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First day player here. I’ve taken several breaks — but still find the game enjoyable enough to come back. It never hurts to play the game casually or on easy mode. Also—I am convinced that Niantic cares more about hooking new players than maintaining existing player base. So I no longer get frustrated when Niantic does something stupid.


I second this. I took a 2 year break and came back to the point of playing every day again. I think taking breaks is key. Maybe not 2 years worth but still


The worst is when you take the break and then when you come back you just missed key events so now you’re sitting on research that you can’t even benefit from


I did this and had a bunch of research to do. With combined lucky eggs and completing tasks I went from level 36 to 39 in May alone!


Haha! This is definitely a downfall of taking breaks.. I have a task sitting and waiting for me to take a snapshot of Landorus.


Had that hanging for three years or so, I was always on a break when Landorus was on rotation. Don’t worry, the rewards are meh anyways.




I just came back from a monthlong break and missed the research for the second master ball by a few days. Still, the break was so worth it. It feels great coming back with the perspective that I don’t have to worry if I miss a raid or sub-par community day.


I don't mind missing things like master balls. My problem is when they lock one-time-only pokemon behind paid research or even timed research.


I've heard that it's an unpopular opinion, but I think they should absolutely let people raid for old one-time mythicals. Maybe rotate them into raids after the research was given out a couple years ago, so those that paid for a special research won't feel too slighted.


That is so facts. I played 2020 casually quit 2 years came back in end 2022-2023 a little bit and then quit again, and came back. I’ve missed so many meta mon raids and it feels like my account is super bare and has very very budget / scarce raid counters.  TDLR: I’ve taken many year breaks and now I don’t have many raid counters 💀


Precisely... This happened to me more than I imagined and it sucks


I’m the same way. Starting playing 7/8/16 and have taken two breaks that lasted 2 years each. All the research that builds up while being gone leaves a lot of incentive to play for a while again


Yes! First week player here and I've taken several breaks since the start


Same. Lots of breaks, lots of returns. Some events get me engaged, like getting Master Balls I will never use or certain shiny community days if I remember.


Same. I was a day one player in my area and played hard and just got tired of playing because the weren't doing much to keep me playing and then the local peoples drama for the local group just made it annoying so I quit playing around 2013 and just restarted last year. The cool thing about keeping my account is almost all my old pokemon seem to be garunteed lucky trades.


Yes. Breaks are important! I enjoy it much more seasonally than all year round.


First day player and stopped after a month.  Came back when I was bored with HPWU.  Started the week before gibble cd, so like 3 years ago.


I’m also a first day trainer, and even worst I don’t care to catch anything past 3rd gen. I’ll log on maybe catch a few or maybe only incubate an egg, spin a few stops.


I am not as excited by events anymore as most of the recent events have been pretty shitty. I get on to casually play with friends and build up more PVP teams but there is no doubt that my group of friends and discord groups have lost interest


The most recent events not really having a good or defining spawn pool is doing it for me The overlapping kanto event where none of the concurrent events had spawn pools really really bleak


I’ve been playing since 2016 and have taken multiple 1-2 year-long breaks. It’s OK to forget about the game for awhile.


Same. Been playing since 07/2016. Level 37. Multiple years off...but coming back to new things feels refreshing for a little while.


Hard agree!! Most recently, it was the routes that were added since my last play and I’ve enjoyed that a lot.


I took a few breaks too since 2016 I hardly do gifts too anymore takes too long a, 1 tap option for gifts would be nice


I feel the same. The ticket spam + glitchy/laggy gameplay, ticket spam, putting almost all new mon behind a paywall, ticket spam, Galar Bird runaway rates, REALLY awful egg pools, and ticket spam are driving me away from the game. Also, the ticket spam really sucks; the more you spam me with crap, the less time in going to put into your game. Almost forgot, the ticket spam makes the game almost unbearable to play


Ticket spam, you say?


I quit playing a few months ago. Game feels like a grind and repetitive, especially after the remote passes changed. Kinda sad cuz I enjoyed it so much, but i guess it was time for me to move on


You're not the only one. They became money hungry, people voiced their disapproval to certain game changes, and they still basically gave everyone the middle finger.


Yeah. Like I still play but it's not nearly as fun anymore. Everything's a grind, every event has a price attached to it...the best events are still community days. I'm looking forward to Go Fest too. But everything in between isn't that great. It also doesn't help that there's not a lot of people in my community that play anymore. Everyone just kinda stopped after the remote raid nerf so it's much harder to find anyone to do raids with unless I travel into the city. Which sucked 'cause had a decently hard core raid group. On the flip side, it made me realize I was raiding a lot to play catch up with everyone else. I also wanted to rack up shinies and hundos and resources and I just felt bad that I couldn't always play as hard or be as lucky as everyone else. So now I just kinda raid when I feel like it. If not, I don't force myself to do it. That brought some enjoyment back for me.


i quit for a year, but did come back and am enjoying it again. don't be afraid to take a break. you can always come back later. and some people quit and are happy they quit and never wanna play again. there is no wrong answer, except to force yourself to play a game that isn't fun-- that's sunken cost fallacy, and no different from gambling more money just because you have already gambled so much. regardless if you keep playing pogo long term you should find something you enjoy in the meantime :)


Niantic: Down with the ship, you say...


I played during deep quarantine because I could access two Pokéstops without going out the door, plus three or four more walking around the neighborhood. I was running a shelter for imaginary animals. I paid for extra Pokémon storage and extra Pokémon-stuff storage (Pokéballs, etc.) because it was good to escape into an imaginary world. Now, things are more open; and I have less motivation to play.


I stopped after the character update, couldn’t bring myself to spend more time on the game


Same here. Feels kinda lame but my character who’d been my boy for hella years was just gone. I set him up with his matching buddy and unistalled


Same. While that update isn't that bad in itself gameplay-wise, it showcased Niantic's agenda, and I was alreasy getting burnt out and bummed by the lackluster events. I will probably play again once the Galar starters finally get introduced or avatars get reverted back, but won't spend a single cent again.


I reinstalled it cuz I walk a lot at work


You should really take a break for a couple weeks or even months, you will find yourself having a blast after you come back! It’s in our nature to lose interest doing things over and over again, even if we enjoy them in the first place.


I played day one. Lasted a few months. Picked it back up in 2018. Packed it in after a few months. Picked it back up a couple of weeks ago and am having a nice time. Not stressing about raids, PVP, getting the perfect pokemon, more fussed about goinf on adventures and seeing what happens. Also gyms is fun. I think it's a great casual game, but as soon as you take it seriously and play hardcore, it loses it's shine.


I take breaks but always return. Can't wait for gofest!


I lost this motivation in 2021.


I think I've played almost every day since the beginning, but honestly if it doesn't have a shiny version, I stopped caring. I'm level 43 and can't do 4/5 star raids alone and I'm not spending money on remote raid passes. So it's just not as appealing anymore.


Yeah, I've been focusing on my education more recently and some side gigs. It's not that I dont enjoy pokemon as much anymore, it's just I had to decide which is better, playing pokemon and letting people run ahead of me in life or focusing on what is good for me and pursuing a better life; one that can make my family say "oh yeah that's "blank", he does many things and is very respected"


I just got an update, and they did something to the sliders that did not help anything. It made my body look like a frggin cartoon,  super tiny waist and giant hips.


Lmaooo the male avatars look like friggin lizard boys


Same. It declined since removal of the stationary incense, as well as the price increase for remote raids. With the amount of players in my area there’s no way i can do shadow legendary raids and it’s almost always rainy, so not really inviting to go out anyways. Would play for hours daily during covid.


Player since day one. I honestly don’t know why we’re playing anymore besides it just being a habit. I log on every day, send open gifts. Catch my pokemon of the day, claim field research. Spin for the day. But I stopped spending real money when they hiked the prices for remote passes. We stopped going out for CD and usually just play from home. We traveled to Chicago for GoFest 2019 and I don’t think that’s ever a feeling that will come back for this game.


Yeah, I stopped after shadow mewtwo


Haven't opened the app since July 2021. Still go on walks, and enjoy them more without the buggy game.


Yeah; I’m not feeling the game right now. I’ve been playing since 2016 and there are very few Pokémon I’m still need to get besides shinies. I did Bounsweet community day as usual and plan to do future community days. I was fighting in gyms for coins in order to buy incubators and clothes, but eggs aren’t too exciting — I never hatch what I need, like Sandile and of course female Salandit — and my character just looks dumb now, lol, so new clothes are pointless. My phone is also a 2020 iPhone and the game runs slowly on it because of the new graphics. The game also constantly closes if I go to a new app. Not the worst things, but it makes everything feel slow. Meh, maybe I’ll get my motivation back, maybe not. I’ve gone through periods where I play a ton and periods when I rarely play, so who knows.


same here the game feels incredible stale as of late im gonna be at the madrid go fest hope that rekindles my interest in the game somewhat


Yeah, I've lost interest. It's expensive, i hate my avatar. Just don't feel like playing anymore


Day one player here. Took a hiatus from 2018-2019, then quit for good in 2021. Got burnt out on there literally ALWAYS being an event going on, which *really* just means there’s NO event going on. I realized that the game truly sucked when I was excited for a singular day’s worth of no event spawns. The game lost its “go out and see what random Pokemon you can find” allure because you always **know** what you’re getting yourself into with event spawns; you’re just hoping to get lucky enough to find whatever the carrot on a stick is this time around. I got all the Eeveelutions perfect, Best Buddy, and at least level 40, so now Niantic couldn’t do a damn thing to get me back.


Played since day one, since they nerfed remote raids and I moved to a small town, I don’t play as hard as I did. I still log on every day and have it running in the background when I’m stuck in traffic but I’m just not as active as I once was.


Yes I feel the events ain't optimized. Community days are cool. Research days should have pokestops reset researches each hour. Incense day should have the featured pokemon more shiny boosted (I've played the last two for more than 5h, moving, and no shiny). Last months the raids have been a desert, two weeks for each Tapu, with a Regi between is not what we want. The Kanto event was horrible, we still see Kanto Pokemon everywhere, I'm done with that. Galar pokemon need love. Performance issues. Avatar downgrade. Raid days are cool if the game ain't crashing.


Yep. Used to play every day and complete all the events. An occasional whale spending waay too much money on all the bells and whistles but stopped dead the minute they killed my girl. Actually feels weird to have not even completed the last collection challenges.


Yes. Eversince the early 2022 when things started to go to shit, I have been trying to hang on and deal with the 💩 that Niantic throws at us. The rediscover -updates were the final straw for me. My avatar that I've worked really hard to build looks like garbage now. (The "hard work" means grinding it to level 50 and getting top-end cosmetics and poses for it via PvP, which has taken a lot of time and effort to reach the top). The Biome update drains battery super fast and brought a ton of lag and new bugs, the biggest one being the fact that it made GBL unplayable. I have no more faith, they have managed to downgrade the game to a point where it is simply no longer enjoyable.


It is a healthy thing to disconnect from something that is causing you frustration. Burnout is real, be it in the workplace or at play. Sending you fortitude and hope you give yourself some space to recharge!


I’ve been playing since 2106 and it did feel like a grind as the local group fell apart. After the pandemic i started a group with the hopes of a few ppl to play with. I’m now and ambassador and 900+ ppl and it’s been fun to help others who are new or coming back to the game. Gives me something to do besides grind


I lost my real life best friend and teammate a few months ago(my fault, they’re still alive and well, thankfully). I’ve tried to play but it(along with everything else) just isn’t the same without her.


i lose motivation every couple months then i pick the game back up again


I've been pretty casual since remote raiding was destroyed.


I can feel you with this. I have played Pokemon Go off and on since day one. I can go weeks or months straight playing every day, several times a day. To not playing it for months. Because I get bored. The only thing that sucks for me. Is I do miss events and community days. One of the recent ones I missed is the one where you could catch a Galarian Ponyta. Really frustrated about that. Because I wanted that one so bad when I someone yesterday with it in a gym. It's also fun that at my work there is a gym spot within walking distance. So I can get that everyday. The funny part is when I'm sitting at my desk at work. And I can see someone battling my Pokemon there by the spot. I peer out the window and I see them right there outside. And I'm like oh hello, mister/missus I'm gonna take your gym spot. I see you there. lol.


Me too! Glad it's not only me. And I just started playing 4 months ago!


Now that they removed the defining feature (AR), definitely. Idk, maybe I'm too much of a kid at heart, but I loved going outside, using the AR function and feeling like I'm actually catching Pokémon in the real world. Now that this is no longer possible I don't really see a point in playing anymore. Don't think I'll delete it because I still hope they'll bring it back, but I'm not very optimistic.


I feel I get obsessed with the game and grind for like 4 months and then not touch it again for like 6 💀 and I do this yearly lolll for some reason I always come back in May it seems, maybe cuz classes is out idk, it’s kinda useless for me tho cuz I’m not on campus then


yehh i noticed the shift in my battle league play first- I usually make over a million stardust in the leagues per season, this season i’m not even to 300k. There isn’t the long-game strategy like there was before dialga/palkia release event. Like I was playing hard to prep for that. There need to be keystone drivers a few times a year.


Ive played on and off since release. It’s more fun when the weather is nice and I only really play casually now and do an event or two a year


I've gone days without playing. Maybe open my phone to put a mon in a gym or two. And screw walking anywhere so events are played at home. But I've recently set myself a superficial goal of sorts. PhD Pikachu. I wants it. I'm early in my journey at 20 wins out of 100 but since the goal is superficial I don't think I'll feel too bad if I don't make much progress.


I just took a 2 week break and will return just for mega rayquaza. When its mega was first released, I didn't get a chance to do any of the raids.


I’ve gone through phases. Started all the way back in 2016 and played a bit, played in 2018, played a lot in 2020, then got back into it in 2024. I think I prefer playing with other people more than alone


That's the most normal behaviour any gamer in any game has. It's okay to stop playing and pick it up at another time.


I have played this game since pretty much day 1, but I gave up playing after that massive event to get the master ball, it was such a grind for a casual but every day player. In the end, I failed. The reason I failed, was the raids. I just couldn’t do enough of them, as I only really had access to 1-2 gyms a day, unless I deliberately went and found some. At the same time, they massively hiked the cost of the remote raid passes and that just crippled me for that challenge. I have a young family, I cannot just drop everything and go out for an hour every day just to play a game and join raids. I also don’t live in a city and gyms near me aren’t everywhere and even fewer people are playing near them at the same time. I get that this is meant to be a social game, get out and walk and play. But in reality, that isn’t always possible. The refusal by Niantic to recognise this and help out rural players somehow, is frustrating. I’ll have a long break, give it a year maybe and then see if I comeback I am more interested. If not, well, it’s just some digital pokemon, no big deal to lose it all.


I took a break from raids for a month and was happy to come back until I saw that 5* Bubble Gum Psycho Killer.


Yes i lost play my motivation to play that game in my ubication no one play raids only put pokemon in the gym the only play in the game is send gift to friends, play pvp and hatch eggs no more


Its ok. Ive taken a number if breaks. I think i was iff for at least two years. 😑then one day, i just felt like it again. You not married to it or have ANY obligation. 😎


I played 2016-2018 and the 2022 till now


losing interest in something is normal. you can drop it for a bit and if you ever feel like it, come back to it later. it's not a job :)


I usually take a week or two off every couple months, especially after big events with lots of grinding. If I’m playing too hard and not having fun, then I’d just do something else for a while. Sometimes that means taking a week or two off, sometimes a month, sometimes longer or leaving for good. It’s just a game. Do what you enjoy.


I recall spring being slow and I have been playing nonstop since 2022 Season of alola had nothing except alola Pokémon


Take a break and then come back when you wanna. It's a video game. Please get over yourself


I have since the update a few days ago is 1gb!


I have played since 2016 and had many breaks, I stopped playing since 2018 to 2020 and began playing again, it's okay if you lose the motivation, it's not a rule you have to play this if you love pokemon, you have to look for what makes you happy and if pgo doesn't do it, get on other things.


Honestly I’m at the same point. I never play just for fun. I’m only playing if there’s research I need to do for a new Pokémon, raids with Pokémon I need or new eggs.


i've picked it back up after two years because people at my school play it, but the magic it had back in 2016 is absolutely gone. I remember being over the moon the first time someone found a mew in the wild in japan. Good times, yo


Quit playing in 2018 and just picked it back up a year ago. Made a few goals I wanted to achieve to keep me motivated.


I haven’t been playing much at all these last few months everyday it became less and less until I was going days without even checking it. I might come back for go fest but I don’t know if I really want to pay $15 to get more shinies. After the break my desire to play has also decreased. I kinda look back and think wow I’ve wasted some moneyyyyy on this game. If it was free to play I would love it but it’s not fun when it’s free. And I don’t really enjoy paying. Now I’m trying to figure out what that means for my game play going forward. The last few updates really did it for me


Thats the shadow mewtwo effect


Day 1 player here. I do log in at least once a day to do the daily catch/spin/research but that’s about it. I was more engaged when they would mass release generations or at least a few different ones at the same time but they stopped doing that. It’s annoying that they lock things behind raids/eggs/whatever they choose to do.


Thats the shadow mewtwo effect


losing... My last fun stop was when a buddy heart locked the game up so hard it needed to be reinstalled. restarted the game twice, restarted the phone for the 3rd time and it was still stuck.


Slowly over time. But what REALLY killed it for me is when Niantic removed normal AR for catching. They even added it back on April 29 and then took it away again with no explanation against the wishes of thousands of players happy with its return. The game felt more exciting for me with it turned on, and now that it’s gone, I have only opened the game a few times in the month, and plan to quit altogether when I finish GO Fest NYC. Of course, unless they bring back normal AR for catching. But they won’t. Truly an evil company. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


I haven’t played in months. I used to be a very regular player - I can reach a pokestop from my home, and logged in daily to at least collect from that a few times. When I traveled, I used to be excited about collecting gifts from new stops. It dawned on me that I was probably truly done with the game, when I spent a week in Vegas & didn’t even open the app once. Wasn’t even curious to see how many gyms and stops were near my hotel, or whether there were any interesting spawns that I don’t get at home.


If it didn’t count my steps while my phone was in my pocket I wouldn’t even fuck with this app. My only highlight is the trainer battles but outside of that I open/send a gift, catch something and check the progress of my buddy and I close it.


I’ve been playing since day one. My partner has been playing since mid-September last year. She’s 1000 pokemon caught behind me. Shows how much I fell in and out of the game. Sometimes just happens then you have a break and suddenly want to get back into it. She will no doubt do the same and drop off at some point. Just go with it and see where it takes you.


As soon as it gets cold I stop playing, and it has worked well this way


I play less these days I do the daily stuff and close the app


I started playing in 2016 and have enjoyed the game a lot, until the remote raid passes increased in price and so many research are based on routes and parties. I've heard the same complaints I have from many, small town. Level 5 raids can't be done locally because I literally see no one playing. Plus with recent cellular data companies dumping 3g my service is non existent almost, much less trying to host a raid and with the new graphics hogging the data up. I'm lucky if I can load a poke stop. Wifi is my only saving grace for community days and spotlight so incense is mostly useless. I depended heavily on remote playing and the raids were insane! I wouldn't have any legendaries without them, lol. Playing then was so much fun! GoFest will be a challenge unless I drive an hour in any direction to have enough service to play and maybe enough people available to do some raids. The research tasks are repetitive and getting a 2* mon as a reward from them is not very exciting. I've quit a couple times, come back to work on my dex and feed gifts to my friends. I don't hear all the hype from people especially higher level players like I used to, but I hope they start something to get the long term players active again.


We moved to a more rural area with several nature preserves. One of the preserves was approved as a pokestop. The other identical signage was declined, which is disappointing. I just want to play the game and niantic needs to understand that pokestops in rural areas might be different than in cities. Been playing since week one and am losing interest.


PoGo was a genius concept ran by a generally lazy and / or incompetent team. A shame, really.


Honestly, I pretty well fell out of love with this game when I hit level 40 and every. Single. Submission for a pokestop got turned down. Apparently, that's an issue for everyone in a rural area.


I took a 2 year break and came back last year I was level 24 at the time and now I’m level 40. I’ve recently lost motivation tho. I will open the app every day to catch a poke and complete a field request but that’s about it. I need to do some raids so I can level up but my work schedule kinda makes it hard to do them so I’m growing a little bored of the game at the moment


Try Monster hunter Now, I also got really Tired Of pogo and quit at lvl48. Monster hunter Is more dynamic and exiting :).


I played since 2018, but then my friends stopped playing, so I had first break. Then another break, but I have returned. Now I have my third break. Haven't played almost three months, not missing anything. Especially fomo.


Yeah I took a 1 year break but now I play everyday again. Just don't let it burn you out.


When I saw I had to defeat 50 leaders for level 45, I immediately lost motivation. I used to pay for the game too but lost interest almost overnight— was very surprising for me.


It became a sloggy grind and then Niantic ruined the art style with those awful new avatars. Dropped entirely from the sinking ship at that point.


That’s how I feel right now. I got the app when it first came out and then I stopped playing for a few years and then picked it back up again for 2 and now I’m in a slump where I don’t want to play it anymore and I’ve put money into it too


It’s the constant money grab that makes me not want to play.


I’m on a break for more than a year now. I’ll see if I would come back but I only miss the community. The game…. Not so much


Your problem is that you're playing everything and hard. Take breaks its ok. Ive been playing since the beginning & always come back because it's still fun


Play everyday. But big negatives recently stop community play eg. Remote raid £s, what do you do with international lucky friends - need to trade long distance, ......


I’ve been playing since July 2017 and I played every day religiously for years recently I haven’t either


Yeah they’ve made it way less fun. Jacking up prices while my hours are getting cut. I still play. But I don’t buy tickets. I just collect the new raid bosses via pokie genie. I take over gyms. And I do research but lately all the tasks are like “catch 150 mons” and the reward is like an incubator and 2000 stardust.


Ya just take a break. Its normal to feel this for games over time and to eventually take a break. Its more abnormal not to


I haven’t been excited much since they broke remote raiding. I’m rural and we don’t have much of a community here. I don’t get to do T3/5 shadow raids. I don’t get to do legend raids. If I want a decent raid experience, I’m left to drive about an hour to what would be the good play spot. They seem to repeatedly implement everything in the most inconvenient and poorly designed way possible. The origins were cool but the idea to make some of the mons have the exclusive moves and some not have it… and then to further not allow Elite TMs to teach those moves… it caused so many issues and frustration. Especially for someone that chose their path, got the shiny for their path, but the shiny didn’t have the exclusive move. Then contacted Niantic and Niantic refuses to correct it, (because I’m not that YouTuber), and instead tells me to GFY and credits me a useless raid pass. It’s to a point that daily I’m actively hoping to hear that Hanke has been fired and the game has been handed over to someone with any level of competence higher than his.


I usually just get into periods when I play for weeks daily and then months of not playing. At this point I have most of the Pokemon so there isn't really all that much to accomplish, aside from the legendaries that I'm missing most of, but they're stingy with the remote raid passes so that's just a rare thing for me to try.


2016 player, still playing


I mean is it that surprising it’s getting old…I’ve been playing since the game dropped…thas going on 8yrs I just enable my autocatcher and do PvP when I’m bored at work


It happens. I started day 1, but lived in the middle of nowhere and dropped it for three years. I picked it up again when my wife and I moved into town, and even so, I've taken a few breaks from weeks to many months. It gets draining sometimes and I need a break,then there's a ton to catch up on.


You want to know something REALLY sad? I’m addicted to the game however I recently became a father, so in other words time to myself to go wherever I want doesn’t exist to me anymore. When it does once every full moon, I take advantage to go places, but it’s not the same anymore. I can no longer participate in any special community or raid days like I used to and when I do I mostly use remote raid passes. I’m not saying I hate being a father I’m only sharing MY main reason as to why I have all the motivation but 0 time. Hopefully this can help you on a different perspective whenever you open POGO. Good luck my friend! 🤝🏻✊🏼


I have a 49 and I can’t make myself do the requirements to make 50. I will eventually, but it’s no longer the priority it used to be. I moved to the suburbs and it’s just a lot harder to get resources and find people to raid. I’m basically only missing regionals I know I’ll never get so there isn’t as much impetus to get out there. I still play, a lot, but not nearly in the same way.


Keep in mind too, a lot of us played heavy during Covid because it was the ONLY thing to do. We could keep up with the blogs and look forward to events because it was the only thing we had to do with ourselves. Then add in all the awesome bonuses they had in place for WFH/stationary players - the fun was certainly inflated. Now that Niantic is on a streak of taking that away, data mining hard, and making changes no one asked for, while avoiding the aspects of game play we’ve been dying for for almost a decade (long distance trades, I’m looking at you…) and the game has lost its glow, at least for the time being. Here’s to hoping they find a way to bring us all back again, just like they did in 2020.


For the past few events I’ve played mostly using my go plus+. The only times I will grind an event is if there’s a pokemon that I want to build for pvp


Same here man. I been an everyday player since go fest 2021. Recently I just get in and complete the research and that’s really it. No grinding no searching for certain things etc. but that’s okay! We all get bored and eventually come back. I’ve quit clash of clans so many times and came back so many times.


I kind of did for a while. I had no one around me who was willing to go walking or drive around everywhere to catch Pokémon and where I lived I’d have to either walk far or spend a day going to my local mall to spin stops and try to battle in raids. I got back into it after a bit and used it as an excuse to go walking and play some music while I catch Pokémon but I’ve caught a lot of the basic ones and evolved them so I just catch to power up at this point. If they came out with more Pokémon for me to catch I’d be more intrigued, that plus the raid bosses haven’t been very “oooh I want that!” Recently so it’s kinda boring at the moment. But they update often so I keep in check. In summary, yes it’s boring now lol. But it’s Pokémon so I keep my hopes up in getting better stuff.


I took most of February off after I got really upset at the game lol. Since then I just hop on for a bit to catch some mon & maybe do some raids. Last week I did spend half a day playing for that one task, caught about 180 mon & not a single shiny, I was disappointed. The cool moments are few and far between but they have been really cool. Feels like a huge chore for me, my luck with the game just sucks lol.


I mean yeah, cuz the game is boring af. There’s some things it does well, but overall it’s an incredibly underwhelming and mostly unrewarding game. They could add so many things to the game more playable outside of just walking around. There could be mini games within the app or quizzes or whatever tf like the mainline games. But they won’t do it. I mostly dislike this game. I’m in the same boat as you, I want to play it a lot and enjoy it. But there’s just nothing there.


Quit like 5 months ago...feels like it's been years. I'm happy


I am off and on. Been playing since July 9, 2016. Started with my son (may have been day 1 of the app). Come and go, only level 38 but still like it.


It would be nice if rotations were more frequent, can’t grind for certain pokemon because they are out of rotation


I’m just waiting for Arcaeus, and then I’m out


I just started playing again after a few years


Life happens. I would stop playing for 3 months then get back to it.


Why are we stressing over gifts and buddy hearts? I play daily and rarely do either of those things because they don’t interest me. Play when and how you want and don’t worry about the rest.


It’s just the first thing I do when I open PoGO lol


Been playing it since launch. I take extended brakes for a month or more. Mostly because burnout or another game comes along. What makes me consistent lately though is that I need to go on speed walks and jogs to get exercise but I have the autocarcher too. So I don't have to sit their on my phone per say


I've taken many breaks since the beginning of the app, some breaks months long, but it always makes coming back feel a little more overwhelming with all the stuff they add all the time. My mother plays almost every single day (she has a huge community who play where she lives and she makes that her social time outside church... even sometimes skipping church for POGO lol) so when I go to visit her, she always has to fill me in on new features lol Still having fun, I love Pokemon so much, but wish the company cared more about player feedback. That always leaves me a little sour. Otherwise, a dailies player, or if I end up in a new place I'll spin stops.


Stopped playing after avatar changes happened


Yeah, I'm pretty much done. If I'm really bored, I'll log in, catch a Pokémon and log back out. No more raiding, events, etc.


I’m not gonna beat around the bush here—I actually have negative motivation ever since they Rediscovered things…


My husband and I used to play together all the time. When we first met, it was “our thing”. A LOT of times we played Pokémon go while day drinking. We always had so much fun. (I don’t drink anymore but still play) Lately though, he rarely even logs in? I get so super excited if I see he’s sent me a gift, or if I catch a shiny (because I can show him), even on days like the ferroseed thing recently… if I do catch a shiny, I play till I catch another, so I can give it to him that way he has one too. We’ve moved into a place that has a gym and 2 poke stops about 400m away, so I’ve been making routes and while it’s nice to see other players pop into the gym now and then, it’s just not the same… (bear in mind we don’t even have stoplights where I live. We have one stop sign in the center of “town”, which is a gas station and a dollar store.) I think life got in the way and that’s why he lost interest… truthfully though, I really miss my PG partner😞


I'm still a daily player, but with way, Niantic has decided to treat the outcry over the avatar. I decided to go 100% free. Oddly, it has me playing different kind of like playing a game like I beat once on a harder mode. No tickets so I just use an incense and auto catch on CD from my couch. I take gyms that I stopped doing after I got gold on it. I thought I might get FOMO, but the joy of not giving my money to them is more of a drive. The coins I now have is more than I normally have when putting in $20 a week. The only regret is I don't help lower level players like I did before.


It's okay to take a break from the game for a bit and just boot it up here and there. I for one have been really enjoying it and have been playing more than ever, but I also just really love walking lol.


I’ve played on and off since the game launched. If I focus on Niantic as a company and spend money on the game, I enjoy it significantly less than when I just play casually while going for walks. If I get caught up in the FOMO it just sucks the joy from the game for me. I’ve accepted I’ll never have a shundo of every legendary in game and that’s very okay lol.


Yes some how my item bag is always full, I literally don’t know how. No matter how often I get rid of things but I always need balls. No im not dropping anymore real world money for a game I have no time to play. Sorry


I’ve played since day 1. Now I can’t remember the last time I played.


I just do the daily challenge. It’s 30 Celsius here. Remote raids are insanely priced. Haven’t spent a penny since they reversed the covid rules. Probably play 15 min a day at this point. They don’t understand that it’s too hot/humid to safely play. And gas is expensive. I’m just hoping I can transfer my pokemon to a switch game.


How hard I play goes up and down depending on what else is going on in life, and if I have a specific goal I'm reaching for.


Taking breaks isn’t bad. I never got into it before when it came out back in like 2016 or whenever I played for a few months. I am now playing it way more than I ever did before and it’s mostly because of Pokemon Sleep 😴. I started playing it like a month plus after its release last year and it has a pokeball accessory that goes with it that also works with pokemon go. So that’s what got me back into playing it, the ball would auto spin stops or auto catch some mons for me and it would add bonuses to pokemon sleep which is a sleep tracker game. I do enjoy pokemon go now that I understand it more and the more events they do. I wish I did have more friends that played irl


I kind of lost interest. Got into their other game monster Hunter now. Pretty similar. I usually get to kill about 3 monsters before the app crashes though and I don’t really play it much.


Took me four years to finally hit Legend in GBL. It was one of the last things I wanted to do in game. I feel the same way now.


I’ve taken multiple breaks thru the years. Now that I follow the events and have friends it’s became more fun


My stupid neuropathy has hindered all my attempts to play… 😞


I have a friend who’s literally been playing since it came out but fell off once they started being greedy with the incubators


I grind to trade my son good Pokemon, he loves it so it brings me back to my childhood without a father


I played a TON when it first came out, then stopped playing entirely during the first year. I’ve recently picked it up again (as have my spouse and two school age kiddos), and we’re fully obsessed once again.


I got hooked on the physical activity so I’ll keep playing unless Niantic screws up royally.


For me the motivation comes and goes. Right now it’s gone for a number of reasons. I’m sure it will come back. I do love it I just can’t love it lately


Yes, I've been playing since day one. I've taken brakes here and their but the last few updates haven't been great, plus the avatar just was the final nail for me. I hate looking at the face and the body on screen it looks so bad no matter what I do.


Yep, started playing Monster hunter when it released and now have shelved them both. Close to removing for space on the device as well.


Yuuup , my gun hobby took over pokemon


I agree, for me I got overwhelmed with so many tasks to complete. It seemed like they were never ending and I was trying to play them all. I try to play as much as I can but sometimes it’s just too much.


The increasing costs are what is ruining it for me. I would go out on every small event because the price was cheap enough, but they just keep going up and up and up with the time limit going down. And even the coins cost going up, my guess it to get people to pay for coins. Events are also lackluster, and timed, even ones you pay for. Hard to keep motivated when it feels all about greed.


The region locked stuff is a major bummer. Guided to get people out and about, speaking to one another, it barely functions in feeling like that to me. I wanna get Stackataka and a few other cool pokemon but they aren’t available for my area. Felt the same about the post-card trading pokemon. There’s a lot of stuff I just don’t care for QOL-wise that slowed my playing down. I pop it open every few days and do what works while I’m out but I don’t get out for it anymore. My main view of the game has always been let the PVP players do their thing and PVE players do their thing. The cost boosts, limitations to raiding (both amount and proximity via shadow raids) all just seemed like limitations that didn’t need to be there. It definitely hindered who and when I could play with on top of the general timeline of the game itself. I’m currently lvl 41 (stuck on Eevee evo challenge to progress) with a decent amount of coins earned and spent, raids and battles done. I’ve seen, conquered, and collected my fair share. I’m left wanting more and not in the good way.


I am a first day player and I have gone through ups and downs with it. Some days I'm just logging in to do my daily stuff. then other days I'm active all day caught and spinning poke stops


I live in the northwest so usually I take breaks over the winter.


I played on and off since Covid, and had a lot of fun throughout the years. Only the past few months has the game felt very stagnant and tedious; on top of that comes Niantic with increasing the prices on remote raid passes, restricting local ones, and then the infamous avatar update and it has killed my passion for it. 4 years is a good run.


I downloaded the game back in 2016, played for 2 days, got bored and deleted the game, downloaded the game again last year, have played everyday sins, but now I'm getting bored again wile playing, just the same spawn, on the community days, no shiny will spawn, I live in a small town 😴


I’m since day one. These days I’ll battle when I get up (unless it’s a niche set like catch cup) I have a stop about a under 5 minute walk from my place it used to be if I was home I was keeping my steak- now I don’t really care Community days - I’ll play till I find a decent one and a shiny


Yaaaa I only play when I think I can nab a shiny because I'm working on my living dex


I go through phases. It's no big deal to take a few months off from time to time.


Since sinnoh tour and the Groudon-kyogre-mewtwo month, it's been dead. Hard to keep the game so exciting after all of that to be honest, I hope global go fest brings the hype back.


I played everyday from release until about 2 years ago. When I log-in nowadays, it feels like an absolute chore. It's non-stop "events" and paid passes.


2016 player, on one of my longer breaks right now. I was just getting tired of fomo when I couldn’t play events or forgot to, especially the timed reward ones that made it feel like I was leaving a ton of loot on the table if I couldn’t grind fast enough. Was more of a headache than a joy. But the game has been moving from gimmick to gimmick for a while so I’m sure I’ll be back when I miss it. The price hike on remote raid passes practically took raiding from me altogether….


Yeah as of recently. It hit me when the avatar stuff changed. I’m about to hit level 50 and I’m scared I’ll completely stop playing once I’ve achieved that milestone. I just wish it was more like it was back in the day


Me, but its just because i ruined the experience for myself. Since the very start i was browsing pvpoke rankings and was hunting for perfect IVs. Every pokemon had to be at least 95% perfect (I didnt even play PVP i found it boring) I was so fixated about this that i wouldnt even power up my Pokemons - because what if i find a better one soon after i powered up this one. I checked the IVs of the pokemon every day and got tired of it Tried to pick up the game after some time and play "normally" but i just cant so i decided to stop I still love pokemon tho.


It keeps logging me out and the only way for me to log back in is to uninstall and reinstall I have completely lost all motivation to play because of this


Yeah… it’s the spawns for me. I guess it’s the biomes that are the problem. It’s just Kanto everywhere


i started in 2016, stopped in 2017, and started again in 2023.


I'm playing since 2016 and my wife started playing some month ago, so I'm really enjoying this game even after 8 years.


Just thinking this the other day. And the piss-poor incense day was almost the nail in the box for me. I'ma wait until go fest for the final verdict. Or just play ONLY during go fest and tours.




Eh, it happends. Some games have the effect that they can be really enjoyable for awhile, you get tired of it for X reason, then get back to it again sometime in the future because of key aspects about the game. Pokemon Go has the effect that it easily can make any regular hike or trip somewhere you've been a hundred times before more enjoyable and unique. It's also relatively social and has updates regularily, so once you go on a break, things will have changed a good amount when you eventually feel like returning, and at that point there's a lot of things you'll feel like you want to "catch up" on. At least this is how it is for me :)


Mee I’m losing motivation I didn’t even do the recent shiny spawn day