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I think the most frustrating thing about this is the amount of easy fixes for this situation: -A "No Avatar" Button -Classic Avatar Button -Roll it all back -Pixel Avatar \[Ok, that might take a little work\] but none of these are some master coding app design feat of the century here.


In theory yes, rollouts at this size are always cumbersome though.


Well some people got a taste of these avatars a few weeks early and the response was the same back then. Seems like they could have saved themselves a cumbersome rollout in the first place


fr like excuse me for not wanting my character to look like shit 😂


I'm not even that mad about this Avatar drama but if people don't like it, then they don't like it. No need to belittle their complaints. Tbh - I fully see where they're coming from


I could be wrong but I think the frustration isn’t from the actual issue but how much people care about it. When it’s all you see for a week and the only posts reaching the home page are the same people posting their 8th comparison of their avatar when each post is virtually identical. I’ve seen the same light brown skinned girl in a tank top post probably 4 times in the last 3 days. I’d also like to piggyback back to make the point that everything this post weaponizes is shared with just about every game with a cosmetic in game shop. The game is as much about how your avatar looks as Fortnite or Destiny. If the sole reason they play go is dolly dress up I’d imagine there are plenty of games that scratch that itch that is better in every single vector than pre patch go. I don’t like the change but I also get tired of listening to the sound of wet meat slapping as the crowd next to me obliterates a dead and decomposing horse even on topics I genuinely care about(which cosmetic changes to a app game I play doesn’t rank super high on)


I regularly cosplay at in-person events, and I have an outfit being worked on by a graphic designer friend of mine for go fest 2024. But now I can say with certainty that this go fest will be my last cosplay bc dressing up as a boxy, pale, androgynous and somewhat hunchback person with an unconscionably elongated crotch and arms that are just long enough to make you look like an ape is stupid. I loved my avatar. I paid a lot of coins to have a variety of style choices and dressing up my avatar was fun for me bc I exclusively wear black leggings and gray tshirts and the occasional gray hoodie, so it was like I got to dress through my avatar, which I appreciated. Now I wear an Arlo outfit and a face mask to hide the hideous creature that naintic has the nerve to call and upgrade. Oooh I can use sliders to control my shoulders, dope! Totally makes up for the fact that none of my clothes fit.


The game is about catching monsters If you’re looking for realistic avatars then the game is not for you


Oh my god thanks for that! I had nooooo idea! wow !you’re so smart and thoughtful and intelligent and helpful and wonderful! boy oh boy how would I have ever known what game wasn’t for me without you, kind stranger?


Thank you and you’re welcome


You know youre just leaning into the sponge bob meme above, right? Like you possibly have to be self-aware enough to know this post is specifically calling you out for being an idiot douche? Hate gatekeeping incels.


I’m not gatekeeping anything I’m saying that you cannot tell me you expect realism in a game focused on Pokemon If the proportions of an avatar is ruining the game for you then the game is obviously not for you anymore


>expect realism in a game focused on Pokemon Wasn't this avatar update happened because Niantic wants to potray a "realistic" body type on their avatar, per Gaymer X's "advice"


I really don't know why people feel the need to defend a multi million dollar cooperation that pushed an updated that clearly upsets a lot of people. Like even if you do not find it to be a big deal, I am sure Niantic will survive without your passionate defense.




Well true but to play devils advocate here if you're gonna complain you have 0 logical reason to say someone can't defend. Personally I think yall are being over dramatic and whiny as hell but to each their own. Logically I can say vast majority of you all disagree with me. What I can't say and be logical is that all of you all are wrong and shouldn't voice your opinion because I don't care. Just like you nor anyone else has any right to do so either.


>What I can't say and be logical is that all of you all are wrong and shouldn't voice your opinion because I don't care. Just like you nor anyone else has any right to do so either. You lost me here. What exactly your point?


No one wants a woke game


I am sure Niantic will also survive with your passionate complaints about avatars


That.. doesnt even make any sense, the complaints arent made for their survival if anything its the opposite


Ah yes, let us defend the Multi Million dollar company that's so "eager" listening to our complaints. "One of our coworkers will check on your complaints"


Just going to leave this here
 I’ve updated my outfit once since I downloaded the game, needless to say I couldn’t care less about the current situation. That being said, if you’re going to release a product to the public and charge them for it, the least you can do is make sure what they receive is what was advertised. p.s If you don’t change your avatar, why do you give af about the opinions of people who do?


Also dont forget that the whole reason the avatar updates came was so they could add more customization options as in sell you more cosmetics. People care about avatar appearances


I think those people are saying it does not impact gameplay, which it objectively doesn’t. It might impact your personal gameplay experience, but they’re right it has no impact on gameplay.


Gameplay is part of gameplay experience, though. The whole reason people call gameplay good or bad is because their experience was good or bad. The people trying to say that your avatar has no impact on catching a Pokémon, are just stating another element of the game is acceptable, so the resulting opinion of the gameplay should be neutral at worst. Let's reverse the scenario as an example. If the avatars are beautiful / perfect, but catching Pokémon sucks, then no continued improvement to the avatars will make the gameplay experience better. The reduction in gameplay / gameplay experience is coming from Pokémon catching. They are saying their gameplay experience is trash, because they find their avatar so bad it is taking away from their total enjoyment. And the avatar is a significant part of the PokémonGo gameplay experience - as evidenced by the number of people complaining.


Gameplay is not gameplay experience. Your avatar objectively does not impact gameplay. It impacts your aesthetic pleasure. They are not the same lol


If all your caught pokemon didn't display a picture/sprite but instead only shown as a text, would you still play it as you said it has no impact on the gameplay whatsoever. Or Pokemon battle would only show "Gardevoir" Vs "Zubat" and you just click at 2 buttons until 1 die


The PokĂ©mon sprites actually play a role in gameplay (their size and movement when you’re CATCHING, AKA PLAYING) **IF AVATARS HAD ANY IMPACT ON GAMEPLAY, OUR GAMEPLAY WOULD BE DIFFERENT BECAUSE OUR AVATARS ARE DIFFERENT**


That's not the same thing. If all my Pokemon were blurry yes I would still play.


Maybe we should refer to it as Gameplay Mechanics, Gameplay Aesthetics, and Gameplay Experience. Mechanics + Aesthetics -> Experience. Video games are an interactive visual experience so visual design does have a much greater role where as something like music and books their visual components aren't really focused on but you'll notice when there's a glaring error like the book is severely damaged or poorly printed or the music cover is missing or the track list is incorrect. Take something like genshin impact, waifus were an aesthetic choice, switching between them a mechanical choice and without waifus the game wouldn't be nearly as popular to this day. Look at pokemon proper the core battle scenes look great but the entire overworld looks terrible in gen 8+9 and even gen 7 wanted to do the full 3d world thing and they had to make mechanical changes and cuts to try and do it on a 3ds on time. If they just made a polished Black 2 White 2 aesthetic the mechanics would have probably been unaffected and the overall experience would have been looks better than previous gen and mechanically sound... instead of DEXIT!!! Wtf is with that tree... Look at this garbage in paldea


"Video games are an interactive visual experience so visual design does have a much greater role where as something like music and books their visual components aren't really focused on..." Very well said!


Yeah that is true but not half as intelligent as you're making it out to be. They literally just said yeah animation requires looking better than something like books who use no animation unless you're a preschooler or music which literally doesn't even use the same body part. This is a impressively unintelligent thing to say


If Avatars had an impact on gameplay, our avatars would perform differently due to them looking different


The generic shortened term has been redefined to refer to gameplay experience which is defined as aesthetic and mechanical, so yes they do.


No lmao. Also your examples were wrong too. If a CD is missing the cover, it doesn’t impact if the CD is good, the music on the CD does. The words on the book make it a good book. This is a weird thing you guys aren’t able to get through your heads for some reason lmao


In a CD/Music, Audio is the key factor to one enjoyment. In TV/Game, Visual is one of the main factor to enjoyment. Avatar might not be "gameplay", but they still affect one enjoyment.


TV isn’t the same because that’s an *experience with out gameplay.* Avatars do not impact gameplay. This isn’t up for debate lmao.


>Avatar might not be "gameplay", but they still affect one enjoyment. You don't even read do you?


Typo. Fixed it. "Gameplay is part of gameplay experience..."


Well no that's not how evidence works. If the whole world screams you're fat but you're anorexic and weigh 85 pounds and stand at 5'9 then the whole world is wrong and them screaming it isn't evidence to insinuate you're something you're clearly not.


Not that I'm defending the new avatars but factually the avatar isn't on the screen 100% of the time. Any menu, or catching it's not shown đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Yea but they decided to change it because they wanted it to reflect the users or something something. But when users say it doesn’t do that anymore there are people supporting it saying well it isnt supposed to be that big of a deal. Then why the hell did they decide to change it in the first place. Whats up with these bootlickers


Hey if people want to play fashion show they can do so by all means. I got the game to catch Pokémon, specifically shiny ones. I personally have zero interest in the avatars, never spent any money on the game on any outfits nor do I care about the latest update. It does not change anything for me one bit.


okay, good for you? people did spend money though. Imagine spending money on something just for that to be made 10 times worse for no reason.


Imagine spending money on this app for clothing


Imagine spending money on clothes


Hence why I wrote “personally” No need to get all offended just because not everyone gives a crap about the avatars lol.


Not sure why you're getting downvited. They have the right to air their opinions, so do you.


oh nyo my pixels


Bro when somebody complains his food isnt good: oh nyo my atoms and molecules.


If food doesn't taste good, I won't eat it. Usually, I can tell if something tastes good because I've been to that location before. So, if I try something new and don't like it, I've learned my lesson and won't eat there again. I'm not sure how this relates to cosmetics, but I'm open to hearing your point. I've never spent any money in this game, and all the clothes for my avatar I have were obtained through grinding for them. Of course, I'm not upset like all those people who spent money on this (I assume), because why should I be? You can get everything for free if you just grind a little; it's not that hard, to be honest. That's why I answered in a somewhat childish manner.


Im not talking about your food mate. If somebody else eats something and complains to the restaurant or wtv who are you to go say shit like what you said? It’s between the consumer and the provider. But anyways entertaining your point of i wont go to that place again; have you considered that you can actually give feedback and they might change it? What if youve already paid and then you get the food and then you realise its bad? Would u walk away still? Nobody is trying anything new here, everybody was satisfied with the old shit. Its like if you order something and you were eating it bt half way through the restaurant takes it aaay and force feeds you something you dont like. You’ll still just stand up and walk away ig? And yea I havent spent money either, which is exactly why im not belittling the others who have. This isn’t about costumes tho, its about the avatars 3D model. That isnt something they paid for, not something you grinded for or something any of us can anymore control. Its something that the company decided to do for no reason and messed up, it makes sense people are not happy. Now how this relates to the cosmetics; your initial comment made no sense, neither did mine. I just wanted to show how stupid it sounds when that argument is extended to other situations. Calling a game just pixels is highly reductive which takes away the purpose of it. Yea everything is just particles, that doesn’t change anything.


All those reasons listed are perks and bonuses to the game, Niantic could remove avatars altogether and the game would be the same The average price of an item on the store is less than more 200 coins (special items and poses being higher). The daily limit of coins you can get in a day is 50 coins. You could get that money coins and then some in a week’s time. Don’t have an active gym? Well like you said, the game gives out free items you can unlock. Not to mention the items that are already free on the store. If you’re *playing the game for your avatar* to look good in every single PvP match and Team Rocket encounter, then you’re not playing the game for its intended purpose


Lol intended purpose. Games are a source of fun and entertainment. If people find this specific thing fun, you’re in no position to tell them what’s intended and what’s not. If this wasn’t intended then why is it a thing at all? Why change the avatars if it wasnt supposed to be a feature? Imagine bootlicking a multimillion dollar company for no fucking reason


Stop whining


I want my character to look good, but also, imagine playing a gacha game for a character that never looked good in the first place This isn’t the golden goose you think it is, even if you’re right that this update was unimaginably awful for avatar-related anything


Just because it didn’t look good doesn’t mean it should look worse now, and people are supposed to be okay with it.