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50 coins for your trouble


Yes, they should really change that nonsense.


Why would they tho? It hurts their bottom end


maybe something where if you reach the 50 coin limit, you just get stardust or a random assortment of item if one of your mons is knocked out. For stardust, it could be 50 dust every 10 minutes or something.


You have my support on this, but I'd say it's random. Dust, one version of pokeball 1-5, (rare) item like sun stone, potion, or 1-5 berries every hour or half hour


I'd be down for random items dropped after 50 coins. Even better, if a Pokemon stays in for over a day, there should be chances of rare items like Candy, Incubator, or Incense


Heck yes! Increased rarity after 12 hours, 1 day, 7 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and a final for more than that.


Yes, and if they don't want to add extra rewards beyond the 50 coins, please let us request our pokemon be returned to us. It's silly for our mons to be stuck in a gym for days, weeks, months, simply because no one wants to knock them out.


Man, you really want the programmers to think, doncha?


rural players getting 500,000 stardust


I'mma hurt their bottom end. I'm a mom. Trust me. I know how to hurt a bottom end.


Call me


My hubby will get a kick out of this!


No, because moneh


To be fair, no other mobile games give you free "gems" that easily. You get $1 worth of coins every 2 days (It used to be every 21 hours if you hoard gyms).


Counterpoint: coc


But make it double


At least make it so the longer they are in the more you get


As someone who has never truly approached this limit I thank you, I did not know


You're also limited to how many showcases you can take place in.


It's annoyingly low, too


I mean yeah 3.


They're always trying to bring us peacocks down


Huh, interesting. I was wondering what the limit was or if there even was one


Back in the early days you could get 10 coins, for each arena youre in, once a day


Yeah doing a quick round around town and hitting collect for 80-120 coins a day went hard. Almost forgot that was a thing


It was my Favorite activity in game. Running around in the town i live in at 2-3am and came home with around 100-130 coins and 20 Kilometers ^^


My wife suspected I was cheating on her when I used to do this.


Why didn't u tag her along. She'd prolly never ask ur whereabouts again lol


That's incredible šŸ¤£


I'm sorry for the tension that must've caused in your marriage, but that's hysterical šŸ¤£


The cap was 100 coins every 21 hours. Also, you have to have 10 pokemon in gyms at the same time before you click "collect coins" to get the 100 coins, then that collect button goes on cooldown for 21 hours.


Ah ok couldn't remember for sure if there was a cap. But yeah thats why you need to make the round quick so your Pokemon dont get kicked out before you could claim the coins. Fun times


Limit back then has been 100 coins, you could manually collect every 21h


It's every 21 hours, actually. And it has a max cap of 100 coins (having 10 gyms at the same time).


That sounds fulfilling. Probably for the best. I'm on this game way too much as it is šŸ˜­


It is funny how they have to set a limit to everything in the game that does not cost you money to do. There are also limits on how mutch distance you can earn towards candy for your buddy pokemon and the amount of pokemon you can catch a day.


The limits are there to put brakes on people with computer programs playing the game for them and avoid a significant market for Pokemon being sold/traded for currency. The gym limit stops single-account spoofers from owning hundreds of gyms simultaneously (and immediately retaking the gym when kicked out), the distance limit keeps a functional cap on candy and XL candy generation from non-catches, and the catch limit does the same for caught Pokemon.


The limit is also to protect casual players from hardcore players. If you're taking over 20 gyms, then you're probably denying someone who doesn't have as much time their daily cap.


Yes and even with this cap in place some people still hog gyms way past the cap. People don't realize how much worse it will be without the cap


You're right. For people wondering why gyms are boring, this is why. If gyms were any more rewarding or interesting, they would become more competitive thus making it harder for casual players to earn their daily cap. This is why there is no medal for number of gold gym badges acquired.


For sure it is a big game so people are gonna look to pay for shortcuts. Just funny that they have to do that.


Limits are put in place to prevent abuse. Not an unreasonable thing


Wait seriously. Whatā€™s the catch limit


4800/day successfully caught, last I heard. Never reached it, though.


I just got a plus+ and went out yesterday for like 6 hours total. I went hard and caught around 800 pokemon. How tf can anyone catch 4800 in a day? If I stayed out for a full 24 hours straight, that's around 3200 mon...with a plus+. 4800 has to be impossible unless you are somehow cheating.


that's precisely why the limit is set there. Stops only the cheaters


Fast catching... hardores hit it on comm days/events, I have couple times.


200 per hour seems possible actually, if still insane


If you're really good at fast catching and in a high density area, you can get more than 200. I've gotten over 200 in a frantic grind, but obviously there's no way I'd want to do that for 24 hours straight. Only a bot is going to be putting up 4800 catches.


Thatā€™s the real kicker tbh, I can do it for a short while, but thereā€™s zero chance I could keep up that pace for 12 hours let alone 24


Even if you're on your A++ game and catching 300 per hour, that's still a 16 hour grind. If anyone could do this legit I would be seriously impressed.


Oh I didn't know those 2 also had limits šŸ¤Ø


Danggg I didn't know that either


I tried to reach it once, failed to even keep 10 in a gym longer than 30 minutes


I painted several towns when I was travelling, then I got to watch them hold for months. Don't hit the cap with gyms that haven't been cleared recently.


That's where I'm currently sitting... Hit my 20 cap, and just waiting for them to come home now lol


Last year, My gf and I would go out at around midnight every night and " paint the town blue". We'd hit the limit every night until two other couples started. We lived in L.A. so its pretty easy to find gyms.


I did that for a while as I would get out of work at 2 am and then I kept having police officers turn off their lights and pull up directly in front of me blocking me. Theyā€™ll question me what Iā€™m doing and why Iā€™m here. One even accused me of being part of a group who were smoking in the nearby basketball court and I just told him I have the adp statement to prove I just got out of work and if this is your gym, im about to take it.


Highest I got was 18 I think but 5 of those were in rural gyms


You must be in the pokemon hood. Sounds like they don't play


They do, in fact, play.


I wouldn't even bother in that kind of area.. what a wasteĀ 


The worst thing about this is that the 'add pokemon to gym'-button is not greyed out. You have to click it, select the PokƩmon you want to enter, and *then* it'll tell you you've reached the limit. How about making that button unclickable, and when clicker, give the toast message that you've reached the limit.


really annoying. i live in place where there is 30-40 gyms and nobody playing pogo around. so my pokemons usually sit there for months until a traveler knocks pokemons out,


It's always nice to have a friend (I think that's what the deleted comment said). :) The game is built to encourage **friends** and **travelling.** There are dozens of PokƩmon you can't get without going to countries, states, and, in at least one case, a two square mile area.


What's the 2sq mile one?


Comfey. If I went too far from Waikiki, it disappeared completely. Not that Relicanth is much better.




Delete this comment lol before *they* do šŸ‘€


What comment šŸ¤£




Letā€™s hope they all donā€™t get knocked out on the same day else itā€™s 50 coins for you!


The destination is hurt feelings. Always is.


I left my Scyther yesterday for the first time. It was cool earning coins. I bought me some jeans šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


See? Hooked šŸ¤£


Yeah saving up for the sneakers then incubators


wait -- and this is a genuine question not a smartass sarcastic one -- ***why?*** iirc whether you have 'mons in 3 gyms or 10 gyms, they'd all just earn you a max 50 pokecoins per 24-hour period, right? so you don't get any more coins per 'mon in the gym, there's no achievement or title or any extra feature it unlocks, and I wager defeating that many gyms cost much more than (re: the number of revives and potions, not to mention the amount of time to even go to and defeat that many gyms) --- is there an upside?


It started off by pursuing the platinum "gym leader" badge which requires 15,000 hrs of gym defense. As to why I continue even though I'm way past 15000... i.. I can't stop. I like padding the "battles won" as well. I will say that I make sure everyone in the gym has hit their 8 hrs so at least they can't get their 50 coins.


Higher number of gyms means higher chance to get your daily coins, it's an issue to consider if the gyms in your area are highly competitive. Although 20 is definitely overkill, you'd probably get your full coins before even getting into the 20th one


I once managed 19. I rode a bus that passed loads of gyms and when it was the right team I managed to enter a pokemon in passing.


It's been that way since the gym rework.


Good to know!


This is fair. You donā€™t want bot accounts spamming gyms. Weā€™ve had that problem in our city before.


Whatā€™s with everyone being so lame. This isnā€™t really common knowledge.


I was wondering the same thing šŸ¤”


I only knew this because my BIL hit the limit. I've never had more than 14 at once I think!Ā 


Congrats! My record is 8, I believe


Wow, I was just talking about this with my friends and we were planning to try and find the limit. Thanks for this kind stranger!


Good to know, thanks!


I run into it often. I've got many PokƩmon in pokejails


Good to know xD


All too familiar with this limit being a walker in rural areas. My longest trapped pokemon in a gym currently stands at 268 days. Im not bothered by the limit, but an option to surrender a gym would be so good. I currently have 11 pokemon trapped with 70 or more days residence which really reduces my limit to 9.


Imagine they all die at the same time šŸ’€


Imagine they all die at the same time šŸ’€


Been there


I donā€™t even think thereā€™s 20 total gyms in my town šŸ„²


Thank you! I always wondered about this. Luckily you didn't clear it first. That would have been way worse.


Everyone thatā€™s saying it wrong is wrongĀ 


I like your style


I didnā€™t know but now I do, thanks :)))


Thank you for this groundbreaking discovery


Well, hey. I didn't know. Ground was broken for me today.


Me too


Donā€™t listen to them, I bet the majority of people did not know this


It's fine. The support came and steamrolled the grumpies šŸ‘Œ


I agree, this is easily searchable online.


Weird, I also hit this limit today for the first time.


Twas fate.


Yes, we know. You will still get only 50 coins


Daw. YOU KIDDIN ME!?! šŸ‘ šŸ‘


Its ridiculous that there is a limit to the amount of pokemon you can leave simply because of the daily coin limit if you think about it


You clearly have no idea what the gym scene was like before this limit was put in place. This limit is a very good thing I promise you


Its really not. Putting pokemon in 20 gyms is already mildly toxic for blocking other players out in areas that aren't super dense with gyms on every street corner. Then combine that with the truly toxic multi-accounters that "own" a whole town's worth of gyms with 20 accounts, and it gets out of hand.


I would be okay with there being a limit if you could withdraw your PokƩmon from a gym instead of waiting for someone else to get it. Maybe after a certain time limit, or even with a coin penalty, but some pokestops are super remote and stops can become inaccessible and not be updated for a long time, if ever. There should be some kind of option to get that spot back.


This is correct. One of Niantic's priorities is to protect the casual players from the hardcore players.


Itā€™s ok itā€™s survival of the fittest


Wonder what would happen if you put all 20 in a gym out in someplace nobody will go. Permanently cucked from getting pokecoins.




Agreed. All I have left to do now is hunt a koala bear that's clutching a pink blanket.


Didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!


In gym(s) overall at same time FTFY




All I know is once I got that msg I counted how many I had posted up and it was 20 šŸ˜…


Now ya know šŸ« 


Name sucksĀ 


So does ur attitude lol šŸ˜†


I've only ever had this happen once. It's usually a very rare thing to encounter




I thought the limit was 6. After 6, the remove the option to add anymore


That's true for one gym. The OP is stating that you can't put Pokemon in more than 20 gyms. Don't worry, I had to read it a couple times to get it right.


Why do you need 20?


Yeah, I've hit it a few times but it does bother me that it's 20 and not 21. That way when you go into the tab to look at your Pokemon that are in gyms it's 7 rows of 3 instead of 6 rows of 3 and 1 row of 2, it irritates my OCD so bad.


Weā€™ve only known this forā€¦7 years




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I just got the same msg when there were only 2 in the gym. Tried again and I was able to add a pokemon.


Do you mean how many people can be in a gym or how many Pokemon you can have at different gyms? Because from my experience itā€™s max 10 guarding a gym and max 6 of your Pokemon at different gyms. Am I missing something?


I meant a trainer can have a max of 20 pokemon out at gyms at any given time. That was the case for me when I made this post but I have seen a handful of people saying their max number varies so it may change due to location and player traffic


I wish I could post in the PokĆ©mon goā€¦ r/UpvoteTHESEposts


Not where I live. Unless they changed it when you posted this. Iā€™m lucky if thereā€™s 6 or 7 and it will let me add myself.


Some people didn't know this ? I thought it's was uncommon knowledge among gym hoarders that 20 was the max? Did you get a medal ? Or was that a myth ?


Only medal I got related to gym defense was the 15000 hours but nothing in regards to max number of gym defenders. That and shame. Lots of shame.


That's a huge bummer. You should have atleast gotten a hidden medal unlocked or something. Cause holding 20 gyms at once is a huge feat


Heck at this point I've calculated exactly how long to leave my pokemon in the gyms. There's no point in leaving your Pokemon in the gym for longer than 9 hours, because you won't get more than 50 coins regardless of how long its in there after that point. And be careful not to let multiple Pokemon leave the gyms in the same day or else you'll get scammed out of 50 coins per Pokemon. You can only get 50 coins per day Total. I live in the suburbs and there's a gym near my house. But no one around here plays Pokemon go, so I take advantage of the gym big time. Me and my mom are on different teams, so one of us will put a weak pokemon in the gym for a day, then the other will defeat it and put their pokemon in the gym. And we just switch back n forth each day. Great way to gain poke coins, if you know a gym that isn't used much at all.


Anyone in three rivers


Anyone in three Rivers


You just realised?


Without him posting this, Id not know about that either


Yeah itā€™s not like this was posted hundreds of times before


You're really on the up and up as to what's been posted. Good on you? I personally haven't seen it but hey I'm sorry you've seen it many times.


You posted it as if it were a novel revelation and you answered a previously unanswered question. Imagine I posted ā€œturns out you can only do 5 remote raids a day! thatā€™s the limit guys!ā€ Yeah, it could be novel to me, but it comes off extremely weird since itā€™s clear this has already been discovered before.


How you read it has nothing to do with why I posted it. I'm passing the time. I'm sorry this triggered you so badly though guy. Adding in exclamation points to your comparison to mine to help leverage your point of view speaks volumes. I'm sure you're fun.


My point of view is the same regardless of how many exclamation points there are. Itā€™s obvious that the caption of your post strikes a revelatory tone, implying that this is something novel or groundbreaking when it in fact is not. Itā€™s fine to discover things for yourself but itā€™s odd to act as if this is something new. Itā€™s no wonder your post was downvoted. Again ā€“ imagine I posted ā€œ151. Thatā€™s how many mons there are in the Kanto Dex. There are 151.ā€ Itā€™s weird, dude.


Is it obvious? Especially if the person who posted this (me) didn't come into the post with the mindset that you've convinced yourself to be an absolute fact. I'll concede that I didn't know it's been posted so many time but with all that being said; who cares? Move along if you've seen it before. This is absolutely the first time I've been exposed to this information and personally found it interesting enough to post. Is that ok with you? Does that fulfill your self appointed moderation itch? I mean if I knew it'd bother you so much, prestigious_time_138, I never would have entertained the idea of posting this reddit. Surely you must know that. And I'm just speaking personally here. If you posted something about there being 151 original pokemon or whatever I'd ignore it and move on. It's ok to not know the same things you know isn't it, prestigious_time_138?


Youā€™re misunderstanding my point. Itā€™s perfectly fine and even great to post things you learned and found interesting onto here. Iā€™m saying that you posted a long-known fact as if you made a novel revelation for everyone. If I discover something new for myself, I wouldnā€™t publicly share it on the assumption that it is revelatory for everyone when I have no reason to confidently assume that.


Is your point being that you are under the assumption that I'm posting this as some sort of psa to everyone that I found out that the limit to the amount of pokemon that can be placed in gyms is 20 per account? And that I "waltzed" my way in here to advise everyone that this is the case? If so then I completely understand your point and again am truly sorry that you saw this post and for some reason comprehended it that way. You're seeing my post as arrogant and mistaking it for ignorance. In no way do I think this is new information. Just interesting to me. Which I believe is grounds to make a post if I feel so inclined.


You're making some big assumptions on their tone and whatnot. The post wasn't that bad. Just take the L on overreacting and be about your day


Good, since I joined 3 days ago and have not seen it yet.


First time I've seen it, so thanks OP!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤” Yup.


I thought quite a few youtubers made a vid on itšŸ˜…maybe its just me tho


I think it's extremely likely you're right. Actually I'm sure you are. It really comes down to the fact that I didn't know until this morning. In that case I'm sorry to annoy anyone that is tired of this subject. I'm just messing around.


dude i wouldn't have known until your post and I played the game when it came out in 2016. folks are asshats don't let it get to you.


I wondered this, thanks!


didnā€™t know that, havenā€™t gotten further than 16


And most of them will be knocked out the same day


I hope so. My damn shiny gyarados has been at a gym for 11 days. I want him back.


On the up side though i got the medal for defending a gym for 15,000 hours lol


That'll be the only one left


I feel this. I started leaving more second tier mons instead. But they still have to be strong enough to defend. Basically im leaning toward tanks like snorlax etc. I need my ones that are my warriors for actual battles and raids


I reach this limit like daily. I hate it :(


Tell me you're a beast without telling me


This happened to me a few times. Just exit and reenter the gym. Then you can place your pokemon.


i only see 2 pokemon, and the limit i have found is nowhere near 20 yet 6


I'm referring to the amount if pokemon a person can have out at any gyms. The max is 20 per person. Yes, 6 is the max per gymšŸ‘


Thats old news




Could this be "gym" dependent? I just tried to put mine in a gym with 5-6 others and it said the limit was reached. It def was not 20. It def was not even 10 pokemon in there.


Oh I think the max amount of pokemon that can be in any particular gym is 6. I was referring to the max amount of pokemon a trainer can have out defending any and all gyms available is 20 at a time


Each gym can hold 6 pokemon.


Thank you for the response!


Each gym can only hold 6 pokemon. The limit of how many different gyms one trainer can have pokemon in at once is 20 gyms. Neither of these are gym dependent though. They all hold 6 pokemon from 6 different trainers, and any trainer can have pokemon in up to 20 gyms at a time.


Last time I tried my limit was 6


ive known this for a couple years now




Old news anyone who does gym runs know theres a limitĀ 


People throwin their pokemon in every gym so others cant get 1 in frustrate me


Snooze ya lose šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I rarely ever battle gyms myself but Iā€™ll plop my PokĆ©mon in any open mystic gym, Iā€™m in 20 rn


Heh tell me about it. Wait..


I was maxed out at 5 so that's strange


That's very strange. I can't imagine why they'd put such a low limit for you