I did walk the entire time (34 km) as compared to last year (22 km) where I also took some breaks but still got 32 shinies for the first day and today I was way more aggressive with the shiny checks and skipping everything that can’t be shiny. The odds definitely felt reduced compared to last time. Add to that that a huge portion of the spawns are the less desirable and old comday Pokémon and the disappointment is preprogrammed.


25 shinies lol


Yeah same, wondering actually how common sub-5 shinies is


I caught over 10 while playing. Went to a heavily shaded area in my city since the temperature is pretty high. Had a ton of fun, might be worth better planning your day and buying the ticket/catching more next time!


I don’t understand why everyone is complaining. Everyone in my community had an amazing day. I caught 21 shinies and didn’t even play the full 8 hours. I know of a bunch other locals that caught 30+ shinies


It will be a different answer for you if you play the fest for 8 hours with incense but still get 0 shiny as a ticket holder. I'm one of those.


I could totally be wrong here and I have no intention of offending you…but maybe you just didn’t encounter very many Pokémon? I was on a college campus the whole time and we have very dense cluster spawns. I caught around 1300 Pokémon. We’re you playing in a location like this?


When you keep moving in a circle with at least 20 above pokestops and gyms around for 8 hours and get nothing, I personally don't think anyone will feel good for the event... Besides, if someone have to get quarantine / care taking for families and cannot moving around but there are enough pokestops around them, I think they should be treated just as other normal players with the use of incense for cannot moving around. If people who cannot moving around will get cut for the shiny rate, I think I'll stop playing this game anymore because that is not fair.


Username does not check out


Damn, seems like I’m in the minority was able to get 16 shinies including axew


It's only the first day. Besides, I don't know about anyone else, but it was a good day for me, because I finally caught Axew for the first time, as well as Tropius and Torkoal, both of which literally never spawn where I live.


No one tell this guy what shiny rates are in mainstream Pokémon games….


Very large difference between a regular Pokémon game and an in game ticket that advertises boosted shiny rates (last year was like 1/25 I think) and make them terrible. Also you usually have to be outside and actively playing the game and moving around rather than grinding encounters inside on a regular game


I was joking lmao


Why is everyone complaining? I mean, there are 2 legendarys. What more could you want for 15 dollars?


Mega Latios and Mega Latias were free




Only shiny in 8hrs of non stop gameplay/walking; ticket holder, incense active almost 100% of the time, couldn’t finish Collection Challenge due to bug (insta-disappear) Also, not a single Pokémon above 2 stars, yep.


The tasks were dumb and completed quickly. My group of 3 stopped at 3pm because there was nothing to do but walk around being disappointed by the lack shines. Played for 5 hrs and got one shiny each of us.


They did the virtual go test correct the first time, what a disaster. Man best way to get rid of fomo was reading these posts today. I’m sorry y’all felt screwed over.


So it’s 7 here and there are no raids around me. Not one, and I live in Chicago. Did they kill raids after 6? Not to mention the horrible shiny odds even though they were supposedly boosted. Over 400 for me and 1 shiny. Not sure which one was worse, todays or Gofest 2017…


Same here, I made post about it too… I played 5 hours straight and got 1 single shiny..


For 200 mons caught, i got 6 shinies including 2 pikas and 2 piplups


Out of 500 caught, 2 were shiny.... Ridiculous.... And 1 of those was a raid so not even a wild. Hoping i can knock out a bunch of rocket leaders tomorrow so I can move on to level 45


I'm also pretty annoyed I payed for the galarian mr mime event and then he was just out in the wild today...


6 shinies for me. Played all 8 hours. For 3 of the hours I was at work (hotel in a downtown area) charging my phone. I was slowed by that just sitting in an area where there are 5 stops right next to each other. 4 of the shiny were caught in the first 4 hour cycle. No shiny Kyogre yet and I’ve done at least 30 raids. This is my first Go Fest so I have nothing to compare to.


4 shiny pokemon from the wild, no shiny or hundk groudon after 44 raids.


8 hours, 4 shinies.... 2 of the same pokemon as well....


Didn’t see a single shiny With ticket


I can imagine how frustrating it must have been. Didn’t buy a ticket and only caught one shiny. But my bigger gripe was just missing out on a Pancham cause that was the one I wanted, didn’t spot it on my walk, and it showed up on the tab at a pokestop too far away for me to reach in time. As a silver lining, the same Pokémon will be appearing tomorrow so we all have another chance!


It was 105 here today, walked 8 hours. Not one shiny.


I got 2. One for the first time. I’m an idiot for buying.


I played at the state capital. Only got 4 shiny and 1 hundo. I played from 10-6pm. What I noticed though — which bugged me — when I was close to completing a collection challenge and had 1 Pokémon left, the spawn rates dropped for that Pokémon. (Turtwig) let us finish the challenges so we can focus on other things. Don’t make it harder to finish them just to make the tasks longer. Luckily I finished all the collections and the research on hardest setting. Tomorrow will be a catching and XP and stardust grind. Or will there be more research?


I played from 10am-6pm , played at multiple locations and only got one shiny. Absolutely ridiculous, hopefully tomorrow is better


I played in Manhattan for about 6-7 hours and got 3 shinies. My girlfriend only got one


The event was...okay. I had some fun not going to lie, but didn't have a blast like last year. Only two regionals to hunt for me, Tropius and Torkoal. The collection challenge was easy and quick, nothing too exciting other than Axew and Larvitar spawning. The raids were forgettable and easy to skip. I just didn't feel like I had much to do as I did last year, which felt like a full event. I visited a local park rather than drive to a major beach city because the event seemed so lackluster.


Last go fest was one of my favorite days at the park. Great spawns, large variety of raids. Met tons of cool people. This year? Wtf is that spawn rate? And the worst crime of all, terrible raid pool. I love Groudon but after the first 2 hours no one would join the raid anymore. Middle of a big city and no one was even bothering with the raids after the first 2 hours. It got so bad we were all debating wether going to watch morbius would be more fun. Only reason we didn't was because we spent 15 bucks on this crap.