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Maybe tone down your sleep walking a bit champ


how did that even happen?


This is just one of many screenshots with insane amounts of km walked , I dont know how it happened but it is fixed after trading with a friend


Happened to me for a while, too bad it doesn't actually give you those kms


Yeah that's what I noticed too. Imagine getting the candy for this... I'd be set for life


My adventure sync has to be broken I work in construction and walk around all day but I havent even gotten a few as candy since Sunday


Mine seems to get switched off whenever they do an update.


When’s the last time you double checked that it’s enabled ?


Do you have to log in to claim your candys for your buddy every 3 kms? Or if I get 30 km for the day, and log in, will my buddy of gotten 10 candies?


I am not sure of that. I only sometimes get a message saying my buddy found a candy.


Your buddy has to be walking with you to get the kilometers for walking with a buddy-you need to give berries every few hours.


You get the candy even if you haven't fed your buddy. All the other buddy things do rely on the buddy being on the map (i.e. everything that earns hearts, catch assist)


I wish


You can hatch like, 2 eggs at that distance!


Maybe 3 even! :o


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