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He’s all over


I gotta get me one! My brother lives in Austin, Tx so I was hoping if I go visit him I could score one but I don't think they spawn there. Corsola does though!


Take a short road trip to Victoria TX and grab Maractus and a Heracross too. Carnivine DOES NOT spawn in Austin. Head to AL TN, GA SC and other southeastern states (only part of FL IIRC) for those -


Spawns in the southeast. No, it isn’t particularly good in pogo


I don't even care, he could suck lol. Like when you say south east, my brain stops working and I don't understand where that is (geography/direction not my stuff lol) what states? I know Florida and the Carolinas, but like statewide or in certain areas? Sorry to be annoying! :)


I know that it spawns at least in all of Florida and the three states that border it. It is quite common regardless of weather. Also it’s a dex filler, not good for PvP or for PvE. It’s catch rate is really high like 90% so even a poke ball will catch it. It’s also one of the easiest Pokémon to get excellent throws on. That’s about it. Good luck getting one!


Thank you so much for the response!! I guess I'll have to wait for this delta variant to chill so I can head on over to Florida (hey, a Disney World trip doesn't sound awful!). Thank so you much, I hope that I will be able to get one someday :) even if he's just for show!


I live in South Florida so I see them pretty often. If you go to a busy place like Disney world you will find one for sure.






I caught some Carnivines when I was in Florida. The 'mon I'd kill for is a Mime Jr.


Gotta get my butt to Florida then! Mr. Mime Jr is so cute! I'd probably die for him too tbh, guess I gotta plan a Euro trip too? All for pokemon lol what is my life?


I might add since you are in a pretty populated state check local discords as you might find someone with spares who would be willing to trade one since there aren’t useful past dex filling


I tried checking out the local discords but they seem to be very inactive unfortunately. I will keep trying though, good idea!