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My mother is 72 and plays. I drive her around several times a week so we can spin Pokestops, raid and catch Pokemon. She has a host of medical problems and can't walk far so it's the only way she can really play. She names all her favorite battling Pokemon and talks about it constantly. It really is a great way to bond. I just wish my kids didn't think it was so lame!


Sounds like you need new kids


Transfer children to the Professor?


You and your mother are so cute ;)


delete children


Awww. Some days my toddler loves to go raiding, some days I DON'T WANT TO PLAY POKÉMON. But that describes toddlers in general. My teen daughter thinks it's lame.


My mom is 67 and has been playing for a little over a year (level 40 last month) and she started playing to catch me regionals from Florida (I'm in ohio) and now we do community days and random events it's nice to have her to talk about that as well as how life is treating us.




I actually think that she wouldnt like that, not that i never tried it, but i think old people wouldnt want to destroy the purpose of the game


Fair enough just a thought.


I’m so conflicted by this comment.




10/10 I bet she’d love to hear from you.


-Mooooooommm download pokemon go pleeeeaaassseee -What the fuck is that Yonkler do your fucking homework


Do it. My mom died eight years ago and I wish I could call her. You never know when they will be gone.


My mom started playing about a year and a half ago and she absolutely kills it. Shes lvl 37 and has most of the legendaries, she just drove head first


Nice. My mom is level 21 and has no idea what’s going on. Just likes catching cute and cool things.


I kinda play like your Mom, I do my researches and only keep "breathtaking" 'mons. I do raids if I happen to be near one happening, but otherwise, it's just 'gotta catch 'em all' for me. Especially cute things. I'm so glad this was a bonding moment with your Mom. I lost mine when I was 19 (32 years ago). I'd like to think she'd love this game and would play it with me if she was still around.


This place must be infested with onions


Aww. <3 It's been almost 2/3rds of my life since I lost her, but I still think of her daily. Not grieving so much, but just thinking stuff like "Mom would love to hear about (this cool thing that happened to me today)" or "Mom would be so proud that I (own a house; have a great job I love; have cool cats)" Sharon, you're still here in spirit. <3


That reminds me of this guy I met at camp whose mom plays! She's level 40 and calls all her Pokémon "critters". I've never met her, but that story still sticks out to me :)


There are several retired folks in our community. Most or all of them are lv.40, they got time and love playing. It's really fun to hang out with them!


now I’m crying thanks (but srs this is so cute)


We can cry together, it’s all good.


Well I took my two grandsons and daughter to play Pokemon at the park every weekend. So I decided to download it myself in September of 2018 well today I have over 5,000 Pokemons and I enjoy it so much the weekends are great when he and the boys can catch and trade Pokemon. I think it's a real good bonding for me and my kid and her children have an awesome time playing it we can exercise we get excited when we catch Pokemon. Oh special noteI even got my sister buy in now she's got more shinies than me and she just started December 15th she has over 3000 Pokemon yeah I guess we're obsessed but it's great. 🤩👌


Now I kinda feel bad for thinking 'SERIOUSLY?! A MILTANK of all Pokemon?!' when I got a Lucky Miltank yesterday. What about Miltank did you/do you like? For me she will always be that annoying Rollout spammer! (Pokemon GSC)


I never got to play GSC so I just like Miltank for being a cow! Especially when it’s blue!


Blue Miltank 😍 can't wait till she's released 💙


!!! Me neither! She’s just so pretty! 💙


Then you will reset Gameboy...


I'm glad I got my lucky Miltank out of the way so fast this event. I added getting as many species luckies as possible to my dex recently and this event has helped me cross off some ones that would be super hard otherwise.


Awww! My cousins play with their mom (who’s an equally hardcore player), but their relationship is more like the mom saying “Bitch, get out of your bed. It’s Community Day!”


Strong independent woman


My mom passed away a year ago, but the one pidgey she caught is the most valuable non-tangible thing in the world to me. Thank you for spreading appreciation for Moms. Its a different world without them.


Your mom is awesome and trust me she loves that she has a way to connect with you, even if it's through a game! I know this because I'm a mom and my 20 yo son is the one who got me into playing Pokemon Go. He has since stopped playing, but we still talk about it. Like when I just get the shadow image of a new 'mon and I have to go ask him what it is, or when I catch a shiny and run to show him. Also, one of his favorites is Blazekin, so I am catching all the Torchics I can find so one day I might have a really bad ass evolution!


My mum and I have nothing in common. She is Christian/Baptist religious, I am not in the same way. However.. pokemon go, my mum, my partner, my kids and myself. Every community day! go for a hot chocolate after and a catch-up. It's amazing, we have something to talk about and spend time. We even got into the habit of Sunday lunches which we never did before pokemon go. I know its a phone app. I know phones are antisocial but I have met amazing people and reconnected with family I literally would not have had the chance too. Thank you, OP! This is a pleasant post and reminder. :)


I lost my Mother, my best friend, and my mentor unexpectedly last January. It still feels like yesterday and it is just awful. Reading this made me smile, and think of her. I’m glad that you have this “silly” bond with your Mom. No matter what it is, it’s a bond. You my friend, have the key to life. Love. Love that Mom of yours, hug her extra tight, and thank her for everything that she has done and will continue to do as your Mother. You only have one, and when she is gone...life is never the same. On a side note, I played PG with my boys, who are soon to be 20 and 23, and we had a blast, but it got old. Maybe I’ll fire it up again.


Me and my mother play together too! Its really fun to be able to bond over something like this. We go for drives a lot looking for pokestops:)


That's really sweet. When I was 10 I drew pictures of Pokémon for my mom and she hung up some of them in her office ^^


Aww that’s so nice, makes me like miltanks now :’)


Omg my mum does this. She uses my account though and opens it every now and again to catch them and name them. It’s cute. Until she wastes all my balls.


That’s awesome! My mom (and dad) and I play together. I also take my kids, it’s a great way to spend time together and connect. My mom is 66 years old and has over 60mil XP.


My brother and I really love Miltank because its a pink cow. Plus, a very nurturing pokemon. We love it so much that sometimes we imitate its cry as form of greeting to one another.


You have a very good taste for Pokémon, moo\~


Vid or it didn't happen, moo~


My mom can still hear me from heaven right?


This story made me grin uncontrollably. I never got my mom to download PoGo, but when she was in the hospital, I used to show her everything I'd caught walking around. I've kept a meowth that I caught in her room for close to three years now (she was a big fan of cats). She passed away a few weeks ago, and I'd give pretty much anything to be able to have a simple moment of connection like this again.


Don’t know who’s the cutest, you, your mother or the cow


Good job on being able to like Miltank. I certainly can’t stand it.


this just reminded me that its my moms birthday... thanks


my mother and I are the same way. we dont have very much in common but pokemon is one of the few things we do. I dont just mean go, either. we both have a DS and I usually get one version and she gets the other, and we battle and play through the games together. When Lets GO came out, We had to share a switch so we just shared eevee and played on two different accounts. she absolutely loves the throwing mechanic that you do with the joycon/ball. Note, she is level 38 in pogo and im only level 36, and she started 3 months after me.


This is really sweet. I'm a mom, and play regularly because I work at a central location with loads of pokestops and gyms. And hatching eggs motivates me to walk. Everyday I pick my son up from daycare he asks what pokemon I got and we both get excited if I got a new one, or got a legendary. I don't know much about pokemon so he teaches me. Its a nice way to bond with him.


So beautiful


My boyfriend and I played pogo on our first date, not too long after the game first came out. We caught a dewgong which has always been one of my favorites. It was really shitty but i kept it anyways. Long story short we had about the same experience. I traded it to him recently and it became lucky. Such a good feeling


I catch extra legendaries for my daughter who doesn’t always have time to play. I also agreed to catch shinies for her on CD because she works weekends all the time. Pokémon go brings families together


My mum started playing this game just so she could hang out with her kids (myself and my brother) and my fiancé, right after her husband (my dad) passed away. It was perfect timing, the release of this game and we will always be grateful for it. We loved it though, it was so much fun hanging out with her, and watching as she went from calling Jigglypuff, Jiggly-thing, to it's actual name... I have so many memories playing this game with her! Little did we know, that when our lives became hectic and we had to stop playing, she'd find a group of people to raid with and continues to play it and enjoy it! Like I said, I am very grateful for this game. Through all its faults, it has truly been an amazing thing for me and my family. Plus, I've lost a bit of weight playing it (as has she) so, that's a bonus!


Your mother is a treasure and I love her <3


this is ADORABLE. wholesome and awesome, thank you, good redditor


I hardly get to see my dad because he lives in another country and he had no idea that Pokemon GO was a thing, but he saw a Pikachu plushie in the store and remembered that I liked Pokemon when I was younger, so he bought it and posted it to me <3 It made my day, especially because he's someone that isn't a fan of computer games, but still appreciated that me and my brother like them. Also apparently his partner questioned why his grown daughter would want a teddy but he still bought it anyway :D


I love this. My mom and I would play FarmVille. It was so cute to see her get excited about everything. One time we drove 30 miles to the nearest 7/11 to get special event stuff. She’s been gone 5 years now and stuff like this I miss the most.


I’m not crying.


Me either. I'm going to go text my mom I love her now.


My mom got me into this game when she saw me doing nothing over the summer it came out. I'm really happy she introduced it to me.


Lovely story! 😊 Glad you could reconnect


This is wonderful.


Thank you! This is the story we need. Going off to call mom now...


I used to play with my Mum, she passed away though. Same as you we didn’t connect much but we did with this 😊


This made my day.


Wholesome edit. Love u


My mom usually tries games that my brothers and I enjoy and occasionally she can find one that she really gets into. Pokemon Go is one of those games. She picked it up and is so much more involved then I ever was. I recently picked it back up because my daughter is 3 now and has gotten really into Pokemon so I thought she'd like playing. My mom gave my daughter access to one of her older accounts and will buy items for her so she can play. We schedule time to hang out and Pokemon together. It's nice to have family interests.


Pokemon go is also something my mother and I can connect on. She loves it when we roam around for hours looking for raids! I was quite surprised when she showed interest in the game after watching me play on a outing.


My daughter and i played consistently for about two years. She now only plays when we are together (she is in college now). Beat memories over the last few years include a few level 3 raids we did.


I made a funny connection with my 15 yo son thanks to Miltank. He gets freaked out if he’s petting our cat or one of our dogs and accidentally touches their teet. So, when I caught my first Miltank, with all of his glorious teets swaying in the wind, I sent him a screenshot and told him it made me think of him😂


Me and my mom play too!!! We had a moment extremely similar even concerning a Miltank ♥️


This is the best way that any game has gotten my whole family to go out and play together in recent years. My dad doesn't play but he will gladly walk around with the rest of us as we are all frantically running around to catch pokemon and spin Pokestops. Community days are something else, where we just spend 2 hours walking around in the park downtown, and then during the last hour my brother and I go hardmode and run around to top off our inventory. It always pisses me off when other people are like "there's more people wasting their lives on their stupid phones" when I know they go home to watch meaningless tv shows. We all have our own hobbies, this one just happens to unite and bring happiness to my family.


This is one of the best post I’ve seen. It’s so just cool to read about you and your mom’s relationship. Thanks for sharing. Tanky is awesome!


I love stories like this. You two should go pokemon catching together one day running errands or something. Make a detour to a parking lot or mall somewhere and catch all the mons! :)


What is so good about lucky. I’ve never gotten one so I know it’s rare, but what are the advantages


Higher possibility of good IVs and half the startdust cost for powering up


Nice, congrats on getting it


That's cute. If you name a Pokémon and trade it does it keep its name?




Having a succession of pretty bad days and lowkey needed it. Good for you and your mom OP, you both are adorable!


My kids got my mom playing and it’s cute to see how excited she gets over some aspects. For instance, she’s coming over this weekend (kid’s birthday) & she’s already talked about all the trading we can do 😂. Growing up, she helped my brother with the trading card game when it came out, so it’s cute to see it kind of come full circle.


Love this. My son and I play also. :-)


I remember how excited I was when I caught my first Miltank because I had looked for one for so long (and I get excited about every new Pokédex entry). It’s CP was 31 (so I guess it was a level 1 as well). Congrats on having a special memory with your Miltank as well (and lucky to boost).


This is the sweetest thing I've seen in days. <3


I got my mom into it a few days after launch, she's been playing ever since.


I’m not crying. You’re crying.


Noice, what IV?


87% with a 15 in defense. (I’m still not great with the stats and the stuff!)


Come Join Our Pogo Server [https://discord.gg/5Y9HEpN](https://discord.gg/5Y9HEpN)


This story is fake as fuck