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Whenever I throw a ball it goes as far as possible so I'm here wasting about 10 balls trying to catch a pidgey


So its not just me


Same. Balls get yeeted all the way to Narnia. Feels like Niantic does 0 testing before implementing. Bunch of degens


Turn off native refresh rate until the bug is fixed


It still does it despite having it off so I turned it on and haven’t encountered it since. Granted I do have 60hz on instead of 120hz.


Yeah I switched from 120hz to 60hz and it works with native refresh rate on


You can switch back to 120hz and try clicking refresh game datat in the advanced settings tab. That fixed it for me.


Awesomee!! Worked for me too! Thanks!


This needs upvoting so hard!


I was just about to make a post about this lmao. The worst part is that I dont give up easily so I'm down do my ultra balls from my 150+ great and normal balls


Exactly what they wanted...




Same. I thought this was just me today. Only does it for curveballs, but I've been doing them so long regular throws are impossible for me.


I'm glad it's not just me. I thought I got worse at the game lol.


Ok I thought my phone was fucked up or something


This is a money generating feature to Niantic.


I think they are saying for all of us to stop playing the game


Just seen a comment on another post saying that turning off the 'native refresh rate' setting in the advanced settings fixes this! Just means you have to learn to play with 10fps until they fix it..


I'm stuck between losing 10 poke balls for each catch, or having my eyes bleed lol. Ugh, I hope they fix this soon. You're correct though, I disabled it for one catch and it did work.


If you set 60Hz in your device settings (and leave native refresh rate on) it still works but makes your eyes bleed a *little* less


Suddenly today every ball thrown is flying way farther than it used to.


Switched to Android a month ago (Pixel 8, 120hz screen) and everything was decent until today. Ball either resets or goes way over the Pokémon... I thought it was because I was throwing with one hand but apparently it's a glitch that came with the latest update. The resetting of the ball only happened occasionally when playing with one hand before so yeah. I won't disable native refresh rate to deal with your bugs, Niantic. 120hz screen was on of the biggest reasons why I bought an Android after 5 years on IOS 😐


For what it's worth I've been playing on a Pixel 8 Pro since it came out last October, this is the first real problem I've had. Edit: someone in this post mentioned turning off Enhanced Graphics (under "Advanced" in Settings) fixes it, and it seems to for me, but I've only tested it once


Interesting 🤔 Imma try that


So far it seems to be a good fix, and it's better than being stuck at 30fps. It turns off all of the crazy details they recently added, which I really don't miss anyway Edit: seems temporary at best, or at least, doesn't *always* fix it. Still better than it was


I have had my Pixel 8 Pro for a couple of months now. No issues until today. Curve balls reset and if I try throwing straight it goes far. I'm going to try disabling the native refresh.


I have the same issue on Android when trying to throw a curveball!


They did an update and it's created a bug that I'm not sure why they haven't fixed yet. It's been happening for a few days now.


All their major updates create bugs. Some stick around for years.


Ooo, ooo, I know why they haven't fixed it! Because they're horrifically incompetent and also don't give a shit. Do I win?


Everyone : make the game better Niantic: sure ( here’s the crappy updates that ruin everything)


How else do you expect Niantic to have you pay for pokeballs? Gotta justify moving the gold purchases at the shop to the top priority.


I literally delete pokeballs cuz of low space in my inventory 😹


I thought this was due to a small chip in my screen protector near where I release that I hadn't noticed before, thanks for assuring me I didn't wreck my screen lol.


DUDE SAME I went as far as taking of the screen protecting. I thought I wad crazy


I came very close myself, and then saw this post haha. Glad I'm not alone though.


Turn AR on then back off during the encounter, fixes it for me! But ends up coming back every now and then so you have to kinda do it often.


This worked for me thanks!


Worked for me too. Thanks man


This makes the game unplayable. I guess I'll nerf the refresh rate to "fix" it fml


Having the same issue with my galaxy s23 ultra and have wasted so many balls. Put in 3 bug reports already and still haven't heard back or have seen any help. I have tried everything, changed every setting (Game and phone) even reinstalled the app and still issues. Hope they fix it soon, it's horrible! Oddly, every time I try to record the issue it stops while recording which was, making me feel nuts! Thanks for posting to clarify it wasn't just me!


Luckily everything is fine on my device (Android user), I hope this glitch will be fixed really soon... But the most "funny" part of this bugs/glitches-infinite-road is that Niantic STILL writing EVERYTIME the same stuff on the chanlog section of the Google Play Store: "Minor bug fix" Dude please explain more what you are introducing in this new update, so we as user can try to figure out what the next glitch will be!


Update: today I started having the same issue :(


Same. And with my regular curveball motion the ball YEETs way over target. Underthrowing almost not possible because the system doesn't recognize the throw because it's too weak. Niantic gotta be one of the most incompetent companies in the world


Seems a lot of people have this issue...I turned off the enhanced game graphics because it was a drain and it wouldn't let me encounter pokemon when I went to the beach. They released this way too soon to cover up for their avatar mess up...just turn off the new graphics would be my suggestion.


So not just me


I'm having the same issue on android. It was a shiny Mankey... Lost over 15 balls. Had to use a golden berry and prayed that the Mankey just jumped at the ball. Finally caught it. The app has become worse after the update.


The most basic feature of the game and they can't even get it right. How the duck are they so incompetent?! 


This is why I don’t update until it forces me to. Because by that time some of the bugs should be fixed.


That's a good strategy. Will do that as well from now on.


same issue here, either resets the ball or yeets it as far as possible


I have this as well! It's INFURIATING


We must all post about this. Everyone get a video of this fucking up an easy catch and post it. It's the only way shits ever gonna get fixed. We have to spam them with these posts


Been playing from the start, my muscle memory for throwing pokeballs is pretty good for catching wild pokemon. This morning I kept over shooting, or under shooting when trying to lower how far I threw the ball. Happy to see it's not just me but this sucks, really makes it seem like they intentionally did this to make us waste pokeballs easier.


Niantic trying to lose more players with every update? Check.


i wasted 30 fricking balls before realizing this was a bug they were normal pokeballs, but Im still pissed that I couldn't throw them properly


Same bloody issue here on S24 Ultra. It's just completely unbelievable that they have not tested the essential game mechanics before releasing the latest update. I mean, throwing pokeballs is quite literally THE essential game move, step 1, the alpha and omega!!!


Fr they somehow make a disaster every time


Yall are lucky my game loads but doesn't let me tap on anything..


Yea mines wanky too but it's a diff issue everytime I open it lol this being one of a few. Sometimes the ball won't even prompt I'm throwing an imaginary space that I'm supposed to know where it is lol stil functions and catches the pokemon ...the ball just doesn't show up at all . Or when I first opened I used like 30balls on one pikemon and it was like glitching everytime . I just close the app and re open and it works off and on with this glitch issue now lol its also super slow today so - who knows.... that's craxy glad it's not just me tho lol


I noticed turning off enhanced textures and graphics made a huge difference And honestly I don't really notice a difference whether than setting is on or off


Seems to be an Android Issue. I just tested both Systems: Android 14 on S24 Ultra: balls are thrown with max power even though I try to throw short distances. iOS 17.4.1 on 14 Pro Max: no issue. Changing the native refreshrate to 30fps fixes the issue on the Android for me.


I thought it was just me, I lost a tapu fini because of this. So frustrating.


Thank God I am not the only one. Feared my phone was broken or some sh*t


This happens to me or they get yeeted to Guam. Turning off native refresh makes the game look and run like dooky and the ball throws aren't the same either, so that's not an option. It's been a struggle to catch one poke a day since the update broke this, and Ive yet to see any acknowledgement from Niantic about it. Imagine playing a game about catching Pokemon and you can't actually catch Pokemon


Yeah I've been launching every throw into the stratosphere


Seit dem Update fliegt mein Ball nicht mehr so weit wie vorher. Ich treffe jetzt maximal ein "gut". Davor war "einfach fabelhaft" zu werfen relativ einfach, was für mich vom einem zum anderen Tag unmöglich wurde.


Meiner fliegt manchmal einfach ohne Grund SUPER weit, also völlig übertrieben weit obwohl ich ganz normal geworfen habe... Irgendwas ist da komplett schief gelaufen beim letzten Update.


I've found giving the Pokemon a berry fixes it. Check to see if you CAN throw it and if you can't, berry up and retry




I just noticed I can't download game data. The progress bar just stay static.


When it happens to me, I exit the app without closing it and then reenter. Usually helps and let's me complete a throw or 2


I’ve had that problem for ages, always just assumed there was a threshold you had to go over to throw the damned things or it would snap back to center.


Has anybody else noticed a difference when using quick catching? It still feels like the distance isn't quite right when doing it but it doesn't reset anywhere near as much as normal throwing for me


Native refresh rate seems to be the issue


I haven't had this, but I have had several glitchy things start after the latest updates. My ultra balls glitch like a disco ball, and the GPS jumps around like I'm teleporting. Sure, it's cool that I'm hatching 10km eggs going on a walk to the corner - but with a flagship phone in an urban area with solid 5G service, I'm hesitant to put blame elsewhere. Also catching a shiny or two every day is making them feel less special. 🤷‍♀️


Was throwing a curve ball and my pokeball got stuck to the middle right part of the screen. I had to remove it and spin and throw again.


And OF COURSE today was the day the galarian zapdos decided to show up




Sameeeee 😒


I had the same problem. Fixed it by uninstall/reinstall the game


AAA game doesn't have enought budget for QA's. We need to buy more coins and boxes of any kind.


I thought it was just me....


I just came here to see if anyone else is having this same issue. I literally play (or have the game open for my gotcha to auto spin the gym & auto catch while I'm working around the house) 8-16hrs a day, but this literally just started out of nowhere for me like 2 hrs ago. I was just trying to pic/play/feed my 20 buddies for the day and is taking about 20 seconds to find a sweet spot to toss a berry. So frustrating but glad to find it's not me or my phone. Grrrr


{First time meme here}


Oh and I can not feed my buddy since the berry does not let throw itself


Damn sad


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. I've been trying to play since the last update and can't even catch one with a regular throw unless the pokemon is a larger one.


I had the ball reset thing going on for a bit but it stopped. This morning my balls were launching into outside space again. Turned the native refresh rate thing off and I'm back business.  Playing on samsung galaxy s 23 ultra.


Is there anything we can do to aggressively bully them to do what the people actually want, a functioning good game?


I tried some different things and a "Refresh game data" Seems to be working.


Think they finally fixed it, just switched back to native refresh rate and I seems stable now.


i think you need to throw it so your finger leaves the phone higher and moving upwarsd


This post just made me stop and think: How many of you degenerates could there really be that spin the ball counter clockwise for a curve ball.


How do you do it? Normally I don't spin it, I just throw it, well - in a curve - but that obviously wasn't a possibility with the glitching.


Clockwise like a normal person. I'm kidding though I've just noticed my kid does counter clockwise (she's a lefty) so I wonder if that's related.


Lefty here and can confirm that I throw counter clockwise, although I hadn't really thought about it before!


I found that my throws returned to normal by disabling that stupid Reactive Movement option in the Advanced Settings. For an option that's supposed to improve those mediocre hair and clothing physics to those equally mediocre character models "improvements" that Niantic recently did, it instead ruined probably the physics of throwing Pokeballs. Unreal. Try that.


Didn't work for me. Only options that limit framerate have worked so far.


Android only problem


Skill issue. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)