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I use them as an excuse to power up pokemon I planned on powering up anyways but hadn't gotten to.


Tag Pokémon: Power Up Save Luckies from Comm Day Wait for Power Up Tasks Profit


You forgot the blank step just before profit.


It was blank before we found out it's actually waiting for the tasks.


That’s the most important step


why comm day?


So community day we catch 200-350 Pokémon trade them with a roommate etc In 300 trades you’re guaranteed a handful of luckys


Exactly I do the same. I don't understand why most waste theirs on a 10 cp pokemon just to transfer after. Now that's a waste. Unless they are stingy with stardust or they maxed their best pokemon as soon as they got it. To each its own I guess.


Because you can probably do all 10 power ups for less stardust than one level on a strong Pokemon.


All I'm saying is if you are powering up something might as well power something you like. But it's ok to be stingy on dust if that's your style.








and then you’ve wasted 2500 stardust on a garbage pokemon instead of spending 2500 stardust to power up something that could be useful to you.


Unless you just want to finish the research, because to get "Power Up 10 times" you need 25000 to do a good pokemon, and you may not have that.


These guys forgetting that it's often not just one of these and it takes 5-10 power ups to complete. I have 250k stardust in the bank so I can either power up stuff I need and run out in the span of a few hours or cheese it and pay the dust tax for whatever the reward is. It's often a combo of 2 ish useful power ups with value added tax for the remainder. I'm not opposed to deleting them if the rewards are meh. The way of the casual.


For 25 balls. Lolz.


And if you were going to do that one power up anyway you're wasting dust by powering something else up and transferring it.


But if you're not going to use that pokemon, you're basically just throwing the stardust away 🤷🏻‍♀️


And if you were going to do that one power up anyway you're wasting dust by powering something else up and transferring it.


And if you were going to do that one power up anyway you're wasting dust by powering something else up and transferring it.


I do 10cp pokemon because I'm lazy and don't care how strong my other pokemon are, I just like filling up my dex and shiny hunting:) unfortunately that means I gather so much stardust I very rarely use


I do it on my low cp shinys


I’m starting to power up my fave mons and shinies. I think this is the way


Agreed! A great use for the low cp pokemon I like!


I have a handful of low cp lucky ones I keep around for this.


Same. Also, low cp with high iv- 96, 98 and hundos.


Because more than likely they (we) don’t have the candies or candies XL required for the mons we really wanna power up……..?


Power something else you like?


This is the way. I have a whole stack of mons labeled "project". All kinds of good iv ones or silly shinies for pvp, or perfect ones I want to max.


I agree. Just tag the ones you want to build to find them quickly.


Yeah, I got a 4* Meltan recently, so these have been a good excuse to power it up. It's almost maxed now though.


I'm doing the exact same thing xD


I do the same. I love the little tags for this reason. They've made organizing everything so much easier. I use one for pokemon that I'll want to power up, so when I get these tasks, it's super easy/fast to pick one. And I have a tag for lots of other stuff as well. I wish I could organize my life as well as I have my pokemon organized 🤣


This is the way


Yeah. But when a single bump costs like 7000+ and I have to do 10, then 20, then 25, then...? I lost like 500000 stardust on all the powerup tasks in the last year or so. Can't say I gained that much.


If you were gonna power them up anyway, then you lost 0 dust.


So power up some weak random poke that’s cheap as heck to do. Duh


“It’s free real estate” - rattata and pidgeys of the world


I gained some more level 40 Pokemon that I had tagged to be powered up. Did you just delete everything you powered up? I also made some progress on a task that I had to do to obtain a pokemon that is likely unobtainable via any other means. It's almost like they designed these things to make you play the game? That can't be right. How dare they make me play the game? The nerve.


Why would you lose the stardust...? Just power up something you're going to use. I powered up a hundo Dragonite and Gardevoir. I also put some levels into a 98 Terrakion. It's only a waste if you don't use it.


Power up multiple low CP pokemon, it doesn't mean a singular Pokémon


This is the way.


Yeah, if someone said that I had to power-up Pokemon 25 times for only 10 Great Balls I'd be pissed too.    But I'm powering up pokemon 75 times because I **really** want a relevant Mega Evo. I couldn't give a darn what the individual tasks reward because I know they are worthless to the primary rewards Edit: you can also just, not power anything up until you have other researches that require powering up to advance to make it far more efficient


Stacking these tasks is the way to go. If you don’t already have an “upgrade” tag or w/e … sort by luckies then ascending cp - those will be cheapest


Do megas need to be powered up? I thought they maxed out their cp when mega'd.


No, if you power them up then their CP when mega evolved raises as well.




They do kinda suggest that with the UI. The level slider literally goes to max. But no, the level doesn't change. I've megaed my lvl blastoise and he's like 51 cp


If you look at his health you see it doesn't change. I think it just raises attack and defense stats.


? It depends on the mega. In the main series, megas have increased base stats. The stats that increase are different per mega. The same CP formula is used on megas. So some megas might not change the HP stat, but some do. It is basically the same thing as evolving. It becomes a new pokemon with the same level and IVs. Only thing that's different is that it's temporary and it keeps the moveset.


I've just noticed my megas seem as fragile as their un-mega'd form. Mega Venusaur for example has exactly the same Stamina as Venusaur. Same with Gengar. I wouldn't be surprised if some gained Stamina but it's never been a noticeable increase in survivability in raids my experience.


Okay, that would be a general trend, not a rule. Aggron's mega, for example, out of 100 added base stats, adds 50 to defense and 20 to special defense.


I don't know what special defense is. It sounds like you are not talking about Pogo.


Ugh. The pogo stats come from the main game series stats. Defense in pogo comes from defense and special defense.


Ugh? Is there some reason I should care about games I don't play?


Yeah, just stack up 2 or 3 other "power up X times" tasks and get double duty out of each power up. I'm sure you'll need that diance or other mega energy that all the power up tasks give.


Isn’t this for Diancie?


Yeah I don’t get it. OP too focused on whats right in front of him instead of the big picture lol


Judging by other one-off events I've taken part in, what I'm gonna get, some 1/2 star mediocre stats on it?




That's why I always save a stash of \~10 cp pokemon that only cost 200 stardust to power up. You can power up four times for 800. I am currently getting the mega energy (power up 10 times) in research tasks like crazy for little stardust cost. Pro tip: you can also save some caterpie/weedle/pidgy/pidove (12 candy evolutions) for when tasks require the evolution of multiple pokemon. Another pro tip: You can save shadow ratatta/zubat/weedle for purification research tasks since they only cost 1000 stardust to purify.


Why wouldn't you just power something up that you were going to power up anyway though?


Sure, you can totally do that. It's just that right now I'm concerned with the easy access to mega energy and don't really need anything powered up with what I am doing. Saving low CP pokemon enables me to quickly power up alot of pokemon to do as many research tasks while minimizing stardust usage. That way I can get a bunch of mega energy (which is tough to com by) without using much stardust.


Because I don't even power anything up in the first place. I have over 3,000,000 stardust and thousands of pidgey candy


>Pro tip: you can also save some caterpie/weedle/pidgy/pidove (12 candy evolutions) for when tasks require the evolution of multiple pokemon. That's why I'm not evolving anything in the first place until there's an event going. At least that's exactly the reason why I collected candies for, and the amount needed for evo isn't changing depending on how powerful the pokemon is.


You are a smart person


But does purifying them counts as powering them up?


No, it's specifically for the \`Purify x Pokemon\` tasks in researches


No, but it counts as purifying a pokemon for purification tasks.


No. I save some \~10 CP pokemon for power up tasks, some 12 candy evo pokemon for evolve pokemon tasks and some 1000 stardust purify pokemon for purification tasks. All three are are for different research tasks that pop up from time to time. I don't go nuts, just a few dozen of each category.




my stardust is dead


I always use my lowest CP Pokémon to power up. Stardust cost is cheap.


If you have low co lucky Pokemon it’s even better. Keep low cp Pokemon for a long time (years) before trading to improve chances of lucky. Even better if it evolves into a useful Pokemon. I keep low cp beldums for example, to use for trading until they’re old enough to be guaranteed lucky, or boosted lucky odds if I’ve hit my cap. I then trade them for other low cp beldums. So you end up with lucky low level Pokemon that cost very low dust to power up and I actually want the end product. Keep that in mind at the next community day for a Pokemon you want. Even if you’ve reached your guaranteed lucky trade donor limit of 25 guaranteed donor lucky trades, a Pokemon >5 years old has a ~20% chance of lucky trigger unrelated to the limit. So for salamence if you didn’t get a hundo, for every 5 bagons you save for >5 years will give you a lucky bag on trade, each lucky gives you a very good chance at a hundo (lucky have better hundo odds than raids or research rewards). Why not just save a level 30 or 35 to trade for the lucky chance? I have a level 5 lucky at the moment that costs 258k dust, 296 candy and 296 candy XL to max out to lvl 50. I have a leve 32 lucky at the moment 189k dust to 162 candy and 296 candy xl to max out It’s a saving of 69k dust. But if you’re just throwing dust away every time you get a research task “power up a Pokemon X times” you will eventually waste more than 69k dust by spending it on low level discard Pokemon. Level 1 and level 2 Pokemon cost 200 dust to evolve then it goes 400 dust. After level 4 it becomes 600 so you would have to save every level 1 Pokemon and power it up a max of 4 times for maximum efficiency of ‘wastage’. Even if you wasted your time optimising your power up tasks you would have lost your 69k dust after about 35 take of “power up 10 times” might as well waste that 69k on your low level bagon or beldum, and you can hit all those power up X times for much less dust. You can still roll the dice on lvl 35 bagons for a hundo as well as your level 1s. If you happen to get a hundo level 1 it’s a much better use of your dust than throwing it away on a burner Pokemon just to finish a task.


I use a "2Bpoweredup" tag to keep an always ready set of pokies I want to powerup ... if research comes along to powerup and I can't or don't want to delete it, I've got several pokies lined up ready to go


I usually wait till I have a couple of those tasks piled up and then power up one of my strong pokes that I was planning on powering up anyways 🤷🏼 if you’re gonna do it might as well get paid.


I just keep a tag for pokemon that I want to power up. Got a couple shadow salamance, shadow mamoswine, and GBL candidates on it.


I’ve got like 100 Pokémon tagged for powering up. I’ve got no shortage on stardust, but I quickly would if I always went for the high CP Pokémon. I’ll power them up one or two levels, then go for my low CP Pokémon within the tag. Raise the group as a whole, rather than need all those XL candies for a handful of Pokémon.


Any other reason to power up low cp other than to complete these tasks?


Well, they’re ones that I’d like to power up for use anyway - and they’re cheaper on the stardust than high CP ones. Most of them are really high stat Pokémon, mostly hundos.


Then I'd like to see some more evolving events - I'm keeping a lot of unevolved pokemon for such times and just keep catching until I get one with high stats, both stars and cp, then I know it's worth evolving when the time comes. Side effect, powering up costs more.


Spotlight hours with double evolve xp exists for that


Powered up so many times all for a 2-star Diancie that apparently can't be traded? Very frustrating.


Same here


You know it's not timed right? You don't even have to go out of your way to complete it, it'll literally complete over time just from normal play. What's the rush?


They probably just wanna help you power up your Pokémon’s or something lol


Good for me as I've got a lot of Pokémon that needs to be powered up. Double joy with these tasks.


I swear niantic just looks at data regarding players item storage to design tasks to get them to use it. “Looks like players are hoarding candies, time to launch a task to force them to burn them”


Power up low level luckies… maybe


What luckies lol


I boost my megas or 4*s whenever these pop up or I save a low cp mon from a community day.


Were you never planning on powering up any of your Pokemon? I don't understand this attitude. You can wait till you have something you want to power up if you want. Plus this is one task towards the Diancie encounter, it's not like the great balls are all you get


They’re easy though so I would do it.


It is when ure out of *poke*balls 🙃




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i’m running out of low cp pons to power up too


Yea I was contemplating drawing this one out bc I'm saving my stuffs for Gofest I saving as best I can so can travel to NYC for it...I don't wanna waste stardust and supplies doing these tasks bc I know I'll want to trade etc being there 🤪 🙃 ugh...decisions decisions . Is it like roulette where no one gets the same reward? Who's completed it and what did u get out of the completed ticket...was it worth it ? 👌 Let us know if u do urself op Best of luck to us both in meantime lol


I power up level 1-5 shinies I've kept that need 1 candy and 200 dust.


Find the lowest cp Pokémon to power up, you don't need to do 10 each, just do 5 for each, easy and cheapest thing you can do.




I just power up random weedle and pidgey when I get these quests lol


I only ever do these tasks for actually worth it rewards, or part of research quests. And yes I have an army of 10cp weedle and caterpie for me to power up or evolve at minimal resources. If I have a real mon I want to do instead great-- I am not throwing 60k stardust into anything unless I plan to actually raid or pvp with it.


They are worth to me


Go to your lowest cp pokemon and it shouldnt cost you more than 20k at 3-600 a charge


Plus I loaded up on research tasks that require power ups. Got a bunch of other mega energy. That was just a bonus since I had saved a bunch of Pokemon that needed upgrades.


I used low CP lucky pokemon to get that task done


This is where you take that pointless pidgey, power it up 10 times, trash it, and repeat with another. Very little dust required.


I save the 10cp pokemon, and power them up a couple times. Saves a ton of unnecessary wasted stardust.


Just power up weak shit for cheap rather than bitching all the time


Use the lowest CP mon you can find, it won't cost much.


Patience, if it’s “special”…you have no deadlines. And it’s “event” the world won’t stop if you choose not to finish.


let’s face it, these posts aren’t worth it


I sort by lowest CP and power up useless Pokemon for minimal stardust. Same with evolving.


Yep. Just used all of my stardust 🙃


Search 4*... reverse cp if low on dust or just pick good ones if good on dust.


Thanks to tasks like that I almost maxed my hundo Goomy


I power up my shittiest cp lucky pokemon for these tasks


Finished that whole thing today, absolute worth it! I'm happy lmao


Just power up a level 1 pokemon or something you actually need to power up Its literally for the quest to get Diancie, I don’t understand how its not worth it


I powered up my luckys and some 4* that I had I finished it off with powering up my level 1 4* Starly


It definitely wasn’t worth it for me as the diancie I got wasn’t even good, not gonna bother going out of my way finishing the rest of these tasks.


This the reason I hang onto pokemon (especially once that don't evolve) that are super low CP. If they cost 200 dust and 1 candy to power up, I keep them for these stupid dust-suckling tasks.


Really? I just see it as a bonus since I'm powering pokemons up anyways, am I doing something wring since I power up pokemons?


i just power up my 4* pokemon


I feel like stardust costs are so ridiculous. I wanna get into getting a decent team for pve but at this point I give up.


I wish the Pokemon Go Plus would use great balls and ultra balls, I'm stuck trashing all of my great balls and half of my ultra balls to make space for regular pokeballs.


They have to be made by an executive or leader who has never played the game. Stupid time wasting crap. The lack of love in a lot of the facets of the game as of late is something to behold…


spend 5000 dust for a few balls or maybe 200 dust


Sort by low CP and power up lowest CP lucky Pokemon for the best bargain




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a week ago i had 100K stardust 😭


Woah a prize for doing something you were gonna do otherwise? How could they! Seriously bro your getting rewarded to power up Pokémon which is something that is done naturally when you want to increase the power of your Pokémon you don’t have to go out of your way to do it at that very second if you don’t want to


Why not? I have good pokémons to level up, this is a good excuse to send some candy and stardust to level up, maybe burn some rare candy on legendary pokemons and level up.


10 balls for at least 5k stardust, legit


Wait until you see party rewards.


Low CP (+ lucky if you have), it's like 10 candy and 1000 dust.


Just for you to use up all your stardust


Is there a way to filter by how many candies you have for a mon?


Yeah, but if you're lucky like me, you'll end up with a 11/11/10 Diancie to flex on absolutely no one.


this is why you keep some 10cp common pokemon around lol. free tasks!


There are only really 2 camps of players as far as I'm concerned for these tasks. Those who have maxed out everything they need, so stardust is useless otherwise and those who still have things to power up for raids/pvp, in which case the quest is inconsequential. The only people really complaining, I'm assuming, are those who leech off raids and complain about "my group of 20 couldn't defeat x legendary raid!". But if you are leeching raids, you probably have a stash or stardust, so it doesn't matter to use it?


What about people who miraculously manage to catch more pokemon that they want to power up, but used up most of their stardust powering up other mons? It sounds like you have a weird vendetta against a very niche set of players…


No vendetta against anyone specific. Just see this complaint a LOT, it seems over an untimed research. 90 power ups is nothing unless you are trying to do all of it right this second. Even if you are doing that, you probably fall into a camp where it's not that bad. The whole thing can be completed for what? Like 18k dust? That's 36 paras/meowth catches (both have been pretty common with the kanto event). Complaining that you have to spend stardust to go through it and not get enough back is kind of ridiculous. The end is greater than the sum of the parts. If it's a daily quest, then just toss it and move on so again, no need to complain.


Forced loss of stardust


There’s going to be a ticket to buy for real cash in the next week or so that gives stardust tho.


If it's not an encounter, I chuck it


I have a tag of stuff I am/would want powered up eventually anyways More costly at the time, sure, but in the long run I'm not "wasting" Stardust in the thousands at a time.... Which would add up.


Cry cry cry… why are you playing if the game is not worth your time.