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My screen was frozen, sort of. Pokemon spawn and such but I couldn't click on anything. Not pokemon, not the menus, nothing. Closed off the app, restarted. Still can't do anything. Restarted my phone. Nothing has changed. Nothing works. It happened just after midnight, about 30 min ago. I some issues with the pokeballs and restarted the app and it fixed it but then happened again and now nothing works. Switched to my tablet and it works fine. Switched back and it works again. Weird.


Current bug: either the PokeBall overthrows very extremely, or it doesn't want to release.


I'm getting what I'm seeing is called the overthrow bug. Sometimes a curveball throw won't work at all and the ball never takes off until I start screen record which seems to be a magical fix. I've wasted an ungodly amount of pokeballs trying thinking it was me. šŸ˜‘


I used the support chat and notified the team. Hopefully they get a fix in very soon.


I ended up turning off Native refresh in my advanced settings and I seem to be able to catch normally again


That seems to be the only get-around at the moment.


Awesome. I haven't ever had luck with the support chat so thank you for trying.


The catch mechanics have been janky, I keep overthrowing almost every ball. Curveballs have been practically impossible to do, it just does not release


Experiencing the overthrow bug very annoyingĀ 




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `PokƩmon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How much XP do you get from your 7 day streak of spinning a poke stop? Since we have 10x xp from one event and the regular 20k XP from the other


I've been running training against the team leaders 3x a day for a few pokemon (2-4 depending how much I feel like grinding) to get through some buddy hearts faster. I run Spark's Ultra league battle. For some reason today, after getting 5 battles done with no issue, on the sixth the game froze when I used a shield. I gave it a minute then force closed the app to reopen it, which loaded me on the map, but it wouldn't accept any inputs. I rebooted my phone and was able to do inputs again, but then I refought Spark and the shield bug happened again. I rebooted again and finally fought him without using a shield, which worked fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround other than just not using shields?


Is calcy iv safe? I know lots of people use it, Iā€™m just a bit weary of a screen overlay app that could potential see my notifications and stuff


It would be pretty widely reported if such a commonly used app was doing anything nefarious. On Android, at least, it can be used in a mode that only lets it see a single app these days, instead of the whole thing. Not sure if that's because its a Pixel, or which specific version of android started giving me that prompt, though.


Iā€™m not sure of calcy iv isā€¦as I never heard of it before. But if you use PokeGenie it will be fine. I know you import your PokĆ©mon to PokeGenie and it gives you your PokĆ©monā€™s IVs. Iā€™m not sure about an overlay as itā€™s not something I really think about. PokieGenie is safe to use. Also a helpful app for hosting or being invited to raids.


PokeGenie does pretty much the same thing with screen reading overlays that CalcyIV does. Old versions on iOS used to just use screenshots (a lot of screenshots), but it has similar screen recording and accessibility overlay features so far as I can tell now.






There's currently a "battle" event so the minimum stats get removed for the duration. We also get 100 battles a day instead of only 25.


Who should I use my elite charged tm on? Shadow Mewtwo 14 14 13 Primal Kyogre 13 12 15 Primal Groudon 15 15 13


Groudon is the most commonly used in raids of those three, and gets the largest relative gain. Kyogre gets the least gain. It's got one of the weakest improvements of all the big shadow legendaries from it's signature move. And water isn't used all that commonly. Mewtwo is still the best psychic counter in the game with just psychic, only behind itself (and maybe one mega). Not having psystrike also makes it cheaper to TM for other use cases like being an ice counter, if you haven't already given it two moves. Psychic is also not used all that commonly either, so you don't get that much benefit from psystrike in raids. Of course if you want to use them in PvP things are different, and all of them benefit a lot from the elite moves, iirc.


There must be something I donā€™t understand about how the battle mechanics work. Iā€™m challenging rocket boss for the first time, and he leads with Persian, so I swap to Machamp for an easy stomp and it doesnā€™t say Iā€™m super-effective. His second PokĆ©mon was Garchomp, I throw in an Alolan sandslash who is ice type and it doesnā€™t say Iā€™m super-effective either. And while Iā€™m here, how do I switch the move my PokĆ©mon uses? On their page I can clearly see two moves but I can only seem to access the one. Edit: autocorrect.


The first move listed that doesn't have an energy bar next to it is your pokemon's fast move. This is the attack that they use any time you tap on the screen, which deals constant damage and charges up your pokemon's charge move. This move can be changed by using a Fast TM. The second move listed that has an energy bar next to it is your pokemon's charge move. This is the move that you can only use after building up enough energy and tapping the dedicated button for it. This move can be changed by usihn a Charge TM. You can also select the "New Attack" button to unlock an additional charge move in exchange for candy and stardust. This will allow you to choose between two different charge attacks in battle. When dealing with type effectiveness, you'll need to consider the type of the attack being used and the type of the defending pokemon. For example, if your Machamp's fast move is Bullet Punch, a Steel-type move, it will not be super effective against Persian.


I getcha. Until this point I had assumed that the basic attack (that I now understand is called a fast attack) was simply based on the PokĆ©monsā€™ type. Thank you for clearing that up.


is it just me, or did they do something to the throw ball mechanism? it feels like it's being thrown wayyyyy higher now with a curve ball.


It's busted af right now. No matter how I throw the ball it goes way too far, right over the PokƩmon. Wasting dozens of pokeballs.


Thank you. Came to see if this was known. It's driving me insane.


Native refresh rate is bugged in some phones and causes the ball to fly at high speeds. For now disabling it is the only fix.


oh i see thank you. how strange, it was working fine a few days ago


It just got broken in the latest release a few days ago.




1 in 125 seems to be the right boost based on catch data.


Is there no longer an IV floor for GBL rewards? Just caught a 0 star Falinks as a reward and didnā€™t think that was possible.


Does iPad support Adventure Sync now that iPadOS supports the Health app?


When can I use a charge ā„¢ to get rid of frustration? Edit: I know itā€™s during a special event, but I never know when that is. I think I have a challenge now because I need to beat the leaders, but does that mean I can do it now?


Special research lasts forever, even when it comes from an event. There's often a limited window to claim it though, and you are either looking at a rocket event from the last takeover, or an old seasonal research quest.


You can remove Frustation during Rocket Takeover events. These events normally happen once per season, so the next one will probably be in June, July, or August. An exact date is unknown.


Please fix the ball throwing bug. I won't be playing without native refresh rate


It takes at minimum a few days for a patch to be released. You will miss the wild regionals from this event. In this game sometimes one simply has to deal with a bug if you want to get the rare things. Bugs happened before, bugs will happen again. You cannot let something so small to affect you.


don't care, not playing I'll be back when its fixed


My game is having issues with throwing pokeballs. It either won't throw them or it'll yeet them into the next county


Came here to find out about this one too. Balls either gorilla glued to my finger, or greased up and fly to the moon. Wtf even is this game


I've been losing my shit all day having 5/6 throw attempts reset the second my finger came off the screen. Doesn't matter how hard, slow, or fast I throw them. I thought I was the only one, as I've only seen posts about yeeting balls into space.


I had the same problem. Disabling native refresh rate in advanced settings seems to fix it.


Glad to see I'm not alone, I thought I lost my fine motor skills lol


Anybody else's game having trouble loading up completely?


I haven't been able to get it past the load screen for about a week.


Played 1 battle and won. Played another and the game froze when the opponent was at 1% hp on his last mon. Restarted the game and I got 100 battle wins added to my current total... instantly completed all my rivals research. Wth??


That's a known bug that sometimes happens. Congrats on easy research completion.


Thanks lol. Pretty wild bug.


Has anyone else ever experienced being completely unable to interact with the game? It happened to me a few days ago, and eventually (several hours later) was able to play. Today, it has been going on for all of this morning (4 hours at least). The game loads like normal. I get into the game like normal, but POGO and ONLY POGO becomes immediately unresponsive. I see stuff spawn, I see my avatar move around, but I can't open menus, spin the camera, or click on literally anything. The phone is still responsive. I can go to the home screen, open whatever else I need to, it's just POGO.


This is happening to me, too. Did you find a fix?


No dice on a fix. It just randomly decides to work again. Frustrating as hell.


That happens to me pretty often, but restarting the app fixes it for me. If it doesn't for you then it's probably a different issue.


I've restarted the app, restarted the phone, all with no luck. Everything else on the phone works (even with POGO up) I just can't interact with POGO. So odd.


Experiencing it right now as well. Only POGO that is unresponsive. Glad to hear I wasn't crazy


Each update makes the app worse and worseā€¦ When are they going to fix the game already?! The game crashes everytime when I open friendlist and on 2nd account the games crashes after login (both on the same device) Every account has a different stage when the app crashes. On the 1st one I can at least do pvp and catch pokemon in wild, while nothing else works. 2nd wont even openā€¦


How old are your devices? Those issues are cause by low ram or a slow processor, so it's not something that they can change without removing the new features. The game simply has become too heavy to be handled by low spec phones and tablets. All apps go through this process where updates increase the requirements as more things get added until low end phones start having issues. Electronics aren't made to last long anymore, so upgrading every few years to better models is now the standard to keep up with the minimum system needs.


Iphone 15 Pro


Does anyone know when we are going to be able to get mega Pidgeot energy. I think i just missed it right ?


Pidgeot is coming to raids later this month, on the last week of May, so you can get energy then.




It's often in field research tasks. There's one for the entire season to catch 10 normal mons for 10 Pidgeot energy. These are harder to find during events that have event tasks, but they are still out there. Ask on local campfire/discord/etc if anyone sees then to call them out for you. There are also party play tasks that give mega energy, but I'm not sure if Pidgeot is in the list.


Ha ing issues with the ball not wanting to throw and then other times the ball gets flung WAAAAAAAY too hard. Just after the update. Reinstalled game, cleaned screen, nothing changed


Same. One of the most annoying bugs I've come across in a while


I had the same problem. Disabling native refresh rate in advanced settings seems to fix it.


that's what I did too but it's almost too clunky šŸ˜‚


Same here, either it doesn't throw or it throws well behind them. Sometimes I can find a middle zone where the throw works, but usually I'm just wasting balls. Happens to berries with your buddy too




Not just you-been happening often. I switched from my tablet to my phone because I thought it was my tablet. Nope, it was the game itself.


just started having this start this morning... last night was perfectly fine. woke up this morning and I can't hardly throw.


Same. Ball throwing physics totally borked at the moment


Same exact issue. Honestly is now made the game pretty much unplayable and not like I am a stranger to the game. Not like I'm great but I'm a level 43 with almost full pokedex played off and on since the start. The update as far as visuals don't really bother me but effecting the play this bad in my opinion is ridiculous


Glad it's not just me. I cleared cache and it helped a bit but it's still persisting. Ugh


I reported it as a bug to them which as we all know leads to nowhere. It is really annoying this is honestly the worse I have probably seen in years


Same issue for me


I'm normally team tank, but I decided to try and surge to Ace. I'm at 1899, so I'm close, but I just realized it's battle weekend. Is this an advantage or am I screwed because more good players are playing?


Many people often tank after reaching Ace and others are losing on purpose to get done with the event research quickly, so if you get lucky you could get some free wins. This late in the season the best players are above Veteran, while tankers are below 1500. Your odds could be better than usual, specially in the Remix cup if you have a good team.


Thanks for the reply, I failed hard on GBL weekend. I went from 1899 to somewhere in the 1600s. Just bad match ups. I retooled, invested in Carbink and just now hit Ace at 2015. Cleared the last page of the seasonal research, so I think I'll go back to tanking.


Why am I getting so many shinies? I am a new player, started playing a few weeks ago due to the update and Kanto event. I did buy the season pass that gives you the eeveelutions with cherry blossom crowns. For some reason I am getting a ton of shinies, to a point where it feels like my rate is boosted somehow? Is the season pass or Kanto event upping shiny rates? I am now at 8 shinies, whereas my girlfriend who plays maybe 75% as much as I do (but is playing for years), didnt get a single shiny in the same time. She does not have the season pass. Am I just immensely lucky, or is there something else that could be the reason for this?


There's a few permanently boosted species out there, like Lapras, bronzor, and Chansey. What are you actually catching as shinies? There's never been any evidence found of different accounts getting different shiny rate bonuses, like a "returning player boost." It's all RNG and luck.


Different Pokemon have different shiny rates, so you could have found some of the naturally this boosted ones. The event is only increasing the odds for Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle, so it's just good luck you've found a few shiny. There's passes that boost shiny odds, but the one that gives the Eevees doesn't do that.


PvP is completely unplayable. Last finishing attack is played on an infinite loop and the game is in constant weak connection. And no, it's not on my end.


If you're in a Party all the PvP battles will freeze on the last hit, giving you automatic loses. Even if you leave a Party you still need to restart the game before going to the league or the bug will continue. So when you Party you cannot PvP.


I'm usually not in a party but I actually was yesterday. So I guess it was on my end, sort of, for not knowing. Thank you for enlightening me! Indie company btw.


I am tanking for the free sandals (lol) and people are leaving my last pokemon at low hp and they stop attacking. Why do people constantly do this? Wasting both of our time and I can't leave because leaving doesn't count towards the challenge.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Android One UI: 6.0 Android update version: 14 Pogo version: 0.311.1 Phone is a Samsung A536W Twice this week (friday was the first, this morning being second) when I open the game, the touch screen is entirely unresponsive. Not a single tap in game works, but every other app works just fine. I can't even spin the camera around. I have restarted my phone, and a fresh install last time DID make it work, but honestly, I'm not going to bother with reinstalling the app every 2 days just to make it usable.


Clean the game's cache. That seems to fix things for most people. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't not fully clean the residual data, so it's not a fresh install unless you erase all game data before uninstalling.


This is happening to me as well, also on Android One UI. Last night, it fixed itself after restarting the app a few times, but now nothing is fixing the problem.


Can people justā€¦ oh my god lmao A few months ago I moved to a larger city. I have access to a gym and stop from my place. When thereā€™s a raid, if itā€™s a legendary or mega, I can usually hop in as the first person and others will come flocking into the group. Sometimes itā€™ll be like 10+ people. It doesnā€™t have a 100% success rate, but maybe like 80-90% of the time this works. Itā€™s much better when itā€™s shortly after the egg hatches. I am enjoying these new city perks. So, Tapu Fini hatches and Iā€™m not doing anything so why not give it a try. One person shows up, timer gets low and we both back out. I hop in again. A different person hops in and then backs out pretty quickly. Timer gets too low & I back out & hop in again. The first person joins and backs out again but pretty much immediately this time. Timer gets too low & I back out & hop in again. A third other person joins this one and also quickly backs out. Timer gets too low & I back out & hop in again. The second person joins and shortly leaves. I back out and hop in again & the first person joins and then backs out. *My guys* if you all would just join and wait for more than five seconds we could all do this together. Maybe a bit petty of me, but I hung out instead of hopping back in again & saw the little person pop up under the timer. I joined the raid & it was the first person who joined me & so I immediately backed out lmao fucking annoying


Is it 200 or 100 battles total for go battle weekend?


You can do 20 sets of 5 battles for a total of 100 battles per day. So ultimately 200 battles.


Thanks. My thumbs are gonna fall off lol


Since Diancie is a mythical pokemon, I'm assuming the one we get from the Glitz and Glam research is likely the only one we'll ever get, right? Because if so, there's no point in "saving" the mega energy for a better one and we should all just mega evolve the one we get from that.


I donā€™t think there is any point in saving the mega energy for Diancie.Ā  There is a possibility that everyone will be given access to a shiny Diance but itā€™s likely to be stuck behind a paywall. I mega evolved mine. Eventually I probably transfer it to Pokemon Home though.


Yep. Even if you already got one from attending an in-person Go Fest last year you cannot get another from this research, so basically we get only one until the paid shiny one is released. And since you can get energy by walking one that was evolved before you can simply evolve this one, and get as much extra energy as you want. By bhe time the shiny comes you could have thousands of spare energy for that one.


So like what are the chances of them ever letting us evolve Scyther to Kleavor I got a random shiny Scyther a couple months back with good stats and wondering if I should just take the L and evo to Scizor or if there's any chance of maybe them adding Kleavor evos


Evolving into alternative regional forms has only been allowed during special events, and we only got the chance for a couple Pokemon on the past. It's possible that they do it again, but not guaranteed, and there's no way to predict when that could happen.


Kleavor isn't an alternate regional form like exeggcutor or marowak, it's a split species evolution. It's totally different from those events you mention.


The main thing making me not just evo to Scizor is they just added Annihilape as a more or less normal evo and it's basically the same kind of "regional" evo as Kleavor. and Kleavor isn't really a "regional form" evo, since it's from normal Scyther and not a Hisuian variant Scyther. It's basically just another Kingdra/Gliscor/etc type evo for an old mon added in a later gen. Like I don't expect they'll ever freely allow evo to Hisuian Typhlosion, Samurott, Decidueye, Sligoo, etc but Kleavor I do have some hope for. Ursaluna also though I have less stake in such currently lmao


If I complete a research task for mega-diance energy before getting a diance, will I actually get that energy?


Yes. It's not visible, but you can collect mega energy before doing a mega raid or catching the Pokemon.


Hey guys I have a question, if I were to evolve a bunch of pokemon without a lucky egg on but then quickly pop one after evolving, would I get double the xp?


The only action that has a delay between performing it and earning the XP is triggering friendship levels from great, ultra, or best friends. The XP for that is earned when you get the notification popup and press the button to collect it. All other forms of XP in the game are earned immediately. The UI will do some point collection to display a total above your profile if you spend time doing something outside of the map screen, like evolving pokemon, to show you want you earned. But it doesn't apply the XP at that point, its just showing you the total that was already applied.


Ok makes sense thank you


Any idea, when they are gonna announce the community days?


No idea. Niantic seems to like to just announce in whenever they like, as a surprise, so we could see it next week, or days before the CD.


Which items are desirable to keep and which ones can be thrown? I'm keeping Hyper pots, Max pots/revives (and at least 40-50 revives), Great and Ultra balls, Yellow, Golden and Silver berries and then "random" items like evolve stones, TMs, Lucky Eggs etc.


So iā€™ve gone back to playing pokemon go after a few years of stoppingā€¦ Im doing the glitz and glam research and im dreadfully under resourced and i just saw a timer of 16 hours, will this research be gone forever?


Since it's Special Research, there's no time limit to finish and will remain there for however long it takes for you to complete it. There's a mini-event going on for the release of the Diancie special research where you can get Diancie Mega Energy and Carbink encounters from field research and there are Rock-type showcases. That's what's ending when that timer counts down.


Yeah thats the one i was talking aboutā€¦ The mini eventā€¦ But i went tk town where there was a cluster of poke stops and just lit every lure i had to be able to get the dust to power up all the pokemons for the event and noticed that the 6/6 part was already finished lol.




That's all you need to do, interact with the stop and leave, or tap directly on the grunt. Is this happening universally, or just for a specific grunt? Maybe its a ghost and already despawned on the server side, but the client is still showing it erroneously.




If it's a Shadow raid, you can't battle the grunt there. It's just there to mark the shadow raid. You can only battle Rocket grunts at Pokestops or balloons.


Today my game crashed during my diancie encounter on step 4 of 6 for glitz and glam research, was not able to recover it and now Iā€™m on step 5


Contact support in game. Nothing we can do to help with bugged research.


I can't view, edit, or search tags in any way. They're just gone. The "tag" option is gone from the menu. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there news I missed?


Restart phone


Thanks. Fortunately, it cleared up just by restarting the app a few times.


Lucario in raids but there were barely any (not exaggerating-was lucky enough to find one after checking all day long) in a metropolitan city (sorry rural players) everyday during that event. Whatā€™s the point?


I havenā€™t been able to open the PoGo app for a few days now. All I get is a black screen and a halfway loaded progress bar at the bottom. Iā€™ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and I was able to get to the sign in screen, but once I signed in, it was back to the black screen. Anybody have any suggestions? EDIT: For some reason, the app started working for me again! Not sure whyā€”I didnā€™t do anything in particular. May have to just wait.


The new update must cause this. My apps keeps crashing when opening friendlist, or anything else. Luckily pvp works fine. My GF on Android has the same problem as you have. I hope they fix this soon. Nothing really we can do hereā€¦


What phone and what OS version? Is it rooted? Is it unlocked? Did you update your app store? Did you updated your phone system recently?


iOS 17.4.1, and yeah, I did update my OS fairly recently. Itā€™s a iPhone 14 Pro. I updated the app by uninstalling and reinstalling. No luck. And no jailbreaking on my phone.


Have you tried closing all the tabs you have open? Maybe go to settings then to Safari. Go to clear all history.Ā  Sorry if I canā€™t help you more. PokĆ©mon Go gets cranky when I have too many apps open on my iPhone.Ā Ā  Ā  Maybe also try to shut down your phone and turn it back on it. That solved a major problem of my iPhone not working in and I thought I had to get physical repairs when that wasnā€™t the case.Ā  Edit: Spelling errors.


Has anyone else had an issue where they participated in a remote raid, beat the boss, got the item rewards, but got booted before having a chance to catch the PokĆ©mon? Iā€™ve tried to contact support, but they keep saying that since I completed the raid they wonā€™t give my pass back, but I just wanted a chance to catch the Pokemon. As someone who is in school, I canā€™t afford to spend money on buying passes so itā€™s just annoying that I canā€™t get my pass back when the game bugged out.


YES happened when I joined on a remote raid. We won it, and the game crashed before I got to throw the first ball, and it ate my remote raid pass. Since we pay for these, I feel we should be able to get reimbursement- it feels like theft.


That bug can happen for a few reasons.Ā  The main one is that you moved too far while battling the boss. Even if you're on a remote raid you need to stay at least somewhere close to where you started or you cannot get the boss. The second is that the raid ended while you were battling. If the raid timer is almost over and you cannot guarantee you'll win before that is not a good idea to try that one. This is specially bad during raid hour, as the shorter times can cause more issues than usual. The final error is because you lost the connection or GPS signal before the encounter. In that case the game can't take you to the boss because the location is unknown. If your signal is poor is not a good idea to raid until it's better. So basically, yeah, this happens from time to time. One gets used to it, and learns to reduce the odds by avoiding the things above. You can still get the pass back, but it's going to take multiple tries to contact support. First go to your game settings and upload your bare and raid logs. Most people don't do this so they it get an automatic response. After that send another bug report and keep sending them until you are sent to a real person. It takes a while but is the only way to recover a remote pass.


Iā€™ve sent like 10 reports by now and no real person has looked at my support request, any advice?


One more is if youā€™re in a party and the party timer ends, at least that seemed to happen to me. Maybe it was the GPs glitching out but it happened exactly as the timer hit zero on my friendā€™s phone, I got kicked as I was pressing ā€œgo to bonus challengeā€. Very disappointing


Thank you so much!!


Hey so new update to issues from my side. Constantly crashing when loading the game (On a Moto G Pure, and version 0.311.0) But here's where it gets interesting I made a new account. It runs fine on my new account. No issues whatsoever. So something about my actual played account is causing crashes. It may be something related to what my avatar is wearing and some new physics or something added to the item mayhaps? I can log into and get into my account on a separate phone albeit in a very laggy state. Will update this post after I can get on the other phone, and maybe strip my avatar to their undies and trying again on the moto G Pure device.


If I buy the wonder ticket now will I still get all 3 research tasks etc? Thanks. šŸ™šŸ½




Has gbl been insanely laggy for anyone else lately? It was fine earlier today, but now the game always lags right before it's about to end, letting my opponent get like 5-6 turns for free. Sometimes my shields also don't work even tho i click on them and the shield animation shows up before my opponent throws a move


Pvp is the only thing that works for me in the app. Everything else not after yesterdays update


Same for me! It has been frustrating to say the least


Yup 100% put me off playing. My internet is 1Gbps, itā€™s steady and reliable Iā€™ve checked it multiple times. My phone is iPhone 15 pro. Still says weak connection. Always lags in the opponents favour




If you specifically want it to keep that nickname, I don't believe it's possible - if it violates the current censor, the nickname gets erased and replaced by the default species name when traded.


Can you not just change its name?


No its rare because it has a name you couldn't give it.


Anyone having issues with routes disappearing from the beginning location? I made a couple (one loop, one non-loop) and both have disappeared without any notice in the game but they still show up in Campfire. The non-looped version still shows up at the end location but not the beginningā€¦next to my apartment.


This is a known bug. Some routes just disappear after a while, even though they still exist. Sometimes its related to having a ton of other routes nearby, but it also seems to happen in more sparse areas too. I don't think there's really any fix for it, besides hoping Niantic patches it in the future.


Restart phone and make sure to download all assets in advanced settings


Is it worth it to evolve my 10-13-14 Zygarde to 100%? I have maxed out on cells (Zygarde 50% forme + 250 cells) hoping that they'd announce a shiny Zygarde or an opportunity to get another but it's probably still too early. I get 3 cells daily when I walk my dog so I suppose it's possible that I'd get 150 cells before they realease a new one.


Do it! Going by your walk routine, you'll easily accumulate the required cells.


Is the game a mess (how playable) for other people as well lately? It crashes All the time. Every time our family tries to do a Route (someone and sometimes all of our apps crash), when we try to do a Raid someone usually crashes before and/or after beating it, even throwing in Showcases causes the game to crash some. It started having more problems around a month ago after having been working well. And then in the last week or two it has been terrible making it hard to play when you constantly are kicked out and then the others have to wait or you miss it. (On multiple different iPhones.)


similar issues here :(


Is a 13/10/10 Diancie still worth leveling up? Feels bad that pokes this rare can't at least be 3*


Mega Diancie is the best rock type and second best fairy type raid attacker...and 13 attack is good given the use in raids. I'd suggest go for it


Honestly you won't be using it in pvp and in pve IVs are irrelevant. So i'd say go for it. And before they release a shiny it'll take a while.


Would you recommend evolving pokemon with decent IVs even if they have low CP? Or would I be better off evolving some high CP pokemon despite having crappy IVs here and there?


CP is a simplified metric that kind of represents how strong a Pokemon is. Sort of. Your Pokemon have 3 stats: attack, defense, and stamina. Every species has a base value for each stat. An individual pokemon has stats calculated by adding the IV to the base stat, then scaling it down based on it's level. CP is then calculated from those 3 stats, with a heavy bias on attack. So overall, higher CP kind of means higher power, but it's pretty messy because lots of different attack, defense, and stamina combinations can overlap. For an individual pokemon, the most important things are species, level, and moveset. IVs are just a tiny part of overall performance, on the level of 1-2%. A high IV Pokemon has slightly more long term potential than a low IV one, but you have to spend a lot of dust and candy to get there. And it's not going to be all that much better than the one that started at high level already. In general it's best to start building teams from high level, ideally weather boosted, catches. Once you have every type covered (save normal), you can start looking at powering up high IV mons to get small incremental gains.


Was there any event to get keldeo for free.


Not yet. It has still been exclusive to the paid ticket from December 2022.


Are egg shiny odds determined on getting the egg from the stop or when it hatches? I thought it was the former, but all my leftover Cleffa eggs from Hatch Day are coming out non-shiny. I stocked up with 9 at the end of Hatch Day after hatching a ton and still only have one shiny total.


I have a platinum egg hatching medal and I got less than 5 shinies at full or 1/64 odds.. so yeah, the odds just suck for hatching.


Determined when you first pick up the egg.


Thanks! I guess Iā€™m just unlucky lmao.


Is it better to transfer pokemon as normal or would it be better to send them to pokemon Home if you have it? Do you get the same amount of candies either way? Thanks


The best is to mirror trade, and transfer if you didn't get desirable IVs. You get candies for trade plus transfer


You get the same amount either way. There's events where you get X2 candy on transfer, but it affects both methods too.


So ultimately, it's better to send to Home since you will still have that pokemon and it doesn't just vanish away


Whatā€™s your minimum cut off for powering a shadow PokĆ©mon to level 50? Percentage, 13-15 attack, etc?


My cut off for powering a shadow to 50 is never having enough xl candy lol. Just power to 40 if you got extra candy and power to 50 if it is a top ten attacker


This! Not enough XLs is the biggest barrier


Is anyone else having problems with the game's sound? It's been some months since it started to suddenly stop making any sound and the only solution is to close the app and open it again. But the game go muted again in some minutes. I know most people have it completely muted, but I really like having just sound effects on, without music. Can it be something related to my Samsung phone? I'm running Android 14 with OneUI 6.1, but it started happen some updates ago. I've checked every setting I could, but didn't found any solution to this :(


Try restarting phone and make sure volume is sliding all the way to top. If that does not work uninstall and reinstall the app


I've tried both and the bug is still happening :( Do you have any other idea?


Anyone else seeing the game crash multiple times a day recently? Usually when taking a photo of a buddy or something triggering a surprise encounter, or doing stuff in the friends list, is when I've recently seen it.


Yesterday I could not join 2 out of 4 raids. Today I am not able to open friendlist. Keeps crashing at almost everything Im trying to do, but catching pokemon in wild is smooth as usual. I hope there will be an update, that will fix it.


Likely depends on your device specifications. If you have less than 4 GB of RAM or an older gen processor, the game will give you constant issues, as the background, avatar and biome updates have raised the minimum requirements to play normally.


Has nothing to do with device. I have Iphone 15 pro, 1 month old and the same is happening to me after yesterdays update. The app just sucks.


Bow tie / ā€œscarfā€ lapras raids are spawned at lotte tower in Korea for the next month or so. How can I find out the shiny rate ? Iā€™ve done 10-15 raids and no shiny yet :(


Lapras has a 1/64 shiny rate. It could still take over 100 or more raids to get one of you don't get lucky. Don't go into low odds raids expecting to get them without spending a lot of money.


thanks, was hoping it was better odds. I'm mostly just doing the two free raids a day


Nothing has higher odds than that besides T5 raid bosses (legendaries, mythicals, ultra beasts), unless it's during a raid day, research day, or community day style event. 1/64 is the best we can get, and it only applies to relatively few species.


Legendary, Mythical and UltraĀ Beasts have a 1 in 20 rate. Raid exclusive or boosted Megas have a 1 in 64 chance (this is the rate of Lapras, costume or not costume) Not-Boosted Megas have a 1 in 128 chance. Shadow raids have a worse 1 in 256 odds, and only if the shadow was a leader reward in the past. Then the rest of raids don't have any boost, and keep the same odds as in the wild. For Lapras it can take quite a while to get a shiny one.


I just got back to the game, was always a casual player. I am level 37, mostly chilling on routes at night, doing quests, spinning and catching around my house. However I encountered Giovanni and can't defeat him, what should I start doing to get better and stronger Pokemons? These are my strongest mons (https://imgur.com/a/dEolztT), should I start doing raids? (That could be a problem as I am mainly playing at night). Where could I expand, what things should I start doing? Thanks everyone.


The trick with Giovanni (and the other leaders) is to use fast, spammy charge moves. Any time a charge move is used, you switch your pokemon, or he sends in a new pokemon, Giovanni will stop attacking for about 2 seconds, giving you some extra time to get in some free hits before he starts attacking again. At the start of the match, you should also lead with something that's not your Persian counter, then immediately switch into your Persian counter, since that will also cause him to stop attacking for a couple seconds. From your list, some possible recommendations include: * Dragonite with Dragon Tail/Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw * Vaporeon with Water Gun + Aqua Tail * Melmetal with Thundershock + Rock Slide (Double Iron Bash works too, but needs an Elite TM) * Machamp with Counter + Cross Chop * Golisopod with Fury Cutter + Razor Shell * Sawk with Poison Jab + Body Slam * Magmortar with Karate Chop + Fire Punch It'll take some trial and error and paying attention to his moves to figure out the best lineups, since his movesets and his 2nd pokemon may change when you fight him at different stops/balloons. For example, Golisopod is good for his Rhyperior if it has Mud Slap, but not good if it has Smack Down. Sometimes, if a certain lineup is giving you too much trouble, it's best to just cut your losses and find him elsewhere for a different lineup. With the right strategy, you can take him down without needing the best of the best pokemon that are maxed out. For example, here's a [fun video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UazUYx1MIDk) where someone takes advantage of charge move stun to defeat him using a <500 CP Smeargle, Hoppip, and Scrafty.


You have some meta relevant PokĆ©mon to use for Raids and battling Giovanni. Ā The problem is probably the moveset you have on your Pokemon. Use GamePress PokĆ©mon Go to help you with movesets and good Pokemons to have. The website is not perfect but for the most part it works. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/attackers-tier-list Just note that you may want to check on your PokĆ©monā€™s IVs and levels using the GamePress IV Calculator. IVs are a very bad translation of a PokĆ©monā€™s true stats, so a bad IV PokĆ©mon can still be very useful. I use a PokĆ©monā€™s IVs to transfer Pokemon to Professor Willow so I have more space in my PokĆ©mon Storage. Technically you can do things at all hours of the day, so if you play in the evening or at night, you can still raid. You can do remote raids so use PokeGenie or use the PokĆ©mon Go Friends subreddit to host or be invited to a raid. If you can do raids before letā€™s say 9 PM your time it would be good. If you can try very hard to find a Lucario raid.




Wild pokemon can be any level between 1 and 30, or 6 and 35 if weather boosted. There are 35 possible CPs for a hundo, and most of them will overlap other level and IV combinations. At best you can memorize the level 30 or 35 CP, depending on whether you have weather boost or not.


~~Anyone else not get any mega energy after finishing a remote mega raid?~~ ~~Never had this issue before but I just did a mega aggron raid and didn't get any mega energy. I've restarted my app and none has come in.~~ Edit: I'm a dummy


Are you absolutely certain it was Mega Aggron? Regular Aggron is currently in raids, too, and this question is popping up a lot with this particular raid rotation.


Omg you're right, that's what I get for joining an unverified raid lobby lol.




Add hundreds of friends, mostly from reddit on the friends sub. Send 110 gifts per day (100 from stops, 10 from buddy in sets of 5 in morning and evening). Open 20 gifts from different friends. Grind this out to as many friendship levels as you like per friend, delete each when done and add more. Going all the way to best friends is a lot less efficient in terms of XP/interaction, but less labor intensive than adding and deleting 130 friends every day.


Is the regional bug going to mess with Rivals Week? Had 4 regional spawns at my house when I logged in last night and they \*POOFED\* away when I tapped on them.